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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 17, 2003, 01:05am
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Central Wisconsin
Posts: 1,069
After the JV "No touch" FT just before the Half, I suspected more strange stuff....

Opening tip of the varsity game (Boys); player garners in the tipped ball in his FC and initiates his dribble. Yep, the ball bounces off the front of his foot and he catches it. He had the game sense to pass it... Whew.. Did not have to call a double dribble in that situation. Things go well for most of the first half, then.....

End of the first half, A1 has an endline throw-in in their FC. Thrower panics as count nears five and heaves the ball toward midcourt. I am trail and see A2 contort his body to avoid going over the division line; however, his last step was clearly in the BC, but who cares... there is no violation, right?

A2 stumbles and taps the ball enough to slow it up, preventing it from continuing to the opposite endline and going OOB. A2 then gets up and hustles to recover the ball before it goes out. The opposing coach starts chirping, "Over and back, over and back!" I continue my ten count as A2 brings the ball forward to division line and then to the top of the key where he launches a 3-pointer, and drains it as the buzzer sounds.

Interestingly, the coach did not have further comments about the alleged "BC" call. I suspect he realized he was wrong.

FastFwd--- Middle of 4th qtr. Same coach decides to pull all his players on the 1st of a 2-shot FT. My partner looks at me as if, "what do we do?"

Based on our extensive discussion here and my review of the rule. I advised my partner(R) to administer the FT and if it is a miss he should announce that there is a violation and direct the book to record a warning for delay of game and award a substitute FT. If they (opposing team) do not occupy the bottom blocks after the warning, we administer the next FT and issue a "T" on the coach since he distinctly called his players out.


"Stay in the game!"
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 17, 2003, 07:27am
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Originally posted by williebfree

FastFwd--- Middle of 4th qtr. Same coach decides to pull all his players on the 1st of a 2-shot FT. My partner looks at me as if, "what do we do?"
I can tell you what I did in this situation. I just said Coach, we have to have two players underneath. He sighed and told them to go take their spots.

What happened in your game when you gave the coach a DOG warning?

My two sense!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 17, 2003, 08:11am
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Central Wisconsin
Posts: 1,069
Originally posted by dhodges007
Originally posted by williebfree

FastFwd--- Middle of 4th qtr. Same coach decides to pull all his players on the 1st of a 2-shot FT. My partner looks at me as if, "what do we do?"
What happened in your game when you gave the coach a DOG warning?
The coach cooperated and sent his players to their FT spots and then responded, "We have seen it three times this year. It is not a violation."

A TO was called shortly after this incident. After I give the TO info to the table, the asst. coach (JV coach) calmly approached me with a quizzical look. I knew he was thinking about the FT space issue. He politely reaffirmed that they had not seen anything done when it occurred in other games this season.

Interesting timing…
Lo and behold, our state association “bulletin” came out yesterday (I just read it this morning). This exact scenario was in the clarifications section. Obviously this situation is occurring on a larger basis throughout the state.

It is a violation and a T can be assessed for delay of game. The way it is stated, it is clear that there is not a requirement for a DOG warning to be given.
"Stay in the game!"
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 17, 2003, 09:24am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 2,910

It is a violation and a T can be assessed for delay of game. The way it is stated, it is clear that there is not a requirement for a DOG warning to be given.
True, since this is not a "resuming play" situation (not right after a time-out or at the beginning of a quarter), it is not a delayed free-throw violation - the inside blocks must be occupied. It is not one of the three "delay-of-game" scenarios regardless of "resuming play" or not. Tell the coach his players "must" occupy the inside spots. If he refuses, then it's a T.

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