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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 08, 2002, 10:14pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
Posts: 4,801

Well, here's my response.

This is definately a tough situation in which to be.

First off, if you gave the head coach 3 technicals (at the same time, not counting the original one), and then ejected the assistant (which would require a flagrant T), you have four technical fouls, and should have shot 8 shots.

Once the coach was ejected, he does not become bench personnel (because he won't be on the bench), so you don't give anyone an indirect.

Now comes the tough part. The no more than 2 T's is more of an unwritten rule than anything - kinda like having your partner give the 2nd T, if possible. The coach can definately earn more than 2 technicals, but if you don't absolutely positively have to give them - DON'T!!

Thirty seconds is the time allowed to replace a DQ'd player - it does NOT apply to coaches! An ejected coach/bench personnel does not have 30 seconds to stand around before leaving!!! The coach should leave immediately after being notified of the second technical (of course, being reasonable as to picking up jackets/clipboards/etc).

The procedure recommended by most people here is this: Have the timer set one minute on the clock. Inform the coach that he has one minute to leave, or his team forfeits. Then start the countdown. True, the coach may stick around and act like an *** for 59 seconds, but he will be gone at the :00!
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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