- What was that rotation?
- Consecutive timeout after injury
- NEW RULE!!!!
- Tie up? (NCAA)
- Highest score?
- Wrong Basket
- 10 sec call
- personal foul on player, then given a techniacl
- Old rules question
- Blocking
- Black is black
- Excessive Elbow Violation
- Thanks!
- For VIRGINIA officials
- referee shopping sites
- Pedag shoe polish
- What can you get out of this forum?
- First 3- ma... i mean person game !!!
- 2 questions and rule
- question
- First game thoughts
- FT:At the disposal of shooter
- Birds Flyin'
- The Cheatin' Heart
- free throw blooper / count the foul or not
- Wrong Direction
- traveling
- Injury Stoppage
- count the hoop?
- Lag time when coach calls time out
- Partner Trouble
- Legal rebound
- Comforts in Stripes
- Interaction with Coach - A First!
- Two issues
- False Double Foul??
- Boo Hoo!
- Late or inadvertant?
- Contact lense stoppage
- First Horn
- Clock issues.
- Adjusting to your partner
- backcourt violation
- Do you? or Don't you?
- Basketball Ref/Dan
- Clean your Whistle
- Leather Luster
- New View on Coach's
- NCAA Interps
- White Coaches, Black Referee
- Slapping the backboard by shooter's teammate
- Kick Ball on AP Throw-in
- Why I felt it was offensive
- What is an Official
- Basket interference
- Losing number of fouling player
- Two person / three person
- Whats correctable
- Off ball foul during act of shooting...
- Changes to NFHS ... Stuff????
- 3-3 Defense
- Free throw disconcertion
- Who Watches Flight of Ball?
- I love this game! (kind of long)
- Long JV Games - Just some random babble
- Odd ball plays!
- Blcoking foul
- Affectionate coach, how to handle
- Miffed with scheduler... not good!
- egg on my face
- Friday night story
- Throw-in violation (Utah v. Pepperdine)
- Back court violation??
- 3 second call
- Unsporting or Administrative "T"
- need some rule help
- Drum roll please!
- Off topic: Pete Rose
- Providence/Tex game
- Officials Used for Advertising
- Do you grant the Request for T/O
- elbow pad
- Dropping your shoulder??
- Coach at start of game
- Not a "correctable error", but was this "fixable"
- Free throw violation
- Patent leather shoes
- Men's vs. Women's rules
- Quick question re: carrying the ball
- Belts
- Shot Rebound, Foul Lane Block
- critics of all ages
- Why I avoid rec ball -- my Saturday (long)
- Is this Good Game Management?
- Coach of Integrity?
- Time For a Refresher Course?
- Player on the floor
- Verbal Abuse From Coach
- Changing starters
- searching exercise for wheelchair basketball
- scouting form with court diagram
- Beads on Players
- What is your biggest weakness?
- Tough Day With Partners
- Base-line seal/screen
- Duke - UConn women's game
- Most Important Element of a Basketball Game
- Locker room feedback - 3-man rotation
- Sliding on the floor....
- question
- Fiesta Bowl
- False Multiple Foul/ False Double/etc.???
- KU and Nova game on ESPN
- Where's Lone Peak?
- Wanted to disappear...
- T-Shirts Under the Uniform
- Did we get it Right???
- 3 man rotation
- By Gosh...
- Mechanics
- New Year's Resolutions
- tournament selection
- Happy New Year
- Who needs a rule book?
- Happy New Year
- Consulting the missing thread?
- Free the violations and game clock error/mistake.
- Ethical Question
- When is the "T" foul issued?
- Off - Topic -- SNOW!!!
- color of bandage - blech!!!
- Screening action by the dribbler
- Another Correctable Error Sitch
- Conflict Of Interest........
- Correctable error...
- How to quickly train officials
- Lag Time
- New Coach-ism
- 50 Question IAABO Closed Book Test
- Artificial Noisemaker?
- Need Help with these 2 T's
- Does an opposing coach ever choose the shooter?
- Nice Combacks
- touching ball after save
- Off topic, football question
- Work-Out Advice Needed
- Only two points?
- To
- Life is short ...
- Nearly busted a gut!!!
- Referee Magazine
- That Girl Thing Again
- backcourt
- Mad Cow Mabton, WA
- Continuous Motion
- Correct me if I'm wrong . . .
- OOB Whistle...just curious
- camps
- Throw-In Spot
- Dropping a "T" FOR your partner
- Freebie RPI Site
- Technical foul in front of partner
- Player leaves court-how tight do you call it?
- Intentional Foul
- Officials pics on website
- Shpe Up Shoe Polish
- Happy Holidays
- Player Control Foul Penalty
- Airborne shooter
- What's on the belt?
- What is the most frustrating thing your partner(s) have done?
- No call or not
- Time Out
- &hit happens
- How to get back in the game
- What's the proper administration?
- Hey Back in the Saddle
- Question from the news
- Player Not In Book
- Disconcertion
- 30 second time out
- What States use 3-man vs 2-man mechanics?
- 3 Whistle vs. 2 Whistle
- NF - Inciting crowd/excessive celebration
- crow hop
- What do you think is the dumbest rule?
- Hand up on Free Throw
- Stopping Play
- Help settle a debate
- One for the new folks
- Positioning Suggestions
- Dunking at Half 'T'.
- "In the Bonus"
- "Pre-Game Situations"
- Knee Pads
- Portland OR area officials please read
- what is "on the floor"?
- test 2
- Texas-Duke POI
- I wouldn't suggest doing this
- Taking something bad and making it good
- count the basket or wave it off?
- Strange jump ball situation
- Walk or Palm
- "Full or 30 Coach?"
- over & back
- Any Canadian Refs out there...
- Goal or No Goal - UConn Game
- Megaphone
- newbie questions/comments
- Newbie comment
- Charity Begins at Home
- P.C. or Block
- personal, then violation
- Disconcertion always purposeful?
- "It's not my call" (politely)
- Case book question
- Boards Cut on Getting Paid
- Subbing after a T
- OOB under the basket
- Howler Mokey sez: "He wasnt set"
- My first formal evaluation
- Even easier T
- No Rim
- Pressing Action
- Watching your game films!
- Unfortunately NOT a Bad Dream
- coach leaves
- college official shoes
- PC or not
- Over and Back
- Whistle While You Work
- Game Fee's
- Top of Backboard
- 1:00 Huddle
- Missed spotting a Three
- Three person question
- Games Flu away
- tatoos ????
- Artificial Noisemakers
- Lane violation
- Rule book on the court
- T'ing up a Coach....
- Mesh shirts legal?