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  1. Calling Travels in the NBA?
  2. I apologize to the officials choice
  3. Unbelievable shot leads to MN 4A title
  4. PC fouls in the Big Dance
  5. AAU
  6. NC St. / U-Conn No Call
  7. Worst Display of Officiating Ever!
  8. Waiting for the clock to start
  9. My first correctable error???
  10. All Ball?
  11. Scagliata (sp)
  12. Nance is an idiot too
  13. Wish I Had a Second Chance to Make a First Impression!
  14. Timing error--no sub?
  15. Disqualified. No Subs. 30 Secs.?
  16. Verbal Judo
  17. Duke/Miss
  18. OK, so I'm just a fan...
  19. Even more Packer idiocy
  20. Starting the 2nd half with no time on the clock
  21. CIS Finals - Officials
  22. This really happened - not!
  23. Pregame coaches and captains
  24. Unbelievable!!!
  25. T or Yellow Card
  26. Wake/WVA
  27. Nevada/Illnois thread
  28. Train wreck no call UW/Pacific
  29. Block or not?
  30. never again
  31. Worst. Technical. Ever.
  32. NCAA Patch
  33. Official Choice Inc.
  34. Texas Tech/Gonaga opening toss
  35. End of KU/Bucknell game
  36. End of WV/Creighton game
  37. Interesting link........
  38. Pass off the backboard
  39. SU Vermont game
  40. FL state tourney
  41. Pass to Self
  42. NCAA Th night: Replay review on 3 pt shot
  43. bracket talk
  44. NCAA - moving on
  45. Speaking of FT Mechanics
  46. Senior Member?
  47. submarine move
  48. Correct FT Mechanic?
  49. Over and back throw-in location?
  50. Traveling (Rule 4-43 art.3a) question!?!?
  51. Trail official signals other way after baskets (NCAA)?
  52. OOB and player's hair
  53. Big Dance Officials
  54. Big Dance Officials
  55. I can't find 3 blind mice!
  56. Coach on court
  57. Being bored stitch!
  58. A slightly interesting one
  59. Minnesota
  60. Playoff Question - Calling a minor lane violation on the first free throw
  61. Hartzell not working?
  62. Coast to Coast
  63. Designated Free Throw Spot
  64. The shot that wasn't
  65. OOB, T, or play on?
  66. communication between me and AD
  67. Traveling x 2
  68. over and back
  69. NCAA DI - Intentional Personal Foul
  70. Teaching Basketball History and respect for officials
  71. A change I'd like to see in the NCAA tournament
  72. IHSA & Gray Pinstripe Shirts
  73. time out?
  74. good spin move or palming
  75. 3-inch wide black insert
  76. Another Brawl
  77. Granting TO Fed. Rules
  78. Quick question after a heart breaking loss
  79. 3 on 3?
  80. Partner invents new signal
  81. Standing on Foot
  82. Bruce Mason Camp
  83. Report from the BIG SHOW in Maryland!
  84. Should the clock start?
  85. Injured Player Down
  86. Ball glances off of dribblers leg
  87. Butt chewing
  88. Flagrant Fout
  89. women coaches/boy's varsity
  90. double teaming
  91. Somethings not right...
  92. Charge/Block?
  93. SWAC Men's final
  94. Who is going to Peoria?
  95. What to do ?
  96. Officiating with personal dislike
  97. travel then hard foul
  98. Shoe on the floor
  99. calling out of thier area in div 1
  100. Timeout for Subs
  101. double dribble?
  102. Partner stands up, then looks down
  103. Bruce Weber
  104. Memphis-Louisville ending
  105. blarge
  106. OOB spot........
  108. MSU vs Iowa
  109. Any Help
  110. Packer is still an idiot
  111. Goaltends Called From Lead?
  112. Two scenarios
  113. Jurrasic or Vets...Help with rule
  114. Why are we that way?
  115. Unfricking believable
  116. Flopsey, Mopsey and Cottontail
  117. Gottlieb, stop while you still have some dignity!!!
  118. camps
  119. Call or no?
  120. Fed rule - foul away from ball on inbound
  121. Earl Strom's book
  122. Hand part of ball
  123. Marvin Sykes Camp
  124. Michigan dunking T
  125. Got in, but Didn't Get Done
  126. Your Shortest (Regulation) Game
  127. would you call this?
  128. Another first for me
  129. HS B Ball Goal
  130. Simple call, what's your's?
  131. :)
  132. what is the call?
  133. UWM vs. Detroit-Traveling?
  134. YUCH!!!!
  135. Funny team names
  136. 4 tenths of a second
  137. Question - Offensive Hooking - Whats the call?
  138. Utah camps
  139. My season refuses to end
  140. stupid remarks by fans and wittier comeback responses by the official
  141. clock mismanagement at end of game
  142. Justice... one coach at a time...
  143. Get in...get done...get cake?
  144. FED rule changes/clarifications that are needed
  145. Backcourt Violation and Dribbling
  146. Great story about Ed Hightower
  147. Camp
  148. backcourt ?
  149. ESPN Men's Tournament Challenge
  150. another charge vs. block question
  151. travelling while on floor
  152. Alabama-LSU officials reprimanded....
  153. Player on Bench swatting live ball
  154. Question - One handed push in back WHILE Jump ball with other during shot
  155. Question - One handed push in back WHILE Jump ball with other during shot
  156. Jim Bain MVC Camp(s)
  157. Going to the BIG SHOW!!!
  158. Shot Clock Violation Reviewable?
  159. Push in back on lay up.
  160. Sample Officiating Resume
  161. Artificial noisemakers
  162. signs
  163. 3 Person Clinics/Camps; Iowa
  164. UNC vs. Duke
  165. Assaulting an official - what is the law?
  166. Question: BASIC Traveling Violation
  167. Looking to start a referee business, any idea's ?
  168. Wake-NC State
  169. SICA Conference and racial issues.
  170. Flagrant Foul ruling
  171. On a shot attempt, kid loses control of ball while bringing it back to shoot?
  172. The Hartzell thing
  173. Can hoops organize under one roof?
  174. Did it to themselves....
  175. illegal screens ??
  176. officiating camps
  177. I swear this happened
  178. Question
  179. Interesting situation
  180. God's In His Heaven, All's Right With the World
  181. Alabama vs. LSU women - reviewable call?
  182. Now for something completely different...
  183. MTD, Sr. . .
  184. If you are under 20
  185. Newest NCAA bulletin
  186. PC, blocking or a decent non-call?
  187. Technicals at Halftime - What happens to the possesion arrow?
  188. Who gets the blame?
  189. Thanks for closing tread
  190. The Peter Principle
  191. IHSA certification in Illinois
  192. Warning for Glaring?
  193. Wall Street Journal on John Chaney...
  194. Leaving the court w/o authorization
  195. Article: Refs get it wrong way too much
  197. Eyes on the Shooter ?
  198. Another season done
  199. Travelling (pick up game)???
  200. Dear Doug Gottlieb, please shut up
  201. Achilles surgery to end the year
  202. Passcatcher allowed a step?
  203. Juulie
  204. what would you do?
  205. Advanced officiating concepts....
  206. Reflections From the IM Season
  207. The Officials Choice Patent Leather Shoes
  208. Blood and Jersey Changes
  209. Reference, please, catches the tap
  210. Rookie Question
  211. A Tribute Worthy of my Abilities
  212. Substitution Question
  213. A first for me
  214. Fumble question
  215. Student sections said what?
  216. Urgently need your help. What´s the meaning?
  217. cases book
  218. excessive contact/severity
  219. Why do we basketball refs talk more
  220. Question about Lining up for a free throw
  221. Foot on block during free throw
  222. Running out of bounds under the basket
  223. Wrong Basket
  224. Stupid is as stupid does
  225. Timing Errors
  226. Instant Replay???
  227. Lifetime mystery solved
  228. 2 week Vacation...Reg's & State
  229. Two or Three.....
  230. Dragged through the plane
  231. OK, as I was saying...
  232. Big 10 Camp
  233. Double Dribble?
  234. When do you request payment for a "No Game"
  235. Can you dribble again?
  236. HELP
  237. Thats what I thought
  238. using the foot question
  239. "Over the back and Reaching in"
  240. Self Pass
  241. Inadvertent whistle
  242. The Barking Dog
  243. John Chaney:
  244. Happy ending
  245. Obnoxious coach at end of game
  246. 0.3 on the clock.
  247. Foul away from shooter, ball in air
  248. shot that bounces
  249. What is your call?
  250. Continuous motion

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