- Help with 7-1-1
- Appropriateness
- I need help with this one...
- Copy of the NFHS Test (no not the answers)
- Happy Labor Day ...
- Rule Changes/POEs for 2010-2011
- Australian Rules Football--I know, I know, just read the article.
- Officials are role models?
- Commentary
- OT - we want to give away basketballs
- pages?
- OT-Different approaches between sports officials?
- Shelding an opponet
- OT - you think you're weird?
- NCAA-W Shot Clock
- HS Associations - Training Programs
- Point Of Emphasis
- help
- Here we go again...
- For FIBA officials (here we go again)
- OT - congrats to these girls
- 2010 Rule books
- SF Pro Am- foul or no call
- Rotosole Shoes
- Illegal Uniforms ???
- Rec league rule dilemma
- Illegal Dribble
- Am I correct?
- Video Clips
- Stripes for $10 - $12 from The OfficialsChoice
- OT - Diebler not avaliable
- "This is my livelihood..."
- Game Tape
- In a sentence
- Somewhat OT - Use of the Forum Search Tool
- OT - but heartwarming
- OT--A Sad Surprise
- New Elbow Rule
- Official's Association/Board near Durham NH?
- To ref, or not to ref
- Too quick?
- Very cool and had to share
- Misunderstood Rules
- Do we shoot FT or is the game over?
- Moved to Joplin, MO
- Ejection ...
- ABA Basketball
- Rules differences
- OT--I didn't like this
- This past weekend in Vegas
- Why didn't I think of this?
- Injured player w/ possession of the ball
- OT - sad story about Dean Smith
- How do you handle a fight?
- Pivot foot question
- Scorer's Horn During Live-Ball
- Mechanics: NCAA Men vs Fed
- Online NFHS Rulebook?
- Canadian reffing NBA Summer League
- Question @Drive to the Basket
- Jump stop vs "up and down"
- Sports Drinks and/or H2O?
- Double Foul
- rebound, pass
- 5 T's in 2 days plus an ejection
- OT: NCAA First Four concept
- NBA Summer League
- Goaltending vs Basket Interference
- Position on Court
- Please Help ...
- worst FT violation ever
- Cap and Lebron Rant
- OT - lacrosse
- Technical Foul ???
- Gonzalez arrested on shoplifting charge
- Assault on an Official
- OT - boy how the game has changed
- OT - NBA sold!
- The Fourth Of July Came On July Fifth This Year ...
- Little help here?
- The Reason We Officiate
- Basketball Slacks
- ABA Tryouts
- NCAA question
- illegal dribble?
- Summer Ball - all this fun and I get paid too?
- OT - concession stands at games
- OT - Joey Crawford commits a foul!
- Rebounding Play
- TACOT (totally and completely off topic) but funny
- Things I learned at camp
- Block/Charge
- OT - kids displaying basketball skills
- OT - funny NBE comment
- PC foul or not?
- Technical Foul
- Block/Player Control/No Call
- end of game
- can't have offensive "kicking" violation?
- Rule change discussion tonight - need your advice
- Correctable Error
- One T or two - if one, on who?
- Climbing on opponent to gain greater height
- camp do's & dont's
- OT - Happy Fadders Day
- Delay of Game
- That wasn't the call, coach
- OT: Taking sports too seriously
- Summer Ball
- Feedback on coach interaction
- OT - Funny stuff
- Unsporting Tech
- Hey shot clock guys
- Pre-season workout advice
- 5 second call in the backcourt
- Tim Donaghy critiques the officiating in the NBA finals
- OT - Salutatorian
- OT - former girls basketball coach pleads not guilty
- airborne player--travel or no?
- Player/official interaction
- Historical Question - Who are these referees ?
- OT-Article on Questionable Calls in NBA
- When a block is a foul
- as a crew...
- Camcorder Recommendation?
- Excessive swinging of elbows
- NCAA Changes
- OT - referee comments on Law & Order
- Survey says.....
- Pick and Roll Rule
- OT - NBE to lose $400,000,000
- kick 'im while he's down
- Coach physically intimidating an opposing player
- A Legend Passes On.
- OT: Hey, Padgett
- Goatending?
- Stupidity = Worst Win ever
- OT - Oregon State fires womens basketball coach
- First Time: 9-2-6 violation
- "I'm 52 years old, and in all my years..."
- Single Person Mech
- Good Sportsmanship
- Watch Those Arms...
- Is this common in your neck of the woods?
- Memorial Day ...
- Reflections on the past week men's rec tourney
- Who notifies the coach about a disqualified player?
- Leg Tap
- OT - basketball movies
- E-mail Hacked
- OT - NBA telethon
- Perkins Ejection
- Flagrant Technicals
- Tim Donaghy interview
- Backcourt question
- Halftime score 36-3!
- What is that league teaching its officials?
- Why call traveling? It's the NBE.
- Two for the newbies, or anyone else
- It never ends
- Intentional or excessive intentional
- The Ancient One asked for it
- Three things to watch in a single play
- intentional vs flagrant
- "Spirit of the Rules"
- OT - former NBE player wins primary election
- #10 on the FIBA exam
- Joe DeRosa
- Technical or no Technical?
- Travel Game Follie
- Illegal Screen/Intentional Foul
- this ALMOST happened...
- Wrong Number In Book ???
- Spring league follies part 2
- OT - Was this story about Bobby Knight or wasn't it?
- A ten second five second count?
- Cancel or Continue???
- NBE - Phil Jackson's At It Again.......
- spurned rules changes
- Did you see this?
- Defensive Blind Screen?
- OT- Hiring Committee
- Don't Hit Me!!!
- More spring league follies
- Protecting the Shooter
- OT - Attendance Down in D1 Hoops
- OT - crossword clue
- Uniform/jewelry police - the pain
- Camp Info
- Would you ref solo in summer league
- Illegal player
- Zero, double zero, triple zero!
- Twenty four or two four?
- Advantage/disadvantage and stopping the clock
- Still Controversial...to the Defender
- Loud Slap
- Block, Charge or No Call
- Protest Accepted...Now What???
- Partner told me this today
- Offcourt Issues
- New Experience
- A scorekeeper after my own heart
- Tell me if I kicked it...
- The March to 'Madness'
- Proper to laugh at a coach
- Unapproachable Coach vs. Unapproachable Ref
- NBA alternate official takes the court
- NFHS Rule Change Basketball Press Release
- OT - Office politics
- Coach's Nightmare - Officials Making Up Rules
- 2010-11 NFHS Rule Changes
- Another One Bites the Dust.....
- was that travelling?
- I love it when this happens
- ref clinic?
- New WIAA Regulation for next year
- How many coaches.....
- AAU Follies ...
- Question for "26 Year Gap"
- Mixed emotions
- Let The Fun Begin..
- keep 'em on the court
- Quick Quesetion
- inbound pass hits backboard
- Crash course for NCAA Women's rules
- More NBE Officiating Follies.....
- Bulls/Cavs- changed call?
- Referee's uniforms sponsored
- 2010 NBA Playoff Referees
- Examples of ambiguous T/F questions from the NF exam
- Basketball Trivia
- Cancellations of Equal Penalties
- Who books summer rec/AAU in South Charlotte?
- Dribbling During Inbounds Plays
- What happened to Padgett's BI thread?
- OT - basketball and politics?
- Rules Committe Met? anybody got inside info?
- A good idea for the NCAA expansion
- More spring league fun ahead!
- "Go Ahead, Make My Day!"
- OT- speaking of jump stops
- Nike Elite Officials Camp (LA)
- He's got legs, he knows how to use them ...
- Sweating
- Utah/Denver Shot Clock Violation
- Ya' gotta love spring league
- jump stop...travelling call???
- Halftime Buzzer Beater situation
- Toughest Calls
- Maybe the best game ever