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  1. The NBA Officials Are The Best Trained Officers In The World!
  2. In or Out
  3. Poor fan behavior
  4. palm a basketball
  5. AI "Look"
  6. Jump ball violation
  7. Correctable Error?
  8. Championship Tonight?
  9. A weighty issue
  10. Outside the Lines-ESPN
  11. Kick or no?
  12. Required equipment question
  13. Who's watching the screener
  14. The result of a myth?
  15. Get in, get done, get out
  16. My very first fight
  17. Rare Player
  18. Being lead your thoughts
  19. NCAA Technical Procedure
  20. Dazed and Confused
  21. Dead Ball contact
  22. NFHS ...
  23. Village Idiot comment # 473
  24. Lets talk two man
  25. My very first game
  26. Foul but on who?
  27. Uniform Pants
  28. The Play
  29. Two amazing novel nutso situations for the price of one
  30. Nitpickin' the Details Correctly
  31. It Just Doesn't Get Any Better Than This
  32. jump stop
  33. free throw violation
  34. Help on Pre-Test
  35. What do you do?
  36. Submit or check?
  37. Help!! I'm already going into withdrawals
  38. Yet another changing the book question...
  39. Excessive Time Outs
  40. Is it Over Yet?
  41. Rebounding Foul
  42. Advantage/Disadvantage talk is making me nervous
  43. First REAL fight
  44. False Double Fouls and Simultaneous Fouls
  45. 1st game
  46. Lost a shoe...
  47. Travelling & lane violation
  48. Rolling the Ball Inbounds
  49. Team Shoots on Wrong Basket
  50. T for being out of bounds.
  51. New challenge!
  52. Oh what fun...
  53. new balance 609 shoes
  54. an old mental dilemma
  55. First of the season!!
  56. One too many girls game
  57. Block - Charge (consider this)
  58. Swinging Elbows
  59. OOB Ball -Slap Technical
  60. Official's Death
  61. Not a travel--since when?
  62. Why don't we get overtime pay??
  63. How do you correct this???
  64. Parent body-slams ref at high school basketball game
  65. Accept the penalty, decline the shots?
  66. NCAA-W excessive time out ques
  67. BBall ref body-slammed
  68. T-Fest '04
  69. Pushing it
  70. Primary Areas
  71. Bad newbie story
  72. NBA referees
  73. Bouncing the Ball Hard - a Tech?
  74. Baby steps in 3 person..........
  75. FT ?
  76. Primary
  77. "Enthusiastic Table"
  78. Jump or travel ???
  79. Mouthy Assistant Coach
  80. Seattle HS hoops
  81. Can she play
  82. Bunch of new-guy type questions
  83. Intermural
  84. Chop during last minute?
  85. For Bob, help us out?
  86. Correctable??
  87. correctable
  88. Multiple fouls
  89. observations
  90. Play after the whistle
  91. Another correctable error situation...
  92. Right out of the game of H-O-R-S-E
  93. Even Stupider Coach Comment
  94. over the backboard
  95. did i over react?
  96. Throw-in -- running the line (or not!)
  97. The great game of basketball
  98. Horn sounds during FT
  99. Spotting
  100. Center Calling Ten Secs. Using Shot Clock
  101. Bleachers
  102. Camp for OVC women's
  103. Are all scorer's errors...
  104. Game management skills...NOT!
  105. Nick, Mick, Windycity Ref
  106. Mechanic on Intentional Foul
  107. throw in spots
  108. Special Olympics today.
  109. Double Dribble
  110. I Feel Like One of You Now...
  111. Foul called after shot. . .
  112. Correctable Errors
  113. end of quarter mechanic
  114. Mechanics Question
  115. So much for the "Kinder, gentler" year of officiating
  116. back in action
  117. My first game is this Sunday.
  118. For the sake of argument.....
  119. Held Ball On Throw In
  120. U. New Mexico Game-Official Suspended
  121. Kick ball by offensive player
  122. NBA
  123. Substitiution error
  124. Ref Shoes needed ....quickly
  125. Free Throw
  126. Overtime or Not.
  127. T-Wolves - Hawks
  128. Slick Ball
  129. Violation or not?
  130. Very "unusual" situation! HELP!
  131. How would you handle this?
  132. What would you prefer?
  133. "Planning" To Call a Technical
  134. My First Fight -- And I Missed It
  135. Dad bites the refs!
  136. I'm glad the refs aren't the only ones with brain cramps
  137. Duke UNC
  138. thread simularities
  139. Technical Fouls - no mercy!
  140. Why don't officials get respect?
  141. You make the call, part 3,607
  142. Basketball
  143. The curved toe of the shoe.
  144. trouble with the law
  145. Backcourt Brain Cramp
  146. Backcourt Violation ?
  147. 4 players
  148. Double Jeopardy??
  149. Clock display
  150. Player not in book
  151. Bad Partner
  152. Oral Intimidation a T?
  153. Help, I've got the Peeks! (Mech Question)
  154. Was I out of line?
  155. Hey ref!
  156. for NCAA and NBA referees
  157. Who gets the Technical?
  158. Time Out
  159. rim hanger
  160. some advice
  161. Need Some Advice!!!!!
  162. 53 years as an official!!
  163. free throw try
  164. Shot Attempt
  165. Cell Phone
  166. Rule changes?
  167. Slapping the backboard, redux
  168. Captains
  169. Possession Arrow
  170. New Ref
  171. Intentional Foul on 3 point attempt
  172. Cool Breezes on Hot Tempers
  173. Pregame dunk attempt
  174. There are no rules and those are the rules. NCAA
  175. NCAA Officiating
  176. double dribble?
  177. I'm out. So, why not?
  178. Step out of bounds
  179. Question on Box-out
  180. Cell Phone
  181. When it rains it pours!
  182. Few Things from Tonight
  183. Coach loses cool..what would you do?
  184. Held ball, traveling, or a legal play?
  185. Logos
  186. False Double Ruling
  187. NFHS: Shooting foul, then Tech
  188. Bench personnel or not
  189. Getting tossed...
  190. What is the penalty?
  191. Coaching Box
  192. Whistle for Time Out
  193. Rule book help with backcourt...
  194. Help!!!!
  195. How to talk to Officials
  196. Ought to be a Rule
  197. Illegal Equipment
  198. Player Out of Bounds
  199. Shooting violation?
  200. Back Court violations
  201. Advice...Strange Situation
  203. First State Tournament
  204. back court violation??
  205. Chopping clock vs. starting clock
  206. Couple rules questions
  207. .2 seconds on the clock, Game over?
  208. NCAA team control changes
  209. Scratched and darned happy about it
  210. Bench Fight
  211. shaq attack
  212. Highs and Lows
  213. Tiptoe Travel
  214. Helpful hints?
  215. Super Bowl
  216. Partner Blows a Call
  217. Having a great co goes a long way
  218. need back-up
  219. Potential for overturned decision
  221. 3 Man mechanic
  222. Interesting Story in Indianapolis Star
  223. When is it a T rather than an Intentional?
  224. Mouthy Cheerleader
  225. What was I doing wrong?
  226. Horrible. Just horrible.
  227. Number of games
  228. Tossed My First Coach
  229. Jump Ball: Possession Arrow vs. Actual Jump Ball
  230. Delay T
  231. I think I blew it
  232. Timer's mistake.
  233. A Game from an Alternate Universe
  234. HS 3 pt. line
  235. Clarification a blocked "Try"
  236. Missing Free Thrower
  237. Team 3 Second call?????
  238. Cussing at official
  239. timer starts clock early
  240. Working with officials from here???
  241. Trick plays
  242. Was he guessing on a time out by UNM?
  243. Weirdest pre-game ever
  244. Help! First 3 person game.
  245. Player Control
  246. Isn't it tough being right!
  247. Dribbling the ball OOB
  248. Dribbling the ball OOB
  249. You make the call
  250. Minimalist Voice

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