- Calling Travels in the NBA?
- I apologize to the officials choice
- Unbelievable shot leads to MN 4A title
- PC fouls in the Big Dance
- NC St. / U-Conn No Call
- Worst Display of Officiating Ever!
- Waiting for the clock to start
- My first correctable error???
- All Ball?
- Scagliata (sp)
- Nance is an idiot too
- Wish I Had a Second Chance to Make a First Impression!
- Timing error--no sub?
- Disqualified. No Subs. 30 Secs.?
- Verbal Judo
- Duke/Miss
- OK, so I'm just a fan...
- Even more Packer idiocy
- Starting the 2nd half with no time on the clock
- CIS Finals - Officials
- This really happened - not!
- Pregame coaches and captains
- Unbelievable!!!
- T or Yellow Card
- Wake/WVA
- Nevada/Illnois thread
- Train wreck no call UW/Pacific
- Block or not?
- never again
- Worst. Technical. Ever.
- NCAA Patch
- Official Choice Inc.
- Texas Tech/Gonaga opening toss
- End of KU/Bucknell game
- End of WV/Creighton game
- Interesting link........
- Pass off the backboard
- SU Vermont game
- FL state tourney
- Pass to Self
- NCAA Th night: Replay review on 3 pt shot
- bracket talk
- NCAA - moving on
- Speaking of FT Mechanics
- Senior Member?
- submarine move
- Correct FT Mechanic?
- Over and back throw-in location?
- Traveling (Rule 4-43 art.3a) question!?!?
- Trail official signals other way after baskets (NCAA)?
- OOB and player's hair
- Big Dance Officials
- Big Dance Officials
- I can't find 3 blind mice!
- Coach on court
- Being bored stitch!
- A slightly interesting one
- Minnesota
- Playoff Question - Calling a minor lane violation on the first free throw
- Hartzell not working?
- Coast to Coast
- Designated Free Throw Spot
- The shot that wasn't
- OOB, T, or play on?
- communication between me and AD
- Traveling x 2
- over and back
- NCAA DI - Intentional Personal Foul
- Teaching Basketball History and respect for officials
- A change I'd like to see in the NCAA tournament
- IHSA & Gray Pinstripe Shirts
- time out?
- good spin move or palming
- 3-inch wide black insert
- Another Brawl
- Granting TO Fed. Rules
- Quick question after a heart breaking loss
- 3 on 3?
- Partner invents new signal
- Standing on Foot
- Bruce Mason Camp
- Report from the BIG SHOW in Maryland!
- Should the clock start?
- Injured Player Down
- Ball glances off of dribblers leg
- Butt chewing
- Flagrant Fout
- women coaches/boy's varsity
- double teaming
- Somethings not right...
- Charge/Block?
- SWAC Men's final
- Who is going to Peoria?
- What to do ?
- Officiating with personal dislike
- travel then hard foul
- Shoe on the floor
- calling out of thier area in div 1
- Timeout for Subs
- double dribble?
- Partner stands up, then looks down
- Bruce Weber
- Memphis-Louisville ending
- blarge
- OOB spot........
- MSU vs Iowa
- Any Help
- Packer is still an idiot
- Goaltends Called From Lead?
- Two scenarios
- Jurrasic or Vets...Help with rule
- Why are we that way?
- Unfricking believable
- Flopsey, Mopsey and Cottontail
- Gottlieb, stop while you still have some dignity!!!
- camps
- Call or no?
- Fed rule - foul away from ball on inbound
- Earl Strom's book
- Hand part of ball
- Marvin Sykes Camp
- Michigan dunking T
- Got in, but Didn't Get Done
- Your Shortest (Regulation) Game
- would you call this?
- Another first for me
- HS B Ball Goal
- Simple call, what's your's?
- :)
- what is the call?
- UWM vs. Detroit-Traveling?
- YUCH!!!!
- Funny team names
- 4 tenths of a second
- Question - Offensive Hooking - Whats the call?
- Utah camps
- My season refuses to end
- stupid remarks by fans and wittier comeback responses by the official
- clock mismanagement at end of game
- Justice... one coach at a time...
- Get in...get done...get cake?
- FED rule changes/clarifications that are needed
- Backcourt Violation and Dribbling
- Great story about Ed Hightower
- Camp
- backcourt ?
- ESPN Men's Tournament Challenge
- another charge vs. block question
- travelling while on floor
- Alabama-LSU officials reprimanded....
- Player on Bench swatting live ball
- Question - One handed push in back WHILE Jump ball with other during shot
- Question - One handed push in back WHILE Jump ball with other during shot
- Jim Bain MVC Camp(s)
- Going to the BIG SHOW!!!
- Shot Clock Violation Reviewable?
- Push in back on lay up.
- Sample Officiating Resume
- Artificial noisemakers
- signs
- 3 Person Clinics/Camps; Iowa
- UNC vs. Duke
- Assaulting an official - what is the law?
- Question: BASIC Traveling Violation
- Looking to start a referee business, any idea's ?
- Wake-NC State
- SICA Conference and racial issues.
- Flagrant Foul ruling
- On a shot attempt, kid loses control of ball while bringing it back to shoot?
- The Hartzell thing
- Can hoops organize under one roof?
- Did it to themselves....
- illegal screens ??
- officiating camps
- I swear this happened
- Question
- Interesting situation
- God's In His Heaven, All's Right With the World
- Alabama vs. LSU women - reviewable call?
- Now for something completely different...
- MTD, Sr. . .
- If you are under 20
- Newest NCAA bulletin
- PC, blocking or a decent non-call?
- Technicals at Halftime - What happens to the possesion arrow?
- Who gets the blame?
- Thanks for closing tread
- The Peter Principle
- IHSA certification in Illinois
- Warning for Glaring?
- Wall Street Journal on John Chaney...
- Leaving the court w/o authorization
- Article: Refs get it wrong way too much
- Eyes on the Shooter ?
- Another season done
- Travelling (pick up game)???
- Dear Doug Gottlieb, please shut up
- Achilles surgery to end the year
- Passcatcher allowed a step?
- Juulie
- what would you do?
- Advanced officiating concepts....
- Reflections From the IM Season
- The Officials Choice Patent Leather Shoes
- Blood and Jersey Changes
- Reference, please, catches the tap
- Rookie Question
- A Tribute Worthy of my Abilities
- Substitution Question
- A first for me
- Fumble question
- Student sections said what?
- Urgently need your help. What´s the meaning?
- cases book
- excessive contact/severity
- Why do we basketball refs talk more
- Question about Lining up for a free throw
- Foot on block during free throw
- Running out of bounds under the basket
- Wrong Basket
- Stupid is as stupid does
- Timing Errors
- Instant Replay???
- Lifetime mystery solved
- 2 week Vacation...Reg's & State
- Two or Three.....
- Dragged through the plane
- OK, as I was saying...
- Big 10 Camp
- Double Dribble?
- When do you request payment for a "No Game"
- Can you dribble again?
- Thats what I thought
- using the foot question
- "Over the back and Reaching in"
- Self Pass
- Inadvertent whistle
- The Barking Dog
- John Chaney:
- Happy ending
- Obnoxious coach at end of game
- 0.3 on the clock.
- Foul away from shooter, ball in air
- shot that bounces
- What is your call?
- Continuous motion