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  1. My crew kicked it...
  2. Anyone been to the Dale Kelley camp?
  3. On the Floor, et al
  4. brief, out of bounds but not yet...
  5. Team Control foul during try for goal?
  6. bench, players talking during free throw
  7. Mechanics
  8. Blocked shot with contact
  9. RPP and AP
  10. Last Night During High School Boys Game
  11. For Clarification and/or Correction...
  12. I thought I'd heard it all?
  13. Confessions of a first year
  14. Good or bad sportsmanship?
  15. Coach Apology
  16. First Varsity Game tonight...
  17. Theories on calling the game
  18. ms game... college atmospher
  19. Scoring Rule
  20. Hi coach, what are you doing here?
  21. "Let them play" part two
  22. Pitt-Duke Double Whistle
  23. violation
  24. Holidays
  25. Wild and crazy night
  26. Officials Staying Of Floor For Handshake
  27. Is this the worst call you have ever seen?
  28. Team or player control?
  29. Just when you thought you'd seen all jerky coach behavior...
  30. Home team scorer
  31. T or no T, part II
  32. T or not??
  33. Reaching for a T
  34. Timing Mishap
  35. Simultaneous Foul at end of Qtr.
  36. Girls V 3 on 3
  37. Does anyone do 3 whistle for sub-varsity...
  38. End of game "let them play"
  39. “Blow The Whistle on Cancer”
  40. Ball Handler Pushoff
  41. charged time-out
  42. Minnesota to Enforce Rules
  43. Between quarters
  44. Direct vs. Indirect
  45. NFHS Online Publications
  46. Can you be TOO crisp in your mechanics?
  47. Awful, awful basketball
  48. Shoving Match...
  49. Game time clock issue
  50. Christmas Time!!
  51. Awww what a night
  52. Coaches Can't Play Without Em?
  53. double foul?
  54. Part 2 question
  55. 5th Quarter
  56. What would you do?
  57. Young Officials
  58. Testing Formats
  59. Wish list
  60. 16-year old saves HS referee
  61. Basic Timing Question
  62. Pre-game Warm-ups
  63. Bitin' the bleachers
  64. My count is too fast
  65. AT&T to the rescue!!!
  66. Tips for starting sharp?
  67. Ahhh coaches..
  68. Better than Hoosiers
  69. NCAA starting the clock...
  70. Caller of the timeout
  71. Posible mechanics change for 2008,09
  72. players disposal
  73. Came across this site......very interesting.
  74. Official's Facial Hair
  75. General Questions- a couple unusual
  76. Time Out/Possession
  77. Hey, it looks like all ball to me
  78. Rule change?
  79. Proper Signal for Elbowing
  80. Name the arena
  81. Advantage - Disadvantage
  82. Try to avoid an intentional foul
  83. Rule Help
  84. Fan ejection
  85. It happened again...
  86. Well it finally happened....
  87. on a positive note...
  88. Wreck Disaster
  89. Huge Gym, Spot inbound play
  90. headband and manufacturer's logo
  91. What to do?
  92. I left one out there
  93. Weird start to new rec season
  94. What do you do???
  95. On the throw in
  96. Defender verbal during play.
  97. Help on Call
  98. Never happened to me before
  99. Socks
  100. Rule 10, NCAA
  101. Staccato Whistle
  102. You make the Call
  103. One for the forum
  104. Great games tonight for me
  105. Several Games In
  106. Illinois Officials Beware!!!!!!
  107. NBA 4-Person Mechanics
  108. How long before your first T to a coach?
  109. Sub situations
  110. Christmas help
  111. AP arrow
  112. Backpedal
  113. What happened to Screening Principles?
  114. "I can't play for this coach"
  115. Help with a situation
  116. Another backcourt question
  117. Can a player hang on the net?
  118. M&M / kenref1
  119. Question about simultaneous Ts.
  120. Things I forgot after 11 months away.....
  121. Fan abuse to player
  122. Awarding points on a throw in
  123. Backcourt violation?
  124. NF Part II
  125. A First Today with MTD, Jr.
  126. Goggles HELP!
  127. Youngest D-1 Officials
  128. Akansas, Little Rock
  129. Motivation to do the right thing
  130. Coach Issues
  131. a few quick quesions.
  132. Missouri Officials - thearbiter.net
  133. Did I handle my mistake correctly?
  134. Hammered!!
  135. Wet whistle.
  136. First time 3-man tonight
  137. Two Questions
  138. Double Header
  139. OK.. first highschool tonight.
  140. It Never Fails
  141. Throw-In ends, huh
  142. Thought I was in the wrong forum...
  143. New Rule
  144. NCAA Ejection Question...
  145. Calf band
  146. Simultaneous whistle / different calls?
  147. Point of Interuption for T During Throw In
  148. What exactly is the Button-Hook?
  149. Blogs...
  150. Hanging on Rim
  151. Officiating without a lanyard.....
  152. How would you handle it?
  153. 2 Questions - Part II - NFHS
  154. Inbounding Question
  155. staying sharp
  156. "Letting Them Play..."
  157. Pitt-UW: Refs Replay Gear
  158. Question about all these improper TOs
  159. Doh!
  160. Your call?
  161. Whistle on a throw-in
  162. Sounding Whistle to Acknowledge that Time has Expired
  163. Screening
  164. Dribbling during a Throw In
  165. Button-Hook
  166. Weird situation.
  167. shot not hitting the rim?
  168. Stalling...
  169. Funny Pregame
  170. History Repeats Itself
  171. Ugly game questions
  172. Whao Has the Final Say?
  173. Official correcting improper Time out call
  174. In bounding the the ball
  175. putting ball in play.....
  176. 6 men on the court
  177. Got my tests back...
  178. entering the court
  179. Injured player ... how do you
  180. Philosophy update...
  181. Looking for Association Ideas
  182. Best coach comment of the weekend
  183. Is the term "disconsortion"?
  184. Shooting or Not shooting
  185. Coaches Box
  186. Bad situation.
  187. Assignor question.
  188. Pennsylvania Question
  189. Lead Administers FT while Trail is substituting
  190. Blood on Uniform
  191. Flagrant T or just a T?
  192. Anybody watching MD/BC?
  193. Penalty for unauthorized leaving floor
  194. before the horn?
  195. Contratulatory contact w/FTer???
  196. TO Jumping OB???
  197. I affected a game I wasn't even working
  198. Finding a "good" video/DVD on 2 man mechanics"
  199. Going to be strange to take the court today...(agian)
  200. Coach talking trash!!
  201. Kassidys Birthday---swvaref's daughter
  202. HS Varsity
  203. The Diebler Update
  204. Sarcasm
  205. Five Second Count Screen
  206. Agree or not??
  207. Blarge in Wake Forest/UGA game
  208. "The turnover"
  209. 2-Person Mechanics Question
  210. backcourt violation or not
  211. Another Backcourt Sitch
  212. How to proceed?
  213. Officials Choice?
  214. Inadvertent Horn
  215. Best missed game check ever
  216. To 'T' or not to 'T'
  217. Brain Fart...
  218. When does the arrow change?
  219. Puke on Shoes??
  220. Non-airborne shooter?
  221. And I thought I had seen it all!
  222. 4-Point Play?
  223. Online Official's Manual
  224. New official - need assistance on rule
  225. Calling on Jurassic (and other wise officials)
  226. Screwed up with no time elapsed
  227. Observing the Handshake
  228. What's the procedure?
  229. bad to worse
  230. Good Lord...NEVER again...This time I mean it!
  231. Some fans are funny wise guys
  232. I can run but I can't hide
  233. Double Whistle
  234. How do you become a ref in Michigan?
  235. Referee Cronie
  236. 4-44 Article 3
  237. Top 10 remarks about officiating...
  238. Oh Boy! we have a mess!
  239. Travel or not...
  240. My "Savior"
  241. intentional foul
  242. Yikes! Five straight games!
  243. My fault...
  244. Defender hits dribbler's hand; ball goes OOB; Whatcha got?
  245. Time Out over OOB?
  246. A6 comes off bench
  247. Question...
  248. Sitch: FC throw-in near division line.
  249. Interesting Article
  250. 8 sec violation

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