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  1. Violation on jump ball
  2. Case 5.10.1 Sit B
  3. Brain Fart Moment
  4. Xavier v Cinny
  5. You knew it would come up sometime
  6. Shot Clock
  7. Georgetown/Memphis
  8. KU v. Umass
  9. Your very best advice for a new ref
  10. Assistant Coach
  11. First 3-man game on Monday
  12. Penalty for this or not?
  13. 10 second count, AP
  14. What do you have... Strange play
  15. 4-43 sliding with the ball while on knees
  16. News out of Massachusetts
  17. Shooting the Technical
  18. I'm probably the only one who saw it
  19. What happened first?
  20. IHSA Officials: Power Rating
  21. Junior disagreeing with veteran
  22. New shoes
  23. Unsporting Foul Example
  24. I need some strong advice.....
  25. Held Ball/Traveling?
  26. Throw in spot
  27. Warning for delay
  28. Backcourt rule
  29. Burrs and Welmers Shoes
  30. Break out the pain killers
  31. 2nd forfeit of my (short) career
  32. End of game situation offensive foul scenario with a made bucket at the buzzer
  33. possesion arrow
  34. Might have kicked it!
  35. Correctable Error?
  36. not ready for play
  37. Possession awareness
  38. Is second violation FT Violation??
  39. The judge to make the call?
  40. Another assault on an official - sort of
  41. Scoring Issue
  42. 4-point play
  43. Admin of Tech
  44. Kicking violation or not?
  45. delay of game/throw-in
  46. first T of the year
  47. Inbound
  48. Dribble fumble dribble?
  49. In season surgery
  50. Intentional Foul Situation
  51. Little Man on the Court!
  52. Backcourt violation - 3 second violation
  53. OOB throw in NCAA-W
  54. "You know how to whistle, don't you?"
  55. Hair Control
  56. What would you have done?
  57. Time to go?
  58. Woo Hoo!
  59. Throw-in
  60. One that I'll remember
  61. Help please
  62. Long Sleeve undershirt
  63. 3-point. fumble or block
  64. I need specifics
  65. Benches on opposite sides of the court
  66. Technical?
  67. Elbow Brace
  68. I need some advice.
  69. Help Educate a Dad!
  70. Sport Information, Techniques, Drills, Tips, Articles, and more!
  71. Tale of a Drafted Clock Operator.....
  72. Kassidys Birthday
  73. disqualification
  74. Team Refuses To Come Out After Half Time
  75. Illegal Numbers-NFHS
  76. Where do you draw the line?
  77. Micro mesh
  78. Gold Fox 40
  79. U mayk duh cawl
  80. FT lane provisions
  81. 3-second rule -> Allowance
  82. 3-Person Mechanics - NFHS
  83. Uniform colors........
  84. Why the Seeming Discrepancy?
  85. Under the basket throw in position.....
  86. Throwin situation
  87. Help on out-of-bounds play
  88. 2 or 3 man crews
  89. Press Situation
  90. disqualified player and no replacement
  91. Headbands
  92. Technical foul? Elbow
  93. Free throw lane coverage
  94. Looking for a Toe
  95. out of bounds throw in??
  96. Tech Free-throws
  97. Leaving bench area
  98. Deflecterd shot...
  99. Throw -in....
  100. Make the coach take a time out?
  101. T or no T! what do you think?
  102. How many free throws do you shoot?
  103. Expert Village Video: Charging
  104. Timeout Sitch
  105. Headband or Hair Control Device?
  106. IAABO Officials
  107. False Multiple Foul situation
  108. Mizzou v Cal
  109. Throw in provision
  110. The Dynamic Duo back together again
  111. Part II Questions
  112. Oooo. Its the Big One. You hear that Elizabeth. I'm comin' to to join you honey.
  113. Another striking the backboard question
  114. Leaving the court
  115. Help Me Clean This one Up !
  116. Jim Burr and Welmers Shoes
  117. Visiting Northern hemisphere referees
  118. 9-9-2 wording change
  119. Gave my first "T" today
  120. Backcourt?
  121. Substitution Question - NFHS
  122. Yup, my first game of the season
  123. Oh Those Pesky Uniform Violations………
  124. Happenings from Girls 8th A game
  125. Promotion
  126. Weird situation
  127. Jump Ball?
  128. Jump Ball Sitch
  129. What "Attributes"?
  130. Part II Test questions
  131. And yet ANOTHER D3 upset
  132. fumble twice
  133. Thank you huge
  134. Coach says thank you.
  135. College & HS
  136. NFHS 2008-09 Casebook Play 2.10.1 Situation D
  137. Game video
  138. The Ultimate Free Throw situation
  139. What's the penalty
  140. College question - RE: Slapping backboard
  141. Jump or Step
  142. strange play
  143. Ma officials??
  144. Traveling?
  145. My Personal Back in the Saddle game
  146. Question 38 part 2 tests
  147. Was that Jon Diebler?
  148. Quick about face
  149. Personal Foul??
  150. Substitution question
  151. Jump Ball - "Need to Get Away?"
  152. Greetings from Alaska. fouled on the shot
  153. Leather Luster
  154. Coaches Box Question
  155. Designated Tosser
  156. 2 Situations
  157. Foul on jump ball to start game
  158. order of FT
  159. Designated Throw In
  160. Intentional, Personal, or Common?
  161. Called player running OOB the other night
  162. Pass/Crash
  163. Artificial Noisemakers
  164. Hidden jewelry
  165. Correctable error situation
  166. Odd Looking Play in Duke Game
  167. Tarheels at Spartans at Ford Field.
  168. OSU vs Miami
  169. Referee Jobs Lost?
  170. What's the call in this instance.....
  171. Simultaneous foul
  172. More thoughts from John Adams
  173. Off. Post Play
  174. 2007/08 Rule Changes
  175. Jump Ball then Technical
  176. Pregame Dunk
  177. Personal Foul during Dead Ball
  178. 4 T's in Season opener
  179. Advice
  180. Man Down Alert!!!
  181. New one for me
  182. Automatic T?
  183. Correctable error
  184. Optional Coaching Box
  185. Throw question pt2
  186. Throw in question
  187. What would you do?
  188. Shin Splints
  189. NCAA 2-man ALERT!!!
  190. Incredible - coach tossed at scrimmage!
  191. Intentional or Technical
  192. Funny from Holiday Tourney....
  193. Tripping
  194. Blarge alert!!!
  195. Who is writing this stuff?
  196. Can foul be called with 0:00?
  197. throw-in after double personal during free throw
  198. pass to self, dunk
  199. Tiring Scrimmage
  200. Should Center Pause at Division Line?
  201. Substitute responsibilities for 3-man
  202. General Liability Insurance Protection
  203. Top Eleven Tim Donaghy Pleas For A Lighter Sentence
  204. Oklahoma-Purdue
  205. how to post pics?
  206. I wanna get better at clock management!
  207. Last Second Shot
  208. Inbounding violation
  209. Tights
  210. I love the smell of testerone in the morning ...
  211. Help! I'm Cheap And I Can't Get Up ...
  212. school logos on team jersey??
  213. block or charge?
  214. The kind of fans I hate!
  215. Something I'm thankful for
  216. How to have a short memory?
  217. Another Sonik update.
  218. Full or 30
  219. Airball shot, ball going up
  220. fumble during inbounds and timeout during a loose ball
  221. intentional miss- free throw hits rim, violation
  222. Happy Thanksgiving Everybody ...
  223. Inbounding after a T
  224. Blarge--questions from coach
  225. A few questions...
  226. To Toss or not to Toss?
  227. Switching on Timeouts??
  228. Time Out
  229. Leaving the court--Tech Foul?
  230. Just couldn’t wait
  231. Travel Question
  232. Uniform Question
  233. No Pivot?
  234. Double Foul
  235. Odd Situation - Very Funny as well
  236. Jon Dielber Watch: 2008-09 (Let the fun begin!)
  237. Backcourt Question
  238. backcourt violation
  239. question
  240. Forced Lane Violation
  241. Double Whistle Situation
  242. Airborne Player Catching a Pass
  243. Sad news: Ref leaves at halftime and dies.
  244. Travel or not?
  245. Baseline Throw In Hits Net...
  246. Here's one....Saw this...
  247. What would you do? FT situation
  248. lead mirror the trail's made three signal?
  249. A new one on me yesteday...
  250. Bench Personnel

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