Originally posted by Donkey
A thrower-in hands the ball to a teammate. Both are touching it at the same time. I know the ball goes to the opponent but...
Where in the NFHS rules does it state this rule at the throw-in or at anytime during the game that two teammates cannot have the ball at the same time?
Handing the ball to a teammate inbounds during a throw-in is not allowed.
7.6.3 Situation B: During an attempted throw-in, A1: (a) holds the ball through the plane of the end line and then passes it; (b) steps through the plane (makes contact with the floor inbounds) before passing the ball to A2; or
(c) holds the ball through the plane and hands it to A2. RULING: A legal throw-in in (a), but a throw-in violation in (b) and (c).
While the ball is already inbounds it may be jointly controlled by teammates.
4.43.2 Situation B: Airborne A1 and A2 jointly grab the rebound and each alights simultaneously on both feet. A1 and A2 each move one foot in attempting to wrestle the ball from each other before realizing they are teammates. A1 lets go and A2 dribbles away. RULING: Legal. There has been no violation as neither A1 or A2 moved their pivot foot while they were in joint control.