Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by canuckrefguy
Kinda hard to be racucous when you're fasting all the time....
It's only half the time. Sunset to sunrise, right? And since the daylight hours are now getting longer, it gets easier (ok, just a little) as the month goes by. Not that I've ever tried it. . . Gotta respect a guy like Hakeem who always kept his fast, even on game days. Has to be tough to do.
Chuck -- it's sunrise to sunset, which in most Arab countries is about 12 hours at any time of year. During Ramadan, they eat little during the other 12 hours -- usually a simple meal of grain (such as rice or millet) and vegetables after sunset. In Detroit where December makes sunrise to sunset not long enough, they go by the hours of the clock -- 7 am to 7 pm. The custom is to have one meal only which is eaten near bedtime. It's actually not that bad, after the first couple of days. The hard part is explaining it to the 6 and 7 year old. Some families don't require children under 5 to participate, but others require it of everyone except nursing babies. Even animals "fast" in devout households. They gain credit with God, which applies to their eternal destiny. Similar fasts were required in places of the Old Testament. Children, animals, slaves, everyone was required to fast. Somehow they managed. I hate to think what my kids would do...