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this happened over this past weekend. I was a bit stunned, but, being a first year ref, maybe this is normal protocol.
Frosh game, sparse attendance. From my right, I hear a fan yell out, "Hey ref, they're over the back. Use your whistle." I just happened to get a chance to look into the stands (ensuing dead ball) and, lo and behold, it was a ref from our association! I found out later his nephew was playing. Is there any "code" or "rules of conduct" that says you shouldn't verbally hoot on another ref from the stands? And, is it something I should tell my association about, or approach the ref in private, or just let it go? |
Let it go unless you have to toss him. There is a percieved, unwritten rule, that most officials will not criticize another official publicly. I certainly would never do it. It's not very professional, especially if people around him know he's an official.
The world of officiating is a brotherhood and should be treated as one. No official and I mean no official has any right to publicly ridicule another official at any time.
This needs to be addressed by a senior official of your association.
Can I suggest that, as a new official, you should NOT bring this up as a way of pointing out or targeting any particular offender? Either the fan/ref is already known for this behavior or s/he is connected enough in the association for their to be future awkward moments.
At the end of the season, bring it up in a general way and ask: What are the expectations for officials when they attend games at which they are not working? |
I have seen first hand demonstrations of the sort. I understand that even officials can get caught up in the emotion of the game, especially if they are passionate about the game and have some personal interest in the outcome. I don't condone the verbal outbursts if they are meant to embarass another official. Personally I would have appreciated him coming to me after the game or at half time to give CONSTRUCTIVE comments, ( My sit was with a veteran official).
"Your Azz is the Red Sea, My foot is Moses, and I am about to part the Red Sea all the way up to my knee!" All references/comments are intended for educational purposes. Opinions are free. |
Our association has a written Code of Conduct that specifically forbids doing something like that. If caught, at the minimum the official will be fined. It cuts this kind of unprofessional nonsense out.
Works for us. |
I just started reffing basketball, so I go to a lot of games to watch the veterans. . I am very good about sitting quietly when it is a judgment call, but it is much harder to sit quietly when the refs do not know the rules. I saw a game the other week where the refs called a foul and when the coach complained, one called a techical on the coach. They proceeded to shoot the technical foul shots and then the common foul shots and made the players line up to play off the miss. The coach was trying to tell them that they get the ball after the technical, but the refs would not listen. The refs did not know me, and I chimed in my two cents.
It sounds easy to say "shut up" but when you watch supplosed veterans (and these guys were ancient) make such a basic mistake, it is not so easy. |
As a former individual who was in the it's-not-easy-to-stay-quiet-in-the-face-of-incompetent-officials camp, let me invite you to come over to the it's-really-fun-to-just-sit-back-and-enjoy-watching-and-perhaps-learning-from-my-colleagues camp. It takes time to make the trip, but there's a lot of satisfaction once you do. Again, welcome. |
I think the original situation is very serious, especially in the case of a rookie official being chided by a veteran in the stands. It's hard enough to recruit new guys, but this is the type of thing that drives people who start officiating away. I don't know what the penalty should be, but it should be addressed.
I was the R in a 4th grade girls CYO game. 7 to 8..... Very close game, low scoring, let alot of travels, etc... go...
My parter was a 1st year basketball ref, and I think we did a very good job considering it was the "little girls." After the game, one of the little girls dad's walks down from the stands --- im changing my shoes and hear "this guy is horrible... So I look up and the guy is talking to the next set of officials ready to take the court (IABBO guys). So I ask him what did I do wrong... he said everything He asked me my name --- I told him Then I asked who are you... He says - hes been reffin for 18 years..... "and im gonna call tom - you shouldnt be reffin these games - your not good enough" Needless to say Tom is my assigner for CYO, and I had no problems in the past with officials, coaches, players, etc... No complaints etc... So my question is - what should I do? Call Tom? Let it go? Thanks
Pat The Ref ![]() |
Re: Same thing happened to me
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