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  1. Belgian basketballplayers
  2. Insurance
  3. Slapping Backboard on block shot attempt?
  5. Flagrant/intentional
  6. New Season - Any messages for the coaches
  7. Amazing feat to watch
  8. Free throw lane confusion question
  9. "up and down" / travelling
  10. Do you?
  11. Block v charge foot on sideline
  12. Whack! ...Thanks!
  13. Calls outside your coverage area...
  14. OPPOSITE TABLE ??????
  15. Lets talk Mesh v. Poly
  16. Lets Talk Under Armor
  17. Spot Throw-in
  18. wrong basket
  19. "Bigfoot" ref shoes?
  20. replys
  21. Player Control Foul vs Charging
  22. taunting vs fighting?
  23. Multiple Players leaving bench for fight????
  24. correctable error
  25. Phone call
  26. Patent leather vs. Polished leather
  27. Long time no post...
  28. Defensive Match-Up
  29. 2004-2005 College basketball mechanics manual
  30. jump ball????
  31. This is a first
  32. What would you do?
  33. It's almost that time of year...again
  34. Timekeeping Errors
  35. (Non-Officiating) Funny Coach Story
  36. Fan Behavior-this was a liitle league football story but thought you'd like it
  37. New Gray officiating Shirts
  38. Scorekeeper buzzes prematurely
  39. Foul Shot
  40. 3 man system, compare staying table side vs going opposite table after fouls)
  41. a trend continues
  42. Any suggestions for a mini clinic??
  43. Front court toot of whistle
  44. "Flopping"
  45. Blood on uniform or players
  46. back court violation or not?????
  47. High School Referee Rating system
  48. Reference Recomendations
  49. new rule question
  50. Poor judgement by coach!
  51. Referee knocked out cold video - OMG!
  52. Substitution Question
  53. ball entering basket below the rim
  54. Three is better than two
  55. For Washington State Officials
  56. Offensive kick
  57. Bench Personnel question
  58. interesting boo-boo
  59. neat learning experience
  60. Screening Posture
  61. Junior High girls' ball
  62. Incorrect player shoots free throws
  63. Classic cut short
  64. game mgmt./ sitting coach
  65. OOB or NO CALL?
  66. Study Habits
  67. Clarification in Case Book
  68. Mechanic for end of half or game
  69. Question for the long-timers
  70. Basket Interference
  71. official causing problems
  72. What Jersey are the Lakers Playing in this season???
  73. In Memory
  74. Laws Protecting Sports Officials
  75. illegal player
  76. Insight on latest officiating compensation...
  77. Rules-study
  78. Is there any way to run a poll on this board?
  79. Free Throw Violation
  80. Communicating with Coaches
  81. Question about a rule
  82. Off ball calls.
  83. Bygone mechanics
  84. parents are funny
  85. Dealing with troublesome coaches...
  86. NFHS 2 person mechanics
  87. Hoop-It-Up
  88. T for flopping
  89. New Obstructing Vision Rule?????
  90. North Jersey Basketball Officials Wanted
  91. warning or T?
  92. Number of Free Throws on Intentional Foul?
  93. Thinking this through
  94. Learn Anything in the Off-Season??
  95. Pre-Game talk
  96. Sideline Throw-in -->deep (NFHS)
  97. Free Throw Violation
  98. Technical?
  99. Teams show up with same shirts
  100. An Olympics Question from a Spouse
  101. USA-Argentina
  102. kudos to Brad
  103. Horror stories from Church Basketball
  104. Another FT situation
  105. Standing in front of free throw line
  106. which fouls count toward bonus
  107. Dunking in warmups
  108. Cover your eyes!
  109. Andre Ward
  110. Cortisone Injections? Ouch!
  111. I see that the....
  112. Maybe a full season
  113. Italy-Argentina finish
  114. Bench player intereferes
  115. 3-Officials procedures
  116. Olympic FT's
  117. This is weird.
  118. I'm back
  119. Refs deciding the game
  120. US vs. Spain -- women
  121. Olympics- China vs N.Z. (women)
  122. Places to buy gear
  123. Australia v USA
  124. National Federation Rules Free Throw Spaces
  125. Jurrasic Barges in on Synchronised Diving event....
  126. CIS Women's Rule Changes
  127. USA v. Greece
  128. Wrong team takes the ball OOB
  129. Sweat-stained uniforms
  130. Olympic Officials
  131. Black shoes
  132. travelling or not?
  133. DOUBLE FOUL????
  134. Boring, but necessary
  135. Resuming Play Procedure
  136. End of game
  137. Charlie
  138. What do players do that makes no sense?
  139. Its me again :-p
  140. First Meeting
  141. You Big Cheater, Cheater, Cheater!
  142. Slacks and IHSA Patches
  143. Getting back up to speed
  144. Multiple technicals for late players?
  145. Free Throw Positioning....Top of the key ???
  146. :(
  147. HS sports star becomes a hero
  148. Officiating in Colorado
  149. Fouling on OOB end of game situation
  150. Reset Free Throw?
  151. bat the ball repeatedly to the air
  152. parents fighting
  153. "jumps with the ball and land again"
  154. Counting
  155. Traveling?
  156. Under what circumstances would you T
  157. Difference between NBA & FIBA
  158. Olympic Basketball
  159. Good Grief...
  160. How to Not Go Tableside
  161. This ain't the big leagues, Mr. Clemens
  162. Preliminary Signals
  163. New to Arizona and looking for contacts!
  164. Is an administrative technical counted as a team foul
  165. Throw in after made basket
  166. Thinking about it????
  167. NBA rule study
  168. Off the head ruling
  169. I'm BACK!!
  170. Is it just me?
  171. Concentration
  172. Camp Case Play, What Would You Call?
  173. First to touch - Technical foul
  174. Are refs afraid to make tough calls?
  175. Withdraws
  176. Is it considered a dribble if ... ?
  177. Oops, followed too close
  178. Ref kills coach
  179. Hand Check
  180. Communication with Coaches
  181. BC violation on throw-in?
  182. Correctable Error????
  183. The Official's View - Ray Floriani
  184. Should I have done differently?
  185. Patient Whistle
  186. Making an A*% of yourslef :-p
  187. NCAA recruting
  188. How to dress when headed to the game ?
  189. Drawing on the strength of your partners
  190. Sorry... I had to do it :)
  191. Net wraps around rim revisited
  193. Summer League Question
  194. HEAD BAND
  195. An Unusual Situation -- Requiring rule 2.3
  196. Lasik Surgery (Spelling Corrected)
  197. Training videos
  198. Message for TravelinMan
  199. Double dribble??
  200. Nonrotating two-person crews
  201. Game... Part 2
  202. BigTime reffing next year
  203. IAABO Handbook?
  204. 3-Point Shot
  205. Game
  206. International Referees
  207. NFHS Videos
  208. understanding correctable errors
  209. The Big "X"... And It Counts!!!
  210. Obnoxious Coach
  211. Question about being the first person to touch the ball after falling OOB
  212. Aaarrgh!!!
  213. Excessive timeout
  214. SBQ
  215. Patent Leather??
  216. "blank" camp
  217. New Florida law protects officials
  218. refresher on GT
  219. Uniform Question
  220. Yet Another Shot Clock Question
  221. August Basketball Officiating camps??
  222. acting up?
  223. An Interesting Sitch
  224. Dunking in Warm-Ups
  225. alternate possession
  226. Off topic...kinda
  227. How Much?
  228. how to deal with terrible refs
  229. Wadda you got?
  230. Urgent NCAA Question
  231. great camp
  232. Help me: just moved to Florida
  233. Where Can I To Buy The And 1 Shoes?
  234. Great call, partner
  235. First Real Game
  236. SHOT CLOCK???
  237. 3 man ?
  238. Fumble in mid air
  239. tape breakdown
  240. exposure camp
  241. still unanswered shotclock question
  242. The Big "X"
  243. Games???
  244. Shotclock Question
  245. Associations
  246. Update on the "Immortal Dave"
  247. "Rolling" the ball
  248. Ways not to call a tech
  249. Warnings
  250. Back in the saddle, so to speak

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