- Please be carefull
- Past Topic: Why is this flag reversed?
- The carry: walk or double dribble?
- Your Thoughts Please
- For crying out loud people!
- Call what you *see*, right?
- Last second "T"
- Left Out To Dry
- Delayed Whistle
- saving ball from going out
- Pregame checklist
- 2 person mechanics
- 3 Officials suspended one game each
- Forgot to say thanks
- Backcourt violation (let's beat this horse again)
- Online Rule Quotes
- Help for Traveling Call
- #12 vs #12
- Possesion arrow indicators for whistles
- Hey totalnewbie....
- Technically speaking
- A myriad of sitchs
- T Worthy?
- Player Behavior
- 3-Whistle Cheat Card
- Question about traveling violation
- Georgia-Tenn. (Women's NCAA)
- one player with 3 T's?
- using a fist
- Over the backboard
- Inadvertant horn
- Possesion goes to... ?
- I Td him before I knew it.
- hop step traveling
- Foul situation...game
- Not calling fouls right now
- Where to get a correct ruling from
- throw in violation.
- Legal Low post D
- Technical on defense during Throw in?
- Another Backcourt Question. Sorry!
- Ball hits guy wire during FT
- Controversy at end of game.....
- Help
- What a great night
- 4 shots or 2 x 2 shots?
- Interesting Coaching move.
- Game management?
- Jewelery
- 0 or 00
- VT vs. Duke
- Tech during free throw
- NCAA Shot Clock situation
- First Game Questions
- basketball shirts
- Violation or not?
- Time out or no?
- Free Throw Lane Spaces
- 2 man pay vs 3 man pay
- Coach management
- One Irate Fan
- Hey Mick
- NBA Referee
- Bench Personnel?
- I lost it
- Fan Conduct
- Double Dribble
- Unsportsman like conduct
- Off ball foul by offense
- Double Dribble ? or Not
- whacked my first coach
- Did I get it right?
- A year later...
- throwing an elbow
- ** JINX!! **
- Leaving the Court
- refs were bad for a reason!!!!!!!
- Interesting rule situations
- ear plugs
- Stop Game for Injury?
- To T`or not to T
- Ref18 would be proud.
- Last second shot - good or not?
- Foul on goaltending play
- traveling?
- I said it before I knew it!
- everyone was peachy
- technical or not?
- Sub sitch........
- Back Court Violation
- Scorekeeper/Timer
- New
- substitutes
- Collision w/ players
- Pre Game
- Double foul
- Airborn Shooter
- What can you do?
- watching the basket as lead
- No count from Hightower
- kudos for a coach and a question for the 3 person folks
- Back Court Violation?????
- Violation or Nothing?
- Player Control vs Offensive Foul??
- Have I gone crazy?
- Poss. Arrow from score table to scoreboard tip
- You'd all like this one
- Boys and Girls Basketball Associations....different rules
- Wearing glasses in D-1
- Elgibility
- Table Issues
- Homers
- backcourt on throw in
- Game Day
- OT- Response from a Mod
- Block Charge Rules Question
- Double Foul Bonus
- Coach Sits One Player (Cont.)
- Flopping T
- Duke/MD held ball calls
- Things I have learned
- Calling outside your coverage area
- Out of bounds (or not)
- Ready to get back on the court....
- 5 players. Coach sits one.
- Pregame Technical Foul
- need info
- Question about moving up to college....
- A Player who fouled out still playing.....
- Coast to Coast Ref School
- Three peron crew --------calling out your area
- substitution ?
- Point of Interruption Question
- A shooter that hops
- Ill-Wisc travel
- Clearing the lane
- Camps
- Help with call
- Now I get to fill out a rating form...
- Warm-up Music
- Stole my "t"
- AD and Officiating
- Oh, you CAN ignore them!
- more ugliness
- Do they get to run the baseline again?
- Why do you have spares?
- Length of hair
- timeouts
- Coach Belligerent in Coach's Meeting
- Out-of-control Game Management
- Intentional Foul
- Stupid Fan Tricks
- What's the Point?
- Signature lines
- Which is worse...
- Fans go wild.
- Player control vs Team control foul
- Sub for offender
- "He Lowered His Shoulder!!"
- How would you handle this?
- Weird possible situation?
- A Quality Toss-Up
- Sorry Coach/player , I missed that one....
- My son has joined the dark side
- hanging net
- What's the call?
- NBA Rules
- Disconcertion on a jump-shooter, live ball
- Gray shirts?
- DQ player?
- Off topic, for fun
- The best 5th foul reply from the coach
- Just a few questions...
- Direction of Play
- Batman doesn't begin....
- Killer Bees
- Patent leather shoes
- Backcourt redux
- Timeout called - player not in possession
- Captains, face your basket.
- Need some teaching input
- What would you do?
- Time for a crash course?
- No Coach Left...
- Timing Errors
- Michigan Girls B-ball Season?
- Organization of a New Pool
- Drawing the line on 'contact'???
- Couple'a quesitons
- neat trick on video
- Touching Ball To Floor
- Disconcertion
- non roster subsitute
- Elbow violation
- technical foul at end of game
- Pre-game
- what da ya got?
- Three Person Info
- Slapping Back Board
- boundary plane question
- rules question
- Coach T
- Ball DID NOT hit support
- Got Belted?
- elbow to the gut, Automatic Technical?
- Backcourt or not?
- Failing to Report
- JV Fun
- Simultaneous T's
- Big Joe dexters officials
- Basket Interference or not??
- College Bench Rule
- Error in foul administration
- Backcourt ruling
- Coaches comments....your thoughts.
- Great way to spend a Friday night.
- Front court status
- 3-Whistle Mechanics Question
- How to correct this 1 on 1 situation
- East coast officiating clinics
- T for the flop
- Foul called on wrong number
- Foul Count
- end of game situation?
- Intentional Foul
- last second shot
- Oatmeal queen please respond
- Need some advice.
- Mercy Rule
- How does the forum work
- Three Seconds
- One hand or two hands
- Correctable error 1and 1 foul shot
- Basket Interference
- Players in Official Scorebook
- That time of year?
- Help on Sunday
- Tolerance for Coach's Comment - Help!
- Coach question?
- Crazy Frosh Game & Coach
- This happened to me last night
- Out of the Mouth of Coaches
- You said what?
- Charge or no call
- coaches/ fans are oblivious