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  1. How Far is Too Far?
  2. Officiating Philosophy ?
  3. Changing Hats...
  4. Thrown into the fire...
  5. NFHS Past Interpretations Archive (2024-25 Added)
  6. WOT (way off topic) but maybe funny
  7. Pants
  8. Free Throw Violation....Question #2
  9. I feel like this is a ridiculous question...
  10. Shot clock violation? Or play on?
  11. Double dribble?
  12. Clapping/Yelling
  13. New NCAA TF Rules
  14. Last Second Bench T
  15. Evauations
  16. Pre-game habits, rituals, etc.
  17. Should I stay or should I go
  18. First Scrimmage - Last Night
  19. Ball enters ring from below
  20. fight and leaving the bench
  21. slapping backboard
  22. Kicked Ball
  23. Funny comment from tryouts last night
  24. Officials Choice Beltless Pants
  25. OOB Throw In - Step on the line
  26. 3 Man (person) chart
  27. Coach fails to replace dq'ed player
  28. Simultaneous foul w/ bucket - what is POI?
  29. A Little Help
  30. Communication w/ Coaches
  31. Start Clock or Not
  32. Out of Bounds?
  33. Recent rules changes and POEs please
  34. And you though I was old!!
  35. Two violations
  36. Bag/Suitcase
  37. What to do?
  38. Beige prewrap
  39. High School mechanic
  40. Wrong Direction
  41. NBA officials question
  42. Utah County, Utah Refs
  43. Opposite table
  44. Shoes you wear vol. show me pictures!
  45. Rule 9.1.1 Casebook play, Dribbling off foot on freethrow
  46. POE - Correct mechanics
  47. PCA or Get it right, throwing gas on the fire
  48. Off-topic: Permalink
  49. Held ball stop clock
  50. Throw-in, Double Foul
  51. Need officials coverage area diagrams
  52. Philedelphia Camp
  53. Old interp, rehash and compare
  54. Background checks for coaches
  55. Any suggestions?
  56. 2008-2009 Interps
  57. FIBA backcourt
  58. Proper Positions during Time Out?
  59. Why Does A 24/7 Store Have Doors With Locks If It's Never Closed ???
  60. FIBA rules question
  61. Globetrotters looked great
  62. Incorrect spot by partner
  63. Is it over
  64. start second half.
  65. old discussion revisited
  66. Shoes again
  67. Held Ball Violation
  68. Interrupted dribble situation
  69. Anyone hear about this?
  70. Int. dribble and OOB, NCAA style
  71. Interrupted dribble and OOB
  72. Communication
  73. Save/Dribble - Legal Play?
  74. Free Throw violation
  75. Rookie Official Question
  76. Hand checking
  77. NCAA Technical Fouls
  78. NCAA rule changes
  79. free throw violation?
  80. Hope it's not a sign of things to come!
  81. Throw in
  82. Jewelry
  83. Last second three?
  84. OT - but tragic story
  85. Thanks in advance
  86. Off refresher test
  87. JrHigh Girls game - Backcourt violation
  88. Here's one...More to follow......
  89. Here's our chance :)
  90. ncaa men's: 'absolutes' and goaltending
  91. Need Shoe Advice
  92. What do you think of this ruling?
  93. The new rule books are here! The new rule books are here!
  94. Calling an illegal screen
  95. Billy Packer is number one!.....
  96. Playing Officials
  97. Free-throw and player control
  98. Sarah Palin basketball champ - not political
  99. Case Play 2.10.1.H vs 8.6.1
  100. NCAA Men - Elevated shooter
  101. Unannounced change (from last year)
  102. How to handle a situation with a partner...
  103. case 9.1.1 part B
  104. My Womens CCA Manual is out of whack..
  105. official mistake
  106. 3 point line/arc
  107. Evaluations-Need your help
  108. Clock reads 0:00
  109. Coaches instructions to referees
  110. NCAA goes shopping and bags eofficials.com and thearbiter.net
  111. Jurassic Referee ???
  112. officiating
  113. Couple things I want to clarify...
  114. Dribbler Out of Bounds?
  115. Pre Game Jacket
  116. inadvertent whistle? pt. 2
  117. Leather Lustre
  118. Inadvertent Whistle limit
  119. Leaving the floor violation?
  120. 2009 NCAA Rulebook and Casebook
  121. OT - Great Fan Sign at Game
  122. Question for you multi-sport officials
  123. Bleeding player
  124. More access to referees for fans and media?
  125. Free throw administration
  126. Sample test Qs are fun-Not!
  127. Coach drags out the rule book
  128. How "head" is a post-ejection assistant coach
  129. POI for Ch1town
  130. Publishing problem - CCA Women's Basketball Officiating Manual
  131. Have you ever...
  132. Why disallow the basket?
  133. Sub allowed before clock starts?
  134. Free Throw oops (by player)
  135. Arrow oops!
  136. Clarification on fighting technicals
  137. Handy Guide for the Timer?
  138. Another of the new casebook plays
  139. Continuous motion?
  140. OT: Raiders get new coach
  141. IHSA books
  142. Mshsaa
  143. youngest ever?
  144. Pass Goes Behind the Backboard, Through the Supports
  145. Respect?
  146. 8th grade girls
  147. Ramifications for requesting too many timeouts
  148. Player technical?
  149. Lead, follow, or get out of the way
  150. Premier Basketball League Officials
  151. Calling all Sport Associations! Has this ever happen to you?
  152. Ok, so it's not every year. . .
  153. Moderators, Part II
  154. Help setting up church league officials
  155. i have serios question about basketball plz help me
  156. NEW Case Book play 2.10.1 Situation A
  157. OT - caption time again
  158. Strange Sideline Inbounds play
  159. OT - To lighten everybody up!!
  160. T'able offense?
  161. Your Associations Meetings
  162. Moderators
  163. Euro player in grocery line
  164. High school scorers timers.
  165. NFHS Test Question: What Does it Mean?
  166. Cheerleaders
  167. A big thank you...
  168. My season started -> Girls Middle School
  169. uml Symbols ??? Tag row ???
  170. Most annoying coach?
  171. NFHS,Part 1, 2008
  172. What is right way to handle?
  173. Arbiter not working???
  174. Jersey switch?
  175. Becoming an official
  176. Season Goals
  177. OT - Hochuli Apologizing to Chargers Fans
  178. Varsity draw
  179. Multiple foul?
  180. First game of the "season"
  181. POI and Referee Magazine case play
  182. arbiter.net question
  183. A rule that i can't find the answer for.
  184. Post-game Handshake
  185. Slapping the Backboard: POE
  186. Correctable error situation?
  187. illegal screen?
  188. Did I shoot myself in the foot?
  189. One Person Mechanics ...
  190. Discretion of officials.....
  191. OT -- Gas prices
  192. Backcourt violation on throw-in?
  193. New Correctable Error?
  194. Do foul counts constitute a good called game?
  195. FASTBALL Right In The . . .
  196. For FIBA officials (new rule)
  197. Remember Patriot Day ...
  198. New goaltending Ncaa rule!
  199. newbie rules question
  200. Where did all the Cowboys go?
  201. Which Rule Books for new Official?
  202. GPS question
  203. Congratulations
  204. First game of the new season....
  205. IHSA Officials
  206. Another NBA Rule Question
  207. NBA Rule?
  208. Come backs for Coaches
  209. decent read for officials
  210. Happy Labor Day
  211. Off-topic College Football Thread.
  212. New books today.
  213. Big sigh or relief.........
  214. question for Jurassic Ref
  215. Gustav...
  216. Intentional Fould ...
  217. The time is almost here
  218. OT - Word Out to Padgett
  219. Question about Backcourt
  220. Muff during Spot Throw In?
  221. OT- Kobe give Michael Phelps a nickname
  222. One Tree Hill
  223. Shooting sleeves
  224. Officials Recruting Video
  225. Patent Leather shoes
  226. traveling
  227. OT - Kicking and screaming: Ban possible after Cuban pops ref
  228. 10 sec with ball in the air.
  229. A little OT - when it still was the NBA
  230. Olympics vs. NBA Finals
  231. Officiating philosophy
  232. Clock Situation?????
  233. Completely Off-Topic: Gene Upshaw
  234. Officiating in Reading Pennsylvania
  235. Excessive time out
  236. Video/DVD/Audio - 2
  237. Just checking in with you all
  238. ROP -- Always Results in a Violation?
  239. Timing questions:
  240. Legal pick?
  241. NFHS Exam Online
  242. Olympic hoops officiating
  243. Resumption of Play Scenerio?
  244. Olympics Women's Basketball Results
  245. Carpooling To Games
  246. Multi Sport Officiating
  247. Is This a False Multiple Foul?
  248. Did she travel or not ? ( video )
  249. IAABO exam
  250. Travel or not?

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