- If One of You were my partner in a game...ohhh my oh my
- Charging rule
- Audio Resources?
- Looking Sharp! Wardrobe and Attire
- RefTown...a life saver!
- May He Rest in Peace.
- You call yourself a Referee, but You never played varsity hoop?
- Things Officials Should Probably Not Be Saying In A Game ...
- OT - we were on Wheel Of Fortune!
- Back-Court or Not?
- Newbie Referee
- What do you got? (Summer edition)
- Foul During Free Throw (Fool the Official)
- Shooting foul before Baller jumps?
- Traveling or Held Ball?
- "Judgment calls" are what we do...
- Methods for Game Assignments
- Last Second Shooting Foul
- Different version of the Big Five...
- It's an NCAA football-based story but it would affect basketball as well
- Jump Ball - Movement Prior to Touch
- Can we juggle the ball while in play?
- Ball comes in contact with both hands while dribbling
- True or false...
- Penalty for illegal substitution.
- How much can ball handler use his arm?
- NBA Keeps Flopping Rules But Expands Replay......
- I used to be "New Zebra"
- Post-Game Cordials...
- Hello Again Yall
- Clarifications sought: Verticality, Reaching in , High Dribble--anybody help ?
- Removal Threshold
- Random partners
- OT: The last of our old tournament barn turns to rubble
- Can I be sued?
- Off Season Workout
- Primary Coverage Area
- National Basketball Championship
- When will they learn?
- And you thought you had it tough?
- Ouch
- The Fourth Of July Fell On The Fourth This Year ...
- Partner support
- What is the call?
- Off-season, off-topic
- texas_toast....private message
- Another DVBOA play
- Intentional foul and sub?
- End of game questions
- Coach Help
- Buzzer Beater
- Was Shot Good?
- 3 person for dummies
- A true Newbie development
- Camps......How many and how much $$$$$
- Big East and America Conference
- Illegal Dribble?
- Basic Throw In Questions
- Changes, they are a comin'...
- Blacktop Floor - UCF
- Lane Violation
- NCAA Proposals 13-14
- sub question
- Loose Ball
- Dealing with coaches...
- One kid's trash is another kid's...
- Finally...
- Game 7
- Sports Officials Academy
- Game 6 NBA Finals Plays
- Travel?
- Free throw adventure
- Euro Step : Do you understand, it's coming to game near you
- Summer Ball
- What's an appropriate response to...
- Another Jump Stop Video
- Associations / Assignors / Contacts for Erie, PA?
- NFHS June 6, 2013 Release ...
- Meniscus
- A Long Road Back
- NCAA proposed rule change...Separate yet separate
- NCAAW proposed rule changes...The Fashion Police Strike Back
- Mechanic Manual
- Play opinion
- New SEC Coordinator of Officials
- Background Checks Come To Colorado
- Best Instructors
- Watch this
- Ref Cam !!!!!!! Phoenix @ Ind - WNBA
- Interesting rules
- Bobby Dibler: Pac-12 Assignor
- NBA Finals
- Why is a foul worth 3 points...
- Billy Mac and his belt......
- Ed Hightower
- Source for NCAA Video Clips?
- 2013 NCAAW Camp Teaching Points
- Another trophy - for me?
- Sign of the year-need to post!!
- Fanboy Thread - game 7
- LeBron Offensive Foul--video request
- Moving to Ontario
- Pacers vs Heat - Game 5 (Video Request)
- For All the NBA Haters......
- Foul on FT sitch
- is this a travel?- video
- Screens during FT
- Heat v. Pacers: Game 4
- Maybe a little too much swag?
- It's Not All About Mattress Sales ...
- Instruction Camps
- Latest Version Of The Most Misunderstood Basketball Rules ...
- Reason for no tea yesterday
- Backcourt violation - please provide video
- Indiana Miami: Game 3 elbow
- Vid Request Indiana Miami Kick ball (Video Added)
- Video Request Indiana Miami: Foul causes a travel (Video Added)
- The Best Brotherhood In The World
- WCF Game 2 FF1
- Video Request:Spurs-Grizzlies End of 1st Quarter Foul on Half-Court Attempt (Clipped)
- Officiating 101 - Pregame Positioning - 2 person
- What's This Pair of Nike?
- A different play.... NCAA Rules
- NBA Ruling ONLY: counting a try that wasn't successful? (Video added)
- Officiating 101 - The Jump Ball
- I'll keep an eye out . . .
- Is 360 Spin move legal?
- Contact with the official...
- Block Charge Videos
- Court Club
- Backcourt violation?
- [Video Request] Backcourt off of halfcourt pass/shot?
- 25 Most Important Things
- Shoes
- Only another official would care
- Gibson Fined for Abusing Ref
- Official NCAAM and NCAAW Proposed Rule Changes for 2013-14 Season
- Question: Charges vs. Blocks
- 2013-2014 NFHS Basketball rule changes
- Possible rule changes, NCAAM style...
- Pac-12 Officiating
- Heat - Bulls (video request)
- Funny
- NASO Summit?
- T or no T
- I love how it slows down when NCAA and HS are over
- basket-interference?
- Timeout Dead Ball when..........
- You Make The Call (Blocked Shot and Contact)
- John Cahill Retired
- Knoxville TN
- Play for discussion
- Michigan Basketball
- New Personal Blog
- Utah People?
- Multiple Foul
- CCA Manuals
- To be (dead) or not to be (dead) that is the question.
- Lead move across the lane?
- Somewhat OT - bracket contests
- "Pinch the Paint" or "Stay Wide"?
- Brooklyn Nets / Chicago Bulls - Game 4
- ECOA Camps?
- Violation for Voluntarily Running Out of Bounds
- Any creepy referees in Denver area?
- Chris Paul carry not called
- Last-second shot, #2
- Not Tiger . . . Maybe His Seventh Cousin
- Coach on court
- Runnig the Baseline question
- Back court questions
- 1 year
- travel violations
- over an back rule?
- 0.3 seconds left — Would a dunk from a throw-in or off. rebound of FT miss count?
- Communication: McCutchen
- Hand-checking: A progression (video)
- Last-second shot
- NBA mechanics
- Why do you wear tights or leggings
- He's Doing It Again...
- Michigan-Louisville team control? (Hardaway/Siva 1st half...by request)
- Throw-in question
- Legal guarding position?
- NBA Development Tryout
- Izzo & others on shot clock/adding more offense...
- Cliff Keen/Smitty Comparison
- Inadvertent Whistle?
- [NFHS] Violation on free throw shooter?
- I am not insecure either.
- GT for the win
- Precision Timing System
- ejection or T?
- Fire Up The Flux Capacitor ...
- Eddie F. Rush?
- Oh What a Night, Last Night Was!
- Exception for wedding bands?
- Pistons/Cavs - Block/Charge
- San Antonio/Denver
- Louisville-Connecticut FF1 clip (Doty/Smith)
- Michigan vs. Louisville rebound action aprox 50 seconds left
- Pass Off Backboard
- Back to HS basketball
- Michigan-Louisville travel? (1st half)
- Michigan-Louisville shooting foul clip (Hancock/Burke 1st half)
- Louisville-California (W) block charge clip
- Michigan-Louisville clip rebounding no call (6:51 2nd half)
- NCAA-Men's Final Video Request (Burke foul on Siva)
- Womens championship game
- NCAAM mechanics
- Officiating article featuring Corbett
- Louisville/Michigan- Natl Championship
- Syra/UM Carter-Williams #2 (1:14 2nd half)
- Doug Gottlieb to marry Doris Burke !!!!!!!
- Syracuse/UM Carter-Williams video request
- Did Mulkey assign F4?
- Travel!
- Syracuse-Michigan block/charge clip (Triche 2nd half)
- Wichita State-Louisville held ball (Baker/Hancock 2nd half)
- Wichita State-Lousville continuous motion clip (2nd half, Early)
- Wichita State-Louisville travel no call clip #2 (Hancock 2nd half)
- Wichita State-Louisville travel no call clip (Harrell 2nd half)
- Wichita State-Louisville block (Armstead 1st half)
- Throw-In
- Michigan/Syracuse
- Wichita State - Louisville
- Summer Time Camp Time
- OT - Campus Cinderella
- Professionalism
- Texas/Oklahoma/Nebraska Basketball Camps
- WIAA (Wisconsin) question
- Officiating 3-on-3 tournaments
- What high school coaches want
- NCAA-W rules survey
- Louisville-Baylor post play clip
- NCAA-NFHS difference?
- Rutgers fires basketball coach after release of video showing player abuse, gay slurs
- Louisville-Baylor unsporting situations
- Louisville-Baylor final foul clip
- Instead of practice what if....
- Louisville-Baylor PC & coach reaction clip
- What it takes to get a technical foul (coaches perception)
- NCAA mechanics
- 2013 Final Four Officials....
- Rest In Peace Greg Willard
- Officiating.com site
- Trouble Bruin in the Pac-12 - & it Ain't UCLA!
- Final Four Crew
- Kevin Ware
- Duke-Louisville foul no continuation clip (Dieng/Plumlee 2nd half)