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  1. 7 year of commitment and now I'm a cheater?
  2. untucking jersey
  3. 'T' not warranted???
  4. 3 Ts on Saturday
  5. Head Coach Rules Reference
  6. Odd Situation on FTs in youth game....
  7. Correct order to shoot FT
  8. What would you have done?
  9. Throw in
  10. How do you measure closely guarded?
  11. What would you do?
  12. I "T"ed up the score keeper.....
  13. injured player replacement
  14. Pat Knight ejection.
  15. Dribbling situations
  16. Looking for summer bball central fla?
  17. Gotta work those angles…….
  18. Super Saturday sucked
  19. BU/ISU Game 1/31 - Baseline inbounds throw hits backboard
  20. Help with this one
  21. Clock does not start
  22. putting ball in play
  23. 6 Players...Whose Responsibility Is It?
  24. Texas A&M vs Oklahoma
  25. Interrupted Dribble ???
  26. This Is Why I Hate Jump Balls ???
  27. Another Jon Dielber Sighting
  28. NC/NC St.
  29. Burr flagrant in purdue michigan game
  30. FIBA - I think we kicked a TO situation
  31. Flagrant Foul Question
  32. LGP/Player Control
  33. Help
  34. Time Out
  35. Evaluations...
  36. Illinois High School Summer Leagues
  37. Interesting Question
  38. Another you make the call for newbies
  39. Need NFHS Rule Reference
  40. When to transfer vision in 2-man
  41. Last second situations
  42. FIBA - citation needed for counting the basket
  43. substitutes Continually Pulled Back From Table
  44. No officlals, no game
  45. How many Shots?
  46. Anybody in Park City Utah area?
  47. Pre-wrap and green, err, black
  48. The game from heck
  49. Interesting Situation Last Night
  50. Ref pics
  51. Blind screen help
  52. 8th Grade girls A game - 3rd Report
  53. Coaches don't know the rules?
  54. Subs
  55. Last night I set a pick & call a "T"
  56. Investment in the Ed Rush Officiating DVDs?
  57. Just Another Day at the Office.
  58. Getting game tapes from Colleges & High Schools
  59. Another First!
  60. NBA official gets credit for an assist
  61. Curtis Shaw ejects Rice Owl Mascot
  62. Question for our Canadian officials
  63. Shot in less than 0.3
  64. Chirpie Coaches
  65. Mechanics When Player Loses Shoe
  66. PC or travel?
  67. "Player-Parent-Coach Relationship" Article
  68. NOT a Correctable Error, BUT should it be???
  69. KU/Nebraska
  70. Duke/WFU end of game
  71. UNC - FSU end of game
  72. Correctable Error Situation....First Part...
  73. Applying 4-19-1 NOTE . . .
  74. Rebounder Falls on Defender
  75. Big 48 hours
  76. A Week Of Firsts ...
  77. Illegal Double Screen??
  78. snow again
  79. Who should have this?
  80. Super Saturday
  81. foul or not
  82. Made a call last night - BC V
  83. Close call
  84. MTD sighting (almost)
  85. Transition Question (2-whistle)
  86. backcourt explination
  87. Time out?
  88. Can't make this stuff up. Tech foul
  89. Come prepared
  90. Intentional foul?
  91. Did I Kick This One Tonight?
  92. backcourt questions, and line neutral?
  93. It had to happen eventually (my version)
  94. Regarding David Libby
  95. Gonna be a fast game
  96. Tech and possession at quarter break?
  97. Two "you make the call" situations for newbies
  98. Player calls time out
  99. Talking to Pseudo-Coaches
  100. Is this travelling?
  101. Partner calls 48 fouls - I counted them
  102. Officiating a blowout (boys MS)
  103. Fouled after landing
  104. Going out of bounds
  105. Continuous motion FED vs. NCAAW
  106. It had to happen eventually.
  107. How would you handle this?
  108. Oklahoma @ Oklahoma State Game
  109. Timeout Location Restriction
  110. Longest Game!
  111. Tech foul is also a personal foul?
  112. traveling or held ball
  113. FIBA - division line throw-in violation
  114. Officiating "traveling"
  115. What to do?
  116. How many states have shot clocks
  117. Quick change of fortune
  118. Player pushes Official
  119. BI or Not??......and iPods
  120. Is leaving the bench a T?
  121. Kids do the darnedest things
  122. Best Div 1 camps.
  123. jump stop.....
  124. player control?
  125. What you think of Bobby Knight's comments about officials?
  126. Correct procedure please
  127. Bite Your Whistle!
  128. Travel or no travel
  129. need tennessee info
  130. Individual Mechanics Question
  131. How many techs?
  132. You aren't allowed here......
  133. PA to start the game
  134. 2 Team mates Foul 2 Opponents
  135. Two from Friday night
  136. Made a new coach friend
  137. Moved up a rung on the ladder
  138. 1st one in two years
  139. Is that two fouls, then?
  140. First T, and it was on an official!!
  141. 2 man crew
  142. Jon Diebler sighting
  143. Last VT season winding down
  144. Bad Things Come in Threes
  145. What is an "Air Dribble?"
  146. Houston vs Arizona - Flagrant/Ejection
  147. This is what rec is all about
  148. pre game warm up limitations
  149. A 30-on me???
  150. T or no T (video)
  151. 0 and 00
  152. Pre-Game Game Management Tip
  153. "Referee the defense" ?
  154. Technical and Shooting Foul
  155. Toughest call for you?
  156. Foul while shot in air
  157. Is there a Coaching forum similar to this?
  158. No Assistant coach
  159. "Do me a favor"
  160. "I was just testing you."
  161. The team that plays the best...
  162. Kay Yow
  163. Over and Back
  164. Final score approved?
  165. IAABO Make the Call
  166. Legal Guarding Position
  167. end of game miscue
  168. 100 - 0 HS girls game
  169. St Johns v Cincy
  170. Many coaches shunning zone defense
  171. OMG - did my partner really say that!!!!!
  172. Help , right or wrong
  173. Technical Foul Costs George Washington University Dearly
  174. Get That Junk Outa Here!
  175. Tommy Lasorda as an NBA ref?
  176. Coach Citing the Foul Counts
  177. Notes from a F/JV G Double header
  178. switch
  179. Son's playoff game
  180. Almost had it
  181. His first game? Jurassic that is...
  182. Football mechanic in basketball game
  183. How lane occupants can enter the lane
  184. Wearing down?
  185. has anyone ever officiated a shut-out
  186. Washington v. USC
  187. Blood, no extra uniform
  188. Rules Question
  189. 2 rules questions
  190. Question about foul during try
  191. OT - community service
  192. How do you like this story...?
  193. Byu-unlv
  194. For the love of the game?
  195. Delay of Game???
  196. Injured Player
  197. Incident
  198. Whatcha got?
  199. Player leaves court
  200. Reaching in and over the back
  201. Any news on Welmer?
  202. Out of Bounds?
  203. Strange happening on Throw-in following basket...
  204. BC Violation
  205. Should I have let it go...
  206. JBU TP Game
  207. My season begins tonight
  208. I Think I Kicked It
  209. Just when you think you have heard it all
  210. Really dumb play
  211. He beat me by half a second
  212. Lob Just Before the Buzzer
  213. Weird inbounds play
  214. Intentional foul penalty for 3 point try
  215. Partner Help
  216. Sub after made basket late in game
  217. Intentional Foul?
  218. "Equipment" time out
  219. not much help to partners last night
  220. While I have your attention
  221. Held Ball Signal
  222. One shot, two shots or three shots.
  223. Is it an omen???
  224. substituting during refs time
  225. What have you got?
  226. I have knowledge.....
  227. Blind Squirrel
  228. First Year: First Game From Hell...
  229. Waa-hoo!!!
  230. Official scorer question
  231. King James Classic
  232. AAU Basketball Boys/Girls Tournaments in Orlando
  233. Tenn vs Vandy
  234. Possession Arrow
  235. 5.10.1 Sit E
  236. Free Throw Lane Violation
  237. First coach ejection in years
  238. What would you do?
  239. 3 Ts, one game
  240. It started pre-game
  241. What number do you think He'll wear?
  242. Tallest Partner
  243. nba highlight- charging
  244. Working in tight quarters
  245. Gi-normous tournament coming up
  246. players talking to ref's at the end of time outs
  247. Best Officiating Camps in the Tri-State area or Florida?
  248. Help/Ideas on Becoming a College Official?
  249. Violation or legal?
  250. 5-second closely guarded rule

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