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  1. Restricted Area Review?
  2. I hope I never have a night like this again...
  3. Bang-bang
  4. Technical foul called on replay
  5. Rsbq
  6. Maybe I shouldn't play...
  7. Let the Coach Handle Him
  8. Set shot - act of shooting
  9. KU at Baylor Bi-Annual Report (soon to be annual)
  10. One and one signal
  11. Just the T, or straight to the bench?
  12. Designated Throw in spot?
  13. Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley don't know rule for Jump Stop. video
  14. Duke/UNC
  15. Get a suitcase when you travel
  16. Team T'd for Wearing Pink
  17. Stop the presses!!!
  18. Ejected Coach Rules Clarification
  19. backcourt
  20. Where is the best officiated basketball played?
  21. I must have forgot to set the alarm
  22. Help - Leadership Training
  23. Rebound coverage
  24. Lanyard or No lanyard
  25. Foot Stomp
  26. I learned a new rule today...
  27. grasping the basket
  28. Time out??
  29. Situational Officiating
  30. NCAA-W... rebounding foul on made shot
  31. Player counts out loud
  32. NCAA OOB Case Play?
  33. DOG v T
  34. Backcourt...Again
  35. NHSF "intentional" vs NCAA "flagarent" terminology
  36. Failure to award a second free throw
  37. Dead Ball Foul
  38. Reporting Fouls to table
  39. Communication Help
  40. 5th foul
  41. Flagrant Fouls
  42. Foul after shot
  43. Double Foul on Same Team
  44. Disqualified Player
  45. Pregame meeting with captains
  46. "And 1" a bad call?
  47. player control
  48. Final play of game
  49. ball contacts a coach
  50. Working at school where wife works.
  51. End of game intentional delay
  52. Down goes Frazier...
  53. Electronics on the bench
  54. Someone from this forum in the NBA
  55. What do you have (block/charge)?
  56. Attention shoppers
  57. 3-Person Mechanic Question
  58. Hats off to our brother officials in Football
  59. Bad Clock Operator
  60. Game clock shows time remaining in time-out -- against the rules?
  61. Non-shooting foul end of quarter
  62. new to area
  63. NCAA W Sub Question
  64. This is a "complaint"? You're kidding, right.
  65. "Obliquely"???
  66. Travelling, Held Ball, or nothing.
  67. Simultaneous whistles
  68. NCAA Women
  69. Grand opening!
  70. When is the alarm going to go off?
  71. Shake you head moments this season
  72. Tell us what you really think?
  73. Quick backcourt question
  74. This week's highlights
  75. Really late kids rec game
  76. Player T and Team T = Simultaneous?
  77. Oops, wrong basket
  78. whistle to end period
  79. Arizona v. California
  80. A light diversion to start the weekend
  81. Backcourt violation?
  82. First Game in Gray
  83. Something's in the water
  84. Pregame ?Agenda???
  85. Technical Fouls???
  86. What are your pet peeves about other officials?
  87. 7'5" — Tallest HS Player in the World — Mamadou Ndiaye
  88. OOB pass to teamate?
  89. T, or not to T
  90. 2 Questions
  91. OT - player's sister's remark cracks me up
  92. My latest favorite
  93. Why?
  94. I finally made it
  95. Head injury
  96. Well, It Finally Happened ...
  97. Anyone we know?
  98. Clock management in high school game (no shot clock)
  99. Off Ball Foul, Basket Counts?
  100. Weird finish
  101. 7 days, 40 games
  102. T for a flop?
  103. Clock Question
  104. Inbound question
  105. Backcourt Violation Question
  106. Rec AC is ex-NBA player!
  107. Correctable Error
  108. Sub at the table and Time Out Requested
  109. My night in GIGDGO-land
  110. Ending Illinois-MSU
  111. Problems with AAU
  112. Basket counted that did not go in
  113. Head and Shoulder (insert dandruff joke here)
  114. back court question from MU v Tex game
  115. Thank heaven for good partners.
  116. Aau
  117. designated spot after a timeout
  118. Official error # FT's
  119. Coach's box and Bench set up
  120. Help-Brain freeze
  121. Mechanics Poll
  122. My first Buzzer Beater
  123. Intentional or not?
  124. Throw-in & thrower location OB
  125. Accidental Granted Time-out
  126. Running Backwards
  127. Suggested rules change
  128. Bobbled pass
  129. What do you have in this situation?
  130. Slippery soles
  131. This time of year can bring out the worst in coaches, BUT not always.....
  132. Broadcaster made mistake during Stanford/Cal game tonight(3 point line)
  133. When in Rome...
  134. They wine about same thing!
  135. I love blowouts
  136. Funny exchange during game
  137. Request for help please from Australia
  138. Make The Call: Ronnie Nunn
  139. 3 seconds
  140. legal play?
  141. Occupy Jump Balls ...
  142. New Pants
  143. L in Three-Person "Reaching Across the Lane"???
  144. My New #1 Myth
  145. Multiple Foul
  146. opening tip
  147. What in the world is that noise?
  148. BYU/St. Mary's
  149. 4 players
  150. free throw
  151. Intermission Dunking T
  152. Season Rapidly Coming to a Close
  153. Admin Technical & Free Throw???
  154. Syracuse/WVA ending
  155. Duke St. John's
  156. I can't remember this ever happening before
  157. D.o.g.
  158. (#33) arrives late
  159. You never know...
  160. Bang.....bang!!!
  161. John Adams on Unsporting Behavior
  162. Not facing the opponent
  163. Player in book not at game at beginning
  164. What Do You Have?
  165. Book error technical and Coach's box
  166. First time for me
  167. How soon on a correctable error?
  168. I just saw this
  169. Achilles Injury
  170. Another First
  171. Point of Interruption or Not?
  172. Upgrading
  173. Anything on this?
  174. I Was Embarrassed Last Night
  175. Time out with foul?
  176. To T or not to T
  177. Duke/Maryland 2 Leads
  178. solve an argument: contact in the post
  179. Terrible lack of awareness
  180. Rookiedude - Followup Question
  181. Advice for our members
  182. Net
  183. Double or False Double?
  184. On The Floor Is The Appropriate Description Here ...
  185. Pleasant Surprise
  186. Play On?
  187. Hard contact, no foul... You know what happens next...
  188. Another descendant.
  189. What Would You Ask??
  190. NCAA D1 Basketball Officials
  191. Point of Interruption ?
  192. Where's APG at?
  193. Alternating Possession
  194. ROP, twice in one game
  195. Violation?
  196. Three for the opponent?
  197. dead ball foul
  198. Where would you stand?
  199. Concussion
  200. Well, it happened.
  201. Promotion
  202. Charge???
  203. Foul inside 0.3 seconds...
  204. Posture
  205. Double T
  206. Blarge
  207. Flagrant foul
  208. Who makes the call?
  209. Foul question
  210. Three Firsts for a Newbie Last Nigh
  211. NCAA Rule?
  212. Has Anyone Tried This Stuff?
  213. Today We Will Not . . .
  214. Best Game of my Season
  215. sub
  216. "I don't know what that means." (LGP)
  217. Looking for officials in Metro Atlanta, SC, TN & AL
  218. Flagrant 1 Technical Foul
  219. Need feedback
  220. You just never know
  221. Delay of Game Situation / Ruling
  222. OT - HoopSource, a successful kids rec league
  223. 5 sec throw-in violation
  224. 3 seconds
  225. Awarding a Free Throw During Disqualification
  226. Side Line Plays
  227. Thoughts?
  228. Wrong way lineup at tip
  229. Cancellation with a twist
  230. itchy
  231. Official Attacked
  232. 2 or 3 points?
  233. Help on this ref mistake.
  234. An "Interesting" T
  235. Is this taught in camp?
  236. travel?
  237. I need closure
  238. Wrong FT Admininstration
  239. Getting paid
  240. Backcourt Violation Play
  241. Dunk in pregame
  242. Throw-In Violation or Not?
  243. Clock running out
  244. Anyone worked a blowout this bad?
  245. Should I have called a Tech?
  246. Hey - watch that player (not what you think)
  247. Ref the defense - then what?
  248. JV Games
  249. Love The Game
  250. "Quiet" Night @ the "Office"...

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