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  1. Please be carefull
  2. Past Topic: Why is this flag reversed?
  3. The carry: walk or double dribble?
  4. Your Thoughts Please
  5. For crying out loud people!
  7. Call what you *see*, right?
  8. Last second "T"
  10. Left Out To Dry
  11. Delayed Whistle
  12. saving ball from going out
  13. Pregame checklist
  14. 2 person mechanics
  15. 3 Officials suspended one game each
  16. Forgot to say thanks
  17. Backcourt violation (let's beat this horse again)
  18. Online Rule Quotes
  19. Help for Traveling Call
  20. #12 vs #12
  21. Possesion arrow indicators for whistles
  22. Hey totalnewbie....
  23. Technically speaking
  24. A myriad of sitchs
  25. T Worthy?
  26. Player Behavior
  27. 3-Whistle Cheat Card
  28. SOAPBOX!!!
  29. Question about traveling violation
  31. Georgia-Tenn. (Women's NCAA)
  32. one player with 3 T's?
  33. using a fist
  34. Over the backboard
  35. Inadvertant horn
  36. Possesion goes to... ?
  37. I Td him before I knew it.
  38. hop step traveling
  39. Foul situation...game
  40. Not calling fouls right now
  41. Where to get a correct ruling from
  42. throw in violation.
  43. Legal Low post D
  44. Technical on defense during Throw in?
  45. Another Backcourt Question. Sorry!
  46. Ball hits guy wire during FT
  47. Controversy at end of game.....
  48. Help
  49. What a great night
  50. 4 shots or 2 x 2 shots?
  51. Interesting Coaching move.
  52. Game management?
  53. Jewelery
  54. 0 or 00
  55. VT vs. Duke
  56. Tech during free throw
  57. NCAA Shot Clock situation
  58. First Game Questions
  59. basketball shirts
  60. Violation or not?
  61. Time out or no?
  62. Free Throw Lane Spaces
  63. 2 man pay vs 3 man pay
  64. Coach management
  65. One Irate Fan
  66. Hey Mick
  67. NBA Referee
  68. Bench Personnel?
  69. I lost it
  70. Fan Conduct
  71. Double Dribble
  72. Unsportsman like conduct
  73. Off ball foul by offense
  74. Double Dribble ? or Not
  75. whacked my first coach
  76. Did I get it right?
  77. A year later...
  78. throwing an elbow
  79. ** JINX!! **
  80. Leaving the Court
  81. refs were bad for a reason!!!!!!!
  82. Interesting rule situations
  83. ear plugs
  84. Stop Game for Injury?
  85. To T`or not to T
  86. Ref18 would be proud.
  87. Last second shot - good or not?
  88. Foul on goaltending play
  89. traveling?
  90. I said it before I knew it!
  91. everyone was peachy
  92. technical or not?
  93. Sub sitch........
  94. Back Court Violation
  95. Scorekeeper/Timer
  96. New
  97. substitutes
  98. Collision w/ players
  99. Pre Game
  100. Double foul
  101. Airborn Shooter
  102. What can you do?
  103. watching the basket as lead
  104. No count from Hightower
  105. kudos for a coach and a question for the 3 person folks
  106. Back Court Violation?????
  107. Violation or Nothing?
  108. Player Control vs Offensive Foul??
  109. Have I gone crazy?
  110. Poss. Arrow from score table to scoreboard tip
  111. You'd all like this one
  112. Boys and Girls Basketball Associations....different rules
  113. Wearing glasses in D-1
  114. Elgibility
  115. Table Issues
  116. Homers
  117. backcourt on throw in
  118. Game Day
  119. OT- Response from a Mod
  120. Block Charge Rules Question
  121. Double Foul Bonus
  122. Coach Sits One Player (Cont.)
  123. Flopping T
  124. Duke/MD held ball calls
  125. Things I have learned
  126. Calling outside your coverage area
  127. Out of bounds (or not)
  128. Ready to get back on the court....
  129. 5 players. Coach sits one.
  130. Pregame Technical Foul
  131. need info
  132. Question about moving up to college....
  133. A Player who fouled out still playing.....
  134. Coast to Coast Ref School
  135. Three peron crew --------calling out your area
  136. substitution ?
  137. Point of Interruption Question
  138. A shooter that hops
  139. Ill-Wisc travel
  140. Clearing the lane
  141. Camps
  142. Help with call
  143. Now I get to fill out a rating form...
  144. Warm-up Music
  145. Stole my "t"
  146. AD and Officiating
  147. Oh, you CAN ignore them!
  148. more ugliness
  149. Do they get to run the baseline again?
  150. Why do you have spares?
  151. Length of hair
  152. timeouts
  153. Coach Belligerent in Coach's Meeting
  154. Out-of-control Game Management
  155. Intentional Foul
  156. Stupid Fan Tricks
  157. What's the Point?
  158. Signature lines
  159. Which is worse...
  160. Fans go wild.
  161. Player control vs Team control foul
  162. Sub for offender
  163. "He Lowered His Shoulder!!"
  164. How would you handle this?
  165. Weird possible situation?
  166. A Quality Toss-Up
  167. Sorry Coach/player , I missed that one....
  168. My son has joined the dark side
  169. hanging net
  170. What's the call?
  171. NBA Rules
  172. Disconcertion on a jump-shooter, live ball
  173. Gray shirts?
  174. DQ player?
  175. Off topic, for fun
  176. The best 5th foul reply from the coach
  177. Just a few questions...
  178. Direction of Play
  179. Batman doesn't begin....
  180. Killer Bees
  181. Patent leather shoes
  182. Backcourt redux
  183. Timeout called - player not in possession
  184. Captains, face your basket.
  185. Need some teaching input
  186. What would you do?
  187. Time for a crash course?
  188. No Coach Left...
  189. Timing Errors
  190. Michigan Girls B-ball Season?
  191. Organization of a New Pool
  192. Drawing the line on 'contact'???
  193. Couple'a quesitons
  194. neat trick on video
  195. Touching Ball To Floor
  196. Disconcertion
  197. non roster subsitute
  198. ARK/LSU
  199. Elbow violation
  200. technical foul at end of game
  201. Pre-game
  202. what da ya got?
  203. Three Person Info
  204. Slapping Back Board
  205. boundary plane question
  206. rules question
  207. Coach T
  208. Ball DID NOT hit support
  209. Got Belted?
  210. elbow to the gut, Automatic Technical?
  211. Backcourt or not?
  212. Failing to Report
  213. JV Fun
  214. Simultaneous T's
  215. Big Joe dexters officials
  216. Basket Interference or not??
  217. College Bench Rule
  218. Error in foul administration
  219. Backcourt ruling
  220. Coaches comments....your thoughts.
  221. Great way to spend a Friday night.
  222. Front court status
  223. 3-Whistle Mechanics Question
  224. How to correct this 1 on 1 situation
  225. East coast officiating clinics
  226. T for the flop
  227. Foul called on wrong number
  228. Foul Count
  229. end of game situation?
  230. Intentional Foul
  231. last second shot
  232. Oatmeal queen please respond
  233. Need some advice.
  234. Mercy Rule
  235. How does the forum work
  236. Three Seconds
  237. One hand or two hands
  238. Correctable error 1and 1 foul shot
  239. Basket Interference
  240. Players in Official Scorebook
  241. That time of year?
  242. Help on Sunday
  243. Tolerance for Coach's Comment - Help!
  244. Coach question?
  245. Crazy Frosh Game & Coach
  246. This happened to me last night
  247. Out of the Mouth of Coaches
  248. You said what?
  249. Charge or no call
  250. coaches/ fans are oblivious

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