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  1. Ever lost sleep over a game?
  2. Worst games ever
  3. Bittersweet Return
  4. Jump stop
  5. High School Shot Clock
  6. Out of Bounds/Inbounds Situation
  7. Great coach - not kidding
  8. L o n g Game!
  9. Ugly Broken Ankle
  10. Is ball control the key?
  11. Mental Error
  12. 4 players then 1 enters
  13. Whistle to end quarter?
  14. Real pros
  15. Over and back??
  16. traveling ?
  17. I took a tumble last night....
  18. Uniform Power Point
  19. ouch...talk about losing your cool...
  20. shedding the rust
  21. 1/2 a second behind.
  22. Rule 9-3-3 California ruling, what is your association doing?
  23. To Be (compensated) or Not To Be (compensated)
  24. Substitute for Disqualified Player
  25. Connecticut Home Whites - It's Official
  26. Let's talk about floor positioning on the fastbreak...
  27. What to do???
  28. Young coaches attitudes today.
  29. I felt weird
  30. Free Throw Question
  31. Why is this so confusing
  32. Move Free(R) Advanced
  33. 2 person: how to cover
  34. Australia
  35. uniform issue
  36. Double Personal Foul
  37. Reversing my own call
  38. How to watch
  39. Socks.
  40. Question?
  41. Contact with FT shooter
  42. two man mechanics
  43. 2-man frontcourt lines of responsibility
  44. Part II
  45. Team Control Signal
  46. NFHS thrower problem
  47. Continue the count?
  48. What is your daytime job?
  49. Did we get it right??
  50. Team control?
  51. Foam siding on backboard
  52. For discussion sake...
  53. Is the official correct? - Part II
  54. Unsporting Foul
  55. Player Out of Bounds
  56. 6 Players on Court
  57. Official mechanics
  58. Charge/Block contact
  59. Yelling while defending?
  60. Running Clock in College (any level?)
  61. Tenn \ Unc Womens' Basketball
  62. TJones1, think up some more
  63. OOB or foul?
  64. Shoes?
  65. I hate bad weather
  66. Throw in ?
  67. Rookie question
  68. Double Technical - Player Disqualification
  69. Made basket, Throw in.
  70. Off ball foul on made basket (NCAA)
  71. Kansas/USC Game--Someone must know who this guy is.
  72. White Uniforms - Michigan
  73. First time for everything.
  74. Setting AP Arrow
  75. Dribble?
  76. Slide And Get Up
  77. You guys are clarivoyant (sp)
  78. You CAN go home again. . .
  79. Correctable "mistake"?
  80. Tech Question
  81. Officials as players
  82. Is the official correct?
  83. Seven out of eight isn't too bad
  84. Officials and Development
  85. Openers today
  86. Interesting coaching philosophy
  87. Jumpstop clarification
  88. Is This Player Control?
  89. Fox 40 CMG
  90. Most bizarre one that I've ever had
  91. H.S. Admin Tech. Player not in the book.
  92. H.S. Indirect Technical Foul
  93. Foul question
  94. another of us
  95. 2-10 question
  96. Varsity practice/shoot-around during JV game
  97. Blowout game, but.......
  98. Correctable Error Question
  99. Held Ball Mechanics?
  100. The legend of the pivot cheek
  101. Just trying to avoid a violation
  102. Coaches sub-varsity
  103. T for Delay
  104. Ball Enters From Below
  105. Simple terminology Q
  106. Its official
  107. Another Question??????
  108. Men of few words?
  109. T on Home for non white uniforms
  110. Another Question??????
  111. new one on me
  112. Chair slamming/stomping
  113. designated throw in spot?
  114. Little Help?
  115. IRS Announces 2008 Standard Mileage Rates
  116. Venting
  117. Rule Question
  118. Myths of Basketball
  119. Faceguard
  120. Frontcourt Sideline Throw-In Admin
  121. T mechanics
  122. Interesting evening with a rookie
  123. beltless pants - hello there everyone
  124. Reach in foul on player
  125. Throwing Clipboard
  126. Early season fun stuff
  127. Vat's der cawl?
  128. Traveling Call confusion
  129. FT administration sequence
  130. Case Book Question
  131. 16-team College Basketball Invitational
  132. Juggling Work/Career with Officiating
  133. Ncstate/msu
  134. Double Foul...Alt Poss or POI
  135. Communication to get call straight
  136. Handle with care
  137. Conflict of Interest?
  138. Rules-Case Book pdf or word doc?
  139. Official Arrested
  140. Head Coache's Rule
  141. Pre game
  142. Scorebook/Scoreboard Error at End of Game
  143. First two nights of the year under my belt - some frustrations
  144. It was a track meet
  145. Jump ball following the tip
  146. flexing with a zone
  147. Hate that third set of eyes!!!!
  148. Penalty for T?
  149. 2nd Official Game
  150. You make the call
  151. Starting quarter with a T
  152. Legal play?
  153. Clock Stoppage
  154. Anyone watching the Indiana/Ga Tech game?
  155. kick ball after basket
  156. Backcourt Violation?
  157. Calling coaches by name.
  158. My first game
  159. Jumpball Violation?
  160. Long Switch Definition
  161. Working on a Small Court
  162. Was reading my rule book tonight....
  163. Goofy situation
  164. Can't find my rhythm yet.
  165. Focus
  166. Oh boy, oh boy - just got called to do a game tonight - first one of the season
  167. Travel Question
  168. Wristbands above the elbow -- NCAA
  169. U mayk da cawl
  170. To be or not to be - IAABO
  171. Free throw admin screw up........
  172. My officials won't blow their whistle
  173. Delay of game warning
  174. Rule 10-1-5c
  175. Flopping
  176. Clarification regarding the AP arrow
  177. Official calls
  178. Whatever happened to.....
  179. Foul at end of Villanova/NC St game
  180. Had a GREAT Turkey Day Tourney this weekend...
  181. Shot clock reset question
  182. An extreme version of "Get In, Get Done, Get Out?"
  183. First Official Game
  184. sliding with the ball
  185. First Game
  186. Rule 3-5-3d
  187. IAABO Exam
  188. T or let it ride?
  189. Violation or play on?
  190. FIBA Video
  191. Fed rules on PDA
  192. Really new partner
  193. New Men's Mechanic?
  194. Uniform problem in Tennessee
  195. running baseline
  196. Inbounder slips
  197. This columnist still gets it
  198. Disqualified player question
  199. NFHS 10-1-5 a & b situations
  200. Maui yesterday;Orlando today
  201. Delay - Team Technical or Player Technical?
  202. Any members from San Antonio?
  203. Off topic - typical Turkey Day
  204. Duke recruit is murdered on CSI! (OK, not really, it's a TV show)
  205. Backcourt violation or not?
  206. there are no provisions in the rules for "do-overs"
  207. cursing on court
  208. Hypothetical: Tech before leaving court
  209. Time-out to keep injured player in game NFHS
  210. Changing the bonus from shooting to an option
  211. Turkey Tournaments
  212. Over and Back?
  213. Old Man need Mechanics Refresher
  214. Beckoning in Subs
  215. BTW: officials that do a good job...
  216. Question: helping your partner(s)
  217. Found myself watching last night. (or not watching)
  218. Here's a new one...
  219. Happy and Safe Turkey Day To All...
  220. Question for Juulie
  221. Starstruck or Dumbstruck?
  222. Just certified... need games/advice
  223. First scrimmage
  224. IAABO refresher #76
  225. FIBA Question
  226. When does the try really end?
  227. Chuck Sightings
  228. How to do your best with new/sub-par officials?
  229. First games today
  230. FT foul during Ill/AZ St game
  231. Player Out of Bounds
  232. For the love of the game?
  233. Yelling following a dunk
  234. Jump Ball and holding your spots...
  235. "Doing it right" vs. OOO
  236. How is the preseason in your area?
  237. Girl blocks boy's shot!
  238. Defensive rebound - elbows
  239. How to deal with those pesky squirrels!
  240. Another question...
  241. jump ball
  242. M&m
  243. Head Decoration or Hair Control Device? [Picture Attached]
  244. Finally, my first official HS Game. Any suggestions?
  245. What's the call - technicals at the end of the game
  246. Good?
  247. One thread leads to another
  248. Had good comeback yesterday....
  249. Player fouled out...
  250. Pregame conferences

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