- Local Media Coverage
- Ref from the scorers table?
- HELP!!! 3-Man Mechanics
- Travelling on a throw-in?!!?
- closely guarded?
- rule book
- intentional foul
- Number of Overtime Time outs
- Holding the ball with the feet
- First to touch the ball
- incorrect # of freethrows
- Thunder Stix
- Violations after the horn
- Upward Basketball
- What other signal would you give? + A question.
- 10 Second Count Back Court
- Lessons learned
- Unbelievable
- Getting the calls right
- double tech?
- correctable error
- stop the clock to fix the net
- wingspan
- Question about an inbounds pass on the baseline
- Double Foul
- Running the Baseline
- good advice
- Time out - know who has ball
- Pass and Crash...
- Pregame Meeting w/ C & Ps
- Miami/Conn. game lst night
- Backcourt Throw-in Spot?
- Pre Game Card
- Bear Hug
- Free Throws??
- Travel??? while OOB
- info on camp
- Spot-bilt
- Anyone had a coach do this?
- Offensive player initiating contact with lead elbow
- Touching the ball after a made shot
- NCAA Situation
- Block or Charge?
- Asking for officiating evaluation from coach
- Incidental contact?
- half time meeting
- complaint/question from my Friday game
- Elbow away from the play - NFHS
- Lane Marked space violations.
- innocent remark
- NCAA - Double T's
- Choice of spot.
- Bringing a hankerchief to keep yourself dry and cool?
- What qualifies as good official?
- Kicked Ball question
- Over and Back
- NCAA Substitution?
- rule book online
- Backcourt Violation - Explanation, please
- free throws
- T for two...
- Reason for Mechanics!
- Left Me Laughing (Quietly)
- Clock doesn't STOP
- Airball at the free throw lne
- Handling the Crowd
- Airborne shooter - Held ball
- Patch or No Patch
- Wierd Thought..
- Pregame Checklist
- I feel good now!
- Shot clock
- Slapping the Backboard
- my best game yet
- Jump Ball Situation
- over and back throw in
- administration of a T
- My thanks to the board
- Initial tip gooes out of bounds
- Pennsylvania's seat belt rule
- It was a night for the bizarre...
- I'm famous! I'm the guy in stripes!
- .1 second and no one wants the ball
- Back court violation?
- Men's Church League
- Refing 1st games on Saturday! HELP!
- NCAA Officiating Bulletin information
- Backcourt Violation-per NCAA
- Incredibly Bad Night
- Backcourt??
- NCAA Men's Question
- Why I love this board
- Over and Back
- pivot foot
- Coaching box
- last second shot
- coach/injury free throws
- Throw in after made field goal
- Overtime or Not?
- Foul under the basket?
- Very, very disturbing situation
- Couldn't resist this discussion with coach
- Free Throw Instructions
- Shoelaces. A Hazard?
- Traveling? Double Dribble? No call?
- NCAA- Replay Questions please help me
- Question for refs about a call made last night at a boys HS game.
- 2-person all season, 3-person for tournament
- Need some input
- Situations from last night.
- Reference material question . . .
- First Flagrant Foul.
- When is the hand part of the ball?
- Yeah...right (Lebron James in the news)
- 2 Questions
- Running baseline
- Patty B's camp
- Double Dribble
- attending a team practice
- illegal equipment?
- Survey
- Define Dunk
- Is this a correctible error?
- Varsity coach
- anoying travel rule
- 3 P O
- Travel or not
- AP Throw-in
- An interesting assignment
- Why does this happen?
- The Referee School
- no timeouts
- Cheerleader gets hurt.
- Flagrant DQ'ed player
- Ickky TO sit. ends in Technical
- Missing contact sitch
- Allowing Subs when shooting 2 Free Throws
- What's the call (NFHS)?
- special situations - fiba rules-help!!
- How to develop game situation awareness?
- How clear is clear?
- Whistle to resume play
- Angry Parent Comes to Officials Room
- Bad Call
- Getting into the game
- When to call intentional fous
- Southern Camps?
- Ovation for officials
- Fingernails!!??
- Heckling
- Foul Shot
- Inbounding ball hits back/Backboard
- This is what we are up against
- Happened last night
- charge/flop?
- New official with ean xperienced one in a game.
- Foul Question - Shooting or Not?
- pregame dunk
- Midwest Camps
- Case Book Question
- Childish antics by coach after game
- Would you tell their Parnter
- ejection?
- Software for Palms(PDA)
- My first R
- NCAA POI for a T and Error
- Working College but not Varsity
- Another Back court Situation and a ?
- Referee Responsibilities
- Basket good or Not
- replace injured player
- pass/crash
- Pre-Game Dunk/ T
- I hate it when this happens...kinda long
- Why no help?
- Done differently?
- Another FT Lane Question
- Yet another backcourt sitch
- Not playing by the rules
- OFFICIALS injury
- First year- Need Opininon on this scenario
- Disconcertion?
- Whispered conversation deserving of a T?
- Coaches taking rules test
- Situation dealing with coaches. (Little long)
- A bad night and a long post
- Flagrant foul throw-in spot
- Wrong Number in Book
- Players in the Book
- In-bounds pass to nobody?
- Over and Back on Out of Bounds
- Switching on fouls
- End-of-game timeouts
- Proper Mechanics
- Act of shooting
- Funny cartoons
- Coaches Box and their behavior
- Both Hands on Ball on Floor
- Wrong score?
- 4 players
- Who is responsible ?
- Technical Foul?
- Foul and a "T"
- Official "suggests" substitution...
- If it's not one thing. . .
- Help with a call.
- First Varsity Game Report
- To say or not to say?
- goal tending
- conflict of interest
- trail movement
- Feeling Bad
- Two man mechanics.
- Pregame
- Number of officials
- Ethics question
- Officials/players/coaches pregame
- Female Refs
- Backcourt violation??
- Not a howler monkey
- Just wondering
- Backcourt Violations
- excessive timeout
- Backcourt violation or not ?
- Pants For Sale
- Help With This Situation
- Blind Corner
- Backcourt or no call?
- ESPN NBA Ejection
- Nike shoes
- 3-second calls
- Big day
- Another throw in question
- Coast to Coast (Las Vegas-July 21-24)
- Best shoes?
- update
- Run Clock Run
- Eyewear
- Freshman Coach Ejected....
- Suggestions Needed
- Blood, blood, ref, she's bleeding!
- The State Of Officiating
- Disconcerting action.
- NBA Rulebook
- Chatting with fans . . .
- 2002 fed exam part II
- Player Location/Status and Legal Guarding position
- T or walk away?
- SITUATION 7 from the NFHS