- Time out requests
- Talking to Refs, Part 1
- Legal guarding position
- How 'bout talking to fans!
- Taking points of the board
- Wher in the rule book?
- Almost a Dav-ism!
- Constitution - another post has disappeared on me!
- Foul After Period Ends
- Did you know that? (NF rules)
- Talking to coaches... Part II
- force out rule revisited
- Hanging on rim
- Player A steps on Player B
- If you had a new guy and had an hour to pregame:
- Hey Jurrasic
- Referee is a part of the court/court?
- You make the call....
- It happened last night
- Pizza and Diet Cokes with colleagues
- Reviewing Tapes
- 1st 'T', a complement, and a question
- What would I have done?
- Warning for Delay?
- senior member
- backcourt
- Positioning Problem
- technicals
- What's the "Coast to Coast" camp?
- Texas/Texas Tech officials
- Defender on line on inbounds
- enzona.net English version!
- Coach ejected while in stands
- Correctable Error handled right?
- On this date in 1892
- Hard throws and complaining about calls?
- Rebounding Foul Question
- Officials in car accident...
- Talking to coaches...
- evaluation-know your role.....
- "Shortage" Yeah Right!!
- Confession and Questions
- "Airball" mess up.
- I'm counting on you folks to help me out!!
- Question about inbounding
- Suggestion on 3 Second violation
- Illegal number?
- BOdy Contact
- Quick Quiz
- Converse "Whistle" shoe
- Case book 4.19.8 B
- Varsity Coach on JV bench
- jump-stop explanation
- Danny Crawford
- I Am Blind....
- lanyards
- Proper Procedure
- Swinging of Elbows
- Camp Information
- Traveling Violation or Not ?
- One rule that I would like to see changed
- SEC officials
- Double Foul after a made basket
- My own Davisms????
- NBA pagers?
- Inbounding
- The ref has the last word!
- How many fouls is too many?
- Quick clarification...(but a bit long-winded!)
- 00 vs. 0
- Disqualified Player Procedure
- Palming or Carrying the ball??
- Table Location
- Double Tweet
- no bench
- First coach ejection!
- Unprepared officials
- new terminology
- DQ
- Duke v.GaTech (long)
- Bad Habits
- clock stopped for a split sec
- To T or not to T?
- In play or out of play
- Looking for Art N.
- Mark Cuban...
- Everyone has to remember....
- Delay of Game??
- Let's Put It To Bed
- scorers table logistics
- When will you know it's time to hang up your whistle?
- Keady was torqued!
- The Great Debate: Unsporting Technical Fouls
- But I Was Open!
- "star system"
- Have you ever been called a cheat?
- How You Change The World
- Mechanics Manual Mistake?
- comparison...you & them
- Euphemisms
- You make this call, too
- Gotta Gripe
- What's the call?
- Under Cutting Players
- Do you grant this timeout?
- Ugly Game
- Multiple Coach T's/Ejections (don't know where the thread went!)
- Multiple T's on one coach / ejection procedure
- Unconscious GPS #2 & 3
- Mark Cuban
- Cute player comment
- Dumb Coaches
- Free Throw Spaces
- waving hands in the face of a defender
- contact on a blind screen
- Where to stand during FTs
- Put time back on the clock?
- You make the call - edition #1023
- Best Davism ever?
- Watch the arrow, very important for newbies.
- Last second shot & foul
- Offensive basket interference
- Diabetic Seizure, Return to game?
- Number change in book...
- Do you shoot the bonus?
- Any NCAA rules gurus out there?
- Grasping the "Basket"
- Tossed two coaches
- What do you do here? (GPS #8, just kidding :eek:)
- Handcheck (hopefully not GPS #7!!)
- Should we ref at schools we are associated with
- Mentoring
- Does offensive team retain the right to run endline
- Louisiana Exceptions
- Resuming Play Procedure
- Oregon vs. Arizona
- "Connections"
- Timer's Jersey
- Technical Mechanic
- Can you give a T for fan behavior
- Upper Level Games...
- No calls come with experience
- Would You Mind Taking A Pay Cut To Add A Third Official To Your Games?
- experience
- Mike Davis T Whining
- Memphis/Arkansas
- New Year's Resolutions
- Duke-Davidson--Officiating Shirts.
- Hockey Dad to goto trial over death of parent
- These Shoes Suck!
- New Mexico Officials' camps
- ap arrow question
- Why Do Some Fellow Officials"Player Hate"
- gps-6-rebounding
- Trick Play....Doggy Style
- Ref keeping track of AP arrow
- Technical on Mascot
- You think that was bad, let me tell you about this.
- what do YOU call in these sitchs
- Just when you think you have seen it all....
- Son of Wisdom-From-The-Stands
- Violence of Referees
- TI After "T"
- T administration question
- "Working" the men in stripes
- Pre-Game
- Free Throw Administration
- Seen it all
- Hey, Spaman29, Tell Us MORE!!!
- Level of Tolerance
- Addressing you
- Backcourt?
- Kicked a Call....what to do next
- Sounds like a coach you know?
- Substitution Mechanic
- Quick Huddles?
- shoes
- Player Control = AP Throw in?!?
- Experimental Rule--Update
- Situations
- Violations-Part II #97
- reporting area.
- ejecting a coach
- Moving Screen issue. Is this the proper wording.
- Hand Raising
- When is the next WA meeting?
- Time out
- Finish this sentence
- Lazy partners
- Timeout???
- backig your partner
- The Great Debate: ‘No-Call’ It?
- Player Who Fouled Raise Your Hand.
- 80% Rule
- Inbounds spot
- Scorebook T
- a weird backcourt
- catching own shot
- Palming the Basketball
- Getting to know me
- Correcttable or not
- Referee Magazine wrong - again!
- Summary of Penalties
- Slapping backboard or basket interference
- Flagrant and Intentional Fouls
- Communicating with Scorer
- Must Have Equipment!!!
- gps-5
- First game ever
- muffed pass, then dribble
- Compliment!
- OHSAA Jacket ?
- Games in one day / schedule
- Money Talk
- Hot threads
- Delay of game
- Bonus Davism
- Stupid Question of the month
- NFHS Part 2 Test (Basketball)
- Good partner
- Backcourt violation?
- Attempting free throws
- Top 10 Davisms
- A Venting about unsportsmanlike behavior
- Injured player
- Pants
- Equipment Bag
- throw in spot?
- crew's last game play situation
- Laugh, think, be brought to tears every day...
- Stare and puke - the origin
- shin splints
- Would you take this game????
- Question about gps #3 below.
- Could it get any worse than this?
- Closely guarded clarification
- Travel?
- gps-4
- Travel or TO?
- Timing correction.
- Primary coverage-did I miss somethng
- Worked with an Ohio Class 1 Var Ref 3 games and....
- just a story.
- Dumb A$$ Question