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  1. Shots Fired!! Game Stopped Twice.
  2. Nine games in 24 hours
  3. KS - Neb Injury
  4. UK vs Vandy..travel or held ball or nothing
  5. Late Whistle
  6. Today
  7. How old is too old?
  8. Baby Ruth Bandit Strikes Again
  9. Did I mess this one up?
  10. Tale of two games
  11. Extension of the Classroom or What???
  12. How bad does it have to be?
  13. Wrong way after jump
  14. How do you get started
  15. Just left him babbling
  16. Newbie in training tosses coach
  17. Tip Ball. UNC/NCState
  18. Timeout to vent - among other things
  19. funny thing happend on the way to the floor (twice)
  20. Basketball officiating camps
  21. Call jurisdiction
  22. Video...travel?
  23. Wow!! There really ARE do-overs!
  24. funny whistle sounds
  25. protest game- nba- old one
  26. officials in Atlanta
  27. Private Messages.
  28. Venting and Confusion
  29. Growing pains?
  30. I had the problem with the team control foul last night
  31. How long did you work HS before moving to college ball?
  32. Stepping on the line at throw-in
  33. Liability?
  34. Goal Tending
  35. Wrong number on foul
  36. Partner tosses coach in first minute of game!
  37. When does the count end?
  38. Tales of a 1st Year: Some firsts last night
  39. Q From 1st Year: Scrubs are comin' in the game.
  40. Foul by offense after a made basket...
  41. Official sitting in stands
  42. Technical Foul Definitions
  43. 75 free throws in a game.....by one team
  44. overturn a call?
  45. Had it, then lost it
  46. 1 Man 2-3 Zone
  47. Hair control/head bands
  48. Rocky, you see any signs of storm where you are?? off topic
  49. Is the unofficial Book considered Team Bench Personel?
  50. Jump ball??????
  51. Players you have officiated.
  52. The Redhead returns - slightly off topic
  53. strange mechanics or not
  54. Chop or Not?
  55. QF1Y: One more... substitutions after final free throw or a made basket.
  56. QF1Y: Leather Lunged fan is right! ... and we let it go.
  57. QF1Y: Mechanics Question Lead/Trail
  58. Post Game Ejection ?
  59. Yes, its another team control question!
  60. Rec league starts tomorrow
  61. Timeout to Vent
  62. Whose arrow is it, anyway?
  63. Whaddya got?
  64. Screening Rules for ballhandler
  65. First time for everything
  66. Rule means what?
  67. Overtime
  68. OOB Spot Throw In Violation???
  69. Interesting thread on a Florida forum-Ref/Athlete incident
  70. Foul fest saved by partner's zinger
  71. I don't get it
  72. Small mechanics question
  73. Should have whacked the kid!
  74. Injured Shooter?
  75. Need help locating rule reference/case book play
  76. Block/Charge out of primary
  77. Another running baseline question.
  78. Crossing Half Court?
  79. Where do you inbound the ball?
  80. How who you rule on this?
  81. What would you do?
  82. Timeout Mechanic
  83. Rolled Ankle
  84. Selecting state series officials
  85. Should I scratch the team
  86. When it's 66-27....
  87. Not a Baby Ruth
  88. Coaches Say the Darndest Things.....
  89. Running the baseline to inbound
  90. Explaining non calls out of your primary to coaches.
  91. Over and Back?
  92. Referee The Defense?
  93. College game fees
  94. End of Half situation
  95. When to shoot T ???
  96. opponents go to locker room before FT's are shot
  97. do we reset the clock
  98. Throw-in Spot
  99. A bufoon at the game
  100. Player Control....When?
  101. Scorer/Timer NCAA
  102. Can you see me? Not really.
  103. Blow the whistle on cancer - know anything about it?
  104. Don't mess with the scorekeeper!
  105. He asked
  106. Signaling Successful 3-Point Goal From Lead (2-Person)
  107. No one called TO
  108. Team foul but ? which player...
  109. help with 3 man rotation
  110. Mercy rule applications in last 2 mins.
  111. Rule 7-6 art. 4 musings
  112. If you want your check.....
  113. How would you handle this?
  114. Got to mentor/shadow a 1st game ref this weekend!
  115. Moving up and down levels
  116. Keeping your shirt tucked in...
  117. Moving Screen? (Block)
  118. Basket Interference or Not!
  119. Shameless plug...ump-attire.com
  120. More assistants than subs
  121. Trifecta
  122. QF1Y: Travelling Violation? --- With Video Goodness
  123. The philosophy of awarding two shoots
  124. Time out situation
  125. NCAA question
  126. ? dribbler commits hold- bonus
  127. new rule question
  128. Girls Games
  129. First T of the New Year
  130. Technical Foul
  131. Good Women's Ball
  132. Training Videos?
  133. Possession after double foul...
  134. Ref not Reffing Trying to Ref. OK??
  135. Advice on Partner
  136. Moving screen
  137. Player Leaving the Floor
  138. Buddy calls with rules question
  139. Official mistake on free throw
  140. OOPS! 5 fouls on player who is shooting free throws
  141. Opps! 5 fouls on player who is shooting free throws
  142. Can't find ruling... hiding under my nose...?
  143. 5-on-2
  144. Travelling
  145. Media Time Outs in HS
  146. What Did I Just See?
  147. Time Out Mania
  148. Correct or Kicked?
  149. Double Foul During Free Throws.
  150. Situational T
  151. When to give it up...
  152. Crazy play
  153. Just curious....
  154. Ever Felt Overwhelmed By The Rules (And Questions) When Beginning To Officiate?
  155. Unsportmanlike Conduct: Flopping
  156. In the Act of Shooting?
  157. Over and Back by stepping out of "bounds"
  158. Noob Question: Where Do You Ref After Basketball Season Is Over?
  159. 3 man mechanics, Tip goes long
  160. Time runoff?
  161. D1 Pregame Dunk T
  162. I feel like such a noob official
  163. Advice for the 1st Year: Free Throw Violations
  164. Free throw violation?
  165. Help w/ Pregame
  166. Wheelchair basketball
  167. end of game timing issue
  168. Clock starts too soon
  169. Closely Guarded Count With Screener
  170. Happy New Year, Everybody
  171. Correctable Error or Not??
  172. A tale of 2 coaches
  173. Passed on a T yesterday, why?
  174. Team Control Foul signal -- NCAA
  175. Backcourt AGAIN
  176. Ever Deal With Fans off-court? Do You Always Ignore On-Court?
  177. I'm moving:(
  178. NCAA/NFHS difference
  179. common foul or shoot two?
  180. traveling?
  181. What do you think about this?
  182. What Do You Know Now That You Wish You Had Known When You First Started?
  183. flying solo and loving it
  184. One man's perception of the game
  185. Very loud music during pregame
  186. Advice for first college experience?
  187. Fox "SONIK"...Not as Advertised!
  188. Slapping the Backboard
  189. Girls with long hair in a ropelike braid.
  190. 2 of our very own!
  191. Airborne and backcourt
  192. What the H?
  193. legal or not?
  194. Q from a 1st year: Control?
  195. Q from a 1st year: Crafty inbounds play.
  196. Critique anyone
  197. Last Sec Shot
  198. What Does It Take To Ref In The NBA?
  199. how do you get started
  200. been over this 100 times but- player control bonus
  201. What a fun time
  202. 1.25 Years of Certification---Elvis has left the building
  203. How Was Your Very First Day As A Ref? Nervous? Excited? Both?
  204. High stress ref
  205. Junker
  206. Spot Violation ?
  207. did we get this right-mutifouls question
  208. Woman Coaching Boys V
  209. Violation Or Not
  210. L&I Claim
  211. I was not going to get beat....
  212. "Double tip" BC Violation
  213. PC or nothing?
  214. TOTALLY OFF-TOPIC football play
  215. Nevada @ North Carolina
  216. What classification of foul? and pre-game Uniform rules.
  217. Not a travel...?
  218. Reporter Becomes Official
  219. Partner with different philosophy
  220. NCAA Test
  221. BC Violation
  222. Shooter Looses Ball
  223. Twenty technicals in one game - all for delay of game!
  224. Foul on throw in
  225. Closely guarded clarification
  226. Train wreck with no LGP
  227. Tripping in Basketball
  228. Can one move up too fast ?
  229. "Subscribed Thread" ?????
  230. Learn to Ref in Canada
  231. Wearing the correct color undershirt under the uniform jersey.
  232. Backcourt
  233. And One
  234. B Conference during sub for A1's fifth foul
  235. Old Throw In Violation ???
  236. If you are the R
  237. Violation
  238. Double Violation
  239. 2 strange situations in the same game
  240. Bench personel
  241. buzzer beater
  242. Technical Foul Question
  243. team subs free throw shooter question
  244. Delay to the nth degree
  245. Basketball rules fundamentals
  246. Be Still, My Heart!
  247. Tenn vs Xavier - T
  248. Sitting Over Division Line
  249. Old School College Guys. 20+ years experience
  250. Touching The Rim??

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