- Free Throw Violation
- re jump?
- Made the call...messed up the free throws...
- Online Rule Book
- I hate the weather!
- Ever have a bad day affect your officiating?
- Fed vs FIBA
- Wild ending -- video review -- MN-SDSU women
- Time Outs
- What would you do.
- New Area
- You Make the Call
- Young Person Needing advice
- IHSA Mercy Rule?
- Jewelry 3-5-7
- "No, I tipped that in."
- Delay of game - end of 4th qtr
- Primary?
- What do you think..........
- I guess it was my turn.
- "Now you know"
- Pre-game Introduction
- Partner's HUUUUGE Blunder
- Administering False Double Fouls
- This never happen to me before--What would you do?
- confused sub
- Lightening the moment
- Sometimes I wonder
- NCAA Question
- Instinct Kicks In
- Headbands/Wrist Bands
- How would you handle this?
- Ohio State and Tennessee
- Good call ref
- backcourt violation??
- Good sportsmanship
- player coming off bench
- Incredible shot to win
- wrong ball
- Bump and run ?
- Closely Guarded Player
- Rookie-my hat is off to you veterans
- She dropped her clipboard?
- put 00.1 back on the clock?
- 24 Sec Violation
- get me out of this mess
- Airball!
- Is this traveling?
- Best High School Basketball
- Is this a successive time-out?
- Must teams remain in bench area during intermissions?
- Warm up dunks
- Correctible Error
- What the heck do you call????
- Rant on - Veteran Partner rule/mechanic misapplications
- Couple of basic questions
- Who's Ball ?
- Thanks Hostile Fans
- A board sighting.....2!
- Funny as hell situation!!!
- Double Violation?
- The fouls are 4-0, you know.
- Why I still do middle school basketball
- Captain's meeting
- running clock?
- College Basketball Referee Camps
- Swinging Elbows: Violation or Foul?
- Flex Belt......again!
- point discrepancy
- Football and Basketball at the same time?
- Direct Technicals to Bench Players
- self-evaluation form?
- ref or umpire
- 5 point play in NFHS?
- Continuous Motion
- Intentional Flagrant Personal Foul
- Tournament Assignments Being Made?
- Overtime
- How do you respond to coach who is right but an a** about it?
- So, do you use it?
- More props for BITS
- A bad situation for coaches.
- FIBA over and back
- Barking Assistant
- How would/do you handle this....
- Bilas's bright idea
- Two men down!
- Reporting Box
- Sub for FT shooter
- Slapping The Backboard
- Priorities
- Death of an Official
- How clever...
- A Tale of Two Games
- Happy Birthday, Mick.
- The ultimate ball-watcher
- And One, Double T
- Over and Back - Please help on this hard to find rule
- How Long do you hold your stop sign?
- Missed FT Violation - FYI
- When can the C make an over and back call?
- Would you talk to your assignor ?
- What would you do or say?
- Technical-Sub??
- I think I booted this one
- OT: Wow (BCS Championship)
- what concerns would you bring up to your assignor
- Too late to go back
- Threads being closed...
- 2 man crew positioning on free throws
- Long Island official arrested
- 1st varsity Tech awarded
- Timer fails to the start clock.....
- Bench Decorum
- Sending player out with one T (FIBA rules)
- Technical Shooter
- Fouling an inbounder who is not a thrower?
- What would you do?
- DVD Needed
- Teaching Lessons?
- Time-out Question (again)
- Intentional Fouls?
- Post dribble?
- Three-tenths of a second...Catch and shoot?
- Awkward Free Throw Form
- Fashion Police
- Unprofessional Comment ?
- My latest games with Juulie
- Shooting Foul with Technical Foul / How Many FTs?
- A board sighting....
- Traveling
- a rant on game management priorities
- A couple questions from today's games
- Intentional foul
- I wish they had a T for STUPID!
- Ref Punches Coach
- Team is not ready after half time
- shooting FTS confusion
- Slapping backboard
- Reffing bad teams
- Great Game - "Odd" Calls
- Why am I not surprised?
- New "Team Control" Signal
- Oh where Oh where...JCrow?
- Net Hung Up
- another backcourt question
- PDA Rulebook files
- offense penalized
- Getting ready for the Game
- Tattoos?
- two direct technicals
- Player Control Foul/Throw-In Violation
- Coach Ejected!
- Techical Foul-Ejection
- Held Ball Situation
- Basket Interference Problem
- What did the crew miss?
- Clean mechanics for a pre-game dunk
- where to get help as a new ref
- How patient is too patient?
- A good rules question.......
- Case Play from SEC Camp
- Warning/T for delay
- Was this done correctly?
- What would you do....
- Ready and waiting with the T
- Ramsay quote
- Eyepoke
- Ball held with legs
- Backwards Title IX at it again
- How do you get games?
- An exotic foul, or nothing?
- Disqualification
- First to touch on shot?
- College Question and observations.
- Unhappy South Dakota parents take coach to court
- Officials Responsibilities on Free Throws...?
- End Line Throw In
- Thought provoking back court question.
- Off topic-BCS Congrats
- Correct a "rules" error?
- Bob Delaney
- The 3 versus 2 fallacies, a mini-rant - "Part deux"
- Bob Knight's Latest
- Backcourt or not?
- Sad story and loss
- Long Toss Mechanics?
- Clock Questions
- Pay Fees
- more patient?
- 10 seconds
- "You're never going to get THAT call!"
- Whistle in hand
- Top 5 NBA refs of all time?
- The 3 versus 2 fallacies, a mini-rant
- Tip in at the buzzer
- OB situation
- hand checking
- Punching the ball
- Kind of off topic - another athlete busted for drugs
- Best buds???
- Arbiter to Outlook/Palm
- Shirt tucked in
- Fans on sideline is touched with ball
- JRut
- player with blood
- look for unit in the michigan area
- Refreshing comment from player/coach
- Three Blind Mice
- Oh, foot doctor?!
- Making the Call with Ronnie Nunn
- NFHS Website Help
- Was the ruling correct?
- Technical on Coach for Yelling at Partner
- TO before throw-in violation?
- Two injuries; two timeouts
- last second shot
- Overtime Chaos
- Position's of Ref's on Tech Foul Shots
- Uniform/Apparel Question
- The Blarge
- Holiday Tournaments
- Free Throw Lane Instruction
- When the FT shooter has the ball ...
- Official interference
- inadvertent whistle
- Well Does he?
- Vintage NBA questions
- Rules Question from a basketball coach...
- Top duo?
- granting time-out as player goes oob
- 3 Plays....Foul during free throw attempt
- Holiday quiz
- Coach late in bringing team out for 2nd half
- The Perfect Game
- Bobby Knight wannabes
- Tennessee/Texas 5sec. call
- Kill Throw-in
- NFHS Jacket
- Merry Christmas
- JV Coach Toss: Part Deux
- Time out positions - two man crew
- You make the call - part whatever
- Ready for the Break?
- Where is the outrage? (A little tongue and cheek)
- traveling question
- What would you do?
- concerned and curious
- Quiz question