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  1. Get to baseline or stop and referee play
  2. Referee information and question Session
  3. Great night of basketball
  4. Varsity ref jobs a matter of black and white?
  5. Can't say enough good things about...
  6. Beware anonymous flamers
  7. Is this kosher?
  8. a make up?!?!
  9. I am curious
  10. Rookie work
  11. Post Play
  12. Off Topic Threads / Posts
  13. Kicking or NOT??
  14. Now, Now Ladies.......
  15. NCAA Technical Fouls
  16. Funny moment
  17. A good chewing
  18. Player outside the line
  19. backcourt?
  20. Have a good question on this??
  21. Question about moving screens
  22. I earned an adult beverage...put passed on collecting
  23. Player not reporting in before entering the game
  24. trying to reach whistleone
  25. B stepping on A's foot
  26. Please educate a parent
  27. [FIBA] About signaling valid basket...
  28. Broken middle finger!!!
  29. inbounds or out of bounds
  30. Cheerleader Forgets Undergarmet!
  31. Back Court?
  32. Taunting
  33. Aministering T Foul Shots
  34. "The Old boy Network"...
  35. long night
  36. Jump ball then Hissy Fit
  37. Unbelievable!!!
  38. 4-18-2 How to take it?
  39. Backcourt?
  40. Deleted Russian thread.
  41. 4 flagrants
  42. What whistle do you use?
  43. Foul then Technical Question
  44. Scorekeeper asks great question
  45. Would you do this?
  46. warming up at both ends?
  47. My first ejection!
  48. Wheelchair
  49. over and back??
  50. Helping out the lead?
  51. delay by defense on free throw
  52. Doh!
  53. Running Through a Legal Screen
  54. true or not true?
  55. Tournament Assigning/Ranking System
  56. I gotta pat myself on the back
  57. OOPS!
  58. You gotta love it
  59. Tripping - is it a hold or block?
  60. Rose on Kobe's night
  61. Basket Interference
  62. That's one tough T
  63. Fastest game
  64. Making calls in other officials area
  65. Very well reffed game
  66. Foul or Not
  67. Ref in the stands
  68. Shot clock reset?
  69. Mouthy Coach Situation
  70. Warning for delay
  71. Injured player
  72. Home school playing games.
  73. Different Double Whistle
  74. Hey Tony!!!
  75. Kudos Taunton - New Bedford
  76. Louisville-UConn - backcourt violation
  77. Not a bad game????
  78. How's this timing for a solid whack!
  79. Travel? I don't think so
  80. Coaching Box Priveleges
  81. Ref part of the floor
  82. Whaddya do?
  83. Dealing with a Coach
  84. Dealing with poor T by partner in OT
  85. Tag team
  86. Book Problem - NF Rule 3.2.2
  87. The Streak is Over
  88. Official scorer issues
  89. NBA type play in youth ball
  90. Youth league games
  91. Double foul shot clock issue
  92. Technical?
  93. Reporting wrong # on foul correctable
  94. Two Questions
  95. When is a dribble a dribble?
  96. Breeding grounds
  97. Offline Assigning of Officials
  98. How did your shoes hold up this year?
  99. Shoe Trees
  100. Overtime Clock Snafu - Question
  101. Should I?
  102. This is what I live for
  103. Aw, #$#%$*&(@#
  104. Intentional Fouls
  105. Fiba basketball rules
  106. A double helping of thuggery
  107. team control foul
  108. Over and back
  109. Nary one complaint
  110. Rule 4 under definitions of act of shooting
  111. Can the endline still be run?
  112. Enlighten me---
  113. Friday night watering holes
  114. No Pregame???
  115. Bouncing a ball off an opponent?
  116. The Old Boy Network (Referee Mag.)
  117. Trying to approve demeanor on the floor.
  118. A shoe in the hand is worth 2 in the bush?
  119. Referee Status (Crew Cheif)
  120. Lil Tester
  121. Figure this one out
  122. Thoughts from a Spectator
  123. Quick question on substitution
  124. Technical Foul
  125. Primary roles
  126. Player spits on fan.
  127. classless coaches
  128. correct uncorrectable error?
  129. Back to the 70s
  130. .3 seconds
  131. Asst. coach technical
  132. Coach looking for Rule
  133. Old vs. New Refs
  134. Question from a non basketball ref
  135. New Lesson Learned
  136. Weird Game Last Night
  137. Interesting T Situation last night.
  138. Rule 2-10 Clarification
  139. Rule research help
  140. 3-man lead positioning question
  141. Stan Heath
  142. Occupied Lane Spaces
  143. travel or not?
  144. Jr. hi Coaches mouthing each other
  145. PEEWEE gone bad
  146. crazy situation
  147. Correctable
  148. Overtime (Frowned on)
  149. Does
  150. Two Simple Questions
  151. NO FT's !!
  152. Contact and Screens
  153. Could have used a shot clock!
  154. Timeout granted! "WRONG"
  155. Anyone know of any camps in the Southeast
  156. Trail Positioning
  157. Point of interuption or not??
  158. Interesting night
  159. Leaking roof, wet spot on floor
  160. Unmerited Free Throw
  161. Shooting at the wrong basket
  162. Working with the uneducated
  163. Movie: "Glory Road" -- Officials
  164. Working with the Assignor Tomorrow
  165. beltless pants with a drawstring???
  166. Interesting article on officiating...
  167. Illegal screens
  169. OSU/MSU observation
  170. "Referee the Defense" tips/advice?
  171. Kicking - intentional
  172. Should I have Whacked him?
  173. End of the Game
  174. Foul while team is shooting 1 and 1
  175. Possession Arrow
  176. What kind of game would you prefer?
  177. Rule 4-3-2
  178. CCA Out of Bounds
  179. Ref, Orange County CA
  180. Correctable error plus goach going wild
  181. Mizz/KU: interesting travel
  182. Ref arguing with fans
  183. Foul during AP Throw-in
  184. College Question
  185. partner giving fans obscene gesture
  186. Referee Resume??
  187. "Automatic" T?
  188. I should have done it sooner
  189. Dribbble Off Foot
  190. Overweight Refs
  191. Slow to inbound
  192. Background checks
  193. My partner got sick
  194. Hey, Fonzzy...
  195. But wait! There's more!
  196. That's a horrible call
  197. My First Fan Ejection
  198. IHSA Officials--4 Class System and the post season ramifications
  199. Game speed
  200. Good Coaches
  201. Is this against the rules??
  202. travel or not?
  203. How to talk to a referee
  204. A great basketball story
  205. girls 3 on 3
  206. lmeadski ID
  207. Open Palm, lost art?
  208. held ball?
  209. Off topic - Hail to the ....
  210. Throwing the ball off the backboard
  211. Did I Bait Him Into It?
  212. Questions we want the NFHS to answer
  213. Disqualified Player
  214. Clock Management
  215. YooHoo, IHSA officials....
  216. Bad Call??
  217. Officiating the delay game
  218. Fouled shooter recaptures ball
  219. Tipped Ball
  220. I won't be mayor tonight.....
  221. Shoot or not to shoot? That is the question.
  222. Another Blarge
  223. Brain Dead
  224. Correctable error or not?
  225. Livestrong Calf Bands
  226. Double Foul Debate (Pers and Tech)
  227. Dead ball foul
  228. American Flag location on an officials' shirt
  229. moving the cheerleaders
  230. "Dead Ball Foul"
  231. academic requirements
  232. Home Remedies For My Problem?
  233. Shot clock question
  234. Wear a ring while Reffing?
  235. You give a coach a T and...
  236. Assigning Software (Web Based)
  237. FINALLY!!!
  238. Hello
  239. Keeping consistency through games
  240. 30 second timeout
  241. Didn't know it could get this bad
  242. leaving the court
  243. MD/Duke reffing the score...
  244. Jump Ball Administration
  245. shoe comes off
  246. MD/Duke blarge....
  247. Maryland/Duke
  248. Friday is the one year anniversary...
  249. Player to touch ball after going out of bounds
  250. Hey, watch #24 for. . . .

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