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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 06:12pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 11
A couple of questions that occured during my 6th grade girls game.

1) Our opponent came down and took a shot that went directly over the backboard (square backboard not fan shaped). My girl was standing out of bounds and caught the ball. Ref called out of bounds on the defense. I said the ball went over the backboard, he told me it didn't touch anything. (I didn't think it mattered).

2) We are two points up opponent is shooting two free throws with 14 seconds left. I call time out, after our huddle I realize I have SIX girls on the court. They had already lined up at the lane. I immediatley call time out again and get them off the court. Time out was granted no T. I am guessing we should have gotten a T.

Lastly, after one call against my girls I yelled out "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME". Ref walks over trigger cocked ready to fire. "What did you say he said". I turned away, "What did you say" he said. I put my head down and sat down. (He let me off). The opposing coach, president of the school board (ref's are local coaches) is harping ALL night. At one point right in front of the the ref he says, "That really sucked you know that!". Nothing was said. I wanted so bad to say, how to I come within a hair of getting whacked and he gets away with that. Kept my mouth shut and won by 1.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 31, 2005, 06:23pm
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Keeper of the HAMMER
Join Date: Jan 2003
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1. If it went over the rectangle backboard, your ref kicked it. Why was your girls standing out of bounds?

2. It's not a T until the ref gives the ball to the shooter. Most refs will catch it and let you know you're girls are a little over anxious. I won't start if I know there are six.

3. Good move. While I certainly would have hit the coach for what he said, you played it smart. Realize that at this level, you're not always going to get the most experienced refs. I also wouldn't have asked you to repeat yourself; let alone asked you twice.
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