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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 24, 2003, 02:14am
ace ace is offline
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Maybe i'm just being naive or i really dont know what exactly i'm looking for in the rule book but i'm hitting all the right areas just not finding what i need!! So here it goes:

A1 throws ball B1 BARELY tips (not chaning the path of the ball) and A2 catches ball in backcourt- I called backcourt violation went the other way... Talkeda bout it at half time and we said it was the right call for that moment however we didnt wanna look it up in the rule book till after game ... I'm still trying to find it.
(after reading some of the case book i should have held my whistle)

A1 dribbles ball and looses control
A2 goes to save it
A2 lands out of bounds and jumps back inbounds with only 1 foot on the floor... Partner asked if she should have blown it dead.... I said yes ... A player coming from out of bands must establish 2 feet to be considered inpounds when coming from out of bounds correct? (again counldnt find anything)

And also- when dealing with out-of-bounds and back court calls a tip from the opposing team cancels A's team control right?

(basic stuff I should know but its never been clear to me)

Thanks for the help.
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 24, 2003, 02:40am
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Reccommend you read the following: Rules Art9-9and rule 4-12. Thre is a good previous thread also on this. Basically team control continues even though B tipped it. With team control, A must be the last and first to touch. This did not happen as B1 touched, (there is no rule about how much they must touch).
Rule 4-4, 7-1 talks about ball location, do not confuse backcourt-frontocurt and the requirement for two feet witht the out of bounds. Also the illustrated book has some pictures on backcourt that can help visulaize.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 24, 2003, 02:53am
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O for 2, Ace.

1)You don't say for sure,but I'm guessing that A1 had the ball in the front court.If B1 tips the ball into the back court,any A player can now legally get the ball. NFHS rule 9-9-1 and casebook play 9.9.2SitA(b) covers the exact play. NCAA rules are the same. To answer your other question on this one,team A loses player control when B1 tips the ball into the back court, but team A does not lose team control. NFHS rule 4-12-3&4.

2)A player is in bounds if they have one foot in bounds, and one foot in the air.Rule 4-35-1(a) and casebook play 4.35.2SIT(c) cover this one. Again, NCAA rules are the same.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 24, 2003, 09:37am
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee

If B1 tips the ball into the back court,any A player can now legally get the ball.
I know that JR knows this, but I thought it important to clrify based on his phrasing in this response. To be perfectly clear, A1 could throw a pass that is clearly headed for b/c, B1's tip could have virtually no impact or completely change the flight of the ball - this call doesn't change. The key is that B1 was last to touch before it went b/c. At that point, you don' have a b/c call.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 24, 2003, 10:25am
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Originally posted by ace
And also- when dealing with out-of-bounds and back court calls a tip from the opposing team cancels A's team control right?
Team control continues until the ball is in flight during a try for goal, an opponent secures control or the ball becomes dead. A tip does not qualify as "securing control," so team control continues.

Team control has nothing to do with out of bounds. The violation is called on the last team to touch the ball before the ball goes out of bounds.

Team control must exist in order to have a backcourt violation, but it is only one necessary element. The other three: the ball must have front court status, A must be the last to touch before the ball attains back court status, A must be the first to touch after the ball attains back court status. The tip by B means that A is not the last to touch---that's why there is no violation, not because of anything having to do with team control.
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