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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 03, 2004, 02:25pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,988

At my last association meeting, we spent a lot of time covering the coaching box, the application of the coaches rule, etc.

I'm just have a few questions about how other associations deal with it.

How many associations use the coaching box??


Are there floor markings to designate this box, or do you explain to the coach before the game what area is covered by the box, or is the coach expected to know where he can and can't stand?

Do you use the 28'line, to 14' line, or can the coach walk the whole length of his bench, or from the 28' line to the endline?

This question only applies to Fed rules, because i'm pretty sure that in the NCAA, the coach can walk from the 28' line down to the endline.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 03, 2004, 02:36pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Cheyenne, wyoming
Posts: 1,493
If the coaches are going to use a coaches box, it must be marked, no markings no box. With that said the marking can be a couple pieces of tape placed on floor before the game. States that use the box can alter the size (maximum of 14 ft) and placement of the box. In Wyoming we use a 12 foot box, and we don't have many problems. I don't enforce it very strictly, most of the guys in our association adhere to this philosophy as well. If the coach is coaching, we don't really care where they are. If they are out of the box we remind them to get back in, and as long as a coach is coaching, he won't get a T from me for being out of the box, no matter how many times I have to tell him. If on the other hand he is chirping, I will use the box as a tool.
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