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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 08:28am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 21
Once again a ugly 7th grade girls game which was one sided (score), but I have a question I think I know the answer but anyways.

Home team White (winning) 1 minute 25 secs the (White) girl under the visiting (red) basket attempts a throw in I am counting @ a 4 count she falls forward crosses the inbound line free hand hits floor (ball does not) then I get a 5 count. I call the 5 count the visiting coach 20 feet away goes nuts I didn't call the violation I hesitated and called the 5 second count. His team was getting the ball back regardless until he comes out on the court screaming so my partner gives the T. I calm the coach down which he was within seconds of bursting out in tears being so worked up (reminder: this is 7th grade girls basketball) His final comment "I am going to report you 2". I really felt the game was a good officated game except this call. I just wish the lower quality coaches and fans didn't have to ruin such a great sport!

Sorry for the long post for such basic question.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 08:44am
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This coach is a real piece of work.
It is a violation when she touches the floor, but which violation you call is really not that important here. It's like the discussion about the "carry," is it traveling or illegal dribble? It doesn't freaking matter.
Don't worry about the coach reporting you, because that's the best thing that could happen since it would bring his behavior to light.
My guess is you hesitated for a second on your whistle for the line violation and instead went with the easier call.
BTW, I would have tossed him on the "I'm going to report you two" comment.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 08:53am
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If every coach that hints he'll report a ref actually did, I really don't know how I should finish this sentence.

A 7th grade girls rec coach forgot that game as soon as they pulled into the local Dairy Queen for some post game ice cream. He like to yell at refs when he thinks they made a mistake because he know his 7th grader will ignore and roll her eyes if he tries that on her.
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 01:25pm
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Hmmm, you got the call right (50/50, pick one, can't lose, right?) and he wants to report you? Great. I'd love for my assigner to get a call saying I got the call right. Especially from a coach whose all teary-eyed about it. Even though the coach is a complete moron, my assigner isn't. Might get me moved up to 8th grade ball

BTW, I'd have tossed the guy for the comment. Which means he could have "reported you 2" that much sooner.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 01:57pm
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I was on the Board of our local rec league for 13 years. I held just about every position including President for two years. I was Supervisor of Officials for nine years. Twice, I had a fan or coach say they were "going to report me". I told them go ahead and then just stood there. When they looked puzzled, I told them all reports on referees go to me, so they could go ahead and report me to me.

Ah, rec leagues. They're a real barrel of laughs.
Yom HaShoah
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 02:06pm
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
I was on the Board of our local rec league for 13 years. I held just about every position including President for two years. I was Supervisor of Officials for nine years. Twice, I had a fan or coach say they were "going to report me". I told them go ahead and then just stood there. When they looked puzzled, I told them all reports on referees go to me, so they could go ahead and report me to me.

Ah, rec leagues. They're a real barrel of laughs.
I just spit my Mountain Dew all over my computer screen. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
Do you ever feel like your stuff strutted off without you?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 02, 2005, 06:32pm
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 168
Originally posted by kdays78
Once again a ugly 7th grade girls game which was one sided (score), but I have a question I think I know the answer but anyways.

Home team White (winning) 1 minute 25 secs the (White) girl under the visiting (red) basket attempts a throw in I am counting @ a 4 count she falls forward crosses the inbound line free hand hits floor (ball does not) then I get a 5 count. I call the 5 count the visiting coach 20 feet away goes nuts I didn't call the violation I hesitated and called the 5 second count. His team was getting the ball back regardless until he comes out on the court screaming so my partner gives the T. I calm the coach down which he was within seconds of bursting out in tears being so worked up (reminder: this is 7th grade girls basketball) His final comment "I am going to report you 2". I really felt the game was a good officated game except this call. I just wish the lower quality coaches and fans didn't have to ruin such a great sport!

Sorry for the long post for such basic question.
I have to believe that coach won't be coaching anywhere next year.
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