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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 26, 2009, 08:10pm
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traveling or held ball

Under held ball. 4.25.2 sit c A1 jumps to try for goal or to pass the ball. B1 leaps or reaches and is able to put his\her hand on the ball and keep A1 from releasing it. A1a)return to the floor with the ball; or(b)is unable to control the ball and it drops to the floor. Rulling: A held ball results immediatly in A and B when airborn A1 is prevented from releasing the ball to pass or try. Then under traveling. 4.44.3 sit.A: A1 jumps to tryfor goal. B1 also jumps and: A and b don't apply to my question. (c)touches the ball and A1 returns to the floor holding the ball; or (d) touches the ball and A1 drops it to the floor and is the first one to touch it after it bounces.Rulling (c)a traveling violation; (d) a violation for starting a dribble with your pivot foot off the floor. Since the touch did not prevent the pass or try i b,c, and d the ball remains live and subsequent action is covered by rule which apply to the sit.

Does anyone have any thoughts on these two rule and thier similarities and different rullings. Is there that big of a difference between a touch and hold is sit4.25.2 option a and b. and 4.44.3 option c and d. I hope you see where i'm comming from
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 26, 2009, 08:17pm
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Originally Posted by AKOFL View Post
Under held ball. 4.25.2 sit c A1 jumps to try for goal or to pass the ball. B1 leaps or reaches and is able to put his\her hand on the ball and keep A1 from releasing it. A1a)return to the floor with the ball; or(b)is unable to control the ball and it drops to the floor. Rulling: A held ball results immediatly in A and B when airborn A1 is prevented from releasing the ball to pass or try.

Then under traveling. 4.44.3 sit.A: A1 jumps to tryfor goal. B1 also jumps and: A and b don't apply to my question. (c)touches the ball and A1 returns to the floor holding the ball; or (d) touches the ball and A1 drops it to the floor and is the first one to touch it after it bounces.Rulling (c)a traveling violation; (d) a violation for starting a dribble with your pivot foot off the floor. Since the touch did not prevent the pass or try i b,c, and d the ball remains live and subsequent action is covered by rule which apply to the sit.

Does anyone have any thoughts on these two rule and thier similarities and different rullings. Is there that big of a difference between a touch and hold is sit4.25.2 option a and b. and 4.44.3 option c and d. I hope you see where i'm comming from
There is a big difference. And I do not see where you are coming from, because preventing someone shooting and only touching the ball and not preventing someone to shoot would be two different situations if you ask me. You are getting caught up in the language and not understanding what is actually being said.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 26, 2009, 08:31pm
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Location: Wasilla Ak
Posts: 500
How about where it is dropped. Is there a big difference there. One if you drop it, that's a held ball. The other one if you drop it, that's a illegal dribble.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 26, 2009, 08:42pm
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Originally Posted by AKOFL View Post
Under held ball. 4.25.2 sit c A1 jumps to try for goal or to pass the ball. B1 leaps or reaches and is able to put his\her hand on the ball and keep A1 from releasing it. A1a)return to the floor with the ball; or(b)is unable to control the ball and it drops to the floor. Rulling: A held ball results immediatly in A and B when airborn A1 is prevented from releasing the ball to pass or try. Then under traveling. 4.44.3 sit.A: A1 jumps to tryfor goal. B1 also jumps and: A and b don't apply to my question. (c)touches the ball and A1 returns to the floor holding the ball; or (d) touches the ball and A1 drops it to the floor and is the first one to touch it after it bounces.Rulling (c)a traveling violation; (d) a violation for starting a dribble with your pivot foot off the floor. Since the touch did not prevent the pass or try i b,c, and d the ball remains live and subsequent action is covered by rule which apply to the sit.

Does anyone have any thoughts on these two rule and thier similarities and different rullings. Is there that big of a difference between a touch and hold is sit4.25.2 option a and b. and 4.44.3 option c and d. I hope you see where i'm comming from
The difference is B preventing the release or not. If B did prevent the release, held ball. If not, a violation on A.
Pope Francis
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 27, 2009, 07:59am
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 27, 2009, 08:56am
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Agreed. And, 98% of the time, I'm going to judge that B did prevent the release and have a held ball. The "travelling" cases that AKOFL cited represent the other 2% of the time.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 27, 2009, 09:04am
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The play I've seen a few times this season: A1 goes up for a shot, B1 hits the ball on the way up, A1 then releases the ball. The sequence is quite distinct.

I think A1 is trying to get a shooting foul called on this. Weird play.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 27, 2009, 02:50pm
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The Question was for a friend. I told him I thought the difference was a touch compared to contact that was much longer. Just wanted some back up from a credible source. (I know that's pushing it) I'm going to call the held ball more than anything. My partner just couldn't see the traveling call when the defender touched the ball.
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