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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 08, 2004, 09:20pm
Posts: n/a
I thank you for your feedback of my post to Dan. I'm not sure what you do for a living and honestly it is none of my business, but I myself am a History Teacher. Maybe it is just me but I do not find the humor in making a comment like that to an adolescent. These are the same adolescents that you expect to respect you but then you go and make a senseless/tasteless "joke" like that. I have no idea where in the rulebook it is talked about insulting the players or how you can justify it was ok that Dan insulted a player. I believe that the next time Dan officiates at that school that he owes that player and apology. There is no need in the game of basketball for an adult putting down an athlete.

  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 08, 2004, 09:37pm
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I'm trying to think of a time where i got an apology from a player, fan or coach for insulting me.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 08, 2004, 09:40pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Angry Will you just grow up!!!

I am in no way an apologist for Dan. If anyone knows me, I do not care for a lot of things Dan has said here. But give us a freakin break!!!! What Dan did was what many of us do. If you ever officiated, you might understand that fact. Because he did not insult the player, he made a joke. Usually jokes break the tension and show that we are not just a white and black shirt. It shows that we are human. And cannot speak for most here, but I am in my early 30s and look rather young. I know players talk to me in a certain manner because of what I look like. I use humor to break the tension myself and to show them it is not that bad. After all coach this is a game. This is not life or death, despite the time and effort we put into it. And anytime Dan or any of us are out there, we feel blessed to be there and that we have the opportunity to officiate or to play. And coaches like yourself take away the fun of everything by being a tight a$$ and not having any humor. I think you are the only one here that tried to make an issue out of this. No one saw it is and insult.

The only person that owes anyone a apology is you with these rather silly and stupid posts. Get over yourself!!!

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 08, 2004, 09:42pm
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Even though you have been continually asked by the moderators and others to restrict your posts on this topic to the original thread you insist on creating new threads to beat this very dead and boring horse. This leads me to believe you are either very dense (cannot take instruction), very stubborn, very arrogant, an attention monger or some combination of each. I have no further use for you and will be ignoring your posts going forward.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 08, 2004, 09:46pm
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally posted by Dan_ref
This leads me to believe you are either very dense (cannot take instruction), very stubborn, very arrogant, an attention monger or some combination of each.
Well that explains why he's coaching. ,
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jan 08, 2004, 11:27pm
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Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally posted by BBallCoach
I thank you for your feedback of my post to Dan. I'm not sure what you do for a living and honestly it is none of my business, but I myself am a History Teacher. Maybe it is just me but I do not find the humor in making a comment like that to an adolescent. These are the same adolescents that you expect to respect you but then you go and make a senseless/tasteless "joke" like that. I have no idea where in the rulebook it is talked about insulting the players or how you can justify it was ok that Dan insulted a player. I believe that the next time Dan officiates at that school that he owes that player and apology. There is no need in the game of basketball for an adult putting down an athlete.

Exactly what don't you understand when I asked you to put your comments IN THE SAME THREAD as the original post?

Your comment about the rulebook is asinine. Where in the rulebook does it say that you are allowed to express any opinion of any decision an official makes on the court? So then i take it you NEVER question a call an official makes since doing so is not in the rulebook.

This, BTW, is a rhetorical question. If you need a definition of the word rhetorical, please consult

Now, where's the "Close Thread" button? Oh yes....

[Edited by Rich Fronheiser on Jan 8th, 2004 at 10:32 PM]
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