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In NCAA Women the third defenseive player on the lane is allowed either the third or fourth space on either side of the lane.
In NCAA men - is there a restriction on the third and fourth players on the lane to the third space only, or can they be in the fourth space? The way I read the rule implies third or fourth is allowable, but we had players inform us the other night that the fourth space was not. |
Here's the breakdown - spot #1 is closest to basket - spot #4 is closest to free thrower.
#1 - MUST be occupied by defensive players #2 - Offense entitled to these spots (Defense can occupy if offense doesn't) #3 - Defense entitled to these spots (Offense can occupy if defense doesn't) #4 - Can only be occupied by defensive players. Offense can NOT occupy - even if defense leaves them empty. Also, of course, you can only have a maximum of 6 in the lane - 2 offensive players, and 4 defensive. |
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I have only worked one Mens' Scrimmage, but where can I find that, or is that a clinic item? mick PS: That one Mens' DII scrimmage may have been the most fun that I have ever had reffiin' basketball. |
Um, I hate to be a dissenter, but . . . In men's NCAA rules, that 4th spot is NOT available to anyone--it must be left empty. I don't have my book in front of me, but I'm certain (not that I've never been wrong when I've been certain) that this year's rules specify that situation. In women's NCAA, as was stated, the 3rd defensive player can occupy either spot. The intent (in men's) is apparently to make "boxing out" contact with the shooter less likely, or at least less immediate.
Interesting, Brad. I tried to find where I got my idea that the spot must stay open, but couldn't find anything definitive. The section in the book about free throws mentions that the WOMEN can now have either the 3rd or 4th spot, and then in a shaded box it notes that for MEN an opponent of the free thrower is entitled to the 3rd spot but makes no mention of the 4th. I may have over-interpreted that as meaning the 4th spot is not available. That, combined with having had other college guys make players move OUT of the 4th spot, convinced me. But, who am I to disagree with Mr. Bilik? I guess until I find something else to make me revert back, I'm gonna let the 4th spot be occupied. Thanks for the clarification.
Todd, you should note that you will not find this referenced in the rule book. That is why I had the email forwarded to me - another official and I were discussing this because we remembered hearing it at the meeting, but couldn't find it in the book.
I expect it to be in there next year, but the rule is valid for this season. |
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