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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 01:16am
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How lane occupants can enter the lane

People with more grey hair than me:

Was there ever a rule that could possibly support what a long-time college observer recently told me after an NCAA game? - He stated that it is a violation for a player occupying a lane space to leave their space after release by stepping back and out (and usually attempting to go around an opposing player), as opposed to going "straight in."

I know this is completely wrong for current NFHS and NCAA rules, but was there something before my time (2000) that would help explain this?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 08:20am
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Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP View Post
People with more grey hair than me:

Was there ever a rule that could possibly support what a long-time college observer recently told me after an NCAA game? - He stated that it is a violation for a player occupying a lane space to leave their space after release by stepping back and out (and usually attempting to go around an opposing player), as opposed to going "straight in."

I know this is completely wrong for current NFHS and NCAA rules, but was there something before my time (2000) that would help explain this?
Your old guy was completely correct, not on the release in Fed.


ART. 1 . . .
A free-throw lane, 12 feet wide measured to the outside of each lane
boundary, and the semicircle with the free-throw line as a diameter, shall be
marked at each end of the court with dimensions and markings as shown on the
appended court diagram. All lines designating the free-throw lane, but not lanespace
marks and neutral-zone marks, are part of the lane.
ART. 2 . . .

The lane-space marks (2 inches by 8 inches) and neutral-zone
marks (12 inches by 8 inches) identify areas which extend 36 inches from the
outer edge of the lane lines toward the sidelines. There are three lane spaces on
each lane boundary line.
ART. 3 . . .

After the ball is placed at the disposal of a free thrower:
d. No player shall enter or leave a marked lane space.

g. A player occupying a marked lane space may not have either foot beyond
the vertical plane of the outside edge of any lane boundary, or beyond the
vertical plane of any edge of the space (2 inches by 36 inches) designated
by a lane-space mark or beyond the vertical plane of any edge of the space
(12 inches by 36 inches) designated by a neutral zone.
ART. 4 . . .

The restrictions in 9-1-3a through g apply until the ball touches the
ring or backboard or until the free throw ends.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 10:08am
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I am seeing more of this this year.
Teammate of the thrower steps back and makes a move behind the opponent in the first marked space.
-- #thereferee99
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 10:12am
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Originally Posted by referee99 View Post
I am seeing more of this this year.
Teammate of the thrower steps back and makes a move behind the opponent in the first marked space.
And there is no rule to prohibit that. May have been at one time but I'm unaware of it...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 10:19am
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Originally Posted by jdw3018 View Post
And there is no rule to prohibit that. May have been at one time but I'm unaware of it...
Fed or NCAA?? You don't consider this leaving a marked lane space? We are calling this in HS games, agree have seen it a lot more this year with the move up one space allowing more room to operate...
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 10:21am
biz biz is offline
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Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP View Post
People with more grey hair than me:

Was there ever a rule that could possibly support what a long-time college observer recently told me after an NCAA game? - He stated that it is a violation for a player occupying a lane space to leave their space after release by stepping back and out (and usually attempting to go around an opposing player), as opposed to going "straight in."

I know this is completely wrong for current NFHS and NCAA rules, but was there something before my time (2000) that would help explain this?

In NCAA nothing wrong with this ever. If he backed up out of marked lane space before the release then we've got a problem.

btw as a coach we're teaching our players to look for this move more (HS V Boys) as it is more likely that a rebound on a free throw will go off the rim short and to the side than long enough in the middle of the lane for the player in the second spot to have a shot at it.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 10:30am
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Originally Posted by biz View Post

In NCAA nothing wrong with this ever. If he backed up out of marked lane space before the release then we've got a problem.

btw as a coach we're teaching our players to look for this move more (HS V Boys) as it is more likely that a rebound on a free throw will go off the rim short and to the side than long enough in the middle of the lane for the player in the second spot to have a shot at it.
YU.P. I don't disagree.
That's why I specified "... not on the release in Fed."
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 10:47am
biz biz is offline
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sorry if I misinterpreted what you were saying, but how is the old guy right if he (as the OP said) was referring to an NCAA game?
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 11:19am
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Originally Posted by slow whistle View Post
Fed or NCAA?? You don't consider this leaving a marked lane space? We are calling this in HS games, agree have seen it a lot more this year with the move up one space allowing more room to operate...
Keep in mind that the lane space is 36 inches DEEP. Therefore, as long as the player in the second space (or any other marked space along the lane) keeps his back heals 36" or less from the edge of the lane, this is not a violation. The same rules that apply to the "lane side" of the lane space also apply to the "back side" of the lane space as to when the player may leave his/her lane space.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 11:23am
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Originally Posted by slow whistle View Post
Fed or NCAA?? You don't consider this leaving a marked lane space? We are calling this in HS games, agree have seen it a lot more this year with the move up one space allowing more room to operate...
I think quite a few are not reading the post for what it is - the OP was told by an observer that it is illegal for a player to back out of the lane space rather than coming in. It has nothing to do with leaving early, but rather that when the restrictions end they must enter into the lane rather than trying to go around.

That's not true - a player may go any direction they want.

In the NCAA they can do that on the release, in NFHS obviously when the ball hits the basket, backboard, or the try is over.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 11:33am
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My understanding: A player may back out of his spot, not to exceed 36 inches, without violating prior to the ball hitting the rim....but he cannot break the plane of the spot next to him before the ball hits the rim. I know that that is hard to judge (backing out less than the 36 inches), but he CAN move backwards, short of the 36 inches....Right?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 11:34am
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Originally Posted by CMHCoachNRef View Post
Keep in mind that the lane space is 36 inches DEEP. Therefore, as long as the player in the second space (or any other marked space along the lane) keeps his back heals 36" or less from the edge of the lane, this is not a violation. The same rules that apply to the "lane side" of the lane space also apply to the "back side" of the lane space as to when the player may leave his/her lane space.
But I'm seeing a lot of kids violate by leaving the lane space, by the back door, towards the end line. Step back (legally/illegally) and then make move toward end line, which violates prior to ball contacting the ring or backboard.
-- #thereferee99
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 01:34pm
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Originally Posted by biz View Post
sorry if I misinterpreted what you were saying, but how is the old guy right if he (as the OP said) was referring to an NCAA game?
I saw that the old guy was an NCAA observer and that the statement was made after an NCAA game. But I don't understand the OP was about an NCAA situation.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 02:27pm
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Originally Posted by jdw3018 View Post
I think quite a few are not reading the post for what it is - the OP was told by an observer that it is illegal for a player to back out of the lane space rather than coming in. It has nothing to do with leaving early, but rather that when the restrictions end they must enter into the lane rather than trying to go around.

That's not true - a player may go any direction they want.

In the NCAA they can do that on the release, in NFHS obviously when the ball hits the basket, backboard, or the try is over.
Originally Posted by mick View Post
I saw that the old guy was an NCAA observer and that the statement was made after an NCAA game. But I don't understand the OP was about an NCAA situation.
JDW's got it right. Sorry I wasn't more clear.

I'm talking about the player leaving the marked lane space legally, but doing so by any method other than stepping into the lane.

So back to my question - Does anyone know of a rule that used to prohibit this?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jan 23, 2009, 02:40pm
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Originally Posted by HawkeyeCubP View Post
JDW's got it right. Sorry I wasn't more clear.

I'm talking about the player leaving the marked lane space legally, but doing so by any method other than stepping into the lane.

So back to my question - Does anyone know of a rule that used to prohibit this?
I can't speak to the NCAA rules as I have never been a college official. Further, I was probably not playing when the big fella pictured in another thread was officiating.

But, I can tell you that back in the mid-1970s through the 1980s, we regularly ran all sorts of "stunts" on free throws. We would set screens across the lane (when you could move on the release), we would set "up screens" (the 2nd man would screen the 3rd man so that our 4th man would be free), etc. As far back as I can remember, I would teach our big men (in the 2nd spot) to step straight into the lane shortly after the release on the first free throw (when leaving on the release was permitted) and then fake that step on the second free throw and step behind the player in the 1st spot and beat the player to the glass.

I cannot ever remember having to step straight into the lane, but I don't remember much before 1970 or so.
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