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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 09:57am
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I can't stop myself

Just checking to see if I'm the only one with this problem....I can't stop myself from working lower level basketball. I've had a very good varsity schedule for a couple of seasons now, including my first college games this season. The last 2 years I've been telling myself I am cutting out almost anything less than varsity. Now I've found myself with varsity every Tuesday and Friday (and a few Saturdays) and a bunch of lower level games pushing my total dates up to around 50. I'm selective about where I work (I choose the schools I really enjoy and the ones that are close). I know I'll be burnt out at the end of the season, but this time of year I'm looking so forward to the games (and of course honestly the money) that I have a hard time saying no. Anyway, did anyone else have this problem and how do you get yourself to say no?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 10:04am
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Originally Posted by Junker
Just checking to see if I'm the only one with this problem....I can't stop myself from working lower level basketball. I've had a very good varsity schedule for a couple of seasons now, including my first college games this season. The last 2 years I've been telling myself I am cutting out almost anything less than varsity. Now I've found myself with varsity every Tuesday and Friday (and a few Saturdays) and a bunch of lower level games pushing my total dates up to around 50. I'm selective about where I work (I choose the schools I really enjoy and the ones that are close). I know I'll be burnt out at the end of the season, but this time of year I'm looking so forward to the games (and of course honestly the money) that I have a hard time saying no. Anyway, did anyone else have this problem and how do you get yourself to say no?
My assignor knows that he can call me to work a lower level game if he gets in a pickle. However, I have no problem saying no if I have been gone a couple nights in a row because I have a four-year old boy.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 10:20am
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I think the first step is to admit you have a problem . . .

Actually, I started gradually cutting back. One year I decided I would not do any JV games and that was predicated on the fact that many coaches see you work their JV games label you as a JV official. Then I started reducing my Jr. High games. I limited myself to 12 then went to 8 - last year I did 2 dates and this year none. Just make the decision and go with it. I still end up with between 25 and 30 varsity dates and that's plenty.
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 10:27am
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Thanks. I have not worked a JH game in 3 seasons, so that isn't part of the problem. The stuff I take is for schools that know me and know I work every Tuesday and Friday. For the most part it is easy money since I have a pretty decent reputation in the area, but I know it will get to be late January and early February and I'll be tired. I got to looking and I have 49 dates at the moment. I think I'll have to post some bad lower level journal entries on my goals bulletin board at home at the beginning of next year to remind me why I want to say no.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 11:07am
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I did have that probelm in my first 3 years, yet as of the last 3 plus this season. I told them I am being selective of what I do. give the lower level games to the officials who have less seniority. It's common for some officials to get as much exposure as possible so I will at time. Although I was recently asked to do game by the NCAA D1 assignor this past weekend due to my AAU exposure. You never know..
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 12:13pm
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Originally Posted by Junker
Just checking to see if I'm the only one with this problem....I can't stop myself from working lower level basketball. I've had a very good varsity schedule for a couple of seasons now, including my first college games this season. The last 2 years I've been telling myself I am cutting out almost anything less than varsity. Now I've found myself with varsity every Tuesday and Friday (and a few Saturdays) and a bunch of lower level games pushing my total dates up to around 50. I'm selective about where I work (I choose the schools I really enjoy and the ones that are close). I know I'll be burnt out at the end of the season, but this time of year I'm looking so forward to the games (and of course honestly the money) that I have a hard time saying no. Anyway, did anyone else have this problem and how do you get yourself to say no?
I don't see this as a problem, if you don't mind working lower level games and you enjoy it keep working them. You might want to talk to your assignor and have him hook you up with some younger officials that you can work with and make them better officials.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 12:23pm
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I thought that this was a hobby. If you like working games at a certain level and other aspects of you life are not affected, why would anyone care? I know that I do not like working 5 and 6 days a week. So I limit my officiating to one or two levels. I do this because I have other obligations and officiating is a hobby. Enjoy all the lower level games you can get your hands on. I would not call this a problem, I would call this having fun.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 12:41pm
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I don't mind them and I agree that I have a good time. My concern is that at the end of the season I get a little worn down and not quite as sharp. Also, all of my varsity is 3 man and only about half of my sub-varsity is. That gets to be a pain. You're right, I should not worry about it and go enjoy myself, but really, I need to cut back next year. I'll just keep this post around so I can make fun of myself when I take a ton of games again.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 01:12pm
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You have to make a decision. What is more important to you? Working any game or working varsity games? If you are worn out and cannot perform in the games that matter the most to you, then is it worth it? You and only you can answer that question. I only work lower level games when it fits into everything. I also do not like working every night which would likely include games that are not that important to me. I purposely want to be fresh during most of the season. Working every night can be hard on even the best person in shape. Even baseball players that play can play a game everyday take a day off every now and then. Not everyone is Cal Ripkin.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 02:14pm
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Thanks, good advice. Physically I handle it well, but mentally it gets to be a grind. I'm hoping this season goes well at the lower levels. I don't have too many problems with varsity coaches, but some of those lower level guys and girls just don't seem to get what we're doing out there. I'm hoping being more selective about where I work will help that. Those Freshman coaches that think it is their job to teach me how to officiate just get under my skin after a while.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 05:08pm
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Can't stop myself

Well that is a nice problem to have, uphere I don't have any choice about what games I'll work and which I won't as we can't say we really have good basketball leagues or schools at which to go to. When we do get the chance to work a game it's a tournament and I know I won't get paid but I like the opportunity and generally I have a really fun time. Major problems with working games in this town is everybody knows me and sometimes calls come back to haunt you but for the most part it's still the most fun I can have without playing. We only work with FIBA rules so anything else is something that would cause major headaches for the players I'd love to work under NFHS or NCAA rules and also three man mechanics but you could'nt find three guy or girls who would work those games price of living in a small town I guess
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 06:31pm
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Originally Posted by Junker
Thanks, good advice. Physically I handle it well, but mentally it gets to be a grind. I'm hoping this season goes well at the lower levels. I don't have too many problems with varsity coaches, but some of those lower level guys and girls just don't seem to get what we're doing out there. I'm hoping being more selective about where I work will help that. Those Freshman coaches that think it is their job to teach me how to officiate just get under my skin after a while.
Realize that you need those off nights. I've had plenty of weeks where I had 4 nights filled with varsity doubleheaders. I don't mind it once or twice a season but I enjoy those nights off when they come. It's nice to rest or take the family out to eat. And it keeps me from burning out. Basketball season always ends too soon.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 02, 2006, 09:39pm
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I appreciate the games I get to do with a more experienced official. You might offer to help a newbie or two with a couple of games a year at the JV level. I do about 35 games a season. Any more than that and my performance would go down and my advil intake would increase. I am almost 50 with no delusions about doing state championship games as I enter my 4th season. But should I end up doing a varsity schedule, I will leave room for a few games at the JV level for precisely that reason--to help out a newbie.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 03, 2006, 07:00am
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but some of those lower level guys and girls just don't seem to get what we're doing out there. Junker
Keep in mind that is why some of them are coaching lower level games. Varisty contest most of the coaches are well versed in the game and in my state of Virginia they go to the same clinics as officials go to. IMO varisty games in some respects are easier to do that Fr/JV. You wear down more in the lower games, you cover more due to 2 man, you run more, you even blow more, becuase of the level of games, so not only mentally but it is wearing Physically as well. That is why it's a good idea to keep a good balance between the two.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Tue Oct 03, 2006, 09:22am
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The bright spots to my lower level schedule is the fact that one of my assignors is requiring all HS games to be 3 man. He wants us to train the guys that never do it. Also, some of my lower level games are at a local small college so the basetball is better than some of the varisity I see, plus I get to work on my college mechanics and habits (like paying attention to the shot clock). I just need to make sure I have a 3 man crew for those as well. Those college guys are hard to keep up with working 2 man.
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