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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 01:15pm
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Between quarters

Partner asked me about this last night -- it happened in one of his previous games.

Teams are in front of their benches during the break between 1st and 2nd quarters. Coach A has one of his players take a ball onto the court and shoot 3-4 warm-up jump shots. Coach B wants a technical foul called. Can't find anything in the Fed book about prescribed or prohibited activities during the time-out between quarters. What do you do? Does it make any difference if the player had been injured (i.e., sprained a finger, wrist, ankle) just before the end of the quarter and coach needed to know if he could continue?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 01:23pm
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Originally Posted by hawk65
Partner asked me about this last night -- it happened in one of his previous games.

Teams are in front of their benches during the break between 1st and 2nd quarters. Coach A has one of his players take a ball onto the court and shoot 3-4 warm-up jump shots. Coach B wants a technical foul called. Can't find anything in the Fed book about prescribed or prohibited activities during the time-out between quarters. What do you do? Does it make any difference if the player had been injured (i.e., sprained a finger, wrist, ankle) just before the end of the quarter and coach needed to know if he could continue?
Hmm...can't dunk a dead ball, that will earn you a T...generally we frown upon players shooting a dead ball, but it isn't a T, although I suppose you could issue a delay warning and then a T if it kept up...but this isn't "the" ball either, this presumably is just a ball off the rack. My gut would tell me that they cannot do it, and I would probably stop it, but I wouldn't assess a T b/c I don't know of a rule that allows me to...we'll see what others say...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 01:33pm
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I believe that somewhere it states that you are not to allow people on the court between periods or something like that unless they are the players participating in that specific contest. I don't have books with me right now. Some conferences want us to enforce this and not allow V players to shoot around at the JV half. Other conferences "allow" this. We are told to ask GM to ask them to leave the court. This would not apply her at all though because the play involved was in this specific contest. I don't recall any penalty either.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 01:43pm
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Originally Posted by chartrusepengui
I believe that somewhere it states that you are not to allow people on the court between periods or something like that unless they are the players participating in that specific contest. I don't have books with me right now. Some conferences want us to enforce this and not allow V players to shoot around at the JV half. Other conferences "allow" this. We are told to ask GM to ask them to leave the court. This would not apply her at all though because the play involved was in this specific contest. I don't recall any penalty either.
I'm at work, so I don't have my rule books, but I'm pretty sure this is a state rule and not a fed rule. Correct me if I'm wrong
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 01:54pm
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I think you are correct - thats why I didn't want anyone to think my response came from the fed book.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 02:15pm
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Originally Posted by hawk65
Partner asked me about this last night -- it happened in one of his previous games.

Teams are in front of their benches during the break between 1st and 2nd quarters. Coach A has one of his players take a ball onto the court and shoot 3-4 warm-up jump shots. Coach B wants a technical foul called. Can't find anything in the Fed book about prescribed or prohibited activities during the time-out between quarters. What do you do? Does it make any difference if the player had been injured (i.e., sprained a finger, wrist, ankle) just before the end of the quarter and coach needed to know if he could continue?
2-7-4 Officials' General Duties: ... Prohibiting practice during a dead ball, except between halves.

No specific penalty. Just tell them to stop. If they refuse, then use 10-4-1
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 02:20pm
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thanks - I knew I read it and thought it's been in the fed book - but wasn't certain with all the state adaptations that differ. And if you work in multiple states those can add up. :-) Personally I don't like it when conferences allow shooting at halftime - especially if the floor isn't reswept before 2nd half starts. I've never actually seen this except at half.
When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 02:20pm
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Originally Posted by kbilla
Hmm...can't dunk a dead ball, that will earn you a T...generally we frown upon players shooting a dead ball, but it isn't a T, although I suppose you could issue a delay warning and then a T if it kept up...but this isn't "the" ball either, this presumably is just a ball off the rack. My gut would tell me that they cannot do it, and I would probably stop it, but I wouldn't assess a T b/c I don't know of a rule that allows me to...we'll see what others say...
First, this isn't something you could issue a delay of game warning on. If anything, it's a T for "preventing the ball from being made promptly live or from being put in play." (10-5-b)
But, that's not the issue on the OP, so it's not relevant to this.
You might have a case for using 10-9 on this, "fail to have all players return to the court at approximately the same time following a timeout or intermission." Team Technical.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 02:27pm
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This reminds me of the time a visiting HS baseball coach took a fungo bat out to hit to his outfielders before the bottom of the first inning. Fortunately, there is a specific rule against that, which he didn't believe.

He did believe I'd eject him, though, if he didn't take the bat back to the dugout.

I think Bob's citation is good enough. Beyond that, it's a technical for not following the directives of an official.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 03:36pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
First, this isn't something you could issue a delay of game warning on. If anything, it's a T for "preventing the ball from being made promptly live or from being put in play." (10-5-b)
But, that's not the issue on the OP, so it's not relevant to this.
You might have a case for using 10-9 on this, "fail to have all players return to the court at approximately the same time following a timeout or intermission." Team Technical.
I don't mean you would issue a delay in the OP, I was more referring to a situation where during play you have a whistle for a violation for instance and A1 decides he wants to shoot it are right this is not a specific instance of delay spelled out in the rulebook, but it would seem appropriate...just thinking through what would make the most sense...but according the rules, Bob seems to have it best, no practice during a dead ball, just disallow it and apply 10.4.1 if it continues..
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 19, 2007, 03:38pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
First, this isn't something you could issue a delay of game warning on. If anything, it's a T for "preventing the ball from being made promptly live or from being put in play." (10-5-b)
But, that's not the issue on the OP, so it's not relevant to this.
You might have a case for using 10-9 on this, "fail to have all players return to the court at approximately the same time following a timeout or intermission." Team Technical.
How is this failing to have all players return to the court at the same time? Are you assuming that the player was away from the bench area practicing? I took from the OP that the player was still in the bench area and shooting which is certainly possible..otherwise I see what you are thinking, but I think 10-9 would be a stretch....
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