- NCAA Officiating Camps
- Summer NCAA Basketball Camp
- Technical foul during free throw shooting
- tax code
- New Association Help!
- Substitution after official's time-out
- Summer Basketball Camp
- Pepe's third foul in Temple-Seton Hall game
- on-court video bball referee training system
- Did he get it right?
- How to become an official
- Timer's mistake at end of the game
- Tennessee-Louisiana game
- Here's One For Ya!?!
- Correctable error?
- Need info on camps
- scholarship for refereeing
- wheelchair basketball
- Virginia-Georgetown
- NCAA Shot Clock - Mens' vs. Womens'
- Referee Favoritism?????
- Block foul
- Not a travel
- Hack or hit, but not block IMHO
- New multimedia area--Outstanding!!
- Technical foul
- Technical fouls
- Gaffe in Referee Magazine
- Shot over the Backboard
- Starting and needing some info.
- Incredible mess at end of game
- Posession
- simple- returning to court
- silent saturdays
- summer ncaa camps in north east
- You make the call
- Strange jumpball situation
- Backboard Out of Bounds
- Granting Time-out
- Correctable Error
- NBA Mechanics
- travel or not
- State Championship Followup!!!!! YEEEEEHAAAAW
- if this is you....it's time to retire
- NFHS Rule Changes 2000-01
- Last 10 seconds on Indiana/Wisconsin Game
- 2 questions
- State Championship
- substitution after time-out?
- TO going OOB
- Held Ball
- 3 second violation
- i need a ruling on a tech
- Can ball cause foul?
- Rule Difference between NF and NCAA
- Time and Distance factor
- First time Officiating
- What's your call?
- Getting yelled at by your fiancee
- Court Position During Transition
- Basket at the Buzzer?
- Nine out of ten coaches can't be wrong!
- What would you call?
- Crowd Control
- Ball Out Of Bounds or Not
- Sex Offenders
- what would you do?
- Looking for referees for Colorado St. tourney
- SINGLE referee looking for mentor
- Another Backcourt Question
- you make the call...
- Backcourt Violation or not
- My Cop/Referee Game Management Analogy
- Shot/Game clock
- closely guarded and lack of suficeint action
- Why would you ???
- T at the half
- Throw-in violation
- Foul Shots at the end of an extra period
- oob?
- 10 second rule
- Is that a walk???
- No TO's for correctable error request . . .
- New guy looking for advice?
- media timeouts??
- Simultaneous Personal Fouls?
- Double Dribble our not?
- Proper Sequence
- One foot or Two
- Another dreaded backcourt
- Slam dunks
- End of period procedure
- goaltending
- scorebook
- Figure this one out!
- Using a double-foul to bait out
- Out of bounds
- What to do?
- Why I Ref
- Mulitple Foul
- ten second count
- Does it count?
- travel or not
- Running the Endline
- Bringing veteran and young officials together
- Point Value / Technical Foul questions
- Clarification
- Closely Guarded count
- A Clock Question
- Bad time to kick one...
- Coach/referees
- Calling with a hot head official
- who jumps
- Should I T?
- "that's not a walk!"
- Hands in the face
- Hard Foul
- Allow sub or not?
- A Few Questions
- 2 Questions
- Most misunderstood rules
- Harmon Camp
- assistant coach in a whellchair on the court
- Basketball Referee Examination Test
- I have a question:
- Would you enforce this one?--Palm Pilot IV
- Rules for 5th - 6th grade level
- cheer me up
- Pickup game argument -airballs
- Backcourt
- season over
- lane voilation
- Old Dogs Learn New Trick
- Tattoos
- count basket or not
- Throw in spot on Backcourt violation
- Inaverdant Whistle
- Follow the rulebook or make it right?
- Calling a Timeout.....
- Clock Didn't Start......
- Airball - held ball, you make the call
- stopping the game clock
- Free Throw
- Communication!
- Delay of game warning
- why so many calls on the thread below??
- Intentional Fouls = Ejections
- Slapping the Backboard
- Lesson Learned
- Questions!
- Backcourt or not
- Don't wish for this !
- You make the call II
- You make the call
- Is this a violation
- "Part of the game"
- rules clinics for more consistency
- NBA Referrees
- Assigning info
- Jim Blackwood's Comments to Officials
- what's the call?
- Lane violation or not
- Inbound violation ?
- getting started
- when you do not agree w/ your partner
- game clock reset??
- Player Control Foul
- Rules??
- Correctable error
- Out of Uniform
- wrong basket
- Checking the book--and there isn't one yet
- All by myself
- Basketball camps?
- Fouls out of bounds.
- throw in after back court
- Backcourt or not?
- Time out or violation
- Inadvertent Whistle
- Opening Tip
- Dead Ball Free Throw
- Only 4 players...Technical?
- Another "T" situation?
- Shooting at wrong basket
- Backcourt violation?
- Injured player, sub FT
- Procedure at the end of the 1st quarter
- Backcourt
- Pregame
- Shot Clock Reset?
- travel?
- Lane Violation
- Lane Violations
- inbound violation?
- What to do?
- Throw in - no touch!
- Backcourt or not?
- San Francisco
- Questions from a coach
- Technical or not?
- violation or not
- ruling on an inbounds pass???
- ruling on an inbounds pass???
- Looking for officials in Bloomington, IN
- Coaches yelling at each other
- Free Throw Violation
- intentional & 2 T's
- Dead Ball?
- Successive Timeouts
- visual counts
- Closely Guarded
- injured player
- Stalling the Game
- free throw administration
- Displacing player into shooter
- traveling
- Backcourt Violation Or Not?!?
- Correctable error situation?
- What would you do?
- Another great partner quote
- Newspaper's Sports Editors
- Working the Super Bowl..................
- NFHS Examinations
- personality
- What's the Law of the Land Regarding...
- I bet we've all wanted to do this!
- faceguarding
- talking to coaches
- who's responsible
- i'm a rookie
- Call it or Not
- goaltending
- Knock It Off!!!
- Inadvertent Whistle...?
- "T" and the bonus
- 1998 IAABO Refresher Exam Answers
- Is "1" a legal uniform number?
- Pre-Game Meeting
- Shoes
- Web Page Piracy
- To reverse or not
- "You are all crooks"