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  1. Free Throw Violation
  2. re jump?
  3. Made the call...messed up the free throws...
  4. Online Rule Book
  5. I hate the weather!
  6. Ever have a bad day affect your officiating?
  7. Fed vs FIBA
  8. Wild ending -- video review -- MN-SDSU women
  9. Time Outs
  10. What would you do.
  11. New Area
  12. You Make the Call
  13. Young Person Needing advice
  14. IHSA Mercy Rule?
  15. Jewelry 3-5-7
  16. "No, I tipped that in."
  17. Delay of game - end of 4th qtr
  18. Primary?
  19. What do you think..........
  20. I guess it was my turn.
  21. "Now you know"
  22. Pre-game Introduction
  23. Partner's HUUUUGE Blunder
  24. Administering False Double Fouls
  25. This never happen to me before--What would you do?
  26. confused sub
  27. Lightening the moment
  28. Sometimes I wonder
  29. NCAA Question
  30. Instinct Kicks In
  31. Headbands/Wrist Bands
  32. How would you handle this?
  33. Ohio State and Tennessee
  34. Good call ref
  35. backcourt violation??
  36. Good sportsmanship
  37. player coming off bench
  38. Incredible shot to win
  39. wrong ball
  40. Bump and run ?
  41. Closely Guarded Player
  42. Rookie-my hat is off to you veterans
  43. She dropped her clipboard?
  44. put 00.1 back on the clock?
  45. 24 Sec Violation
  46. get me out of this mess
  47. Airball!
  48. Is this traveling?
  49. Best High School Basketball
  50. Is this a successive time-out?
  51. Must teams remain in bench area during intermissions?
  52. Warm up dunks
  53. Correctible Error
  54. What the heck do you call????
  55. Rant on - Veteran Partner rule/mechanic misapplications
  56. Couple of basic questions
  57. Who's Ball ?
  58. Thanks Hostile Fans
  59. A board sighting.....2!
  60. Funny as hell situation!!!
  61. Double Violation?
  62. The fouls are 4-0, you know.
  63. Why I still do middle school basketball
  64. Captain's meeting
  65. running clock?
  66. College Basketball Referee Camps
  67. Swinging Elbows: Violation or Foul?
  68. Flex Belt......again!
  69. point discrepancy
  70. Football and Basketball at the same time?
  71. Direct Technicals to Bench Players
  72. self-evaluation form?
  73. ref or umpire
  74. 5 point play in NFHS?
  75. Continuous Motion
  76. Intentional Flagrant Personal Foul
  77. Tournament Assignments Being Made?
  78. Overtime
  79. How do you respond to coach who is right but an a** about it?
  80. So, do you use it?
  81. More props for BITS
  82. A bad situation for coaches.
  83. FIBA over and back
  84. Barking Assistant
  85. How would/do you handle this....
  86. Bilas's bright idea
  87. Two men down!
  88. Reporting Box
  89. Sub for FT shooter
  90. Slapping The Backboard
  91. Priorities
  92. Death of an Official
  93. How clever...
  94. A Tale of Two Games
  95. Happy Birthday, Mick.
  96. The ultimate ball-watcher
  97. And One, Double T
  98. Over and Back - Please help on this hard to find rule
  99. How Long do you hold your stop sign?
  100. Missed FT Violation - FYI
  101. When can the C make an over and back call?
  102. Would you talk to your assignor ?
  103. What would you do or say?
  104. Technical-Sub??
  105. I think I booted this one
  106. OT: Wow (BCS Championship)
  107. what concerns would you bring up to your assignor
  108. Too late to go back
  109. Threads being closed...
  110. 2 man crew positioning on free throws
  111. Long Island official arrested
  112. 1st varsity Tech awarded
  113. Timer fails to the start clock.....
  114. "BLARGE" in NFHS
  115. Bench Decorum
  116. Sending player out with one T (FIBA rules)
  117. Technical Shooter
  118. Fouling an inbounder who is not a thrower?
  119. What would you do?
  120. DVD Needed
  121. Teaching Lessons?
  122. Time-out Question (again)
  123. Intentional Fouls?
  124. Post dribble?
  125. Three-tenths of a second...Catch and shoot?
  126. Awkward Free Throw Form
  127. Fashion Police
  128. Unprofessional Comment ?
  129. My latest games with Juulie
  130. Shooting Foul with Technical Foul / How Many FTs?
  131. A board sighting....
  132. Traveling
  133. a rant on game management priorities
  134. A couple questions from today's games
  135. Intentional foul
  136. I wish they had a T for STUPID!
  137. Ref Punches Coach
  138. Team is not ready after half time
  139. shooting FTS confusion
  140. Slapping backboard
  141. Reffing bad teams
  142. Great Game - "Odd" Calls
  143. Why am I not surprised?
  144. New "Team Control" Signal
  145. Oh where Oh where...JCrow?
  146. Net Hung Up
  147. another backcourt question
  148. PDA Rulebook files
  149. offense penalized
  150. Getting ready for the Game
  151. Tattoos?
  152. two direct technicals
  153. Player Control Foul/Throw-In Violation
  154. Coach Ejected!
  155. Techical Foul-Ejection
  156. Held Ball Situation
  157. Basket Interference Problem
  158. What did the crew miss?
  159. Clean mechanics for a pre-game dunk
  160. where to get help as a new ref
  161. How patient is too patient?
  162. A good rules question.......
  163. Case Play from SEC Camp
  164. Warning/T for delay
  165. Was this done correctly?
  166. What would you do....
  167. Ready and waiting with the T
  168. Ramsay quote
  169. Eyepoke
  170. Ball held with legs
  171. Backwards Title IX at it again
  172. How do you get games?
  173. An exotic foul, or nothing?
  174. Disqualification
  175. First to touch on shot?
  176. College Question and observations.
  177. Unhappy South Dakota parents take coach to court
  178. Officials Responsibilities on Free Throws...?
  179. End Line Throw In
  180. Thought provoking back court question.
  181. Off topic-BCS Congrats
  182. Correct a "rules" error?
  183. Bob Delaney
  184. The 3 versus 2 fallacies, a mini-rant - "Part deux"
  185. Bob Knight's Latest
  186. Backcourt or not?
  187. Sad story and loss
  188. Long Toss Mechanics?
  189. Clock Questions
  190. Pay Fees
  191. more patient?
  192. 10 seconds
  193. "You're never going to get THAT call!"
  194. Whistle in hand
  195. Top 5 NBA refs of all time?
  196. The 3 versus 2 fallacies, a mini-rant
  197. Tip in at the buzzer
  198. OB situation
  199. hand checking
  200. Punching the ball
  201. Kind of off topic - another athlete busted for drugs
  202. Best buds???
  203. Arbiter to Outlook/Palm
  204. Shirt tucked in
  205. Fans on sideline is touched with ball
  206. JRut
  207. player with blood
  208. look for unit in the michigan area
  209. Refreshing comment from player/coach
  210. Three Blind Mice
  211. Oh, foot doctor?!
  212. Making the Call with Ronnie Nunn
  213. NFHS Website Help
  214. Was the ruling correct?
  215. Technical on Coach for Yelling at Partner
  216. TO before throw-in violation?
  217. Two injuries; two timeouts
  218. last second shot
  219. Overtime Chaos
  220. Position's of Ref's on Tech Foul Shots
  221. Uniform/Apparel Question
  222. The Blarge
  223. Holiday Tournaments
  224. Free Throw Lane Instruction
  225. When the FT shooter has the ball ...
  226. Official interference
  227. inadvertent whistle
  228. Well Does he?
  229. Vintage NBA questions
  230. Rules Question from a basketball coach...
  231. Top duo?
  232. granting time-out as player goes oob
  233. 3 Plays....Foul during free throw attempt
  234. Holiday quiz
  235. Coach late in bringing team out for 2nd half
  236. The Perfect Game
  237. Bobby Knight wannabes
  238. Tennessee/Texas 5sec. call
  239. Kill Throw-in
  240. NFHS Jacket
  241. Merry Christmas
  242. JV Coach Toss: Part Deux
  243. Time out positions - two man crew
  244. You make the call - part whatever
  245. Ready for the Break?
  246. Where is the outrage? (A little tongue and cheek)
  247. traveling question
  248. What would you do?
  249. concerned and curious
  250. Quiz question

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