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  1. Has this happened to you?
  2. Part 1 Test Question
  3. Help Wanted: Annoying Mr. Grammar Guy
  4. OOB Traveling
  5. Help - Need a presentation topic
  6. Studying for NFHS Exam
  7. no airborne shooter
  8. IRS announces 2007 standard mileage rates Rates take effect Jan. 1, 2007
  9. Coverage Areas
  10. States/Associations requiring retest
  11. never heard this one before
  12. A Fond Farewell
  13. Rather New Official, Few Questions
  14. Flagrant AND Intentional?
  15. Backcourt violation?
  16. Backcourt violation
  17. High School Jump vs. AP
  18. How do tell your partner???
  19. eofficials.com
  20. NBA - Kind of impressed
  21. NFHS Part I Question
  22. help with a few nfhs test question
  23. Setting Initial Possession Arrow?
  24. Transition Foul BC Double Whistle - 3-man
  25. Help with Block or Charge
  26. Female Officials
  27. NBA Shirts
  28. NCAA Men - Double Technical Question
  29. A question for those of you who do both HS and college
  30. Girls rolling their shorts. Boys shorts 1/2 way down their butts.
  31. Medical paroblems: I always ask. Do you?
  32. Right from the start
  33. Camps next summer
  34. Making them stand still on a throw in?
  35. shooting or not shooting
  36. Three Point signal in 2 man crew
  37. fashion police?
  38. Jess Kersey
  39. ncaa-m ?
  40. Penalty Administration Question
  41. NBA signal question
  42. Bob Delaney
  43. 3 man ?
  44. Lane spaces?
  45. NCAA Running O.O.B. Violation
  46. On the subject of screw ups
  47. A question for IHSA officials
  48. You can tell it's still early
  49. Helping players up
  50. Just because nobody else has mentioned it
  51. Good pregame meeting
  52. Opening Games?
  53. NFHS Rule book in download format
  54. Throw In after Made Basket
  55. NFHS Rule Changes Power Point - Need copy
  56. Advice Urgently Needed
  57. Technical Foul
  58. Thrown Elbow - Live Ball vs. Dead Ball
  59. Backcourt/On the jump
  60. test question
  61. NFHS question 55
  62. Backcourt violation?
  63. Team Tech?
  64. 2006-07 NFHS Rule Book for Handheld PDAs
  65. Throw in spot
  66. shot hits support wire
  67. Travel or not?
  68. 2006/07 NFHS Basketball Exam Part I
  69. Wrong player correctable error
  70. NCAA-M - Arm Bar in the post
  71. Comparing Answers for 2006-2007 Exam
  72. Lack of Flagrant Signal
  73. 3 seconds
  74. Details
  75. push with ball
  76. 30-Second Time-Out
  77. Make the call and the signal
  78. Pass/intercept/crash - Sitch
  79. Pre-game conference (3-man)
  80. New NBA Uniform Rules
  81. Referee Gear
  82. The Superintendent Husband
  83. Not Basketball, But Another Parent on the Field
  84. Fouls?
  85. Men's Rec Leagues
  86. Traveling
  87. Goaltending?
  88. NFHS 2006 Part 1 TEST
  89. elbow(s)
  90. N.a.s.o.
  91. Player Control or not??
  92. Punch at the Table? ... again
  93. Do the game or not?
  94. Player pleads guilty in attack on official
  95. dribble/fumble/dribble
  96. Misinformation?
  97. Inadvertent Horn/Never like this before
  98. Business Cards
  99. Any rule changes in NFHS for 06-07?
  100. Oh, Adam, Hey, Adam...
  101. Dreaded BLARGE!
  102. order of free throws
  103. free throw/basket interference
  104. Pass to yourself??
  105. defensive steal
  106. fans on sideline
  107. Team Control Foul
  108. But my 7 year old is d1 material
  109. Call it or not?
  110. Need Help on this screw up
  111. New Shoes
  112. Understanding Types of fouls
  113. Relocating
  114. Opinions Sought
  115. Money issues
  116. time-out eavesdropping
  117. study guide question written late at night?
  118. Charge, but shot counts?
  119. New NCAA TO Rule
  120. never before seen incident...
  121. Timing snafu
  122. Totally off topic, but funny
  123. Airborne A1 Passes instead of Shooting...
  124. Keys on when to rotate as lead
  125. "The Basketball Fix"
  126. unusual play
  127. Seeking Training Materials...
  128. resumption of play
  129. one more from the study guide
  130. another study guide question
  131. Bicep Bands Revisited; WA officials
  132. 3-man
  133. IAABO Refresher Exam 2006 NO ANSWERS, available via email
  134. Questions
  135. double whistle and 2 different calls...
  136. Penalty for Delay
  137. Throwin Plane
  138. Suspension
  139. foul during free throw
  140. any ballers mind helping me out on this?
  141. "Thank God for officials who know the rules."
  142. intentional leaving the playing surface
  143. NFHS Rules Interpretations - Interntional Foul on the Offense
  144. Men's vs. Women's
  145. Tights II
  146. This one is on the clock
  147. So What Did We Decide? Or Did We?
  148. And don't call me Shirley....or Coach
  149. Advantage Disadvantage, Etc.
  150. at disposal?
  151. finer points of mechanics
  152. Dolphin Whistle?
  153. Inappropriate Acts
  154. Rule on tights...or not
  155. Tie Die Socks
  156. Old NFHS Exams?
  157. C.E. Situation ??
  158. Submitting the roster before the game
  159. Backcourt Violation
  160. Team Control Punch
  161. Rules Interpretation Meeting--Bicep Bands
  162. First game tonight
  163. Off-topic -- NCAA logos
  164. Fed Rule Interpretations
  165. Test Question
  166. Looks like the NBA's ready to start up again...
  167. Grant the timeout or not?
  168. substitutions
  169. New Adventure
  170. Resume
  171. Players are just getting out of control
  172. N. Va. Basketball Officials
  173. Tip on shot rebound
  174. Inbounding ball
  175. FIBA,NCAA, NFHS Rules...yes but again
  176. running up court
  177. VHSL Officials
  178. For Once I Agree with the French....
  179. Resumption of play
  180. Why "general" and "additional"?
  181. Quick Question
  182. travel
  183. team control signal for NFHS
  184. Backcourt violation?
  185. degree title
  186. A question from every year
  187. Survey Q - Toughest Call and why?
  188. OHSAA Survey
  189. Glasses
  190. some things are more important than money
  191. amazing what they don't know sometimes
  192. Comfort Level
  193. state coaches meetings
  194. Case play 7.1.1 is not correct
  195. Referee Magazine - July 2006
  196. Trivia Question/Simplified & Illustrated
  197. Goaltend??
  198. So Many Things to Remember
  199. Well shoot...
  200. I can't stop myself
  201. substitution question
  202. ball touches clothing
  203. Background info on teams
  204. Throw-in from the end line after a made basket.
  205. Correctable errors
  206. End of blowout antics
  207. First games of the year...
  208. Nike & Addidas Camps
  209. sub for a sub
  210. NCAA Pretest
  211. SEC Situation
  212. (H)air Controller.
  213. 3 man
  214. backcourt
  215. Player control/Blocking foul?
  216. New NCAA Test Format
  217. Boys tryout for girls teams.
  218. false double foul.....
  219. NCAA New Rule
  220. Travel or Not?
  221. Bumping the Cutter
  222. Question about players during T.O's
  223. Joining an Association
  224. Designated Throw in Spot violation Rule 7-62
  225. PC on a Tap
  226. Luggage????
  227. Post Play
  228. past fed rule changes
  229. Rough Play during Jump ball struggle
  230. throw-in fumble by A1
  231. First the US men, then the US women. . .
  232. dribble start with two hands
  233. Two Tough One's (NFHS)
  234. Travel or not??
  235. Link to a new rec league official's blog
  236. USA true to form
  237. Hey, Zeke, Woody, Chuck, Jeff, TJ, Bush, Brandan and anyone else...
  238. Rules Revisions/Additions
  239. 2007 NCAA rules
  240. 2nd-hand sitch
  241. AP or POI?
  242. web site
  243. NCAA Exams
  244. Was there a resolution in Kentucky?
  245. Correctable error
  246. 06-07 CCA men and women's manual
  247. Things that make you go hmmmmm...
  248. 2 T's on me?
  249. Distance travel for games
  250. Birthday Greeting

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