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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 08, 2003, 02:52pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 81
NFHS subvarsity: A1 is fouled by B2 and in the bonus. However as a result of the foul A1 sprains his ankle and is on the ground. The coach wants to come on to the court and so bekon him onto the court. Must A1 go out of the game and his replacement shoot the free throws? It seems this would encourage a "faked" injury down the road to get a better into to take the free throws.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 08, 2003, 02:55pm
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Posts: 16
New rule this year says the coach can take a time out and this will allow the injured player to come back out onto the court if he/she is able when the timeout is over.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 08, 2003, 02:56pm
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Posts: 223
A1 may go out of the game. It's hard to tell if the player is really injured. You'll have to use your judgement on that, but you really don't want to be in the situation of trying to force a potentially injured player to stay in the game.

I've maybe seen this "possibly" happen 1 or 2 times out of all of the games I've seen. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 08, 2003, 03:11pm
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Originally posted by Troward
NFHS subvarsity: A1 is fouled by B2 and in the bonus. However as a result of the foul A1 sprains his ankle and is on the ground. The coach wants to come on to the court and so bekon him onto the court. Must A1 go out of the game and his replacement shoot the free throws? It seems this would encourage a "faked" injury down the road to get a better into to take the free throws.
Once the coach came onto the court the injured player must be replaced. That player's substitute shoots the free throws. If faking, the coach probably wants to sub for the shooter. In that case, it is not allowed because the clock has to start before a substitute can be replaced.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 08, 2003, 03:29pm
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Once you have beckoned the coach onto the floor, the player must be removed from the game and his substitute must shoot the free throws unless he wants to use a timeout to keep the player in the game, as per the rule change this year (3-3-5 & 6). If they are faking an injury to take advantage, and I don't see this really happening, you should address that with the coach and if it continues assess an unsportsmanlike technical.
Church Basketball "The brawl that begins with a prayer"
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 12:36am
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Mregor, A couple of things you stated aren't precisely right.
Originally posted by Mregor
Once the coach came onto the court the injured player must be replaced. That player's substitute shoots the free throws.
Unless this player's team takes a time-out which will allow him to remain in the game. Also, if no substitutes are available, any teammate may shoot the free throws.

Originally posted by Mregor
If faking, the coach probably wants to sub for the shooter. In that case, it is not allowed because the clock has to start before a substitute can be replaced.

Your terminology is causing confusion here. The NFHS rule is that once a player leaves the game he must wait until the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has properly started before he can re-enter.

If A1 is fouled, but injured and is replaced by A6 and A6 shoots the free throws, A6 may be removed from the game immediately after the last free throw, if it is successful. There is no requirement that the substitute shooter, A6, must wait for the clock to start before leaving the game. The restriction is only on re-entering, not on exiting.

I am told that the NBA rule is the opposite of the high school/ NCAA rule. In the NBA a player once in the game must play for a tick of the clock.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 09, 2003, 07:56am
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 769
Originally posted by Nevadaref
Mregor, A couple of things you stated aren't precisely right.
Originally posted by Mregor
Once the coach came onto the court the injured player must be replaced. That player's substitute shoots the free throws.
Unless this player's team takes a time-out which will allow him to remain in the game. Also, if no substitutes are available, any teammate may shoot the free throws.

Originally posted by Mregor
If faking, the coach probably wants to sub for the shooter. In that case, it is not allowed because the clock has to start before a substitute can be replaced.

Your terminology is causing confusion here. The NFHS rule is that once a player leaves the game he must wait until the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has properly started before he can re-enter.

If A1 is fouled, but injured and is replaced by A6 and A6 shoots the free throws, A6 may be removed from the game immediately after the last free throw, if it is successful. There is no requirement that the substitute shooter, A6, must wait for the clock to start before leaving the game. The restriction is only on re-entering, not on exiting.

I am told that the NBA rule is the opposite of the high school/ NCAA rule. In the NBA a player once in the game must play for a tick of the clock.
I am fully aware of allowing the player to say in the game with a time out. The original question related to a player faking an injury to allow a better free throw shooter to attempt the free throws so I did not feel the need to mention it because that would negate the intent of the faking.

On the second part, yeah I after reading it again, I didn't convey in words what I was thinking. What I was referring to is that if indeed A1 was faking an injury to get a better shooter, A6, to attempt his/her free throws, that A1 could not immediately return after the last free throw. In that case, the clock would have to start before A6 could now be replaced by the original A1 player who had faked the injury. Hope that clears it up.

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