- New BI question
- Officials Quarterly...
- werqin with rockyroad
- What is that?
- Would you call a foul?
- Questions? Second Set
- 3 man lock down position question
- Association Meetings - What did you....
- Count the Technicals
- Has Cameron Rust been disappeared???
- back court violation?
- Was I dreaming?
- Pre-Game Checklist
- NCAA ruling
- Referee shoes
- NHSF/NCAA question
- Resumption of play following a time-out
- Scorebook
- lead on trail side
- ASEP Course
- NFHS pregame checklist
- I'm thinking upset!
- shoe polish
- Live ball touched by coach
- NCAA Rule Question
- Mercy Rule
- Good basket or not
- Soliciting games/discrimination
- First games
- NFHS Part I Answers
- Everyone on the "team" has their job
- Attention, Administrator...
- I actually saw a Basket Interference with the new grabbed ring rule.
- Rushing after calling a Technical
- Weird stuff
- Judge does the wrong thing!
- In the Big Leagues!!
- NFHS Question #35
- New Rule Changes??
- Live Ball, Dead Ball
- Is this a correctable error?
- Grasp Ring to avoid injury
- Time Out Administration
- Yet Another Foot-On-The-Sideline Thread
- offensive team too many players on free throw lane
- Questions?
- Howler Monkeys
- dribbler use of forearm
- screening
- Passing to Oneself- violation- Where in Rules!!!
- What do you have???
- Substitution question
- Maybe a new question for the Back Court Violation Quiz
- Score book
- sideline charge vs. block
- Kicking
- Legal Guarding vs. In-bounds
- I love this advocation...
- 3 seconds on interrupted dribble?
- Full Contact Basketball
- Clearing the Sides
- Flags for basketball
- Legal Position Revisited
- Rewrite of 9-9 Backcourt
- Is it Appropriate to give Technical Fouls at scrimmages??
- Looking for Refrees
- ...Where you can stick that whistle
- Dallas Morning News article on Football Officials...(long)
- NFHS Test Questions
- Palming
- Basketball vs. Football
- Distracting the FT shooter
- coaching box questions
- college mechanics practice
- Maby traveling call?
- Verticality!
- Two Person Mechanics Videos?
- closely gaurded count
- First year official
- Pass deflected into basket.
- Where do you administer the throw-in?
- Possession Arrow ?
- Can't yell Foul
- NFHS With a Twist?
- DQ Player still a Participant?
- micro-mesh jerseys
- 24 Seconds & End of time
- A few questions for the masters
- Well worth the click
- IAABO Refresher Test #65
- IAABO mechanics exam Q 31
- relaying time-outs
- assistant coaches
- Passed the test!
- NFHS rules on the web?
- Need quick, basic info on 3 person mechanics!!
- 3-point in opposing team's goal
- Play of the week
- Why IAABO ???
- Backcourt ? from IAABO Refresher Exam
- Basketball
- Basketball
- Inadvertant Whistle on shot
- Throw-In Contact
- Legal Guarding Position...both feet
- Un-awarded free throw
- Correctable error?
- legal guarding position
- Substitutes: NHSA Part 1, Q#65
- Part 1
- Rationale Please
- quoting when making a response.
- I Don't Want Wrinkles & Creases!!
- Forum Search disabled- why?
- fumble/muff
- Nitpicky BI call?
- shot clock or not to shot clock
- NFHS rule question
- Question on shoes -- where to find
- New shoes
- Alternating possession arrow
- What's in the bag?
- How much do you give a
- NFHS Officials Manual
- FHSAA Exam questions
- Debate
- indirect T on coach
- time out positions
- NFHSQuestions
- Carrying/Palming
- Shot Clock Question
- By Rule
- Block Origin
- Link to Louisiana Study Guide
- Simplified and Illustrated
- Blood Rule question ????
- 10 second count
- held ball
- Jump Ball Basket: 2 or 3 pts?
- No deeply pebbled ball
- Traveling?
- Verbal indication?
- Referee-Style Signals in Daily Life
- Diminutives at Work
- Class act in Illinois
- Womens Question / Adv / Disadv
- Halloween
- Deranged Test Makers
- Case Book 10.3.6
- 10 second count
- Artificial Noisemakers
- Hey what's the deal with the search function?
- Kicked Call Help
- Study Tips
- Officials in Indianapolis, Cleveland or Raleigh/Durham.
- Basketball Coaching Trade Magazine
- Player control
- 03-04 NFHS Test
- Whose call?
- Closely Guarded Clarification
- TO before opening tap
- Feminine fiest.
- Assigning Software
- Let 'em eat cake.
- When is your first game?
- Hey Mick......
- Experimental thirty second substitution rule.,
- New Fed "Clarifications"
- Lane Line Up
- Free Throw Situation
- NHSF Rules on CD Rom
- Just to Tick Off The Crowd
- Evaluation of Officials
- Pass and Crash
- Technical Free
- Catching your own shot (w/o hitting anything)
- I made the interps!
- Part 1 Test
- quick 3 person switching question
- Out of bounds play question
- frontcourt/backcourt
- Reset the shot clock?
- The Hanging C
- What coaching box?
- Referee The D
- Assaulted last night
- Rules Question
- NFHS interpretation # 8
- How would you rule on this?
- NCAA Test Question
- Throw in
- Biographies of 2003 Basketball rules committee.
- Block against the glass
- Help Needed from Kentucky
- Deeply rooted misconceptions
- Batting ball, pushing
- Just remember..
- Closely guarded
- The Answer to the Question of Life, the Universe and Everything!
- Searching?
- the swim move vs good offense
- Buying equipment?
- This is for you....
- Hop Step???????
- Summer League
- U.P. Question for Mick
- Ohio Coaches Box
- NFHS: Situation 6
- Diction and Terms
- back to back
- Legal Guarding Position
- Lodged Shot
- Talking to Players & Coaches
- Timeout?
- Strategic Lane Violation
- NASO 03 / 04 NF Rules Quiz
- test question
- Communication sitch - Over/back
- Scorekeeper
- Overtime timing?
- First ever college game
- What state's do 3-person out there?
- grey shirts
- Only in girls ... I hope
- 2003-2004 NFHS Interps Are Posted
- Pre game 3 man
- Does tip affect this?
- PDA Rules??
- humor help needed
- grade school coaches behavior
- Tech or Throw in Violation?
- What would you use?
- Reset Ourselves
- Shot Clock in High School?
- What's in a name???
- Okay, I Admit It...
- Which has priority?
- Big Heads
- How is it done in your state?
- Techincal fouls
- Disregarding the rules.
- HS Basketball "Senior Night" issue
- IAABO Clinic-Test
- What's the rule, what's the call, what's common sense?
- Yearning for the "Good Ol' Days"
- End of game questions