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  1. Point Of Emphasis
  2. help
  3. Here we go again...
  4. For FIBA officials (here we go again)
  5. OT - congrats to these girls
  6. 2010 Rule books
  7. SF Pro Am- foul or no call
  8. Rotosole Shoes
  9. Illegal Uniforms ???
  10. Rec league rule dilemma
  11. Illegal Dribble
  12. Am I correct?
  13. Video Clips
  14. Stripes for $10 - $12 from The OfficialsChoice
  15. OT - Diebler not avaliable
  16. "This is my livelihood..."
  17. Game Tape
  18. In a sentence
  19. Somewhat OT - Use of the Forum Search Tool
  20. OT - but heartwarming
  21. OT--A Sad Surprise
  22. New Elbow Rule
  23. Official's Association/Board near Durham NH?
  24. To ref, or not to ref
  25. Too quick?
  26. Very cool and had to share
  27. Misunderstood Rules
  28. Do we shoot FT or is the game over?
  29. Moved to Joplin, MO
  30. Ejection ...
  31. ABA Basketball
  32. Rules differences
  33. OT--I didn't like this
  34. This past weekend in Vegas
  35. Why didn't I think of this?
  36. Injured player w/ possession of the ball
  37. OT - sad story about Dean Smith
  38. How do you handle a fight?
  39. Pivot foot question
  40. Scorer's Horn During Live-Ball
  41. Mechanics: NCAA Men vs Fed
  42. Online NFHS Rulebook?
  43. Canadian reffing NBA Summer League
  44. Question @Drive to the Basket
  45. Jump stop vs "up and down"
  46. Sports Drinks and/or H2O?
  47. Double Foul
  48. rebound, pass
  49. 5 T's in 2 days plus an ejection
  50. OT: NCAA First Four concept
  51. NBA Summer League
  52. Goaltending vs Basket Interference
  53. Position on Court
  54. Please Help ...
  55. worst FT violation ever
  56. Cap and Lebron Rant
  57. OT - lacrosse
  58. Technical Foul ???
  59. Gonzalez arrested on shoplifting charge
  60. Assault on an Official
  61. OT - boy how the game has changed
  62. OT - NBA sold!
  63. The Fourth Of July Came On July Fifth This Year ...
  64. Little help here?
  65. The Reason We Officiate
  66. Basketball Slacks
  67. ABA Tryouts
  68. NCAA question
  69. illegal dribble?
  70. Summer Ball - all this fun and I get paid too?
  71. OT - concession stands at games
  72. OT - Joey Crawford commits a foul!
  73. Rebounding Play
  74. TACOT (totally and completely off topic) but funny
  75. Things I learned at camp
  76. Block/Charge
  77. OT - kids displaying basketball skills
  78. OT - funny NBE comment
  79. PC foul or not?
  80. Technical Foul
  81. Block/Player Control/No Call
  82. end of game
  83. can't have offensive "kicking" violation?
  84. Rule change discussion tonight - need your advice
  85. Correctable Error
  86. One T or two - if one, on who?
  87. Climbing on opponent to gain greater height
  88. camp do's & dont's
  89. OT - Happy Fadders Day
  90. Delay of Game
  91. That wasn't the call, coach
  92. OT: Taking sports too seriously
  93. Summer Ball
  94. Feedback on coach interaction
  95. OT - Funny stuff
  96. Unsporting Tech
  97. Hey shot clock guys
  98. Pre-season workout advice
  99. 5 second call in the backcourt
  100. Tim Donaghy critiques the officiating in the NBA finals
  101. OT - Salutatorian
  102. OT - former girls basketball coach pleads not guilty
  103. airborne player--travel or no?
  104. Player/official interaction
  105. Historical Question - Who are these referees ?
  106. OT-Article on Questionable Calls in NBA
  107. When a block is a foul
  108. as a crew...
  109. Camcorder Recommendation?
  110. Excessive swinging of elbows
  111. NCAA Changes
  112. OT - referee comments on Law & Order
  113. Survey says.....
  114. Pick and Roll Rule
  115. OT - NBE to lose $400,000,000
  116. kick 'im while he's down
  117. Coach physically intimidating an opposing player
  118. A Legend Passes On.
  119. OT: Hey, Padgett
  120. Goatending?
  121. Stupidity = Worst Win ever
  122. OT - Oregon State fires womens basketball coach
  123. First Time: 9-2-6 violation
  124. "I'm 52 years old, and in all my years..."
  125. Single Person Mech
  126. Good Sportsmanship
  127. Watch Those Arms...
  128. Is this common in your neck of the woods?
  129. Memorial Day ...
  130. Reflections on the past week men's rec tourney
  131. Who notifies the coach about a disqualified player?
  132. Leg Tap
  133. OT - basketball movies
  134. E-mail Hacked
  135. OT - NBA telethon
  136. Perkins Ejection
  137. Flagrant Technicals
  138. Tim Donaghy interview
  139. Backcourt question
  140. Halftime score 36-3!
  141. What is that league teaching its officials?
  142. Why call traveling? It's the NBE.
  143. Two for the newbies, or anyone else
  144. It never ends
  145. Intentional or excessive intentional
  146. The Ancient One asked for it
  147. Three things to watch in a single play
  148. intentional vs flagrant
  149. "Spirit of the Rules"
  150. OT - former NBE player wins primary election
  151. #10 on the FIBA exam
  152. Joe DeRosa
  153. Technical or no Technical?
  154. Travel Game Follie
  155. Illegal Screen/Intentional Foul
  156. this ALMOST happened...
  157. Wrong Number In Book ???
  158. Spring league follies part 2
  159. OT - Was this story about Bobby Knight or wasn't it?
  160. A ten second five second count?
  161. Cancel or Continue???
  162. NBE - Phil Jackson's At It Again.......
  163. spurned rules changes
  164. Did you see this?
  165. Defensive Blind Screen?
  166. OT- Hiring Committee
  167. Don't Hit Me!!!
  168. More spring league follies
  169. Protecting the Shooter
  170. OT - Attendance Down in D1 Hoops
  171. OT - crossword clue
  172. Uniform/jewelry police - the pain
  173. Camp Info
  174. Would you ref solo in summer league
  175. Illegal player
  176. Zero, double zero, triple zero!
  177. Twenty four or two four?
  178. Advantage/disadvantage and stopping the clock
  179. Still Controversial...to the Defender
  180. Loud Slap
  181. Block, Charge or No Call
  182. Protest Accepted...Now What???
  183. Partner told me this today
  184. Offcourt Issues
  185. New Experience
  186. A scorekeeper after my own heart
  187. Tell me if I kicked it...
  188. The March to 'Madness'
  189. Proper to laugh at a coach
  190. Unapproachable Coach vs. Unapproachable Ref
  191. NBA alternate official takes the court
  192. NFHS Rule Change Basketball Press Release
  193. OT - Office politics
  194. Coach's Nightmare - Officials Making Up Rules
  195. 2010-11 NFHS Rule Changes
  196. Another One Bites the Dust.....
  197. was that travelling?
  198. I love it when this happens
  199. ref clinic?
  200. New WIAA Regulation for next year
  201. How many coaches.....
  202. AAU Follies ...
  203. Question for "26 Year Gap"
  204. Mixed emotions
  205. Let The Fun Begin..
  206. keep 'em on the court
  207. Quick Quesetion
  208. inbound pass hits backboard
  209. Crash course for NCAA Women's rules
  210. More NBE Officiating Follies.....
  211. Bulls/Cavs- changed call?
  212. Referee's uniforms sponsored
  213. 2010 NBA Playoff Referees
  214. Examples of ambiguous T/F questions from the NF exam
  215. Basketball Trivia
  216. Cancellations of Equal Penalties
  217. Who books summer rec/AAU in South Charlotte?
  218. Dribbling During Inbounds Plays
  219. What happened to Padgett's BI thread?
  220. OT - basketball and politics?
  221. Rules Committe Met? anybody got inside info?
  222. A good idea for the NCAA expansion
  223. More spring league fun ahead!
  224. "Go Ahead, Make My Day!"
  225. OT- speaking of jump stops
  226. Nike Elite Officials Camp (LA)
  227. He's got legs, he knows how to use them ...
  228. Sweating
  229. Utah/Denver Shot Clock Violation
  230. Ya' gotta love spring league
  231. jump stop...travelling call???
  232. Halftime Buzzer Beater situation
  233. Toughest Calls
  234. Maybe the best game ever
  235. Did I Call This Correctly?
  236. Interesting news!
  237. Reference Material
  238. Watch Your Step
  239. be a lead camp?
  240. OT - hockey fact
  241. on the ground shot
  242. Time Out!
  243. 70-8 !!!
  244. How's this for a pre-game meeting?
  245. Bilas, et al could learn a lot from this guy
  246. Dallas v. Portland-NBA
  247. OT - but i love it
  248. Imagine having to make this call
  249. Assignor insults me!
  250. Was it a foul, or not?

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