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  1. Give it to um ???
  2. Will you share your pregame R speech...
  3. Why some call Kick Ball and others don't!!!
  4. Slapping backboard
  5. Thanks for all of the info.
  6. Extended Coach's Box
  7. Partner stunned me on this one
  8. Under the front -PART 2
  9. Re-Jump
  10. "T" for jewelry
  11. Under the Front
  12. End of game "what if?"
  13. shot at opponents basket
  14. Similair Timer error
  15. Duplicate numbers
  16. Are there any website to buy D1 Tickets for N.Carolina?
  17. Patent Leather Converse
  18. Over the back ???
  19. My toughest Blcok/Charge
  20. Player in twilight zone
  21. T's
  22. Violence
  23. Correctable Error
  24. 'Injured' Player
  25. Double Whistle:Time Out or Foul?
  26. case book questions
  27. Foul Count.
  28. Clock Problem-Tough call
  29. Screener moving backwards
  30. Women refs wanted
  31. Clock work
  32. Dialogue with coaches/players
  33. Interesting question
  34. legal team huddle?
  35. Throw-in after goal
  36. Equipment problem
  37. Use the Possession Arrow----Yes or No?????
  38. Worst example ever of a team blowing a game
  39. Free throw responsibilities
  40. strange "double" foul situation
  41. Peter Davana----I can do this for ya.
  42. ABA 2000 new basketball league site
  43. Goofy ouf of bounds situation
  44. Technical foul??
  45. is this an airborn shoter??
  46. How Much Has Your Apearence Hurt You,Or Helped You As A Referee
  47. right time for the T
  48. Out of Bounds Plays
  49. NFHS on the Net
  50. Hand-checking information
  51. NCAA Rule Change
  52. You know you're in trouble when...
  53. Inconsistency in NF rules?
  54. Rec. games
  55. Holiday Tournaments?
  56. Double Foul
  57. NAIA/NCAA licensing
  58. areas
  59. Time-out or not?
  60. Varsity fast track
  61. Stopping the never-ending flow of subs
  62. Keeping Track of Subs
  63. Rules to Ref by...
  64. ruling, NCAA (men and women); Federation
  65. Assigning software
  66. 2 questions
  67. AP throwin puzzler
  68. Overtime Goof.....what to do?
  69. Substitution mess/help!
  70. Free Throws?
  71. Overtime
  72. Keeping new officials?
  73. Patent Leather Converse Whistles
  74. Bonehead play of the week
  75. Great Comeback
  76. Fighting
  77. Dave's Top 10 (no - not that "other" Dave)
  78. Philosophical state of mind
  79. Blowing the whistle for throw-ins
  80. Between quarters inspection of score book
  81. Long distance call!
  82. Bar Codes
  83. Jump Ball - non-jumpers
  84. Casebooks
  85. Back Over Centre
  86. Just putting this one out there...
  87. Fight Situation - NCAA rule
  88. The latest "Dave" for your dining and dancing pleasure
  89. What's the call?
  90. "Carry!"
  91. Moving up the ladder
  92. Another slapping the backboard question
  93. two questions
  94. Second Year Official
  95. 103-0 HS Girls blowout
  96. Illegal Screen Mechanic
  97. Traveling?
  98. Over and Back
  99. Reporting foul - hand signal
  100. 30 Second Replacement
  101. In Most States, what is the difference in official ranking system...
  102. Referee screensaver idea....
  103. Players yelling at opponents taking shots...
  104. Intentional foul---Point of emphasis---what's your call?
  105. PSYCHO!!!!!!
  106. Need good HS rules update page
  107. Raising your hand
  108. " Selling the call"
  109. inbounds violation?
  110. Cheerleaders...
  111. Rumor Pay Chart for Officials...
  112. Comments from Coaches while reporting foul
  113. Charge Call
  114. Knee Jerk Reaction...Question
  115. Adjustment period?
  116. I love this job!!!
  117. official's chat room!
  118. Software for Evaluating Officials
  119. Calling your area, Help or stay out completley
  120. Does possession arrow change???
  121. Rubber Bands
  122. Shin Splints
  123. What do you say to coaches?
  124. Rule 3, Section 4 & 5
  125. Inadvertent Whistles after the Shot clock
  126. do they lose the baseline
  127. Proper Administration
  128. High School Rule Book
  129. 2000-2001 National Fed Basketball Part II Exam
  130. blown goaltend-arizona
  131. heckling fans and coaches
  132. What would you do?
  133. Did they change the rule?
  134. Made basket on intentional foul
  135. 1st Varsity game last night
  136. Resetting shot clock?
  137. "point of interruption"
  138. Working with other rookies
  139. Clearing lane for "T"
  140. Which takes precedence?
  141. First Game of the Season
  142. Player with 5 fouls shooting FT
  143. My turn to vent - but there's a 3 second call question in here somewhere.
  144. Hey!!!! That's my Line.
  145. New Rule for Number of Players on the Lane during Freethrows
  146. White has the ball and "I" give Blue a Timeout?
  147. insoles?
  148. Test?
  149. How do you get mentally motivated before your games?
  150. A "mild" Dave
  151. Question Regarding Delay Of Game Warnings
  152. Correct Procedure?
  153. sitting down on 30 TO
  154. Comment at association meeting
  155. What would you have done?
  156. Lane Markers
  157. becoming an official
  158. False Double Interpretation
  159. Jump Ball
  160. double whistle-travel or TO
  161. Technical Fouls
  162. Turnovers
  163. Working Alone!!
  164. Alternating Possession Question
  165. count the basket?
  166. How to be an official scorekeeper/timer
  167. Correctable Error????
  168. Is that 1and1 or Correctable Error--Goof...
  169. Try this one
  170. eye glasses or contacts
  171. Okay what is the deal with......
  172. Partner's Weird Rotations
  173. That's the Last Straw...
  174. arrow wrong way
  175. Becoming a referee
  176. Point of Interruption
  177. sensitive issue
  178. Compression Shorts ?????
  179. Pants
  180. setting the arrow
  181. Rules question
  182. Is a slap on the hand always a foul ?
  183. Hope this never happens again, but
  184. free throw shot question
  185. weird push play
  186. Buying a timeout for a technical foul
  188. Technical Foul
  189. Calling all College and Pro refs!!!!
  190. Face guarding?
  191. Traveling Confusion
  192. Team Control
  193. Official's Error
  194. NCAA Men's free throw
  195. Backcourt violation
  196. Posession Arrow
  197. Hand checking and palming
  198. High School Refresher Exams.Why Do Some Boards Supply The Answers?
  199. Lag Time
  200. Jump stop
  201. Clarification on NFHS Rule
  202. Correctible Error?
  203. Count the basket or disallow?
  204. Time-Outs and Errors that can be corrected
  205. Familiar Test
  206. Pregame Conf.
  207. Sitch tonight
  208. visible counts
  209. How Important Is Your Pregame! Do We Allways Have One?
  210. Oh what fun
  211. Shoe inserts
  212. Trapazoid Lane?
  213. NCAA Freethrow: Above Block?
  214. NCAA: Returning to 'point of interruption'
  215. Out of Position?
  216. What level do you officiate at?
  217. Throw In
  218. Block/Charge (here we go again)
  219. handchecking
  220. Out of Bounds
  221. 2 or 3 shots - Intentional Foul
  222. Survey of the Palming Rule -- A Point of Emphasis
  223. Electronic Equipment
  224. Question 101 on NF exam
  225. What should you pack in your game bag?
  226. front or back court status?
  227. Selecting Certain Games
  228. 30 sec lock down"womens"
  229. Two Burning Questions
  230. Girls or Boys
  231. Experimental Rules, Exempt Tournaments
  232. Choosing The Right Camp
  233. Team technicals
  234. More than two Ts?
  235. Is it a backcourt violation ?
  236. backcourt
  237. count the basket or not?
  238. Shoes
  239. Michigan BB Seasons' Change
  240. Full Time-Out Signal
  241. Assignor an active official
  242. Ball tossed to the board, violation or not.
  243. Ten Seconds - Revisited
  244. Player T
  245. Dick Schindler Comment RE: R 10-3-6
  246. Player Control vs. Intentional Foul
  247. Shot Clock
  248. goaltending nfhs
  249. When does your season start?
  250. IAABO Test

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