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  1. Bad Game Management :(
  2. Freshman are still learning
  3. freethrow procedure
  4. Jump ball
  5. 2 man OOB switch
  6. Another travel vs. jump ball
  7. held ball
  8. Illegal sub?
  9. Player that is on the floor
  10. Throw in violation?
  11. traveling or held ball?
  12. Blocked shot after hits backboard...
  13. Pitched A Shutout 42-0
  14. Horn on FT - delayed violation?
  15. How would you handle this?
  16. Majority rule?
  17. on a jump ball to start the game...
  18. Do You Eject?
  19. Hey, Tim Taylor
  20. Over and back??
  21. Canadian officials
  22. How are you paid
  23. Nyork, nyork, nyork - I get to work with Juulie
  24. T for a throat slash gesture???
  25. Travel or not
  26. It's that time of year again.
  27. How would you handle this?
  28. Coaches, Coaches
  29. Free Throw Question?
  30. Why did I take this game?
  31. Looks Ugly.........doesn't it?
  32. New interpretation
  33. Backcourt violation?
  34. saw it with my own eyes
  35. Shooter jumps into the airborne defender
  36. Violation?
  37. Help with Situation.
  38. In the news
  39. dribler forces contact
  40. Personal Info Disclosure
  41. FSU/Wake Forrest Game
  42. Class Act
  43. Back to the ball
  44. Primal Scream
  45. Shot Clock Question
  46. First Corrrectable error in 5 years
  47. Slur from the stands
  48. IU/Purdue from the weekend
  49. A Heartbreaking Irony
  50. You hear the darndest things at freshman games
  51. insulin pumps
  52. Hate it when this happens.
  53. Sitting during a free throw
  54. Parent Interference
  55. US flag on shirt?
  56. Rect. Backboard Rules
  57. Headbands and bandana's
  58. floor position
  59. This may be first...EVER!
  61. You read them...you call them!
  62. teaching point
  63. Stare down
  64. CYO assault
  65. Why ref?
  66. Foul while in the act???
  67. Two Steps after Dribble
  68. Who has the call
  69. Legal Guarding Position
  70. 2 teammates with the ball
  71. Indirect on head coach or not?
  72. My Arm
  73. subbing after a t
  74. Preventative Officiating Techniques
  75. TO during Technical shots
  76. Surprise, surprise!!
  77. Pre-game Jackets...what do you have on yours?
  78. is practice during a TO a T??
  79. Parners Calling Different Levels of Contact
  80. Another Foul During 1 and 1
  81. Is the game over ?
  82. High School T Foul Procedure
  83. 2 man to 3 man and then back.
  84. colliding opponents
  85. Who gets the ball?
  86. FT lane leaning on one another
  87. Here's where I buy my ref pants
  88. Hamstring strain
  89. Help on two situations
  90. Lets Talk about "THE BAG"
  91. Where's The Throw In ?
  92. Out of Bounds
  93. where is the ball inbounded?
  94. Starters
  95. If I hadn't seen it I wouldn't believe it
  96. Anyone wearing V-Neck Compression Shirt
  97. Displacement-Opinions please
  98. Partner wearing "Bling"
  99. Taking the ball out of bounds after a basket
  100. Fouled at End
  101. The Controversial Center Circle
  102. 3-man Switching
  103. Arborne shooter
  104. Free-Throw Violation?
  105. Hokey Pokey Calls
  106. Backboards
  107. off-topic, and not afraid to say so.
  108. Vacating the lane to prevent a 3 second call
  109. unknown free throw shooter
  110. Michigan -Upper Peninsula
  111. Getting a drink during free throws
  112. HIgh School Rules Question
  113. Pre-game technical
  114. Fantastic Table Crew!
  115. Visiting team shows-up late
  116. Lose, lose situation
  117. 150 % increase in techs
  118. "I know you believe you understand what you think I said,...."
  119. It was fun until the end
  120. Great game tonight!
  121. First Varsity Game
  122. NCAA Profanity
  123. mesh shirts
  124. Coach sets new record
  125. Final HS score: Bellows Free Academy -5, Milton - 2
  126. awckward sitch
  127. rainmaker
  128. Homer J. Simpson quote
  129. Chuck Wepner quote
  130. hand is part of the ball - clarification
  131. A Quote from MLK
  132. Your Professionalism vs. your partners
  133. Marquette @ Memphis
  134. Worked a shutout last night
  135. Back court 10 count
  136. Confidence Builder and a Thanks
  137. Is a PC possible?
  138. did the ball go in the basket?
  139. Boys Varsity game ends 5-2
  140. A Quote From Teddy Roosevelt
  141. Camps
  142. Becoming a referee
  143. My first game...
  144. Partner has to dropout
  145. OOB throw in delay of game on def....
  146. Travel
  147. Closely guarded rule
  148. Inbounding - over and back?
  149. 5th Foul Question
  150. Backcourt Quiz Addendum.
  151. Official Attacked (ways to comment)
  152. traveling or what?
  153. Addition time out procedure (NCAA men's)
  154. this doesn't happen much
  155. T Between Periods
  156. Two 2-10s
  157. Over and back
  158. Block/Charge Call in Miami v. Virginia
  159. How Long Did It Take You...........
  160. Ref's talking with fans
  161. It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it....
  162. Player with ball sliding on the floor.
  163. Your Tolerance Level Compared to Your Partners
  164. displacement? help me understand...
  165. Look ref...proof
  166. Technical foul?
  167. Hey ChuckElias
  168. foul as horn sounds...
  169. I shoulda done it.
  170. Correctable Error...not giving warranted freethrow
  171. Its been a while
  172. Book T
  173. Cheerleaders On Floor
  174. You really didn't think........
  175. Dressing and mixed gender crews
  176. First Technical today...
  177. 6th Grade Turn.
  178. Couple of Questions
  179. Mens or Womens Level
  180. Complete Disrespect
  181. Official Attacked Trial
  182. how do I get started?
  183. Two 6 player situation last weekend.
  184. The Rookie
  185. All right Jay Bilas!
  186. First to touch ball after stepping out of bounds
  187. Clear one's mind
  188. hanging them up
  189. restraining line question
  190. Admin of a 'Line-Up"
  191. it's getting worse
  192. oob and throw in
  193. 2nd Half Starters?
  194. I may have T record!
  195. Mens rec league, time out question
  196. Over and Back???
  197. reverse call on over and back??
  198. time outs at end of regulation
  199. Star in trouble
  200. Time out or OOB?
  201. T or Delay of Game?
  202. What do you do??
  203. Calling T's
  204. An official with a tatoo
  205. blew call do i correct with ap?
  206. Coaches/Captains
  207. A Quality Toss-Up
  208. Throw-In?
  209. I would love to go camping!!
  210. Youth League
  211. Free throw question
  212. Traveling or Not? You make the call
  213. Quick OOB Question
  214. Contact with shooter after release
  215. Resumption of Play Advice
  216. Go Dressed???
  217. Six Players on the Court
  218. women's college rules
  219. Delay of game
  220. Horn sounds during free throw
  221. One minute?
  222. what would you have done
  223. Question on handling of T's
  224. Buddy ref cracked me up
  225. Assistant Coach
  226. I need to vent!
  227. goaltending question
  228. Domain Name & Logo For Sale.....www.basketballrefs.com
  229. End of the KU vs UK game
  230. Kansas-KY game
  231. assignors/ coordinators for college conferences
  232. Partner...
  233. Local newspaper article headline "BLOWN CALL"
  234. Officiating Advice
  235. Correctable Error
  236. Book Error
  237. tech b/w quarters
  238. 2 false doubles in the same game.
  239. Player COntrol vs. Team Control
  240. How would you handle??
  241. Alternating Possession Ignored?
  242. backcourt question
  243. Would you?
  244. Correctable Errors...
  245. intentional slap
  246. Bucks vs. Raptors, Fri Jan 7
  247. Cont. Clock Start After Time-Out on Free Throw
  248. zone defense
  249. Throw in Administration
  250. Banged by a banged coach

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