- assistant coach
- IAABO signal change?
- Extra Period Time-out request
- What do I do?
- Ball through basket from below
- No violation by the jumper?
- Snaqs has no monopoly on interesting gamess
- Sounds During Timeouts
- Interesting Game
- Liability Question, Second Try
- yup, it's addictive!
- NFHS Rules Interpreters versus IAABO Rules Interpreters
- Administration Technical
- Technical foul after held ball
- T'd player 'in jail' on the court?
- 2009 IAABO Exam Question 41
- Escorted out of gym by police tonight
- Legal move?
- False double foul
- Intentional Foul?
- FU - no, it stands for "Follow Up", on coach DUI - verdict in
- paid evaluators
- tragedy in our association
- Clock Managment and Subs
- did i screw up??
- NCAA question
- Get the meds ready
- Anyone has new Officials Manual on Digits?
- Dealing with Coaches
- Head coach and captains meetings
- One of my favorite quotes
- I should know this...
- Another 'Put Time Back on the clock' Query
- Technical Foul - shooter
- "Revised Page" in Officials Manual
- Are officials allowed to "guess" the amount of time to put on the clock?
- Timeout on injured player
- Shot Clock on a held ball
- Throw in question
- Never Say Always ???
- More rec league follies
- Headguards ???
- Blood and Timeout
- NCAA Men's Mechanic
- Wallace Complains About NBA Officials - SHocker!
- Six Players Participating ???
- Another back court question
- "F" Word to T of not
- C test coming up
- M-NCAA Question
- NFHS 2009-10 Basketball Rules Interpretations SITUATION 3
- NF and the "hair control devices"
- NCAA - How Far Can You Go Back?
- Basketball Rules Part 1 - Discussion
- Two out of three ain't bad, I guess
- Second OT
- Some stats
- Two Q about Travelling, Double Dribble:
- Phrase
- Happy Thanksgiving
- My first 'official' game!
- Pass to self
- Pants
- Need help on POI interp
- Players directed to leave and timeouts during the 20 sec period
- Middle school mayhem
- Cancelling the Goal
- Mechanics subtle question
- double foul
- Throw-in held ball question
- aggressive block out
- A Taste of the Big Time......
- To Reach or Not To Reach, that is the question...
- Liability Coverage?
- Weird new info in coach DUI case
- Avoiding Contact
- You'd think I'd learn by now
- Refresher Exam
- Is this the one?
- Shorts/Skirts Question
- Motorola Droid and Arbitersports?
- player hand opposing player ball out of bounds??
- New NFHS mechanic question
- Indirect Techs
- We are a biased bunch aren't we?
- article
- Thoughts
- Interesting position
- Positioning on Technical Foul Free Throws
- Finally a Taste!
- Kobe Bryant behind backboard basket
- What's Your Pregame?
- scrimmage question
- No sub for fouled out player
- Two Man Mechanics
- Picky, picky
- Free throw administration for NFHS California
- Time out administration for 2 man
- Need historic reference
- Tim Donaghy rides again
- Ya Ya more back court questions
- How to deal with the 3-sec rule
- Couldn't Find This In the Book...
- Nate Robinson shoots at wrong basket
- OT - final score 75-0!
- To my fellow new officials...
- Ball lodged.
- Throw in after T...
- Basket interference v. goal tending
- Arbiter buys ABW
- Arbiter Question
- Interrupted Dribble
- Traveling?
- Glad I've Already Finished My Test
- A first
- Alternating Possession Arrow.
- Thought this was interesting and nostalgic
- Team Control Established on Throw In (NFHS)
- JUCO rules Question
- Foul by disqualified player
- Start of dribble
- Study - Refs Even Things Out
- Foul out of bounds
- A play for 2-3?
- kicked call - oops
- Cool Gadget
- Resumption of Play
- Nfhs -> ncaa
- Selling answers on ebay?
- off topic- that was awful- shame on the NCAA
- Foul during shot (off ball)
- 1st year questions
- First Games
- Handy Rule Reminders
- Drexel vs Niagra out of bounds play
- First HS game in FL
- Time out before beginning of quarter
- Trivia Question
- Home Team wear Dark
- Whistle on Subs?
- End of game situation
- Basket Interference
- blarge- POI or AP
- 3 championship games in a row
- Smitty pants
- 3 Blowouts and then almost an Anti-Padgett
- back court violation in bounds question
- Fall from grace - traveling
- 2-pt or 3-pt on close shot at end of period.
- How'd We Do?
- "Designated Spot" ???
- Michigan MHSAA Rules Test
- Shooting Motion
- NBA: Greatest Dunk??
- backcourt #473
- More than just a foul "request", will this trickle down?
- correcting a coorrectable error
- Verification
- Court Coverage
- cross over dribble
- "The hand is considered part of the ball when the hand is in contact with the ball
- Fumble after dribble ended. Ball fall on the floor
- Oscar Robertson never dunked in an N.B.A. game ???
- Shooting Foul
- Out of Bounds Plays
- Related/Additional Activity
- Correctable Error Question
- Foul on a Free Throw
- NCAA-W Mechanic Question
- More mechanics stuff...NCAA/NFHS
- Jr High Ball
- Weirdest stat yet?
- Bulls-Nuggets (o.3 seconds)
- ESPN article
- Wore the new stuff last night
- Never make assumptions
- disappointed
- NCAA v NFHS Free Throw Lane Violation
- NFHS Exam Rule Reference (Question 62 & 66)
- Traveling: NFHS, NCAA, NBA, WNBA, FIFA
- Technical Fould Procedures
- Injured Player, 30 or 60 ???
- college basketball article- business, students
- dazed and confused!
- officiating uniform patch
- Throw-in
- Case reference needed...
- Looking for a rule reference
- Online video examples
- Shirts For Sale
- Another New Guy
- Did we get it right?
- OT - scheduling algorithms
- You make the call (for newbies)
- Need help with my own question!
- off topic- college soccer game
- Lebron
- getting in the mood
- Help with test question
- D1 site help
- table side on F.T.
- All or None
- Another backcourt violation question
- What is the best cell phone for a referee?
- Pity Party
- OOB A2 does not go directly onto court
- Draft night
- First Assignment
- Rule Reference
- False Double?
- Basketball hits glass
- Lane Spaces
- Player Control and count the basket, NFHS?
- 1st FL assignments
- Partner tosses coach
- Multiple foul
- Officiating. About the pay?
- starting a dribble
- AP Throw-in Mistake
- The Day The Music Died ...
- Who books the city of palms tournament
- Test Question
- Happy Halloween everyone
- "She'd Already Got A Free Shot" ...
- team control, shot
- after a made basket
- inbounds question, out of bounds
- Incidental contact ?
- no room
- shot clock test question
- Words An Official Doesn't Want To Hear, "Not In the Book" ...
- What exactly does this mean?
- Dribble me this
- 2009 - 2010 Interp
- Free throw Violation
- NBA excerps from a book they don't want you to read
- Question
- NFHS Part I Exam
- New NBA shirts
- How does this stupid noose work
- Plalyer touches ball to floor.
- Substitution
- Start a game with 4 players?
- In Bounds?
- Quick Question
- A pass is a pass, a shot is a shot...
- New Ref Advice
- Cliff Keen shirts
- College question
- What would you have said?