- My crew kicked it...
- Anyone been to the Dale Kelley camp?
- On the Floor, et al
- brief, out of bounds but not yet...
- Team Control foul during try for goal?
- bench, players talking during free throw
- Mechanics
- Blocked shot with contact
- RPP and AP
- Last Night During High School Boys Game
- For Clarification and/or Correction...
- I thought I'd heard it all?
- Confessions of a first year
- Good or bad sportsmanship?
- Coach Apology
- First Varsity Game tonight...
- Theories on calling the game
- ms game... college atmospher
- Scoring Rule
- Hi coach, what are you doing here?
- "Let them play" part two
- Pitt-Duke Double Whistle
- violation
- Holidays
- Wild and crazy night
- Officials Staying Of Floor For Handshake
- Is this the worst call you have ever seen?
- Team or player control?
- Just when you thought you'd seen all jerky coach behavior...
- Home team scorer
- T or no T, part II
- T or not??
- Reaching for a T
- Timing Mishap
- Simultaneous Foul at end of Qtr.
- Girls V 3 on 3
- Does anyone do 3 whistle for sub-varsity...
- End of game "let them play"
- “Blow The Whistle on Cancer”
- Ball Handler Pushoff
- charged time-out
- Minnesota to Enforce Rules
- Between quarters
- Direct vs. Indirect
- NFHS Online Publications
- Can you be TOO crisp in your mechanics?
- Awful, awful basketball
- Shoving Match...
- Game time clock issue
- Christmas Time!!
- Awww what a night
- Coaches Can't Play Without Em?
- double foul?
- Part 2 question
- 5th Quarter
- What would you do?
- Young Officials
- Testing Formats
- Wish list
- 16-year old saves HS referee
- Basic Timing Question
- Pre-game Warm-ups
- Bitin' the bleachers
- My count is too fast
- AT&T to the rescue!!!
- Tips for starting sharp?
- Ahhh coaches..
- Better than Hoosiers
- NCAA starting the clock...
- Caller of the timeout
- Posible mechanics change for 2008,09
- players disposal
- Came across this site......very interesting.
- Official's Facial Hair
- General Questions- a couple unusual
- Time Out/Possession
- Hey, it looks like all ball to me
- Rule change?
- Proper Signal for Elbowing
- Name the arena
- Advantage - Disadvantage
- Try to avoid an intentional foul
- Rule Help
- Fan ejection
- It happened again...
- Well it finally happened....
- on a positive note...
- Wreck Disaster
- Huge Gym, Spot inbound play
- headband and manufacturer's logo
- What to do?
- I left one out there
- Weird start to new rec season
- What do you do???
- On the throw in
- Defender verbal during play.
- Help on Call
- Never happened to me before
- Socks
- Rule 10, NCAA
- Staccato Whistle
- You make the Call
- One for the forum
- Great games tonight for me
- Several Games In
- Illinois Officials Beware!!!!!!
- NBA 4-Person Mechanics
- How long before your first T to a coach?
- Sub situations
- Christmas help
- AP arrow
- Backpedal
- What happened to Screening Principles?
- "I can't play for this coach"
- Help with a situation
- Another backcourt question
- Can a player hang on the net?
- M&M / kenref1
- Question about simultaneous Ts.
- Things I forgot after 11 months away.....
- Fan abuse to player
- Awarding points on a throw in
- Backcourt violation?
- NF Part II
- A First Today with MTD, Jr.
- Goggles HELP!
- Youngest D-1 Officials
- Akansas, Little Rock
- Motivation to do the right thing
- Coach Issues
- a few quick quesions.
- Missouri Officials - thearbiter.net
- Did I handle my mistake correctly?
- Hammered!!
- Wet whistle.
- First time 3-man tonight
- Two Questions
- Double Header
- OK.. first highschool tonight.
- It Never Fails
- Throw-In ends, huh
- Thought I was in the wrong forum...
- New Rule
- NCAA Ejection Question...
- Calf band
- Simultaneous whistle / different calls?
- Point of Interuption for T During Throw In
- What exactly is the Button-Hook?
- Blogs...
- Hanging on Rim
- Officiating without a lanyard.....
- How would you handle it?
- 2 Questions - Part II - NFHS
- Inbounding Question
- staying sharp
- "Letting Them Play..."
- Pitt-UW: Refs Replay Gear
- Question about all these improper TOs
- Doh!
- Your call?
- Whistle on a throw-in
- Sounding Whistle to Acknowledge that Time has Expired
- Screening
- Dribbling during a Throw In
- Button-Hook
- Weird situation.
- shot not hitting the rim?
- Stalling...
- Funny Pregame
- History Repeats Itself
- Ugly game questions
- Whao Has the Final Say?
- Official correcting improper Time out call
- In bounding the the ball
- putting ball in play.....
- 6 men on the court
- Got my tests back...
- entering the court
- Injured player ... how do you
- Philosophy update...
- Looking for Association Ideas
- Best coach comment of the weekend
- Is the term "disconsortion"?
- Shooting or Not shooting
- Coaches Box
- Bad situation.
- Assignor question.
- Pennsylvania Question
- Lead Administers FT while Trail is substituting
- Blood on Uniform
- Flagrant T or just a T?
- Anybody watching MD/BC?
- Penalty for unauthorized leaving floor
- before the horn?
- Contratulatory contact w/FTer???
- TO Jumping OB???
- I affected a game I wasn't even working
- Finding a "good" video/DVD on 2 man mechanics"
- Going to be strange to take the court today...(agian)
- Coach talking trash!!
- Kassidys Birthday---swvaref's daughter
- HS Varsity
- The Diebler Update
- Sarcasm
- Five Second Count Screen
- Agree or not??
- Blarge in Wake Forest/UGA game
- "The turnover"
- 2-Person Mechanics Question
- backcourt violation or not
- Another Backcourt Sitch
- How to proceed?
- Officials Choice?
- Inadvertent Horn
- Best missed game check ever
- To 'T' or not to 'T'
- Brain Fart...
- When does the arrow change?
- Puke on Shoes??
- Non-airborne shooter?
- And I thought I had seen it all!
- 4-Point Play?
- Online Official's Manual
- New official - need assistance on rule
- Calling on Jurassic (and other wise officials)
- Screwed up with no time elapsed
- Observing the Handshake
- What's the procedure?
- bad to worse
- Good Lord...NEVER again...This time I mean it!
- Some fans are funny wise guys
- I can run but I can't hide
- Double Whistle
- How do you become a ref in Michigan?
- Referee Cronie
- 4-44 Article 3
- Top 10 remarks about officiating...
- Oh Boy! we have a mess!
- Travel or not...
- My "Savior"
- intentional foul
- Yikes! Five straight games!
- My fault...
- Defender hits dribbler's hand; ball goes OOB; Whatcha got?
- Time Out over OOB?
- A6 comes off bench
- Question...
- Sitch: FC throw-in near division line.
- Interesting Article
- 8 sec violation