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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 15, 2003, 01:15pm
JWC JWC is offline
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Boys Freshmen game last night. B's coach is getting on my partner for a call. We go up and down the court a few times B is getting drumed. B's coach will not get off my partner. Finally my partner tells the coach he has heard enough. Coach keeps going with his mouth. Partner says he has heard enough sit down. Well coach response is you cann't tell me to sit down! Partner T him up.

My question is can you make a coach sit in this situation with out giving him a T? All I have found in the rules is he has to sit if you wack him with a T.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 15, 2003, 01:17pm
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The coaching box has certain uses, berating the officials and officiating the game is not one of them. I would tell him to coach his team and that he is not allowed to be up criticizing the officials, then I would T him. Btw, that is one of my first T's to a coach a few years ago. I am pretty green, listen to every word at the meetings and this coach is standing the entire game. I go by a couple of times and remind him to sit down. Once, he is ticked and starts screaming at me across the floor "YOU CAN'T TELL ME TO SIT DOWN, I DON'T HAVE TO". Whack, technical foul, coach. Now you do, coach. After the game he approaches me and asks me why I T'd him. I said "coach, you had two choices when I asked you nicely to sit down, one is to ignore me and take your chances, two is to sit down, Screaming at me across the floor was not an option" Figured I would never work there again, but he has been fine every since.

[Edited by devdog69 on Jan 15th, 2003 at 12:21 PM]
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 15, 2003, 01:55pm
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Telling the coach to sit down was not the right response. The problem is not that the coach is standing, it is what he is doing while he is standing. Address the behavior that is wrong, and if it doesn't stop, you T him and then tell him he has to sit.

I have seen this done by refs as well (never to me cause I don't really say much to them). Don't like it, and it seems like a way to avoid addressing the actual problem, which is the coach's inability to exercise self control.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 15, 2003, 02:19pm
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Originally posted by Hawks Coach
Telling the coach to sit down was not the right response. The problem is not that the coach is standing, it is what he is doing while he is standing. Address the behavior that is wrong, and if it doesn't stop, you T him and then tell him he has to sit.

I have seen this done by refs as well (never to me cause I don't really say much to them). Don't like it, and it seems like a way to avoid addressing the actual problem, which is the coach's inability to exercise self control.
Agree completely. Warn the coach to quit yapping at you,if that's what he's doing,then T him up if he doesn't listen to that warning. If he's coaching,let him coach.

The T is for unsportsmanlike behavior,not standing(unless he's already been charged with one and he's been seatbelted).
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 05:19pm
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Don't have my rule book or off. manual with me at the moment, but doesn't one of them say something about the coach having to remain seated "at all times except to request a timeout or acknowledge a good play".... or words to that effect?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 05:35pm
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Well, yes, except in those states that use a coaching box.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 05:36pm
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Yes, but. . .

Originally posted by dblref
Don't have my rule book or off. manual with me at the moment, but doesn't one of them say something about the coach having to remain seated "at all times except to request a timeout or acknowledge a good play".... or words to that effect?
The manual also allows for use of a coaching box as long as the state agrees (and I think all states have). If state uses a coching box, coach can stand within the box until he receives a direct or indirect T, at which time he is subject to the rule that you quote.

Anothe bizarre construction from our friends at NFHS - a rule that isn't really a rule until it becomes a rule.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 05:42pm
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Why does an official have to explain anything or make any comment to a coach? Talking or commenting to a coach is a lost cause, a no win situation. Shouldn't the ref be concentrating on the 10 players?

Let's keep it simple. In this situation, give him the "stop sign" during a dead ball situation. Hold it so everybody in the place can see it. Everybody knows now that the coach has had his say and there are no other alternatives, than a "T" the next time.

Try it, it works!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 06:41pm
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To the best of my knowledge, you cannot make a coach sit down if the coaching box is in use. You can make sure he remains in the box. If the coach is out of the box complaining, whack him. No questions asked. If the assistant coach, or anyone else for that matter on the bench is standing other than to cheer for a great play or greet a sub coming off the bench you've got grounds for a T. Now, that being said If the assistant is not seated, but is down at the other end legitimatly coaching and crouching down etc, I think it would be inhumane to issue that coach a T- provided he is behaving.

I think the purpose of the coaching box rule is to allow coaches to stand and coach within the confines of the box(6 feet, approximatly the length of the bench.) Once any direct or indirect technical has been issued to the coach, he is now "seat-belted".

Hopes that helps clear somethigns up,

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 06:58pm
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The coaches box was designed to allow the coach some freedom of movement to consult with his team during play. In our counference we have several coaches that act like they are on roller skates the entire game. The purpose of the coaches box is not to give them a designated spot to rip an official a new one.

Anyway, here's how I see it

Finally my partner tells the coach he has heard enough.
(First Warning)

Coach keeps going with his mouth. Partner says he has heard enough sit down.
(Second Warning, [must be a nice guy])

Well coach response is you cann't tell me to sit down! Partner T him up.
(Coach is being disrespectful, WHACK)

The coaches job is to direct his teams activity. period! nowhere in the job description does it say he has a right to complain to the officials. Granted a professional inquiry is always welcome, but an inquiry and criticism are two totally different things.

As for making him sit without a "T" I don't think so, but the sign and the comment is fair warning to change his or her behavior right quick. The coaches know what the "stop sign" means, they know what it means when an official says "sit down coach!" The Official shouldn't have to justify himself to the coach in this situation. The coach is distracting the official from doing his job. Warn em' and whack em'
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 08:30pm
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9th grade boys game tonight. Coach B is taking an a$$ whippin' late in the 2nd. He's a roamer, out of the box, out on the floor, doing some officiating, etc but he's not nuts. It's a two man game so I haven't been able to get close to him during play to remind him to stay in the box.

Ball on the floor, B1's knee on the fllor, B1 gains control, stands up. Tweet! Roll arms, A's ball. Coach B yells, "All he did was pick the ball up! C'mon ref!" Now, I'm close enough to talk to him. Quietly, "Coach, you've been out of your box and I haven't said anything. You've been out on the floor and I haven't said anything. You've been officiating a little and I haven't said anything. Now, leave me alone." "Okay, okay."

Didn't hear a word the rest of the night.

[Edited by BktBallRef on Jan 16th, 2003 at 10:50 PM]
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 10:11pm
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Thumbs up Wish they had 2 thumbs

Nice game management Tony
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 16, 2003, 10:16pm
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With a coaching box in effect, I don't think you can tell a coach he has to sit down. You can tell him to stay off of the floor or stay in his box. I feel it is important to communicate with coaches when his questions are legitimate. I had a game tuesday night where my partner as the lead called a foul under the basket for pushing for position on a rebound. I was the trail and had the shooter and the shot. He calls a foul on A1 and the ball goes in the basket on a shot by A2. Unfortunately, he waved off the basket. I immediately told him that we had to count the basket as the shot had been released before the whistle blew. The B coach asks me for an expaination. I told him that my partner called a foul in the lane on a player pushing for position. I had the shot and it was released prior to the foul call. Coach says thats exactly the answer he was looking for. We discussed him waving off the basket as the lead after the game, but that is another story. We all know he should hold that signal until he confers with his partner.
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