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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 10, 2000, 09:04pm
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Posts: 14

I would greatly appreciate advice with respect to enforcement of NFHS rules as they pertain to player's equipment and apparel.

I believe the most important part of the rule is that a referee enforce the intent. That is to say a "referee shall not permit any player to wear equipment or apparel dangerous or confusing to other players or is not appropriate." (Rule 3, Section 5, Paragraph 1) By enforcing the intent, I would allow an illegal undershirt so long as the colour did not create a problem for their opponents. Also, I don't see an untucked shirt as a great problem so long as flesh isn't peeking out between jersey and shorts.

Some officials in my Board do not share this philosophy and enforce the rule to the letter of the law. Players with untucked shirts are substituted off, players with an illegal undershirt don't play.

Which philosophy do most officials follow? The rule is obviously clear, however I feel a policy of zero tolerance detracts from the game.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Trevor Schriver
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 12:05am
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Originally posted by tschriver
I believe the most important part of the rule is that a referee enforce the intent. That is to say a "referee shall not permit any player to wear equipment or apparel dangerous or confusing to other players or is not appropriate." (Rule 3, Section 5, Paragraph 1) By enforcing the intent, I would allow an illegal undershirt so long as the colour did not create a problem for their opponents. Also, I don't see an untucked shirt as a great problem so long as flesh isn't peeking out between jersey and shorts.
I disagree. Basketball is a team sport. All of the players should be attired the same. They should also exhibit some pride in their appearance. The NF has asked us to make sure all players have their shirts tucked in and there shorts pulled up. We ask the haed coach before the game, "Coach are all of your players properly equipped?". We usually send 1 to 3 players per game to the bench for not tucking their shirts in. We warn them during the first qtr. and give them ample opportunity to retuck during dead balls. But if they don't tuck'em in, they sit down.

Illegal t-shirts - Friday night we had a girls team with 7 players who had cut the sleeves of their t-shrits off with scissors. We told each player that they could not play while wearing those t-shirts. Do you know what the coach said? "I'm glad you told them that. I told them the t-shirts were illegal but they wouldn't listen. This is our third game and you guys are the first officials to back me up."

Some officials in my Board do not share this philosophy and enforce the rule to the letter of the law. Players with untucked shirts are substituted off, players with an illegal undershirt don't play.

Which philosophy do most officials follow? The rule is obviously clear, however I feel a policy of zero tolerance detracts from the game.
But it would seem that your policy is 100% tolerance. As I stated above, ours is certainly not a zero tolerance on the shirt tails. Only those who don't heed the warnings and advice that we offer are sent to the bench.

I would agree with your fellow officials' philosophy and respectfully suggest that you consider enforcing the intent of this rule. And that is no illegal t-shirts and no shirt tails hanging out.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 05:01am
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Common Sense.

I think this is where common sense needs to prevail. I do feel that kids need to have their shirts tucked in, but I tell them this only for their benefit. If it is not tucked in the opponent might get an advantage easier. If you tell any coach that, then they really do not make a big deal out of it. But just tell them to tuck in their shirts and move on. Now I do not let girls (it happens in girls games more than boys) tuck or alter their shirts at the shoulder. The tucking at the shoulder can make it harder at the shoulder and could cause injury to someone that runs into it.

Now things like logos and the size of the lettering and number, I am not going to try to figure out if the jersey is illegal or not. All that I want is a number on the front and back so that I can read it. Other than that I really do not care. But this has never been a problem, unless you are talking about below varsity games, and there I could really give a damn.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 09:02am
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I think untucked is can be dangerous, I have seen people get tangled, and it is a mess. I just make them tuck it in during a deadball. I would say that 8-9 times out of 10, it comes untucked just by playing, not because they did it. For the ones that I remind, and them I see them pull it out during play, then I send them off.

As far as the undershirts go, I do handle this with zero tolerance. If I see it during warm ups, then I'll give the coach a heads up. But most temas keep their warm-up's on, so I don't see it until they come out to the floor. In that case I feel it is on the coach, and that kid comes off.

As far as that other coach with the seven illegal shirts, what kind of zoo is he running. If we tried to go against the coach when I played, we would be running until our guts came out.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 09:19am
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Originally posted by BktBallRef


Illegal t-shirts - Friday night we had a girls team with 7 players who had cut the sleeves of their t-shrits off with scissors. We told each player that they could not play while wearing those t-shirts.
I'm assuming that that the cut off t-shirts were illegal because they had frayed or ragged edges; not just because they were cut off.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 02:23pm
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Originally posted by Gary Brendemuehl

I'm assuming that that the cut off t-shirts were illegal because they had frayed or ragged edges; not just because they were cut off.
That's correct.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 11:47pm
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Talking more fuel for the fire

How do you guys handle a different colored sports bra on the ladies? If I have a girl that is wearing a white jersey and she has on a red sports bra with the red showing a little when she jumps or shoots, I will not make her remove it. The intent of the rule is to insure that the players we officiate look professional and consistent with their team.

If we inspect them in line formation, we could all find something wrong.

Just a thought...
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 11, 2000, 11:57pm
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And just what are you doing staring at here bra?

Bras are off limits. Don't look, don't stare and definitely don't touch. And don't ask a player to remove one ever! If she's legal standing still, she's legal. The same thing goes for compression shorts. If they're not visible, they're not illegal.
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