- Reset shot clock before FT on correctable error?
- No official scorer till the 30-second point
- 5 point play???
- Calling a game
- First One in a long time
- Lessons Learned Again
- Coaches and No Rules Knowledge
- Pregame duties
- Dunking Clarification
- Talking to Coach's (NFHS advise)
- Assistant coach out of box?
- Hey, ref, this isn't football....
- Violet Palmer - camps??
- Wrestler Takes Official to Court Over Judgment Call
- How do you protect yourself in sports?
- backcourt violation
- Violation or not
- Throw in location issue
- Scorebook T - waste of paper?
- Attire
- Taunting Definition
- A little help!
- The R disqualifies the wrong player.
- the official kicked this T
- No Rim Violation on free throw
- Tie up, then a technical
- NFHS Double Foul
- 2 situations
- Stuck Net
- Referee Magazine - Great Article!!!
- Starting Them Off Wrong
- Tulane Jerseys
- Assistant Coach Instructing Players
- Techical Foul @ end of quarter, half
- Direct or team??
- 10 Second Rule
- Little help for a new guy
- What do u guys do?
- "I Want An Explanation"
- Contact after a shot is released
- Dear Coach......
- IAABO???
- Yet further proof
- Subs, T's and the Real world
- Travelling or not?
- court coverage
- Expect the Unexpected
- Quantifying referees a mysterious process
- Rule Book Phrases
- Legally leaving the court....
- Head Coach
- Game Management
- Idiotic fans
- Another Coaching Box Question
- TIme outs
- Injury Situation
- Dexter
- Ball hitting the back board
- Question
- What would you do?
- Is this legal?
- SEC Supervisor Ousted
- Coaching Box Location
- Not good
- Halfway there!! Now if the FED would listen. . .
- New mechanic for backcourt throw-in?
- Question
- What's the call?
- Technical Foul Free Throw Shooter
- contrasting undershirts
- Coaching Box Question
- Interesting Strategy
- What do you do now? (Table Issue)
- Old Topic Revisited -- The OC
- Fights & T's
- Elbows swinging
- Running end line question
- refs information???
- Blowouts
- Tying a Shoe
- Hand Checking
- Intentional/Flagrant
- Another question for ya
- Question
- FT Shooter wearing necklace
- Official Scorekeeper Question??
- Lets Talk Displacement
- Pregame for the Table
- Sell this one!
- The only thing more dangerous....
- Moving Screen Question
- Intentional foul during the shot
- throw in after goal
- NCAA question
- Coach Ejection
- My opinion
- Easy with the T's????
- Shirt Tuck rule
- Delay mech - They were shooting
- Are Coach's Tested?
- Interest play in Rec Ball
- NCAA Division I Officials
- player calls t.o. with none left
- NFHS mistake
- Sub situation
- Tattling
- Question...
- Part II
- inadvertent Whistle
- hockey mask
- Ohio HSAA Memo: "Basketball Officials Being Watched"
- NCAA Mechanics
- Technical foul and the coach
- Searching
- Why are you asking questions?
- Question posed by NCAA official
- legal shot or not?
- Teet or Teet Teet?
- Slap the back of the head or punch?
- BC at Maryland End of Game Sitch
- 30-seconds?
- Drop Step Traveling Call
- Messy situation, rule mistake
- NCAA Timing
- Technical
- Backcourt violation?
- T coach or throw out!!!
- Unknowingly shooting at wrong basket...
- 2 7 point games
- Starting with 4 on the floor....
- Waving off the last second basket....
- Unsportsmanlike?
- Assistant Coach -- Previous Topic
- Inbounding Question
- Duke/Texas/Billy Packer
- State Champioship!
- one and one
- Has anyone ever seen...
- Refresher
- Traveling
- penalty administration
- jurisdiction
- Alma Mater
- End of Game
- Should she ref it????
- Technical Foul
- HELP - NF Pt. 2
- Free Throw Administration
- Correctable Error Situation
- Scorebook question
- Mercy rule
- AP error
- Correactable error
- How many, if any?
- Is this reviewable?
- Instant replay in MN HS BB
- Throw in violation or not ?
- Funny story
- The value of a Reggie Bush signature?
- Passing to OOB Player after made Try
- Ball, Ball, Ball... Tell me it ain't so!
- 4 on 5
- coaching rule restriction
- Closely guarded question
- couple questions???
- 3 man vs 2 man
- Throw-In Violation
- Double foul on throw-in clarification
- A-10/ACC challenge
- Funny cartoon
- correctable error
- Foul...then intentional
- NCAA injured player
- 50 degrees and falling
- Long Switches
- Elementary Question
- Tongue Tied
- Quicker whistle, any advice?
- You Make the Call
- Something I have never had before
- The All-Crowd Boo
- Assistant coach off of bench yelling at partner
- Player touching rim in warmups
- Referee Magazine...
- Question regarding players switching on a free throw
- Middle School Coach Ejection
- Rumor that has been going around...
- Free Throw Administration Error
- I'm on-ball
- how do you watch a game...
- Mad as....
- First T, funny story
- Lower Level Games
- Subs during 1 and 1
- OMIGOD.....FEEBLE RULES! Shrimp on the barbie style!
- Gotta love indoor sports.... (Off-Topic)
- Shin Splints
- Sex Offender Found Officiating
- For Sale: 2 Pr New Sansabelt
- Bloody mess???
- clock problems
- Rookie runniung the scoreboard
- NF part 2 test
- Inconsistencies in cross-border reffing
- Seattle Official dies on the court
- Christmas Tourneys
- Amzing play but is it legal???
- Do you overrule yourself ?
- It's Never Simple
- HS Ref/Convicted Sex Offender
- Tech on coach, should have held the whistle…
- For PA refs
- Update on medical alert bracelet
- Referee shortage (good or bad)
- Insulin pumps and other health concerns
- Duke/VT ending
- Cliff Keen beltless, pleated pants for sale (never worn)
- New ref and T
- Off the Wall
- whats your choice?
- I Stink At Handling coaches
- NCAA last minute subs
- Congratulations, Gremlins
- Tech in Rec (2 parts)
- 5 Games....
- More NCAA Stuff...
- weird clock situation
- Fumble travel?
- Ponytails
- Hey Camron...
- You know it's going to be a long night when....
- Medical Alerts - question from a coach..
- illegal substitution or ejection?
- Continuous Motion or Not
- Foul During AP Throw-In
- Trouble telling players apart
- 2005-6 Captains Meeting Agenda
- from the mouth of coaches.....
- What's the restart?
- Training new officials quickly
- Traveling?
- Does anyone else have this problem?
- Official Wear to Site
- Officiating blog (Plug Alert!)
- Coaches Box Question
- Evaluation Help