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  1. What was that rotation?
  2. Consecutive timeout after injury
  3. NEW RULE!!!!
  4. Tie up? (NCAA)
  5. Highest score?
  6. Wrong Basket
  7. 10 sec call
  8. personal foul on player, then given a techniacl
  9. Old rules question
  10. Blocking
  11. Black is black
  12. Excessive Elbow Violation
  13. Thanks!
  14. For VIRGINIA officials
  15. referee shopping sites
  16. Pedag shoe polish
  17. What can you get out of this forum?
  18. AAU
  19. First 3- ma... i mean person game !!!
  20. 2 questions and rule
  21. question
  22. First game thoughts
  23. FT:At the disposal of shooter
  24. Birds Flyin'
  25. The Cheatin' Heart
  26. free throw blooper / count the foul or not
  27. Wrong Direction
  28. traveling
  29. Injury Stoppage
  30. count the hoop?
  31. Lag time when coach calls time out
  32. Partner Trouble
  33. Legal rebound
  34. Comforts in Stripes
  35. Interaction with Coach - A First!
  36. Two issues
  37. False Double Foul??
  38. Boo Hoo!
  39. Late or inadvertant?
  40. Contact lense stoppage
  41. First Horn
  42. Clock issues.
  43. Adjusting to your partner
  44. backcourt violation
  45. Do you? or Don't you?
  46. Basketball Ref/Dan
  47. Clean your Whistle
  48. Leather Luster
  49. New View on Coach's
  50. NCAA Interps
  51. White Coaches, Black Referee
  52. Slapping the backboard by shooter's teammate
  53. Kick Ball on AP Throw-in
  54. Why I felt it was offensive
  55. What is an Official
  56. Basket interference
  57. Losing number of fouling player
  58. PBOA
  59. Two person / three person
  60. Whats correctable
  61. Off ball foul during act of shooting...
  62. Changes to NFHS ... Stuff????
  63. 3-3 Defense
  64. Free throw disconcertion
  65. Who Watches Flight of Ball?
  66. I love this game! (kind of long)
  67. Long JV Games - Just some random babble
  68. Odd ball plays!
  69. Blcoking foul
  70. Affectionate coach, how to handle
  71. Miffed with scheduler... not good!
  72. RED LIGHT?
  73. egg on my face
  74. Friday night story
  75. Throw-in violation (Utah v. Pepperdine)
  76. Back court violation??
  77. 3 second call
  78. Unsporting or Administrative "T"
  79. need some rule help
  80. Drum roll please!
  81. Off topic: Pete Rose
  82. Providence/Tex game
  83. Officials Used for Advertising
  84. Do you grant the Request for T/O
  85. elbow pad
  86. Dropping your shoulder??
  87. Coach at start of game
  88. Not a "correctable error", but was this "fixable"
  89. Free throw violation
  90. Patent leather shoes
  91. Men's vs. Women's rules
  92. Quick question re: carrying the ball
  93. Belts
  94. Shot Rebound, Foul Lane Block
  95. critics of all ages
  96. Why I avoid rec ball -- my Saturday (long)
  97. Is this Good Game Management?
  98. Coach of Integrity?
  99. Time For a Refresher Course?
  100. Player on the floor
  101. Verbal Abuse From Coach
  102. Changing starters
  103. searching exercise for wheelchair basketball
  104. scouting form with court diagram
  105. Beads on Players
  106. What is your biggest weakness?
  107. Tough Day With Partners
  108. Base-line seal/screen
  109. Duke - UConn women's game
  110. Most Important Element of a Basketball Game
  111. Locker room feedback - 3-man rotation
  112. Sliding on the floor....
  113. question
  114. Fiesta Bowl
  115. False Multiple Foul/ False Double/etc.???
  116. KU and Nova game on ESPN
  117. Where's Lone Peak?
  118. Wanted to disappear...
  119. T-Shirts Under the Uniform
  120. Did we get it Right???
  121. 3 man rotation
  122. By Gosh...
  123. Mechanics
  124. New Year's Resolutions
  125. tournament selection
  126. Happy New Year
  127. Who needs a rule book?
  128. Happy New Year
  129. Consulting the missing thread?
  130. Free the violations and game clock error/mistake.
  131. Ethical Question
  132. When is the "T" foul issued?
  133. Off - Topic -- SNOW!!!
  134. color of bandage - blech!!!
  135. Screening action by the dribbler
  136. Another Correctable Error Sitch
  137. Conflict Of Interest........
  138. Correctable error...
  139. How to quickly train officials
  140. Lag Time
  141. New Coach-ism
  142. 50 Question IAABO Closed Book Test
  143. Artificial Noisemaker?
  144. Need Help with these 2 T's
  145. Does an opposing coach ever choose the shooter?
  146. Nice Combacks
  147. touching ball after save
  148. Off topic, football question
  149. Work-Out Advice Needed
  150. Only two points?
  151. To
  152. Life is short ...
  153. Nearly busted a gut!!!
  154. Referee Magazine
  155. That Girl Thing Again
  156. backcourt
  157. Mad Cow Mabton, WA
  158. Continuous Motion
  159. Correct me if I'm wrong . . .
  160. OOB Whistle...just curious
  161. camps
  162. Throw-In Spot
  163. Dropping a "T" FOR your partner
  164. Freebie RPI Site
  165. Technical foul in front of partner
  166. Player leaves court-how tight do you call it?
  167. Intentional Foul
  168. Officials pics on website
  169. Shpe Up Shoe Polish
  170. Happy Holidays
  171. Player Control Foul Penalty
  173. Airborne shooter
  174. What's on the belt?
  175. What is the most frustrating thing your partner(s) have done?
  176. No call or not
  177. Time Out
  178. &hit happens
  179. How to get back in the game
  181. What's the proper administration?
  182. Hey Back in the Saddle
  183. Question from the news
  184. Player Not In Book
  185. Disconcertion
  186. 30 second time out
  187. What States use 3-man vs 2-man mechanics?
  188. 3 Whistle vs. 2 Whistle
  189. NF - Inciting crowd/excessive celebration
  190. crow hop
  192. What do you think is the dumbest rule?
  193. Hand up on Free Throw
  194. Stopping Play
  195. Help settle a debate
  196. One for the new folks
  197. Positioning Suggestions
  198. Dunking at Half 'T'.
  199. "In the Bonus"
  200. "Pre-Game Situations"
  201. Knee Pads
  202. Portland OR area officials please read
  203. what is "on the floor"?
  204. test 2
  205. Texas-Duke POI
  206. I wouldn't suggest doing this
  207. Taking something bad and making it good
  208. count the basket or wave it off?
  209. Strange jump ball situation
  210. Walk or Palm
  211. "Full or 30 Coach?"
  212. over & back
  213. Any Canadian Refs out there...
  214. Goal or No Goal - UConn Game
  215. Megaphone
  216. newbie questions/comments
  217. Newbie comment
  218. Charity Begins at Home
  219. P.C. or Block
  220. personal, then violation
  221. Disconcertion always purposeful?
  222. "It's not my call" (politely)
  223. Case book question
  224. Boards Cut on Getting Paid
  225. Subbing after a T
  226. OOB under the basket
  227. Howler Mokey sez: "He wasnt set"
  228. My first formal evaluation
  229. Even easier T
  230. No Rim
  231. Pressing Action
  232. Watching your game films!
  233. Unfortunately NOT a Bad Dream
  234. coach leaves
  235. college official shoes
  236. PC or not
  237. Over and Back
  238. Whistle While You Work
  239. Game Fee's
  240. Top of Backboard
  241. 1:00 Huddle
  242. Missed spotting a Three
  243. Three person question
  244. Games Flu away
  245. tatoos ????
  246. Artificial Noisemakers
  247. Lane violation
  248. Rule book on the court
  249. T'ing up a Coach....
  250. Mesh shirts legal?

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