Ok, my crew screwed up last night. I'm the only who realized it and seemed like I was the only one who cared in the locker room afterward. I feel incredibly stupid, so please minimize the "how could you make that mistake?" comments.
We had 3 T's in my D3 NCAA game last night. One on a player for taunting, one on a coach for complaining loudly, and then one with 1:30 left against a player. My partner called a held ball, then one of the players refused to untangle and pushed an opponent to the ground.
And you can guess what happened after that.
We assessed the T and resumed with the POI, which was the AP arrow.
I'm still extremely pissed at myself, to be honest.
As it turns out, it didn't affect anything. The arrow favored the team that shot the technical free throws and we didn't need the arrow again during the game.
I realized the mistake almost immediately after we inbounded the ball, using the AP arrow. I went to my partners and told them that we messed it up and they both said, too late and we didn't correct it.
My question is: once we made this mistake, is there any point at which we can go back and say, "we screwed up and should not have used the arrow, so let's get it pointing the correct way again"?