- Bad Game Management :(
- Freshman are still learning
- freethrow procedure
- Jump ball
- 2 man OOB switch
- Another travel vs. jump ball
- held ball
- Illegal sub?
- Player that is on the floor
- Throw in violation?
- traveling or held ball?
- Blocked shot after hits backboard...
- Pitched A Shutout 42-0
- Horn on FT - delayed violation?
- How would you handle this?
- Majority rule?
- on a jump ball to start the game...
- Do You Eject?
- Hey, Tim Taylor
- Over and back??
- Canadian officials
- How are you paid
- Nyork, nyork, nyork - I get to work with Juulie
- T for a throat slash gesture???
- Travel or not
- It's that time of year again.
- How would you handle this?
- Coaches, Coaches
- Free Throw Question?
- Why did I take this game?
- Looks Ugly.........doesn't it?
- New interpretation
- Backcourt violation?
- saw it with my own eyes
- Shooter jumps into the airborne defender
- Violation?
- Help with Situation.
- In the news
- dribler forces contact
- Personal Info Disclosure
- FSU/Wake Forrest Game
- Class Act
- Back to the ball
- Primal Scream
- Shot Clock Question
- First Corrrectable error in 5 years
- Slur from the stands
- IU/Purdue from the weekend
- A Heartbreaking Irony
- You hear the darndest things at freshman games
- insulin pumps
- Hate it when this happens.
- Sitting during a free throw
- Parent Interference
- US flag on shirt?
- Rect. Backboard Rules
- Headbands and bandana's
- floor position
- This may be first...EVER!
- You read them...you call them!
- teaching point
- Stare down
- CYO assault
- Why ref?
- Foul while in the act???
- Two Steps after Dribble
- Who has the call
- Legal Guarding Position
- 2 teammates with the ball
- Indirect on head coach or not?
- My Arm
- subbing after a t
- Preventative Officiating Techniques
- TO during Technical shots
- Surprise, surprise!!
- Pre-game Jackets...what do you have on yours?
- is practice during a TO a T??
- Parners Calling Different Levels of Contact
- Another Foul During 1 and 1
- Is the game over ?
- High School T Foul Procedure
- 2 man to 3 man and then back.
- colliding opponents
- Who gets the ball?
- FT lane leaning on one another
- Here's where I buy my ref pants
- Hamstring strain
- Help on two situations
- Lets Talk about "THE BAG"
- Where's The Throw In ?
- Out of Bounds
- where is the ball inbounded?
- Starters
- If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't believe it
- Anyone wearing V-Neck Compression Shirt
- Displacement-Opinions please
- Partner wearing "Bling"
- Taking the ball out of bounds after a basket
- Fouled at End
- The Controversial Center Circle
- 3-man Switching
- Arborne shooter
- Free-Throw Violation?
- Hokey Pokey Calls
- Backboards
- off-topic, and not afraid to say so.
- Vacating the lane to prevent a 3 second call
- unknown free throw shooter
- Michigan -Upper Peninsula
- Getting a drink during free throws
- HIgh School Rules Question
- Pre-game technical
- Fantastic Table Crew!
- Visiting team shows-up late
- Lose, lose situation
- 150 % increase in techs
- "I know you believe you understand what you think I said,...."
- It was fun until the end
- Great game tonight!
- First Varsity Game
- NCAA Profanity
- mesh shirts
- Coach sets new record
- Final HS score: Bellows Free Academy -5, Milton - 2
- awckward sitch
- rainmaker
- Homer J. Simpson quote
- Chuck Wepner quote
- hand is part of the ball - clarification
- A Quote from MLK
- Your Professionalism vs. your partners
- Marquette @ Memphis
- Worked a shutout last night
- Back court 10 count
- Confidence Builder and a Thanks
- Is a PC possible?
- did the ball go in the basket?
- Boys Varsity game ends 5-2
- A Quote From Teddy Roosevelt
- Camps
- Becoming a referee
- My first game...
- Partner has to dropout
- OOB throw in delay of game on def....
- Travel
- Closely guarded rule
- Inbounding - over and back?
- 5th Foul Question
- Backcourt Quiz Addendum.
- Official Attacked (ways to comment)
- traveling or what?
- Addition time out procedure (NCAA men's)
- this doesn't happen much
- T Between Periods
- Two 2-10s
- Over and back
- Block/Charge Call in Miami v. Virginia
- How Long Did It Take You...........
- Ref's talking with fans
- It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it....
- Player with ball sliding on the floor.
- Your Tolerance Level Compared to Your Partners
- displacement? help me understand...
- Look ref...proof
- Technical foul?
- Hey ChuckElias
- foul as horn sounds...
- I shoulda done it.
- Correctable Error...not giving warranted freethrow
- Its been a while
- Book T
- Cheerleaders On Floor
- You really didn't think........
- Dressing and mixed gender crews
- First Technical today...
- 6th Grade Turn.
- Couple of Questions
- Mens or Womens Level
- Complete Disrespect
- Official Attacked Trial
- how do I get started?
- Two 6 player situation last weekend.
- The Rookie
- All right Jay Bilas!
- First to touch ball after stepping out of bounds
- Clear one's mind
- hanging them up
- restraining line question
- Admin of a 'Line-Up"
- it's getting worse
- oob and throw in
- 2nd Half Starters?
- I may have T record!
- Mens rec league, time out question
- Over and Back???
- reverse call on over and back??
- time outs at end of regulation
- Star in trouble
- Time out or OOB?
- T or Delay of Game?
- What do you do??
- Calling T's
- An official with a tatoo
- blew call do i correct with ap?
- Coaches/Captains
- A Quality Toss-Up
- Throw-In?
- I would love to go camping!!
- Youth League
- Free throw question
- Traveling or Not? You make the call
- Quick OOB Question
- Contact with shooter after release
- Resumption of Play Advice
- Go Dressed???
- Six Players on the Court
- women's college rules
- Delay of game
- Horn sounds during free throw
- One minute?
- what would you have done
- Question on handling of T's
- Buddy ref cracked me up
- Assistant Coach
- I need to vent!
- goaltending question
- Domain Name & Logo For Sale.....www.basketballrefs.com
- End of the KU vs UK game
- Kansas-KY game
- assignors/ coordinators for college conferences
- Partner...
- Local newspaper article headline "BLOWN CALL"
- Officiating Advice
- Correctable Error
- Book Error
- tech b/w quarters
- 2 false doubles in the same game.
- Player COntrol vs. Team Control
- How would you handle??
- Alternating Possession Ignored?
- backcourt question
- Would you?
- Correctable Errors...
- intentional slap
- Bucks vs. Raptors, Fri Jan 7
- Cont. Clock Start After Time-Out on Free Throw
- zone defense
- Throw in Administration
- Banged by a banged coach