- "Doing it right" vs. OOO
- How is the preseason in your area?
- Girl blocks boy's shot!
- Defensive rebound - elbows
- How to deal with those pesky squirrels!
- Another question...
- jump ball
- M&m
- Head Decoration or Hair Control Device? [Picture Attached]
- Finally, my first official HS Game. Any suggestions?
- What's the call - technicals at the end of the game
- Good?
- One thread leads to another
- Had good comeback yesterday....
- Player fouled out...
- Pregame conferences
- NCAA relaxed about white on shoes?
- Illegal Screen
- Correctable error situation
- 50 minutes till Chuck takes his warmups off
- What in the world is this world coming to?
- New Official
- Unsportsmanlike?
- LeBrons non-call??
- NFHS test question # 99
- False Multiple Foul?
- Illegal uniforms
- UMass/UConn
- Who and what happened to Bhuck Elics?
- Speaking of cheaters....
- Who and what happened to Jon Deibler???????
- Who will work the NCAA Final this year?
- What did Tom Eades do to get mad at the SEC Officials Supervisor?
- Funny statements directed to you
- New Sansabelts
- Are these numbers right?
- Message sent......So far
- Assignments
- count the goal.....
- Finding a Crew
- Wreck wreport 2
- Hey Indianaref...
- Clarification
- over my head?
- Hope a friend helps him
- NC and Davidson game last night
- Mechanics question..
- Dead ball personal foul in NCAA game
- Photographer's getting tossed
- A few questions.....
- Wrong way & Delay of Game
- personal communication with coaches
- The Primal Scream
- coverage area
- tableside or not
- Questions on hair control devices
- In game pointers...
- Clock habits
- NFHS Two officials test- and seen this site?
- First rant of the season!
- Still need some help
- Officials shortage in NW Kansas
- Whistle upon taking the court pregame
- Apparel?
- rotation
- Salvatore Bennett Interview on True Hoop
- Trail position on free throw.
- Reference Anyone.
- throw in spot
- Good Tuesday
- Free Throw Violation
- Help with some wreck rules
- At what point do you acknowledge fans/parents?
- This should be easy but it will settle an argument with fellow fan
- Here's an easy one
- NCAA MEN'S: Long Switches
- Question... Do we go to the arrow?
- College Ruling Please
- College Refs
- You make the call...
- Halftime Protocol
- Help with finding rules interpatation for NFHS test 1
- Slightly off topic - coach problem in another sport
- desiignated Spot
- All alone, I am I am
- Shot or violation
- Exam question: Please help I'm stumped.
- Team control?
- Juulies picture
- # of games?
- I'm back (again) and this time I am ONE OF YOU
- Hey Indianaref...
- Has anybody seen....
- Tech before game- sub free throw shooter
- Table personnel
- NCAA question
- Coaching Switch-A-Roo
- Funny Dialogue You've Had w/ Player or coaches...
- Loose Velcro straps on shoes
- Throw-In Violation - When to Call?
- Right place at right time
- passing to yourself
- Wreck league wreport
- Delay of game ?
- Administrative Technical
- A question for the historians
- A1 Injured / Unrelated, B3 bleeding
- Refresher Test Question
- IAABO refresher test
- Newbie
- Equipment Bag Question
- Where is the nearest spot?
- Uniform rule--IHSA Clarification
- Odd out of bounds plays?
- NFHS exam part 1 question #34
- A little help
- You mak'a da call
- Overture....then I hit a flat note
- GoYard07
- head the ball- bucks game tonight
- James Naysmith
- Nothing better to do
- Three man mechanics
- Any info on Kansas interp on standing coaches?
- correctable error?
- Refresher Test Questions - putting time back on the clock?
- Tonight's the night!!
- Over and back?
- Question
- Inbound Pass Goes in Basket
- NBA Mechanic? crossed wrist clapping?
- Calling Official goes opposite
- what now?
- 2 FTs and the ball?
- New College level jackets?
- WARNING!!! OFF_TOPIC Football thread
- injury coach on the floor
- running out of bounds, screen
- Kids rec league coaches rules test
- disquaified player
- Case play 4.19.8 Situation C
- players/bench personnel during timeout
- Oh man...I'm gonna be ONE OF THEM!
- Case Book 9-9-1 Sit. D
- Need Fed Test Q32 references
- Wrong Way! Wrong Goal?
- NCAA takes timeout on coaches' tantrums
- Throw-in violation or OOB violation?
- back pick, give a step, does anyone call this today
- Pre-game Stretching
- Wreck league report
- FIBA Question
- Double foul during try for goal
- Test
- Spot Throw-in
- Yet another backcourt question
- Nevada basketball player
- Endline Running...
- SmokeEater...Check your PMs...
- Help Me stop overthinking this one.....
- Speaking of Dunks-GIRLS
- Gaining control with your feet
- Cell phones at the table
- Is this a T?
- Oh My Gosh!
- What dunks?
- Horrible question...
- youtube training vid
- Advice on giving the Pre-game
- Cuffs or No Cuffs?
- Beep Test
- When to stop closely guarded count?
- Interrupted Dribble Three Seconds ???
- See what happens when you don't take your meds
- Time out after made basket
- Fight!
- Backcourt questions
- another off the wall study guide question
- 07-08 Test Question
- Good gosh! I kicked it
- The Test....
- Hard Brace under uniform
- Going opposite...
- Off topic - basketball score in football game
- Different Rules
- assigning question
- coach beckoned
- International ref...
- Foul and technical foul
- # of Games/ $ / Tracking your yearly work...
- Stern's gambling comments...
- Sloppy jump-stop??
- Shoe Polish
- Head Coach privileges
- Get 'em both?
- Assistant coaches
- Team Control Foul Mechanic - NCAA Men
- Uniforms
- pinching the paint
- Whistles With Logos
- free throw lane violation
- study guide question
- Location, location, location
- Backcourt or Not?
- Becoming a Basketball official
- I can feel the Adrenaline..at least I think it's adrenaline
- Shoes....
- Speaking of whistles
- Team Control/Loose Ball/Interrupted Dribble
- Question 4
- The league
- Adams will succeed Nichols
- Permission?
- Sonik anyone?
- I think we should have video replays.....
- Egregious mis-application of a rule
- Double dribble question
- Quick help please re: double foul
- Smaller Jacket!
- fight and coach enters
- Free Throw Lane Restrictions
- Working the whistle.
- Situation 10 still bothers me.
- Personal Flagrant Mechanic
- NF 07/08 Rules Test Part II
- Pre-game conference with coaches & captains
- question #41 & 52 --NF
- Tech on Coach situation
- Understanding Foul Definitions: A Flow Chart
- anyone purchased the Athletics Rules Study
- After #3
- humbling Position
- Thanks for my T?!
- What am I missing here?
- Correctable error question
- F Throw marked lane space
- Back court on throw in?
- Backboard Situation
- When should I of hit the foul?
- New time out mechanic
- Location of designated spot throw in for B1?
- Any Ideas???
- Question from Missouri
- 07 - 08 Rules for PDA (high school & men's college)
- More on NBA officials
- Help-Basketball fan needed for a research study!!
- undershirt question
- Starting the season off with an ejection
- Block Charge Question
- Nasty coach