- Referee Cronie
- 4-44 Article 3
- Top 10 remarks about officiating...
- Oh Boy! we have a mess!
- Travel or not...
- My "Savior"
- intentional foul
- Yikes! Five straight games!
- My fault...
- Defender hits dribbler's hand; ball goes OOB; Whatcha got?
- Time Out over OOB?
- A6 comes off bench
- Question...
- Sitch: FC throw-in near division line.
- Interesting Article
- 8 sec violation
- Ever lost sleep over a game?
- Worst games ever
- Bittersweet Return
- Jump stop
- High School Shot Clock
- Out of Bounds/Inbounds Situation
- Great coach - not kidding
- L o n g Game!
- Ugly Broken Ankle
- Is ball control the key?
- Mental Error
- 4 players then 1 enters
- Whistle to end quarter?
- Real pros
- Over and back??
- traveling ?
- I took a tumble last night....
- Uniform Power Point
- ouch...talk about losing your cool...
- shedding the rust
- 1/2 a second behind.
- Rule 9-3-3 California ruling, what is your association doing?
- To Be (compensated) or Not To Be (compensated)
- Substitute for Disqualified Player
- Connecticut Home Whites - It's Official
- Let's talk about floor positioning on the fastbreak...
- What to do???
- Young coaches attitudes today.
- I felt weird
- Free Throw Question
- Why is this so confusing
- Move Free(R) Advanced
- 2 person: how to cover
- Australia
- uniform issue
- Double Personal Foul
- Reversing my own call
- How to watch
- Socks.
- Question?
- Contact with FT shooter
- two man mechanics
- 2-man frontcourt lines of responsibility
- Part II
- Team Control Signal
- NFHS thrower problem
- Continue the count?
- What is your daytime job?
- Did we get it right??
- Team control?
- Foam siding on backboard
- For discussion sake...
- Is the official correct? - Part II
- Unsporting Foul
- Player Out of Bounds
- 6 Players on Court
- Official mechanics
- Charge/Block contact
- Yelling while defending?
- Running Clock in College (any level?)
- Tenn \ Unc Womens' Basketball
- TJones1, think up some more
- OOB or foul?
- Shoes?
- I hate bad weather
- Throw in ?
- Rookie question
- Double Technical - Player Disqualification
- Made basket, Throw in.
- Off ball foul on made basket (NCAA)
- Kansas/USC Game--Someone must know who this guy is.
- White Uniforms - Michigan
- First time for everything.
- Setting AP Arrow
- Dribble?
- Slide And Get Up
- You guys are clarivoyant (sp)
- You CAN go home again. . .
- Correctable "mistake"?
- Tech Question
- Officials as players
- Is the official correct?
- Seven out of eight isn't too bad
- Officials and Development
- Openers today
- Interesting coaching philosophy
- Jumpstop clarification
- Is This Player Control?
- Fox 40 CMG
- Most bizarre one that I've ever had
- H.S. Admin Tech. Player not in the book.
- H.S. Indirect Technical Foul
- Foul question
- another of us
- 2-10 question
- Varsity practice/shoot-around during JV game
- Blowout game, but.......
- Correctable Error Question
- Held Ball Mechanics?
- The legend of the pivot cheek
- Just trying to avoid a violation
- Coaches sub-varsity
- T for Delay
- Ball Enters From Below
- Simple terminology Q
- Its official
- Another Question??????
- Men of few words?
- T on Home for non white uniforms
- Another Question??????
- new one on me
- Chair slamming/stomping
- designated throw in spot?
- Little Help?
- IRS Announces 2008 Standard Mileage Rates
- Venting
- Rule Question
- Myths of Basketball
- Faceguard
- Frontcourt Sideline Throw-In Admin
- T mechanics
- Interesting evening with a rookie
- beltless pants - hello there everyone
- Reach in foul on player
- Throwing Clipboard
- Early season fun stuff
- Vat's der cawl?
- Traveling Call confusion
- FT administration sequence
- Case Book Question
- 16-team College Basketball Invitational
- Juggling Work/Career with Officiating
- Ncstate/msu
- Double Foul...Alt Poss or POI
- Communication to get call straight
- Handle with care
- Conflict of Interest?
- Rules-Case Book pdf or word doc?
- Official Arrested
- Head Coache's Rule
- Pre game
- Scorebook/Scoreboard Error at End of Game
- First two nights of the year under my belt - some frustrations
- It was a track meet
- Jump ball following the tip
- flexing with a zone
- Hate that third set of eyes!!!!
- Penalty for T?
- 2nd Official Game
- You make the call
- Starting quarter with a T
- Legal play?
- Clock Stoppage
- Anyone watching the Indiana/Ga Tech game?
- kick ball after basket
- Backcourt Violation?
- Calling coaches by name.
- My first game
- Jumpball Violation?
- Long Switch Definition
- Working on a Small Court
- Was reading my rule book tonight....
- Goofy situation
- Can't find my rhythm yet.
- Focus
- Oh boy, oh boy - just got called to do a game tonight - first one of the season
- Travel Question
- Wristbands above the elbow -- NCAA
- U mayk da cawl
- To be or not to be - IAABO
- Free throw admin screw up........
- My officials won't blow their whistle
- Delay of game warning
- Rule 10-1-5c
- Flopping
- Clarification regarding the AP arrow
- Official calls
- Whatever happened to.....
- Foul at end of Villanova/NC St game
- Had a GREAT Turkey Day Tourney this weekend...
- Shot clock reset question
- An extreme version of "Get In, Get Done, Get Out?"
- First Official Game
- sliding with the ball
- First Game
- Rule 3-5-3d
- IAABO Exam
- T or let it ride?
- Violation or play on?
- FIBA Video
- Fed rules on PDA
- Really new partner
- New Men's Mechanic?
- Uniform problem in Tennessee
- running baseline
- Inbounder slips
- This columnist still gets it
- Disqualified player question
- NFHS 10-1-5 a & b situations
- Maui yesterday;Orlando today
- Delay - Team Technical or Player Technical?
- Any members from San Antonio?
- Off topic - typical Turkey Day
- Duke recruit is murdered on CSI! (OK, not really, it's a TV show)
- Backcourt violation or not?
- there are no provisions in the rules for "do-overs"
- cursing on court
- Hypothetical: Tech before leaving court
- Time-out to keep injured player in game NFHS
- Changing the bonus from shooting to an option
- Turkey Tournaments
- Over and Back?
- Old Man need Mechanics Refresher
- Beckoning in Subs
- BTW: officials that do a good job...
- Question: helping your partner(s)
- Found myself watching last night. (or not watching)
- Here's a new one...
- Happy and Safe Turkey Day To All...
- Question for Juulie
- Starstruck or Dumbstruck?
- Just certified... need games/advice
- First scrimmage
- IAABO refresher #76
- FIBA Question
- When does the try really end?
- Chuck Sightings
- How to do your best with new/sub-par officials?
- First games today
- FT foul during Ill/AZ St game
- Player Out of Bounds
- For the love of the game?
- Yelling following a dunk
- Jump Ball and holding your spots...