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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 10:18am
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Was the Referee for the first time last night! Boys 9th grade game. All went well. During my Pre-game at the Scorers table as I was going over thier duties, I mentioned that they were the 2nd most important people in the building. A parent behind the table looked up and said- I guess that makes you the first.
I looked at the parent and said- no the kids are the most important ones- just ask anyone in the building- the Zebra's are last.
This seemed to break the ice- everyone laughed- seemed to help make the rest of the evening go well. Table stayed focused and helpful
Stew in Virginia
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 10:47am
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Cool First Toss.

Originally posted by stewcall
Was the Referee for the first time last night! Boys 9th grade game. All went well. During my Pre-game at the Scorers table as I was going over thier duties, I mentioned that they were the 2nd most important people in the building. A parent behind the table looked up and said- I guess that makes you the first.
I looked at the parent and said- no the kids are the most important ones- just ask anyone in the building- the Zebra's are last.
This seemed to break the ice- everyone laughed- seemed to help make the rest of the evening go well. Table stayed focused and helpful
Stew in Virginia
How'd the jump go?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 11:10am
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Re: First Toss.

How'd the jump go?
I bet a practised the jump 1 hour the day before. My kid and wife were laughing at me outside. I decided to start low with a quick bounce and then straight up with 2 hands. The toss was straight and high enough. Players remained in their spots. I kept the whistle out of my mouth- waited for partner to take the lead... waited to clear/ Noticed the clock started (forgot to look to see if error was right)
and off we went
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 11:24am
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Wink You did what???

Good question Mick.

I set a personal record the other night. I had warned my partner that my tosses had not been so great but that none of my partners seemed willing to call them back. So I specifically instructed him to call my toss back if it wasn't good.

First toss was weak and in favor of green. TWEET. Thanks.

Perhaps to make up for it, the next toss was slightly stronger but now in favor of white. TWEET again.

Third toss was stronger yet and pretty straight arrow. And off we went. Thank goodness no tweet.

I was kinda glad when the escapade didn't make the sports news highlights.

It was funny but disgusting. The game was ugly and my partner suggested that it was because of the toss. Ha-ha.

Anybody got verbal suggestions of how to get off a good toss? I've seen many different varieties.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 11:51am
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Practice by standing under a hoop and throwing the ball through it from below. Try different methods: one handed, two haned, starting low, starting high, etc. Hopefully you will find your comfort zone. I know we all have extra time to do this.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 11:51am
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I'm sure I'm going to get lots of disagreement....

...but I don't want a toss whistled down unless there's an obvious violation or my toss would land on the foul line.

It's one possession and the other team is getting the next one.

Hey, that's just me.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 01:30pm
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Re: You did what???

Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
Good question Mick.

I set a personal record the other night. I had warned my partner that my tosses had not been so great but that none of my partners seemed willing to call them back. So I specifically instructed him to call my toss back if it wasn't good.

First toss was weak and in favor of green. TWEET. Thanks.

Perhaps to make up for it, the next toss was slightly stronger but now in favor of white. TWEET again.

Third toss was stronger yet and pretty straight arrow. And off we went. Thank goodness no tweet.

I was kinda glad when the escapade didn't make the sports news highlights.

It was funny but disgusting. The game was ugly and my partner suggested that it was because of the toss. Ha-ha.

Anybody got verbal suggestions of how to get off a good toss? I've seen many different varieties.
Tony - this works well for me...

put the ball in dominant hand (right for me) and keep elbow at 90 degree angle to the floor. walk in and get a good bend in your knees (like if you were going to shoot a free throw). As you begin to stand up, bring your arm up in a straight-line movement and release the ball as your arm is fully extended (you should also be on the balls of your feet at this point - again, think about the mechanics of shooting a free throw).

I use this technique for the toss for seven-footers and i'm able to throw the ball high enough and straight, so i know it works.

like Marty said, stand under a hoop (without a net) and practice. When you can throw the ball through the hoop so it comes back down through without touching anything, then you've got it down.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 01:45pm
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Re: Re: You did what???


Tony - this works well for me...
put the ball in dominant hand (right for me) and keep elbow at 90 degree angle to the floor. walk in and get a good bend in your knees (like if you were going to shoot a free throw). As you begin to stand up, bring your arm up in a straight-line movement and release the ball as your arm is fully extended (you should also be on the balls of your feet at this point - again, think about the mechanics of shooting a free throw).

I use a similar technique: but I come in, dip the knees slightly, holding the ball with both hands (elbows resting against ribs), and lift it up straight starting from my waist area, and releasing about eye level. I (usually) get very good control and height.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 02:20pm
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I do mine with both hands almost like setting a volleyball. Great placement, but when I play volleyball my sets go too high since the ball is so light

My two sense!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 02:22pm
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I just get in their and drop the ball like it were a hockey puck and let a scrum start. No not really. I've been pretty lucky this season. All straight throws and no re-do's. That's becasue my partner said he forgot to get ice for the beer and it was getting warm and he didn't want any unneccesary delays. He hates beer that isn't ice cold.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 02:30pm
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The other day, JV game. Threw it up and had it returned in a nano second(spiked down)in my face. Now I know why we don't have the whistle in our mouths when we toss. I still be tweeting right now....
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 02:33pm
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Re: Re: Re: You did what???

Originally posted by Marty Rogers
I come in, dip the knees slightly, holding the ball with both hands (elbows resting against ribs), and lift it up straight starting from my waist area, and releasing about eye level. I (usually) get very good control and height.
That's me, too.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 02:38pm
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I've practiced with a little different technique.

I straddle a line with a marker of some sort (volleyball anchor cover, outlet cover, paint, the intersection of another line, etc.) in a specific spot. I start the toss directly above the marker. My goal is to have the ball land directly on the spot. If it lands on the line but a little off the mark, it's still and acceptable toss. If it lands off the line, by a little, it's still pretty good. More then 3-4 inches is starting to be worthy of a retoss.

This method requires much greater accuracy than using a hoop. If you go up all the way on one side, it is possible for the ball to have moved nearly 9 inches by the time it comes back down and still go through. If you do that, by the time it hits the floor, it will be WAY off. The spot on the floor amplifies the measurement of the error.

You could do this with a spot on the floor directly below the hoop in order to get the better accuracy and use the hoop for height reference.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 02:41pm
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Re: You did what???

Originally posted by DownTownTonyBrown
Good question Mick.

I set a personal record the other night. I had warned my partner that my tosses had not been so great but that none of my partners seemed willing to call them back. So I specifically instructed him to call my toss back if it wasn't good.

First toss was weak and in favor of green. TWEET. Thanks.

Perhaps to make up for it, the next toss was slightly stronger but now in favor of white. TWEET again.

Third toss was stronger yet and pretty straight arrow. And off we went. Thank goodness no tweet.

I was kinda glad when the escapade didn't make the sports news highlights.

It was funny but disgusting. The game was ugly and my partner suggested that it was because of the toss. Ha-ha.

Anybody got verbal suggestions of how to get off a good toss? I've seen many different varieties.
Hey Tony, I would suggest the best way to start your game with a good toss is to ask someone else to do it!

I practice my toss under a hoop, like Marty suggests. I use two hands, elbows extended as my arms move upwards and sorta propel the ball straight off my fingers, kinda like throwing a knuckleball. No legs at all (invitation for Chuck or JR to add a wisecrack inserted here).
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 02:44pm
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Originally posted by Camron Rust
I've practiced with a little different technique.

This method requires much greater accuracy than using a hoop. If you go up all the way on one side, it is possible for the ball to have moved nearly 9 inches by the time it comes back down and still go through. If you do that, by the time it hits the floor, it will be WAY off. The spot on the floor amplifies the measurement of the error.

I like this, but I don't see how it's anymore accurate than tossing the ball into the hoop without hitting the rim. What am I missing?
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