Some fans are funny wise guys
I'm leaving the gym after calling my first varsity game here in town. The guy says, "Paul, I have your cell phone." I look a bit puzzled. "Wanna know how I know it's yours?" I nodded. "It has 7 missed calls on it." My partner & I chuckled. So, I told him the story about the fan at this gym opening night a couple years ago.
He was telling one of the officials who he knew quite well that he was ready to 'help' him. The anthem played, the official looked at the fan, and the fan took off a sweathirt to reveal a zebra shirt. The offical smiled, and looked at him, and unzipped his jacket to reveal that the crew on the floor was going with the grey shirts that night.
The fan, who is a pretty decent guy, was still chuckling and I told him I let my partner know about the 'grey shirt' story. He said that he was just practicing that line for when he saw that other official for the first time.
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.