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  1. "Doing it right" vs. OOO
  2. How is the preseason in your area?
  3. Girl blocks boy's shot!
  4. Defensive rebound - elbows
  5. How to deal with those pesky squirrels!
  6. Another question...
  7. jump ball
  8. M&m
  9. Head Decoration or Hair Control Device? [Picture Attached]
  10. Finally, my first official HS Game. Any suggestions?
  11. What's the call - technicals at the end of the game
  12. Good?
  13. One thread leads to another
  14. Had good comeback yesterday....
  15. Player fouled out...
  16. Pregame conferences
  17. NCAA relaxed about white on shoes?
  18. Illegal Screen
  19. Correctable error situation
  20. 50 minutes till Chuck takes his warmups off
  21. What in the world is this world coming to?
  22. New Official
  23. Unsportsmanlike?
  24. LeBrons non-call??
  25. NFHS test question # 99
  26. False Multiple Foul?
  27. Illegal uniforms
  28. UMass/UConn
  29. Who and what happened to Bhuck Elics?
  30. Speaking of cheaters....
  31. Who and what happened to Jon Deibler???????
  32. Who will work the NCAA Final this year?
  33. What did Tom Eades do to get mad at the SEC Officials Supervisor?
  34. Funny statements directed to you
  35. New Sansabelts
  36. Are these numbers right?
  37. Message sent......So far
  38. Assignments
  39. count the goal.....
  40. Finding a Crew
  41. Wreck wreport 2
  42. Hey Indianaref...
  43. Clarification
  44. over my head?
  45. Hope a friend helps him
  46. NC and Davidson game last night
  47. Mechanics question..
  48. Dead ball personal foul in NCAA game
  49. Photographer's getting tossed
  50. A few questions.....
  51. Wrong way & Delay of Game
  52. personal communication with coaches
  53. The Primal Scream
  54. coverage area
  55. tableside or not
  56. Questions on hair control devices
  57. In game pointers...
  58. Clock habits
  59. NFHS Two officials test- and seen this site?
  60. First rant of the season!
  61. Still need some help
  62. Officials shortage in NW Kansas
  63. Whistle upon taking the court pregame
  64. Apparel?
  65. rotation
  66. Salvatore Bennett Interview on True Hoop
  67. Trail position on free throw.
  68. Reference Anyone.
  69. throw in spot
  70. Good Tuesday
  71. Free Throw Violation
  72. Help with some wreck rules
  73. At what point do you acknowledge fans/parents?
  74. This should be easy but it will settle an argument with fellow fan
  75. Here's an easy one
  76. NCAA MEN'S: Long Switches
  77. Question... Do we go to the arrow?
  78. College Ruling Please
  79. College Refs
  80. You make the call...
  81. Halftime Protocol
  82. Help with finding rules interpatation for NFHS test 1
  83. Slightly off topic - coach problem in another sport
  84. desiignated Spot
  85. All alone, I am I am
  86. Shot or violation
  87. Exam question: Please help I'm stumped.
  88. Team control?
  89. Juulies picture
  90. # of games?
  91. I'm back (again) and this time I am ONE OF YOU
  92. Hey Indianaref...
  93. Has anybody seen....
  94. Tech before game- sub free throw shooter
  95. Table personnel
  96. NCAA question
  97. Coaching Switch-A-Roo
  98. Funny Dialogue You've Had w/ Player or coaches...
  99. Loose Velcro straps on shoes
  100. Throw-In Violation - When to Call?
  101. Right place at right time
  102. passing to yourself
  103. Wreck league wreport
  104. Delay of game ?
  105. Administrative Technical
  106. A question for the historians
  107. A1 Injured / Unrelated, B3 bleeding
  108. Refresher Test Question
  109. IAABO refresher test
  110. Newbie
  111. Equipment Bag Question
  112. Where is the nearest spot?
  113. Uniform rule--IHSA Clarification
  114. Odd out of bounds plays?
  115. NFHS exam part 1 question #34
  116. A little help
  117. You mak'a da call
  118. Overture....then I hit a flat note
  119. GoYard07
  120. head the ball- bucks game tonight
  121. James Naysmith
  122. Nothing better to do
  123. Three man mechanics
  124. Any info on Kansas interp on standing coaches?
  125. correctable error?
  126. Refresher Test Questions - putting time back on the clock?
  127. Tonight's the night!!
  128. Over and back?
  129. Question
  130. Inbound Pass Goes in Basket
  131. NBA Mechanic? crossed wrist clapping?
  132. Calling Official goes opposite
  133. what now?
  134. 2 FTs and the ball?
  135. New College level jackets?
  136. WARNING!!! OFF_TOPIC Football thread
  137. injury coach on the floor
  138. running out of bounds, screen
  139. Kids rec league coaches rules test
  140. disquaified player
  141. Case play 4.19.8 Situation C
  142. players/bench personnel during timeout
  143. Oh man...I'm gonna be ONE OF THEM!
  144. Case Book 9-9-1 Sit. D
  145. Need Fed Test Q32 references
  146. Wrong Way! Wrong Goal?
  147. NCAA takes timeout on coaches' tantrums
  148. Throw-in violation or OOB violation?
  149. back pick, give a step, does anyone call this today
  150. Pre-game Stretching
  151. Wreck league report
  152. FIBA Question
  153. Double foul during try for goal
  154. Test
  155. Spot Throw-in
  156. Yet another backcourt question
  157. Nevada basketball player
  158. Endline Running...
  159. SmokeEater...Check your PMs...
  160. Help Me stop overthinking this one.....
  161. Speaking of Dunks-GIRLS
  162. Gaining control with your feet
  163. Cell phones at the table
  164. Is this a T?
  165. Oh My Gosh!
  166. What dunks?
  167. Horrible question...
  168. youtube training vid
  169. Advice on giving the Pre-game
  170. Cuffs or No Cuffs?
  171. Beep Test
  172. When to stop closely guarded count?
  173. Interrupted Dribble Three Seconds ???
  174. See what happens when you don't take your meds
  175. Time out after made basket
  176. Fight!
  177. Backcourt questions
  178. another off the wall study guide question
  179. 07-08 Test Question
  180. Good gosh! I kicked it
  181. The Test....
  182. Hard Brace under uniform
  183. Going opposite...
  184. Off topic - basketball score in football game
  185. Different Rules
  186. assigning question
  187. coach beckoned
  188. International ref...
  189. Foul and technical foul
  190. # of Games/ $ / Tracking your yearly work...
  191. Stern's gambling comments...
  192. Sloppy jump-stop??
  193. Shoe Polish
  194. Head Coach privileges
  195. Get 'em both?
  196. Assistant coaches
  197. Team Control Foul Mechanic - NCAA Men
  198. Uniforms
  199. pinching the paint
  200. Whistles With Logos
  201. free throw lane violation
  202. study guide question
  203. Location, location, location
  204. Backcourt or Not?
  205. Becoming a Basketball official
  206. I can feel the Adrenaline..at least I think it's adrenaline
  207. Shoes....
  208. Speaking of whistles
  209. Team Control/Loose Ball/Interrupted Dribble
  210. Question 4
  211. The league
  212. Adams will succeed Nichols
  213. Permission?
  214. Sonik anyone?
  215. I think we should have video replays.....
  216. Egregious mis-application of a rule
  217. Double dribble question
  218. Quick help please re: double foul
  219. Smaller Jacket!
  220. fight and coach enters
  221. Free Throw Lane Restrictions
  222. Working the whistle.
  223. Situation 10 still bothers me.
  224. Personal Flagrant Mechanic
  225. NF 07/08 Rules Test Part II
  226. Pre-game conference with coaches & captains
  227. question #41 & 52 --NF
  228. Tech on Coach situation
  229. Understanding Foul Definitions: A Flow Chart
  230. anyone purchased the Athletics Rules Study
  231. After #3
  232. humbling Position
  233. Thanks for my T?!
  234. What am I missing here?
  235. Correctable error question
  236. F Throw marked lane space
  237. Back court on throw in?
  238. Backboard Situation
  239. When should I of hit the foul?
  240. New time out mechanic
  241. Location of designated spot throw in for B1?
  242. Any Ideas???
  243. Question from Missouri
  244. 07 - 08 Rules for PDA (high school & men's college)
  245. More on NBA officials
  246. Help-Basketball fan needed for a research study!!
  247. undershirt question
  248. Starting the season off with an ejection
  249. Block Charge Question
  250. Nasty coach

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