- You make the call.
- NFHS Question 68
- Six players in game
- Foul B1 , T on coach, another T and coach exits
- Coach out of box
- Maybe the biggest a-hole in the history of youth sports...
- Cincinnati Enquirer Article - They've earned their stripes
- Rule question
- Right way to handle this situation?
- Foul on who?
- violation?
- Ncaa-w
- substitute or not
- Has this happened to you?
- Part 1 Test Question
- Help Wanted: Annoying Mr. Grammar Guy
- OOB Traveling
- Help - Need a presentation topic
- Studying for NFHS Exam
- no airborne shooter
- IRS announces 2007 standard mileage rates Rates take effect Jan. 1, 2007
- Coverage Areas
- States/Associations requiring retest
- never heard this one before
- A Fond Farewell
- Rather New Official, Few Questions
- Flagrant AND Intentional?
- Backcourt violation?
- Backcourt violation
- High School Jump vs. AP
- How do tell your partner???
- eofficials.com
- NBA - Kind of impressed
- NFHS Part I Question
- help with a few nfhs test question
- Setting Initial Possession Arrow?
- Transition Foul BC Double Whistle - 3-man
- Help with Block or Charge
- Female Officials
- NBA Shirts
- NCAA Men - Double Technical Question
- A question for those of you who do both HS and college
- Girls rolling their shorts. Boys shorts 1/2 way down their butts.
- Medical paroblems: I always ask. Do you?
- Right from the start
- Camps next summer
- Making them stand still on a throw in?
- shooting or not shooting
- Three Point signal in 2 man crew
- fashion police?
- Jess Kersey
- ncaa-m ?
- Penalty Administration Question
- NBA signal question
- Bob Delaney
- 3 man ?
- Lane spaces?
- NCAA Running O.O.B. Violation
- On the subject of screw ups
- A question for IHSA officials
- You can tell it's still early
- Helping players up
- Just because nobody else has mentioned it
- Good pregame meeting
- Opening Games?
- NFHS Rule book in download format
- Throw In after Made Basket
- NFHS Rule Changes Power Point - Need copy
- Advice Urgently Needed
- Technical Foul
- Thrown Elbow - Live Ball vs. Dead Ball
- Backcourt/On the jump
- test question
- NFHS question 55
- Backcourt violation?
- Team Tech?
- 2006-07 NFHS Rule Book for Handheld PDAs
- Throw in spot
- shot hits support wire
- Travel or not?
- 2006/07 NFHS Basketball Exam Part I
- Wrong player correctable error
- NCAA-M - Arm Bar in the post
- Comparing Answers for 2006-2007 Exam
- Lack of Flagrant Signal
- 3 seconds
- Details
- push with ball
- 30-Second Time-Out
- Make the call and the signal
- Pass/intercept/crash - Sitch
- Pre-game conference (3-man)
- New NBA Uniform Rules
- Referee Gear
- The Superintendent Husband
- Not Basketball, But Another Parent on the Field
- Fouls?
- Men's Rec Leagues
- Traveling
- Goaltending?
- NFHS 2006 Part 1 TEST
- elbow(s)
- N.a.s.o.
- Player Control or not??
- Punch at the Table? ... again
- Do the game or not?
- Player pleads guilty in attack on official
- dribble/fumble/dribble
- Misinformation?
- Inadvertent Horn/Never like this before
- Business Cards
- Any rule changes in NFHS for 06-07?
- Oh, Adam, Hey, Adam...
- Dreaded BLARGE!
- order of free throws
- free throw/basket interference
- Pass to yourself??
- defensive steal
- fans on sideline
- Team Control Foul
- But my 7 year old is d1 material
- Call it or not?
- Need Help on this screw up
- New Shoes
- Understanding Types of fouls
- Relocating
- Opinions Sought
- Money issues
- time-out eavesdropping
- study guide question written late at night?
- Charge, but shot counts?
- New NCAA TO Rule
- never before seen incident...
- Timing snafu
- Totally off topic, but funny
- Airborne A1 Passes instead of Shooting...
- Keys on when to rotate as lead
- "The Basketball Fix"
- unusual play
- Seeking Training Materials...
- resumption of play
- one more from the study guide
- another study guide question
- Bicep Bands Revisited; WA officials
- 3-man
- IAABO Refresher Exam 2006 NO ANSWERS, available via email
- Questions
- double whistle and 2 different calls...
- Penalty for Delay
- Throwin Plane
- Suspension
- foul during free throw
- any ballers mind helping me out on this?
- "Thank God for officials who know the rules."
- intentional leaving the playing surface
- NFHS Rules Interpretations - Interntional Foul on the Offense
- Men's vs. Women's
- Tights II
- This one is on the clock
- So What Did We Decide? Or Did We?
- And don't call me Shirley....or Coach
- Advantage Disadvantage, Etc.
- at disposal?
- finer points of mechanics
- Dolphin Whistle?
- Inappropriate Acts
- Rule on tights...or not
- Tie Die Socks
- Old NFHS Exams?
- C.E. Situation ??
- Submitting the roster before the game
- Backcourt Violation
- Team Control Punch
- Rules Interpretation Meeting--Bicep Bands
- First game tonight
- Off-topic -- NCAA logos
- Fed Rule Interpretations
- Test Question
- Looks like the NBA's ready to start up again...
- Grant the timeout or not?
- substitutions
- New Adventure
- Resume
- Players are just getting out of control
- N. Va. Basketball Officials
- Tip on shot rebound
- Inbounding ball
- FIBA,NCAA, NFHS Rules...yes but again
- running up court
- VHSL Officials
- For Once I Agree with the French....
- Resumption of play
- Why "general" and "additional"?
- Quick Question
- travel
- team control signal for NFHS
- Backcourt violation?
- degree title
- A question from every year
- Survey Q - Toughest Call and why?
- OHSAA Survey
- Glasses
- some things are more important than money
- amazing what they don't know sometimes
- Comfort Level
- state coaches meetings
- Case play 7.1.1 is not correct
- Referee Magazine - July 2006
- Trivia Question/Simplified & Illustrated
- Goaltend??
- So Many Things to Remember
- Well shoot...
- I can't stop myself
- substitution question
- ball touches clothing
- Background info on teams
- Throw-in from the end line after a made basket.
- Correctable errors
- End of blowout antics
- First games of the year...
- Nike & Addidas Camps
- sub for a sub
- NCAA Pretest
- SEC Situation
- (H)air Controller.
- 3 man
- backcourt
- Player control/Blocking foul?
- New NCAA Test Format
- Boys tryout for girls teams.
- false double foul.....
- NCAA New Rule
- Travel or Not?
- Bumping the Cutter
- Question about players during T.O's
- Joining an Association
- Designated Throw in Spot violation Rule 7-62
- PC on a Tap
- Luggage????
- Post Play
- past fed rule changes
- Rough Play during Jump ball struggle
- throw-in fumble by A1
- First the US men, then the US women. . .
- dribble start with two hands
- Two Tough One's (NFHS)
- Travel or not??
- Link to a new rec league official's blog
- USA true to form
- Hey, Zeke, Woody, Chuck, Jeff, TJ, Bush, Brandan and anyone else...