- How Far is Too Far?
- Officiating Philosophy ?
- Changing Hats...
- Thrown into the fire...
- NFHS Past Interpretations Archive (2024-25 Added)
- WOT (way off topic) but maybe funny
- Pants
- Free Throw Violation....Question #2
- I feel like this is a ridiculous question...
- Shot clock violation? Or play on?
- Double dribble?
- Clapping/Yelling
- New NCAA TF Rules
- Last Second Bench T
- Evauations
- Pre-game habits, rituals, etc.
- Should I stay or should I go
- First Scrimmage - Last Night
- Ball enters ring from below
- fight and leaving the bench
- slapping backboard
- Kicked Ball
- Funny comment from tryouts last night
- Officials Choice Beltless Pants
- OOB Throw In - Step on the line
- 3 Man (person) chart
- Coach fails to replace dq'ed player
- Simultaneous foul w/ bucket - what is POI?
- A Little Help
- Communication w/ Coaches
- Start Clock or Not
- Out of Bounds?
- Recent rules changes and POEs please
- And you though I was old!!
- Two violations
- Bag/Suitcase
- What to do?
- Beige prewrap
- High School mechanic
- Wrong Direction
- NBA officials question
- Utah County, Utah Refs
- Opposite table
- Shoes you wear vol. show me pictures!
- Rule 9.1.1 Casebook play, Dribbling off foot on freethrow
- POE - Correct mechanics
- PCA or Get it right, throwing gas on the fire
- Off-topic: Permalink
- Held ball stop clock
- Throw-in, Double Foul
- Need officials coverage area diagrams
- Philedelphia Camp
- Old interp, rehash and compare
- Background checks for coaches
- Any suggestions?
- 2008-2009 Interps
- FIBA backcourt
- Proper Positions during Time Out?
- Why Does A 24/7 Store Have Doors With Locks If It's Never Closed ???
- FIBA rules question
- Globetrotters looked great
- Incorrect spot by partner
- Is it over
- start second half.
- old discussion revisited
- Shoes again
- Held Ball Violation
- Interrupted dribble situation
- Anyone hear about this?
- Int. dribble and OOB, NCAA style
- Interrupted dribble and OOB
- Communication
- Save/Dribble - Legal Play?
- Free Throw violation
- Rookie Official Question
- Hand checking
- NCAA Technical Fouls
- NCAA rule changes
- free throw violation?
- Hope it's not a sign of things to come!
- Throw in
- Jewelry
- Last second three?
- OT - but tragic story
- Thanks in advance
- Off refresher test
- JrHigh Girls game - Backcourt violation
- Here's one...More to follow......
- Here's our chance :)
- ncaa men's: 'absolutes' and goaltending
- Need Shoe Advice
- What do you think of this ruling?
- The new rule books are here! The new rule books are here!
- Calling an illegal screen
- Billy Packer is number one!.....
- Playing Officials
- Free-throw and player control
- Sarah Palin basketball champ - not political
- Case Play 2.10.1.H vs 8.6.1
- NCAA Men - Elevated shooter
- Unannounced change (from last year)
- How to handle a situation with a partner...
- case 9.1.1 part B
- My Womens CCA Manual is out of whack..
- official mistake
- 3 point line/arc
- Evaluations-Need your help
- Clock reads 0:00
- Coaches instructions to referees
- NCAA goes shopping and bags eofficials.com and thearbiter.net
- Jurassic Referee ???
- officiating
- Couple things I want to clarify...
- Dribbler Out of Bounds?
- Pre Game Jacket
- inadvertent whistle? pt. 2
- Leather Lustre
- Inadvertent Whistle limit
- Leaving the floor violation?
- 2009 NCAA Rulebook and Casebook
- OT - Great Fan Sign at Game
- Question for you multi-sport officials
- Bleeding player
- More access to referees for fans and media?
- Free throw administration
- Sample test Qs are fun-Not!
- Coach drags out the rule book
- How "head" is a post-ejection assistant coach
- POI for Ch1town
- Publishing problem - CCA Women's Basketball Officiating Manual
- Have you ever...
- Why disallow the basket?
- Sub allowed before clock starts?
- Free Throw oops (by player)
- Arrow oops!
- Clarification on fighting technicals
- Handy Guide for the Timer?
- Another of the new casebook plays
- Continuous motion?
- OT: Raiders get new coach
- IHSA books
- Mshsaa
- youngest ever?
- Pass Goes Behind the Backboard, Through the Supports
- Respect?
- 8th grade girls
- Ramifications for requesting too many timeouts
- Player technical?
- Lead, follow, or get out of the way
- Premier Basketball League Officials
- Calling all Sport Associations! Has this ever happen to you?
- Ok, so it's not every year. . .
- Moderators, Part II
- Help setting up church league officials
- i have serios question about basketball plz help me
- NEW Case Book play 2.10.1 Situation A
- OT - caption time again
- Strange Sideline Inbounds play
- OT - To lighten everybody up!!
- T'able offense?
- Your Associations Meetings
- Moderators
- Euro player in grocery line
- High school scorers timers.
- NFHS Test Question: What Does it Mean?
- Cheerleaders
- A big thank you...
- My season started -> Girls Middle School
- uml Symbols ??? Tag row ???
- Most annoying coach?
- NFHS,Part 1, 2008
- What is right way to handle?
- Arbiter not working???
- Jersey switch?
- Becoming an official
- Season Goals
- OT - Hochuli Apologizing to Chargers Fans
- Varsity draw
- Multiple foul?
- First game of the "season"
- POI and Referee Magazine case play
- arbiter.net question
- A rule that i can't find the answer for.
- Post-game Handshake
- Slapping the Backboard: POE
- Correctable error situation?
- illegal screen?
- Did I shoot myself in the foot?
- One Person Mechanics ...
- Discretion of officials.....
- OT -- Gas prices
- Backcourt violation on throw-in?
- New Correctable Error?
- Do foul counts constitute a good called game?
- FASTBALL Right In The . . .
- For FIBA officials (new rule)
- Remember Patriot Day ...
- New goaltending Ncaa rule!
- newbie rules question
- Where did all the Cowboys go?
- Which Rule Books for new Official?
- GPS question
- Congratulations
- First game of the new season....
- IHSA Officials
- Another NBA Rule Question
- NBA Rule?
- Come backs for Coaches
- decent read for officials
- Happy Labor Day
- Off-topic College Football Thread.
- New books today.
- Big sigh or relief.........
- question for Jurassic Ref
- Gustav...
- Intentional Fould ...
- The time is almost here
- OT - Word Out to Padgett
- Question about Backcourt
- Muff during Spot Throw In?
- OT- Kobe give Michael Phelps a nickname
- One Tree Hill
- Shooting sleeves
- Officials Recruting Video
- Patent Leather shoes
- traveling
- OT - Kicking and screaming: Ban possible after Cuban pops ref
- 10 sec with ball in the air.
- A little OT - when it still was the NBA
- Olympics vs. NBA Finals
- Officiating philosophy
- Clock Situation?????
- Completely Off-Topic: Gene Upshaw
- Officiating in Reading Pennsylvania
- Excessive time out
- Video/DVD/Audio - 2
- Just checking in with you all
- ROP -- Always Results in a Violation?
- Timing questions:
- Legal pick?
- NFHS Exam Online
- Olympic hoops officiating
- Resumption of Play Scenerio?
- Olympics Women's Basketball Results
- Carpooling To Games
- Multi Sport Officiating
- Is This a False Multiple Foul?
- Did she travel or not ? ( video )
- IAABO exam
- Travel or not?