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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:14pm
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NFHS Past Interpretations Archive (2024-25 Added)

Since the NFHS does not archive the past interps on its website, I thought that it would be a good idea to post them here. I'm starting this thread by posting the years that I have in order from newest to oldest. I would welcome anyone who has any that are even older to contribute them as well.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:16pm
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2008-09 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

Publisher's Note: The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations. They do not set aside nor modify any rule. They are made and published by the NFHS in response to situations presented.
Robert F. Kanaby, Publisher, NFHS Publications 2008

SITUATION 1: The officials go to their designated positions to observe the pregame warm-ups. They discover that the new free-throw lane-space marking lines have not been put on the court. RULING: The officials shall direct game management to put two temporary 2 inch by 8 inch markings in the appropriate locations. Based on individual state guidelines, the officials may also need to submit a special report to the state association to report that the court is not in compliance with NFHS court specifications. (1-5-2; 8-1-4)
SITUATION 2: A team has members with No. 0 and No. 00 listed in the scorebook and it is discovered (a) with 14 minutes on the clock prior to the game, (b) with 8 minutes on the clock prior to the game or (c) after the game starts. RULING: In (a), changes can be made without penalty. In (b), if a number is changed in the scorebook, a team technical is charged. The offended team is awarded two free throws and a throw-in at the division line to begin the game. The arrow is toward the offending team. If no changes are made to the scorebook, no infraction has occurred. In (c), after the game starts, there is no infraction if only one of the team members (No. 0 or No. 00) participates. If the second team member wishes to participate, the result is an illegal number when "discovered." The penalty is a direct technical foul on the head coach for an illegal uniform. Two free throws and a division line throw-in for the offended team and loss of coaching box privileges for the offending coach. The second team member (with the illegal uniform number) may participate without further penalty and is NOT required to change his/her number. Another possibility exists after the game starts when one of the team members wants to change his/her number prior to participating. The result is a team technical foul (no loss of coaching box) for changing the scorebook. COMMENT: No team should have both No. 0 and No. 00 on its regular roster. The infraction is likely due to bringing a player up or down a level. Therefore, it is possible the team has access to other legal uniforms to replace a uniform with an illegal number. (3-4-3d; 10-1-2; 10-5-4)
SITUATION 3: The home team wishes to honor a teammate by putting his/her initials on the headbands and wristbands worn by the team. RULING: Illegal; headbands and wristbands must be unadorned. The only permissible adornment is either one manufacturer's logo or the school mascot/logo. The illegal items must be removed or made legal in order for a team member to participate. The initials may be put in the side insert or above the neckline of the team jersey. (3-5-3b, c; 3-4-2c)
SITUATION 4: A1 is using black pre-wrap around the entire head to keep his/her hair in place. In addition, A1 is wearing a black, moisture-absorbing headband above the pre-wrap, around the entire head. RULING: Illegal; only one headband is permitted to be worn. One of the headbands must be removed in order for A1 to participate. (3-5-3b)
SITUATION 5: A1 is wearing a red headband and one red wristband on each wrist below the elbow. Red is the torso color of the team jersey. A1 is also wearing a multicolored "scrunchie" to secure the hair in a ponytail. RULING: Legal; devices used to control the hair and that do not go around the entire head, are not considered headbands and, therefore, are not required to meet the same restrictions. (3-5-3d)
SITUATION 6: Team A is trailing by three points when A2 attempts a three-point try at the end of the game. A2 releases the try and is fouled in the act of shooting. The whistle for the foul is followed immediately by the horn sounding and the clock at 0:00. The try is unsuccessful. RULING: The officials are permitted to put time back on the game clock if there is definite knowledge of the correct time or information relative to the time that elapsed after the whistle blew and before the final horn sounded. If time is put back on the game clock, A2 will attempt three free throws with the lane spaces occupied. If the officials cannot determine the amount of time remaining or determine that there is no time remaining, A2 will attempt three free throws with the lane spaces cleared. (5-10-1; 8-1-3)

SITUATION 7: While the ball is at the disposal of A1 for a free throw, B1, along the lane line, steps out of the lane space. The official displays the appropriate delay signal. Five seconds later, A2, along the lane line, steps into the lane followed by A1 releasing the free throw. The ball enters the basket. RULING: A2's violation followed B1's; therefore, the second violation is ignored and the try is successful. COMMENT: The penalty only addresses one violation being followed by the other. There is no timeframe associated with "followed by" in the rule; therefore, the second violation is ignored. (9-1-3d Penalty 4a)
SITUATION 8: A1 is dribbling in his/her frontcourt when B1 deflects the ball into A's backcourt. The ball is bouncing toward the end line in A's backcourt while A1 and B1 give chase. B1 and A1 each contact the ball, but neither gains control. Finally, after numerous attempts by each player, A1 gains possession deep in A's backcourt. When does the 10-second count begin anew for Team A? RULING: The count starts as soon as the ball goes into the backcourt since team control has not ended. (4-12-3; 9-8)
SITUATION 9: Team members are leaving for the locker room at halftime when a fan taunts a member of the visiting team. The visiting team member immediately reacts, goes toward the fan and gets in a fight with him/her. RULING: The referee rules a flagrant technical foul on the visiting team member for fighting and he/she is ejected. Since he/she is a team member during intermission, an indirect technical foul is also charged to the head coach (loss of coaching box). The referee is also within his/her authority to assess a team technical foul for unsporting behavior on the spectator. If this occurs, the technical fouls are offsetting since they occur at the same time. The penalties are the same with the exception of bench personnel being ejected. If both technical fouls are assessed, each team begins the second half with one foul toward the team-foul count and play begins at the point of interruption, which is an alternating-possession throw-in to begin the third quarter. (10-1-8; 10-4-1g)
  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:17pm
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2007-08 Basketball Rules Interpretations

Publisher's Note: The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations. They do not set aside nor modify any rule. They are made and published by the NFHS in response to situations presented.
Robert F. Kanaby, Publisher, NFHS Publications 2007

SITUATION 1: B1 is injured to the point that bench personnel are beckoned to the court. After B1 has been safely moved to the bench, Team B's head coach is notified that a substitute is required and instructs the timer to begin the 20-second replacement interval. Just as the interval begins, two substitutes from Team A approach the scorer's table to enter the game. RULING: Substitutes from either team may enter the game during this dead-ball period until the officials are ready to put the ball in play. The replacement interval is only for the substitute required for B1. If an eligible substitute does not report for B1 by the end of 20 seconds, a technical foul is assessed directly to the Team B head coach. (3-3-1d; 3-3-5; 10-5-3 Penalty)
SITUATION 2: During the pregame warm-up, the officials notice that all Team B members are wearing jerseys in which the torso is not a single solid color. RULING: The jerseys are illegal. If Team B is unable to change uniforms, the game will begin with 10 free throws, followed by a division line throw-in for Team A. COMMENT: One player technical foul is assessed for each starter and substitute. Once the individual is penalized, he/she is permitted to participate without further penalty for the same infraction. The infraction must be discovered before the ball becomes live when a starter or substitute becomes a player. Therefore, when a substitute enters the game, another technical foul will be assessed. (3-4-6a; 10-3-2)
SITUATION 3: During an alternating-possession throw-in for Team A, thrower A1 passes the ball directly on the court where it contacts (a) A2 or (b) B2, while he/she is standing on a boundary line. RULING: Out-of-bounds violation on (a) A2; (b) B2. The player was touched by the ball while out of bounds, thereby ending the throw-in. The alternating-possession arrow is reversed and pointed toward Team B's basket when the throw-in ends (when A2/B2 is touched by the ball). A throw-in is awarded at a spot nearest the out-of-bounds violation for (a) Team B; (b) Team A. (4-42-5; 6-4-4; 9-2-2; 9-3-2)
SITUATION 4: A1 attempts to save a ball that is going out of bounds and is able to deflect the ball to a teammate. A1's momentum carries him/her out of bounds. RULING: No violation. A player's momentum, after performing legal actions on the court, resulting in taking him/her out of bounds is not a violation for leaving the floor for an unauthorized reason. However, if A1 purposely or deceitfully delays returning after legally being out of bounds to gain an advantage, a player technical foul would be assessed. (4-4-3; 9-3-3; 10-3-3)
SITUATION 5: A1, while being defended, is driving from near the free-throw line extended toward the end line. A1 continues toward the end line and pulls up and goes airborne just before the boundary line with his/her momentum carrying him/her out of bounds. Just as A1 goes airborne, he/she passes off to a teammate across the lane and lands out of bounds. RULING: No violation. A player's momentum, after performing legal actions on the court that results in taking him/her out of bounds is not a violation for leaving the floor for an unauthorized reason. However, if A1 purposely or deceitfully delays returning after legally being out of bounds to gain an advantage, a player technical foul would be assessed. (4-4-3; 9-3-3; 10-3-3)
SITUATION 6: Team A is making a throw-in near the division line in the team's frontcourt. A1's throw-in is deflected by B1, who is applying direct pressure on A1. A2 jumps from the team's frontcourt, catches the ball in the air and lands in the backcourt. RULING: Backcourt violation on Team A. The throw-in ends when it is legally touched by B1. When A2 gains possession/control in the air, he/she has frontcourt status. A backcourt violation has occurred when A2 lands in the backcourt. (9-9-1; 9-9-3)
SITUATION 7: Team A is making a throw-in near the division line in the team's backcourt (Team B's frontcourt). A1's throw-in is deflected by B1, who is applying direct pressure on A1. B2 jumps from his/her frontcourt, catches the ball in the air and lands in the backcourt. RULING: Backcourt violation on Team B. The throw-in ends with B1's deflection (legal touch). When B2 gains possession/ control in the air, he/she has frontcourt status. A backcourt violation has occurred when B2 lands in backcourt. (9-9-1; 9-9-3)
SITUATION 8: Team A is making a throw-in near the division line in the team's backcourt (Team B's frontcourt). A1's throw-in is intercepted by B1. B1 jumps from his/her frontcourt, catches the ball in the air and lands first foot in the frontcourt and second foot in the backcourt. RULING: No violation, legal play. It doesn't matter if one foot lands before the other provided it is a "normal landing." Since there was no deflection, the throw-in had not ended. (9-9-1; 9-9-3)
SITUATION 9: Team A is making a throw-in near the division line in the team's frontcourt (Team B's backcourt). A1's throw-in is deflected by B1, who is applying direct pressure on A1. B2 jumps from his/her backcourt and catches the ball in the air. B2 lands with the first foot in the frontcourt and second foot in the backcourt. RULING: Backcourt violation on Team B. The throw-in ends with the deflection (legal touch) by B1. B2 gains possession/control and first lands in Team B's frontcourt and then steps in Team B's backcourt. The provision for making a normal landing only applies to the exceptions of a throw-in and a defensive player, and is only for the player making the initial touch on the ball. (9-9-1; 9-9-3)
SITUATION 10: A1, in the team's frontcourt, passes to A2, also in the team's frontcourt. B1 deflects the ball toward Team A's backcourt. The ball bounces only in Team A's frontcourt before crossing the division line. While the ball is still in the air over Team A's backcourt, but never having touched in Team A's backcourt, A2 gains possession of the ball while standing in Team A's backcourt. RULING: Backcourt violation on Team A. Team A was still in team control and caused the ball to have backcourt status. Had A2 permitted the ball to bounce in the backcourt after having been deflected by B1, there would have been no backcourt violation. (4-4-1; 4-4-3; 9-9-1)
SITUATION 11: A1 requests and is granted an excessive time-out. The excessive time-out is discovered (a) immediately; (b) when A1 has the ball at his/her disposal for a throw-in following the time-out; (c) during a dead ball after three minutes have elapsed off the game clock. RULING: In (a), (b) and (c), assess a team technical foul to Team A for the excessive time-out. Team B is awarded two free throws and the ball for a division line throw-in. The penalty for an excessive time-out is assessed when discovered. (10-1-7 Penalty)
SITUATION 12: Following a (a) charged time-out; or (b) a lengthy substitution process involving multiple substitutions for both teams, A5 goes to the bench and remains there mistakenly believing he/she has been replaced by a substitute. The ball is put in play even though Team A has only four players on the court. Team A is bringing the ball into A's frontcourt when the coach of Team A realizes they have only four players. The coach yells for A5 to return, and he/she sprints onto the court and catches up with play. RULING: In (a), the officials shall stop play and assess a team technical foul for not having all players return to the court at approximately the same time after a time-out. The technical foul counts toward the team-foul count. In (b), the officials may permit play to continue without penalty. A5's return to the court was not deceitful, nor did it provide A5 an unfair positioning advantage on the court. COMMENT: Even though neither situation provided A5 or Team A with an advantage, teams are expected to return to the court at approximately the same time following a time-out. The officials should have also followed the prescribed mechanics and counted the number of players on the court, ensuring each team has the legal number of players. (10-1-9; 10-3-3)
SITUATION 13: Team A members are shouting disparaging, racial and/or profane remarks directed toward their own teammates. RULING: Such unsporting acts shall be penalized regardless if directed toward opponents or teammates. (10-3-7b; 10-4-1c)
  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:18pm
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Join Date: Nov 2002
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2006-07 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

Printing Error (Repeated from last year, two-year publication): Officials Manual: page 70-71, 342, change text to:
a. The new table side (Center or Trail) official shall notify the coach and request the timer to begin the 30-second replacement interval, and then notify the disqualified player.
b. The officials not administering the disqualification should assume proper positioning for the subsequent throw-in or free throw.
c. The official administering the disqualification should take a position on the division line half way between the center circle and the sideline nearer the table to administer the substitution.

SITUATION 1: Post players A5 and B5 are called for a double personal foul while A1 is dribbling the ball just outside Team A's three-point arc. RULING: Team A had control of the ball when the double foul occurred, and thus play will be resumed at the point of interruption. Team A will have a designated spot throw-in on the sideline, nearest to where the ball was located when the double foul occurred. (4-4-3; 4-36; 6-4-3g; 7-5-9)

SITUATION 2: Post players A5 and B5 are called for a double personal foul while the ball is in the air on a pass from A1 in A's backcourt to A2 in A's frontcourt. RULING: Team A had control of the ball when the double foul occurred, and thus play will be resumed at the point of interruption. Team A will have a designated spot throw-in in A's backcourt nearest to where A1 was last in contact with the ball. (4-4-3; 4-36; 6-4-3g; 7-5-9)

SITUATION 3: Post players A5 and B5 are called for a double personal foul while the ball is in the air on a three-point try for goal by A1. RULING: There is no team control while a try for goal is in flight, and the ball does not become dead until the try ends. If the try is unsuccessful, there is no obvious point of interruption. Play will be resumed with an alternating possession throw-in nearest the location where the ball was located when it became dead, which will typically be on the end line. Had the try been successful, the point of interruption would have been a throw-in for Team B from anywhere along the end line. (4-4-3; 4-36; 6-4-3g; 7-5-9)

SITUATION 4: The horn sounds to end the third quarter. As the teams are heading to their respective benches, team members A1 and B1 verbally taunt one another. RULING: Double technical foul charged to A1 and B1. During the intermission between quarters, all team members are bench personnel. Both head coaches are indirectly charged with technical fouls and lose their coaching box privileges. Play will resume at the point of interruption, which is an alternating-possession arrow throw-in to begin the fourth quarter. (4-34-2; 10-4-1c Penalty)

SITUATION 5: Designated starter, A1, has a ¾-inch nickel-finish charm threaded into the lacing of his/her basketball shoes. RULING: This is considered jewelry and is not permitted. The charm must be removed for A1 to participate. (3-5-7)

SITUATION 6: Team A has a repeating pattern design with its logo in the side insert of its team uniform jerseys. RULING: Legal uniforms provided the side insert does not exceed 4 inches in width and is centered below the armpit. (3-4-11)

SITUATION 7: After playing for nearly three minutes, A1 is detected in the game wearing (a) a sweatband above the elbow, or (b) a headband around the neck. RULING: In both (a) and (b), A1 is instructed to remove the illegal item, make it legal or leave the game; he/she may not participate until in compliance with the rule. (3-5-3c; 3-5-4)

SITUATION 8: Three team members from Team A have multi-colored, narrow elastic bands (not moisture-absorbing headbands) around their heads for hair-control purposes. RULING: Legal. There are no color or size restrictions for elastic hair-control bands. (3-5-3d)

SITUATION 9: With less than one minute to play in the fourth quarter, Team A scores a field goal to tie the game. B1, standing under the basket after the score, secures the ball and begins heading to the end line for the ensuing throw-in. A1 requests and is granted a time-out. RULING: Legal procedure. Team A may request and be granted a time-out until the ensuing throw-in begins. The throw-in does not begin until B1 has the ball at his/her disposal and the official has begun the five-second count.

SITUATION 10: The score is tied at the end of regulation time. During the intermission between the fourth quarter and the beginning of the overtime period, the official scorer advises the referee that A1's three-point goal earlier in the fourth quarter was recorded in the scorebook improperly as a two-point goal. The referee verifies the mistake. RULING: The game is over and Team A has won. Since the ball had not yet become live in the overtime period, it need not be played. (2-11-11; 5-3; 5-7-4)

SITUATION 11: A1 is injured during a play in which he/she was fouled. As a result, A1 cannot attempt the awarded free throws. A6 replaces A1 and attempts the free throws, which are successful. Team A then calls a time-out. At the conclusion of the time-out, (a) A1 is ready to play, or (b) A7 replaces A6. RULING: In (a), A1 may not re-enter the game until the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has properly started. Legal substitution in (b); A6 may leave the game at any time. Substitution restrictions only apply to being withdrawn and attempting to re-enter without the clock properly starting. (8-2; 3-3-4)

SITUATION 12: A1 is passing the ball to A2 in the frontcourt. The pass is deflected by B1 and is in the air when the official erroneously blows the whistle and grants a time-out request by (a) Team A's head coach, or (b) Team B's head coach. RULING: In (a) and (b), even though there was no player control and the ball was not dead, the time-out is entitled to be used since it was granted. The time-out once granted cannot be revoked and is charged to the appropriate team. The stoppage should be treated as an accidental whistle by the official and play shall resume at the point of interruption. Team A, which was in team control, is entitled to a throw-in at a spot nearest to where the ball was located (last in contact with a player or the court) when the stoppage occurred. (4-36-1, 2a; 5-8-3; 7-4-4)
  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:19pm
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,012
2005-06 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

Printing Error: Officials Manual: page 70-71, 342, change text to:
a. The new table side (Center or Trail) official shall notify the coach and request the timer to begin the 30-second replacement interval, and then notify the disqualified player.
b. The officials not administering the disqualification should assume proper positioning for the subsequent throw-in or free throw.
c. The official administering the disqualification should take a position on the division line half way between the center circle and the sideline nearer the table to administer the substitution.

SITUATION 1: A1 is fouled by B1 late in the second quarter. It is a common foul and the seventh Team B foul. The bonus situation is not recognized by the scorer or the officiating crew, and the Team A coach substitutes A6 for A1. A6 is beckoned onto the floor and A1 goes to the team bench. The scorer recognizes the error and sounds the horn (a) just before or (b) just after the administering official hands the ball to A2 for a throw-in. RULING: This is a correctable-error situation and falls within the proper timeframe for a correction. In both (a) and (b), A6 leaves the game with A1 re-entering to shoot the bonus free throw. Play is resumed as after any free-throw attempt(s). If the second free throw is successful and the coach desires, A6 may re-enter the contest. (2-10-1a; 2-10-6)

SITUATION 2: A1 is fouled by B1, which is Team B's 10th team foul. A1 is erroneously given a one-and-one bonus. The first free throw is missed and A2 secures the rebound. Team A consumes several seconds passing among teammates and then A2 is fouled by B3. The scorer informs the official that B3 has just committed his/her fifth foul and of the error that A1 should have shot a second free throw on the previous play. RULING: B3 is disqualified and must be replaced before any subsequent action. A1 is then entitled to the second free throw that was not properly awarded without players lined up on the free-throw lane. After A1's free throw, A2 is awarded two free throws (double bonus) with players lined up appropriately along the lane. Play then resumes as after any free-throw attempt(s). (2-10-1a; 2-10-6)

SITUATION 3: Team A is leading 62-60 when the horn sounds to end the game. A1 then removes his/her jersey near the team bench (a) before the officials leave the visual confines of the playing area; or (b) after the officials leave the visual confines of the playing area. RULING: In (a), A1 is assessed a technical foul. Team B is awarded two free throws; if both are successful, overtime will be played. In (b), since the officials' jurisdiction has ended, no penalty is assessed. (3-4-15; 2-2-4; 10-4-1h)

SITUATION 4: During the pregame warm-up, the 12 members of Team A are wearing warm-up tops, but not their team jerseys. Approximately one minute prior to the opening jump ball, the 12 Team A members go to the team bench, remove the warm-up tops and put on the team jerseys. RULING: One technical foul is charged to Team A, and it is also charged indirectly to the head coach. COMMENT: In a situation where similar multiple infractions occur at the same time, it is not the intent of the rules to penalize each individual infraction as a separate technical foul. (3-4-15; 10-4-1h)

SITUATION 5: A1 is directed to leave the game with a blood-saturated jersey. While at the team bench area, he/she removes the jersey and changes into a clean, spare jersey. RULING: A1 is assessed a technical foul. Team B is awarded two free throws and the ball for a division line throw-in. COMMENT: The uniform rule is intended to be applied in all situations. It is not unreasonable to expect team members to leave the playing area to change uniforms. (3-4-15; 10-4-1h)

SITUATION 6: A1's try is in flight when A2 is called for setting an illegal screen on B2. Team B is in the bonus and A1's try is (a) successful or (b) unsuccessful. RULING: In (a) and (b), a common foul has occurred since there is no team control during a try in flight. B2 is awarded a bonus free-throw situation. In (a), score the basket for A1 since the ball does not become dead until the try ends. (4-12-6; 4-19-7; 6-7-7 Exception a)

SITUATION 7: Only a few seconds remain in the second quarter. Team A is advancing the ball from backcourt to frontcourt. A1 is driving toward his/her basket and is about to dunk the ball when the horn sounds to end the first half. Shortly after the horn sounds, A1 dunks the ball and hangs on to the rim. RULING: A1 is assessed a technical foul for dunking a dead ball. The foul is also charged indirectly to the head coach. The third quarter begins with Team B being awarded two free throws and the ball at the division line. The alternating-possession arrow is not affected and remains unchanged. (5-6-4; 10-3-4)

SITUATION 8: A1 has control of the ball in Team A's frontcourt. Post players A5 and B5 are pushing each other in an attempt to gain a more advantageous position on the block while (a) A1 is dribbling the ball; (b) the ball is in the air on a pass from A1 to A2; or (c) the ball is in the air on an unsuccessful try for goal by A1. An official calls a double personal foul on A5 and B5. RULING: In (a) and (b), Team A had control of the ball when the double foul occurred, and thus play will be resumed at the point of interruption. Team A will have a designated spot throw-in nearest the location where the ball was located when the double foul occurred. In (c), no team has control while a try for goal is in flight, and since the try was unsuccessful, there is no obvious point of interruption. Play will be resumed with an alternating possession throw-in nearest the location where the ball was located when the double foul occurred. Had the try been successful, the point of interruption would have been a throw-in for Team B from anywhere along the end line. (4-36; 6-4-3g; 7-5-9)

SITUATION 9: A1 recovers a loose ball on the playing court near the sideline, with his/her body entirely in bounds. However, A1's head is hovering out of bounds and his/her hair (which is in a long ponytail) is touching the floor, out of bounds. RULING: A1 is called for the out-of-bounds violation. (7-1-1; 7-1-2; 9-3-1)

SITUATION 10: A1 and A2 set a double screen near the end line. B3 intentionally goes out of bounds outside the end line to avoid being detained by A1 and A2. Just as B3 goes out of bounds, A3's try is in flight. RULING: B3 is called for a leaving-the-floor violation. Team A will receive the ball out of bounds at a spot nearest to where the violation occurred. Since the violation is on the defense, the ball does not become dead until the try has ended. If the try is successful, it will count. (9-3-2; 6-7-9 Exception d)

SITUATION 11: The score is tied 60-60 with four seconds remaining in the game. A1 has a fast break and is near the free-throw line on his/her way to an uncontested lay-up. B5, running down the court near the sideline, intentionally runs out of bounds in the hopes of getting a leaving-the-floor violation called. RULING: B5's intentional violation should be ignored and A1's activity should continue without interruption. COMMENT: Non-contact, away from the ball, illegal defensive violations (i.e. excessively swinging the elbows, leaving the floor for an unauthorized reason) specifically designed to stop the clock near the end of a period or take away a clear advantageous position by the offense should be temporarily ignored. The defensive team should not benefit from the tactic. If time is not a factor, the defense should be penalized with the violation or a technical foul for unsporting behavior. (9-3-2; 10-1-8)

SITUATION 12: Team B has just scored to go up by three points with time running out in the fourth quarter. Player A1 inbounds the ball to A2 close to the sideline of Team B's bench. A2 releases a three-point try just prior to the horn sounding. Substitute B7 leaves the bench area, enters the court and blocks the shot. RULING: B7 shall be charged with two technical fouls and ejected. One technical foul is assessed for entering the court without permission and one for unsporting conduct. Any member of Team A may shoot the four free throws for the technical fouls. The results of these free throws will determine if the game is over or going into overtime. COMMENT: Two technical fouls must be assessed in this situation. Otherwise, the team committing the infraction would benefit from the act. (10-4-1; 10-4-2)
  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:20pm
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 15,012
2004-05 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

SITUATION 1: During A1’s attempt to pass to A2, B1 (a) intentionally uses his/her thigh to deflect the pass; (b) intentionally kicks the ball with his/her foot; or (c) has the ball accidentally hit his/her lower leg. RULING: In (a) and (b), there is a kicking violation and Team A will receive the ball out of bounds nearest the violation. In (c), the ball remains live and there is no violation. (4-29)

SITUATION 2: Officials discover blood on players A1 and B1 simultaneously and direct both players to leave the game. After notification by the officials, Team A chooses to call a time-out to keep A1 in the game, while Team B elects to substitute B6 for B1. RULING: B6 must enter the game prior to the official granting the time-out for Team A. A1 must be ready to play by the end of the time-out. B1 may not re-enter the game until the next opportunity to substitute after time has run off the clock. (3-3-6)

SITUATION 3: A1 is fouled by B2 and is awarded two free throws. The foul is B2’s fifth foul. The new trail official reports the fifth foul to Team B’s coach. Before a substitute is made, the lead official incorrectly permits A1 to attempt the first free throw. The officials realize the error and huddle to discuss the situation. RULING: The result of the first attempt shall stand. Team B’s head coach shall be notified of B2’s disqualification. Once B2 has been replaced, A1 shall attempt the second free throw. COMMENT: This is an official’s error and not a correctable-error situation according to Rule 2-10. (2-8-3, 4-14-1, 6-1-2c, 10-5-1d)

SITUATION 4: A1 has started a try for a goal (is in the act of shooting), but the ball is not yet in flight when the official blows the whistle for B2 fouling A2. A1’s try is successful. RULING: Score the goal by A1. If Team A is in the bonus, A2 will shoot free throws. If not, Team A will have a designated spot throw-in nearest to where the foul occurred. COMMENT: The foul by the defense need not be on the player in the act of shooting for continuous motion principles to apply. (6-7 Exception 3)

SITUATION 5: Before making a throw-in, A1 dribbles the ball on the floor on the out-of-bounds area. RULING: Legal, a player may bounce the ball on the out-of-bounds area prior to making a throw-in. (9-2-2)

SITUATION 6: Team A scores a field goal. B1 picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. Before the throw-in is completed, A2 is called for an intentional (or flagrant) foul on B3 near the end line. RULING: B3 would shoot the two free throws for the intentional (or flagrant) foul with the lane cleared. Team B will then have a designated spot throw-in on the end line. (7-5-7, 7-5-11)

SITUATION 7: Team A scores a field goal. B1 picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. B1 attempts an entry pass that goes near the division line, but no opponent or teammate is nearby to secure the ball. B1 enters the court and becomes the first player to touch the ball. RULING: B1 has committed a throw-in violation. Team A will be awarded a throw-in at a designated spot on the end line, which was the original throw-in location. (9-2-6 Penalty)

SITUATION 8: As the official calls a traveling violation, he/she properly sounds the whistle and gives the signal to stop the clock. While doing this, the official is able to see the exact time remaining in the fourth quarter. The clock shows 55 seconds remaining. The timer stops the clock: (a) at 55 seconds; (b) at 54 seconds; (c) at 53 seconds; or (d) 50 seconds. RULING: In (a) and (b), there has been no obvious timing mistake. The timer should be able to react and stop the clock in one second when the whistle is heard and/or the signal is seen. However, in (c) and (d), more than one second of time elapsed from the time the signal was given until the clock was stopped. The referee will order 55 seconds put on the clock in (c) and (d). COMMENT: By interpretation, “lag or reaction” time is limited to one second when the official’s signal is heard and/or seen clearly. The rules do not permit the referee to correct situations resulting in normal reaction time of the timer which results in a “lag” in stopping the clock. Additional time which may subsequently run off the clock (after the one second lag time) is considered a timing mistake and may be corrected. (5-10-1)

SITUATION 9: A4 and A5 set a double screen for A1 near the end line. A1 runs out of bounds under the basket around the screening teammates and returns on the opposite side of the court. RULING: A1 is charged with a technical foul for leaving the court for an unauthorized reason. (10-3-3)

SITUATION 10: Players A5 and B5 square off and grab each other as if they will begin to fight. Bench personnel A6, A7 and B6 leave the confines of their respective benches to get closer to the action. A5 and B5 never actually throw punches; they just exchange words and menacing glances. RULING: A6, A7 and B6 are each charged with flagrant technical fouls and disqualified. Both head coaches are assessed one indirect technical foul. Because the number of offenders is unequal, Team B is awarded two free throws and the ball for a division line throw-in. The officials must also determine the severity of A5 and B5’s actions. Either a double technical or a double flagrant should be assessed. No free throws are awarded for these infractions because the fouls offset one another. (4-19-4, 10-3-7, 10-4-4 Penalty)

SITUATION 11: An official sounds his/her whistle accidentally while A1’s try attempt is in flight. The try is (a) unsuccessful or (b) successful. RULING: Even though the whistle has blown, the ball does not become dead until the try ends. The official’s accidental whistle has no effect on the flight of the ball. In (a), since there is no team or player control when the try is unsuccessful, the ball is put in play by the team entitled to the throw-in using the alternating-possession procedure. In (b), score the basket by A1. Even though, by rule, there is no team control during this dead-ball period following the score, the ball would be given to Team B for a throw-in anywhere along the end line. Team B would have clearly received the ball had the official not accidentally sounded his/her whistle. (6-7-5 Exception (1); 7-4-4; 7-5-4; 4-12-3,6)

SITUATION 12: A1 is closely guarded by B1 for two seconds in Team A’s frontcourt. B2 then double-teams A1, and both B1 and B2 are closely guarding A1 for one second. B1 then drops off of A1 to cover another player. B2 continues to closely guard A1 for two more seconds. RULING: A1 has committed a violation since he/she was closely guarded continuously for a total of five seconds. (4-10; 9-10-1a)

SITUATION 13: A1 is dribbling near the sideline when B1 obtains legal guarding position. B1 stays in the path of A1 but in doing so has (a) one foot touching the sideline or (b) one foot in the air over the out-of-bounds area when A1 contacts B1 in the torso. RULING: In (a), B1 is called for a blocking foul because a player may not be out of bounds and obtain or maintain legal guarding position. In (b), A1 is called for a player-control foul because B2 had obtained and maintained legal guarding position. (4-23-2; 4-23-3a)

  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:42pm
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Publisher’s Note: The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations. They do not set aside nor modify any rule. They are made and published by the NFHS in response to situations presented. Robert F. Kanaby, Publisher, NFHS Publications © 2003

Printing Errors and Corrections:
Case Book: page 66-67, 9.7.2: Delete the last three words, “or interrupted dribble,” in the second to the last sentence of the ruling.
Officials Manual: Inside front cover No. 2 and page 69, 341i: Change “The new Trail Official…” to “The new tableside official (Trail or Center)…”

SITUATION 1: A5 is called for a fifth foul. Who informs the coach? RULING: It is recommended that the non-calling official in a crew of two or the new tableside official (trail or center) in a crew of three be responsible for notification. After informing the player, the official instructs the timer to begin the 30-second replacement period. (2-8-4; 4-14; 10-5-1d)

SITUATION 2: Team A started the game with seven team members in the scorebook. All team members foul out but one, A1. Team A is leading by eight points with 38 seconds left in the game with a chance to win. A1 fouls B2 with Team B in the bonus. A1 occupies one of the first marked lane spaces for the free throw, with no teammate to occupy the other required space. RULING: By rule, a team may continue to play with one player if that team has an opportunity to win the game. Accordingly, since Team A can only put one player in the required free-throw marked lane space, it cannot be penalized. Further, Team B may not occupy the first marked lane space left vacant by Team A. (3-1-1 Note, 8-1-3)

SITUATION 3: A5 is called for a fifth foul. The proper official notifies the head coach and instructs the timer to begin timing the replacement interval. After the 20-second warning horn and before the required substitute for A5 approaches the scorer’s table, (a) B6 and B7 report to the official scorer; (b) A6, who is replacing A1 reports to the official scorer; or (c) A3 requests a time-out. RULING: In (a) and (b), the properly reported substitutes shall be permitted to enter the game. In (c), a time-out shall not be granted while a replacement for A5 is pending. (3-3-1d; 5-8-3b)

SITUATION 4: During a substitution opportunity, three substitutes for Team A report to the official scorer and legally enter the contest. The Team B captain asks the nearest official for an opportunity to match-up defensively. RULING: The official shall permit players an appropriate amount of time to determine their defensive player responsibilities. As a courtesy, the official should ask the captain of the team making the initial request if he/she is ready to play. (3-3-1e)

SITUATION 5: At the top of the key, A1 beats B1 off the dribble, reaches the free-throw line, and pulls up for a jump shot. At the apex of the jump and before the ball is released, B2 comes from the side and swats the ball out of A1’s hands. The ball goes behind A1, deflects off A2 and into the backcourt, where A3 is the first to touch it. RULING: A backcourt violation shall be called. Team control had continued for Team A because the try ended before the ball was in flight. (4-12-3a; 4-40-3,4; 9-9-1)

SITUATION 6: A1 jumps from the floor and secures a defensive re-bound. A1 then pivots toward the sideline where a teammate, A2, is standing for an outlet pass. Just as A1 releases the pass, A2 turns and runs down the court. A1 throws a soft bounce pass to where A2 was standing. A1 then moves and secures the ball without dribbling. RULING: Legal action. A1 had the pivot foot on the floor and began a dribble by throwing the ball to the floor (the bounce pass); the dribble ended when A1 secured the ball. Upon reaching the ball, A1 also could have continued the dribble. (4-15-3,4)

SITUATION 7: B1 obtains a legal guarding position on A1, who is dribbling the ball near the sideline. There is no contact by A1 while B1 has both feet on the playing court. B1 stays in the path of A1 but in doing so has (a) one foot touching the out-of-bounds boundary line, or (b) one foot in the air over the out-of-bounds boundary line when A1 contacts B1 in the torso. RULING: In (a), a blocking foul shall be called on B1. B1 may not be touching out of bounds. In (b), a player-control foul shall be called on A1; B1 had established and maintained a legal guarding position. (4-23-2,3; 4-35-1)

SITUATION 8: At the completion of the first half, the head coaches of the competing teams request that the officials allow a continuous clock starting with the second half alternating-possession throw-in. RULING: This is not legal. The officials should deny the request. By rule, only the state association can establish a running clock. (5-5 Note)

SITUATION 9: A Team A player requests a time-out: (a) while airborne A1 is in possession of the ball; (b) while A1’s pass toward A2 is in flight; (c) during A1’s interrupted dribble; (d) when the ball is on the floor at A1’s disposal for a throw-in; or (e) just after the ball travels through the basket on a successful try by Team B. RULING: The request is granted in (a) because A1 is in player control; (d) because the ball is at A1’s disposal; and in (e) because the ball is dead. The request is denied in (b) and (c), as there is no player control while the ball is being passed between teammates or during an interrupted dribble. (5-8-3; 4-15-6c)

SITUATION 10: To avoid the noisy spectators behind the team bench, the Team B coach directs his/her players to take their chairs and gather in the key area directly in front of the team bench during a 60-second time-out. RULING: The coach shall be informed immediately that the team gathering must take place within the confines of the team bench area – an imaginary rectangle formed by the boundaries of the sideline (including the bench), end line, and an imaginary line extended from the free-throw lane line nearest the bench area meeting an imaginary line extended from the coaching-box line. (5-12-5; 1-13-3)

SITUATION 11: Team A (free-throw shooting team) has two players in the second marked lane spaces and Team B (non-shooting team) has four players in the first and third marked lane spaces. After the first free-throw attempt and prior to the official placing the ball at the disposal of A1 for the succeeding attempt, A2, in one of the second marked lane spaces, vacates the space, moves beyond the three-point arc and above the free-throw line extended. In (a), B3, in the third marked lane space, moves down and occupies the vacated space. In (b), B5, not in a marked lane space, steps in to occupy the vacant space. RULING: Legal in (a). In (b), B5 should not be permitted to occupy the vacated space; it would give Team B (the defensive team) five players in marked lane spaces. If the officials allow B5 to occupy the space, and only realize the error once the ball is at the disposal of the free-throw shooter, a delayed violation shall be called. (8-1-3; 9-1)

SITUATION 12: Team A (free-throw shooting team) has no players in marked lane spaces. Team B (non-shooting team) has (a) four players in the first and second marked lane spaces or (b) two players in the first marked lane spaces only. RULING: Legal in both (a) and (b). The shooting team is not required to have any players in marked lane spaces and the defensive team must only have the first marked lane spaces occupied. If a team does not occupy a marked lane space to which it is entitled, the opponent may occupy the space (within the number limitations). (8-1-3)

SITUATION 13: Technical foul shooter A1 attempts the first free throw and substitute A6 attempts the second. RULING: Legal. Technical foul free throws may be attempted by any player or eligible substitute. Therefore, two different players may attempt the throws. (8-3)

SITUATION 14: A1 is shooting the first of a bonus free-throw situation. A4 is positioned in one of the fourth spaces (near the shooter) and B5 is positioned in the other fourth space. The incorrect alignment is discovered by the officials (a) before the ball is at the disposal of A1; (b) after the ball is at A1’s disposal, but before the try is in flight; (c) when the try is in flight; (d) when the successful try goes through the cylinder; (e) when the unsuccessful try is rebounding off the basket ring; or (f) when the rebound of the unsuccessful try is securely in A4’s possession. RULING: In (a), the administering official shall “reset” the free throw and put the players in a legal location for the free-throw. In (b) and (c), an official shall sound his/her whistle immediately and call a simultaneous violation, utilizing the alternating-possession procedure to put the ball in play. In (d), (e) and (f), the free throw has ended and the improper alignment is ignored. (9-1-2 Pen 3; 4-20-3)

SITUATION 15: Defender B4 attempts to stop an apparent lob pass near the basket. While B4 is airborne, A3 moves beneath B4. To avoid injury, B4 grasps the basket ring. While B4 grasps the ring, A1 shoots from about 12 feet away. Just after A1 releases the shot, B4 lets go of the ring and lands safely. The ring is still moving when (a) the ball hits the moving ring and bounces in; or (b) the ball enters and passes completely through the basket, without contacting the moving ring. RULING: Since B4 grasped the ring to prevent injury, no technical foul is called. In (a), when the ball contacts the moving ring, basket interference is called on B4; the ball is dead and the try cannot score, but A1 is awarded two points. In (b), since the ball entered and passed completely through the basket without touching the ring, basket interference has not occurred; play continues. (9-11-4; 4-6-4; 10-3-5 Exc)
  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:45pm
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Publisher’s Note:
The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations. They do not set aside nor modify any rule. They are made and published by the NFHS in response to situations presented.
Robert F. Kanaby, Publisher, NFHS Publications © 2002

Printing Errors and Corrections: Case Book: Page 3, 4.12.1 SITUATION: delete the first part of the last sentence. Page 7, 1.18 SITUATION: delete "other than during the permitted times" at the end of the second to the last sentence. Page 66, 9.7.2 SITUATION: delete “or interrupted dribble” at the end of the second to the last sentence.

SITUATION 1: A1 calls a 60-second time-out in the backcourt. After the time-out is over, the official erroneously awards Team B the ball for a sideline throw-in. B1 completes the throw-in to B2 before the official realizes the mistake. RULING: This is not a correctable error situation; play should continue. COMMENT: Obviously, officials should take steps to avoid this type of error. Many different techniques are available, such as holding the ball under the arm that points in the direction the ball will go when play is resumed. (2-10)

SITUATION 2: A1 is shooting a free throw. Substitute A6 reports to the table to enter the game. Since the substitute need only report his/her own number, there is no way of knowing the player he/she is replacing and the timer sounds the horn. RULING: The rule states that the substitute need only give his/her number, but the scorer may ask A6 whom he/she is replacing so as not to sound the horn prematurely. If the player isn't willing to provide that information, the table should follow established substitution procedures. (3-3)

SITUATION 3: A1 fouls out of the game. The Team A coach talks to a substitute and within 15 seconds sends the substitute to the table to report in the game. A Team B player then requests a time-out. RULING: Since a time-out may not be granted until a disqualified player is replaced, the administering official should ask the substitute at the table if he/she is the replacement for A1. If so, the time-out may be granted. If not, the substitute shall remain at the table and the coach must still replace A1 within the specified timeframe before the time-out may be granted. (3-3-1;10-5-1d; 5-8-3b)

SITUATION 4: Substitutes A6, A7 and A8 report only their own numbers to the scorer for entry. The substitutes are beckoned into the game by an official and enter the court. Before their replacements leave the court, a fight breaks out with five (of the eight on-court) players from Team A and three players from Team B involved. RULING: Substitutes be-come players when they legally enter the court; in this case, when the official beckoned them onto the court. The players being replaced by A6, A7 and A8 were not known at the time of the fight to determine what players would be classified as “bench personnel.” The officials and scorer shall make an effort to determine who substitutes A6, A7 and A8 were replacing when the fight broke out. If the players being replaced by the substitutes cannot be determined, the only recourse the officials have to determine what penalties to assess the head coach for the involvement of bench personnel is to assess the maximum penalty. Of the five Team A players involved, assume three were bench personnel and assess three indirect technical fouls to the head coach, which results in ejection. Team B would also be awarded four free throws (two for each additional player involved in the fight). All participants are disqualified for flagrant fouls. Play would be resumed with a Team B throw-in from the division line opposite the scorer's table. (3-3-1; 10-3-10 Pen; 10-4-1h Pen; 2-3)

SITUATION 5: Team A is playing with five players, but has no remaining substitutes available when one of the players has an asthma attack. The coach is beckoned onto the floor. RULING: The player must leave the game unless a time-out is requested and granted to Team A with the player being ready to resume by the end of the time-out. The team may continue with fewer than five players if there are no substitutes available. An injured/ill player may return to the game after recovery. (3-3-5)

SITUATION 6: In the last 30 seconds of a game, a player from each team has blood on the uniform. Team A has a time-out remaining and Team B does not. RULING: If the officials direct both players to leave the game, both teams must call a time-out to keep the respective players in the game. The player for Team B must leave the game since his/her team is out of time-outs. COMMENT: Team B could call an excessive time-out resulting in a technical foul to keep the player in the game. (3-3-6)

SITUATION 7: A1 is directed to leave the game because of blood on the uniform. Team B calls a time-out followed by a successive time-out called by Team A. RULING: A1 may remain in the game if ready to play at the end of A1's time-out. (3-3-6)
SITUATION 8: Team A is wearing a patch on its uniforms to honor one of its teammates who was injured in an accident. The patch is the school logo with his/her number on it. RULING: This is not legal. A commemorative/memorial patch may be worn on the jersey, provided it is not a logo or number, and must be worn above the neckline or in the side insert. Such patches shall not exceed four square inches. (3-4-16)

SITUATION 9: B1 is observed wearing a mouthguard, but no other member of Team B is wearing this type of equipment. RULING: This is legal (personal choice), but is not mandatory. (3-5)

SITUATION 10: During the pre-game warm-up period, an official notices that A1 is wearing a religious medal on the end of a chain. RULING: The player shall be instructed that in order to wear the religious medal, the medal and chain must be taped to the body and worn under the uniform. (3-5-2)

SITUATION 11: During the jump ball to start the game, jumper A1 catches the ball prior to the ball touching the floor or a non-jumper. RULING: A violation by A1. Team B is awarded a throw-in at the nearest spot due to the violation, which constitutes the first possession. The arrow is pointed toward Team A's basket when a player from Team B has the ball at his/her disposal for the throw-in. (4-12-1; 6-3-1; 6-4-7c)

SITUATION 12: B1 fouls A1 near the division line. At approximately the same time, A2 fouls B2 in the lane near Team A's basket. The alternating-possession arrow is pointed toward Team A. RULING: This is a simultaneous personal foul. B1 and A2 are charged with personal fouls. The ball shall be put back in play with an alternating-possession throw-in for Team A on the sideline nearest B1's foul. COMMENT: Since the fouls occurred at two different locations on the floor, the spot for the throw-in is determined by the foul of the team not entitled to the alternating-possession throw-in. Example: Team A has the arrow; throw-in administered at the spot closest to Team B's foul. (4-19-9; 6-3-3g)

SITUATION 13: A1 completes a legal jump stop (jumping off one foot and landing with both feet simultaneously). A1 then lifts both feet to attempt a try for goal. RULING: Legal. (4-43-2a(3); 4-43-4a)

SITUATION 14: A1 catches a pass while in the air, lands on one foot and then jumps off that foot and lands on one foot followed immediately by a step with the other foot. RULING: Traveling violation. (4-43-2; 9-4)

SITUATION 15: On a final free-throw attempt by A1, B1 commits a lane violation. A1's free throw misses the ring and flange. RULING: Double violation, unless the officials deem B1's act to be disconcerting to the shooter. If this was the last of multiple free throws, play will be resumed by the alternating-possession procedure. (9-1-3, 9-1-5, 9-1-9 Penalty 3)

SITUATION 16: B1 illegally steps into the lane before A1's final free throw hits the rim. A2 then steps into the lane prematurely, followed by A3, both in marked lane spaces. RULING: A2 and A3's violations are ignored. (9-1-9 Pen 4a)

SITUATION 17: B1 illegally steps into the lane before A1's final free throw hits the rim and then commits basket interference. RULING: The first infraction by the defensive player B1 does not end the free throw and is a "delayed" free-throw violation; the ball is still live. The ball becomes dead when the basket interference occurs. Score the free throw for A1. Since the free throw is successful, the lane violation by B1 is ignored. Team B will have a throw-in from any point outside the end line. (9-1-9 Pen 2a; 9-11 Pen 1)

SITUATION 18: B1 illegally steps into the lane before A1's final free throw hits the rim. A2 then steps into the lane prematurely and then commits basket interference. RULING: The first infraction by the defensive player B1 does not end the free throw and is a "delayed" free-throw violation; the ball is still live. When A2 enters the lane prematurely, the violation is ignored. But when A2 commits basket interference, the ball becomes dead immediately and ends the free throw and no point can be scored. Therefore, the free throw is unsuccessful and A1 would be given a substitute throw. Play is resumed from the free-throw situation. (9-1-9 Pen 2b; 6-7-9; 4-20-3)

SITUATION 19: A1 is attempting a final free throw. After the ball hits the rim, B1, attempting to rebound the ball, commits basket interference. RULING: Basket interference violation on B1. Score the free throw for A1. Team B will have a throw-in from any point outside the end line. (9-11 Penalty 1; 7-5-7)

SITUATION 20: B2 commits goaltending on A1's final free-throw attempt. RULING: Score the free throw by A1 and charge B2 with a technical foul. Team A shoots two free throws for the technical foul; play is resumed with a throw-in at the division line opposite the scorers' table. (10-3-11)
  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 27, 2008, 08:37am
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1999-2000 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

1999-2000 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

Publisher’s Note:
The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations. They do not set aside nor modify any rule. They are made and published by the NFHS in response to situations presented.

Robert F. Kanaby, Publisher, NFHS Publications © 1999

Click here for Publications Corrections

SITUATION 1: Prior to the contest, both head coaches from affirmed their players were legally equipped and would wear uniforms properly. Early in the first quarter, A3 was requested by U1 to tuck her jersey inside the uniform game pants and to keep the pants pulled up above her hips. With six minutes remaining in the quarter, A3 pulled her shorts down and jersey out. U1 stopped the game, assessed the Team A coach with a technical foul and directed A3 leave the contest.
RULING: Incorrect. A3 should be directed to leave the contest. Although the coach is responsible and verifies players are properly equipped and the uniform will be worn properly, no technical foul is assessed when players are discovered not in compliance, unless the official determines the act to be unsportsmanlike. (2-4-5, 3-4-15)

SITUATION 2: A6 and A7 report to the table as substitutes to enter the game at the beginning of the third quarter. Both players enter the court with their shirttails out and prepare to line-up for the division-line throw-in. The official directs both players to leave the court. The coach of Team B protests and insists that both players be assessed technical fouls.
RULING: The official was correct in directing the players to leave the court. (3-4-15)

SITUATION 3: During pregame warm-ups, the referee notices that player A5 has athletic tape on her ears. Upon inquiring, the referee is informed by A5 that she has just had her ears pierced and has put tape on to cover them.
RULING: A5 is instructed to remove the earrings, if she wishes to participate in the contest. (3-5-2)

SITUATION 4: U2 calls a blocking foul on A4, his fifth personal foul. U2 properly reports the foul on A4 to the scorer and then notifies the head coach of Team A that A4 committed his fifth foul. Prior to U2 advising A4 of the disqualifying foul, A4 is overheard by R berating U2. Team B is not in the bonus.
RULING: A4 became bench personnel when the coach was notified of the disqualifying foul. A4 is assessed a bench technical foul and the head coach of Team A is assessed an indirect technical foul. Team B will shoot two free throws for the technical foul and be awarded the ball for a division-line throw-in. (4-34, 10-4-5 Penalty)

SITUATION 5: The Athletic Director (A.D.) of visiting Team B is sitting on the team bench serving as a scorer. As U1 passes in front of the bench, the A.D. loudly exclaims, “You’ll never get a contract from us again.” for which U1 assessed a technical foul. Immediately after the technical was assessed, Player B1 and substitute B7 yelled “That’s bull——,” for which R assessed technical fouls against B1 and B7.
RULING: Two foul shots will be awarded A for each of the assessed technical fouls. The head coach of B is assessed two indirect technical fouls for the technical fouls assessed against bench personnel (A.D.) and B7, who is a substitute until properly reported and beckoned onto the floor by an official. After the six free throws are attempted by Team A, it will be their ball for a division-line throw-in. If the state association permits the use of a coaching box, Team B would have lost the privilege. (10-4-5 Penalty)

SITUATION 6: Player A4 leaves the playing floor before her substitute has an opportunity to report to the scorer’s table. During which time, player A4 disrespectfully addresses the nearest official.
RULING: The official assesses a technical foul on player A4. There is no indirect technical foul charged to the head coach because A4 has not been replaced and is not considered bench personnel. (3-3-3, 4-34-1, 2, 3)

SITUATION 7: A1 has just successfully completed the first shot of a bonus situation. B6 then reports to the scorer’s table and enters the game replacing B1. Team B’s coach calls a time-out before the ball is at the disposal of free-throw shooter A1. After the time out, B1 reports to the scorer’s table and attempts to enter the game replacing B6, before the second free-throw is attempted.
RULING: B1 shall not be permitted to re-enter the game until the next opportunity to substitute after the clock has been restarted, following his/her replacement.

SITUATION 8: Player B3 is called for a technical foul. Player A1 steps to the line and attempts the first free throw. A6 then reports to the table to enter the game to replace player A5 and attempt the second free throw.
RULING: Legal. A substitute may enter the game to attempt one or both free throws resulting from a technical foul. (8-3)

SITUATION 9: During a dead ball after a violation, substitute A6 enters the court without being beckoned by an official. After the ball is at the disposal of the thrower-in, A6 fouls B1. It is then discovered that A6 entered illegally.
RULING: A6 became a legal player when the ball was placed at the disposal of the thrower-in. The foul is a common foul on A6. (3-3-3)

SITUATION 10: Substitute B6, wearing the number 1, properly reports to the scorer’s table. After a violation, the timer sounds the horn to request the substitution.
RULING: B6 shall be beckoned into the game. There is no infraction since the number 1 is a legal number. (3-4-3)

SITUATION 11: Ten minutes before the scheduled starting time of the game, the Referee checks the scorebook for Team B and finds starters checked included player’s identified by number as 2, 35, 00, 31 and 0.
RULING: A technical foul is assessed Team B for having 00 and 0 in the book. While 0 and 00 are legal numbers, a team may not have both 0 and 00 on the team roster. Either player No. 00 or player No. 0 will be required to change jersey numbers prior to being eligible for participation. (3-4-3, 10-1-2)

SITUATION 12: Team A players have a 2½-inch by 4-inch black patch sewn on their uniform pants in memory of a recently deceased teammate.
RULING: Legal. There are no restrictions regarding a memorial/commemorative patch on uniform pants. (3-4)

SITUATION 13: All Team A squad members have a memorial patch on their game jerseys within the 4-inch side insert.
RULING: Legal. Decorations, such as mascots, stars, commemoratives, memorial or recognition patches, insignias or logos are not permitted on the undershirt, but are permitted on the 4-inch insert of the jersey. (3-4-1)

SITUATION 14: All members of Team B are wearing a commemorative patch on the warm-up pants during the pregame warm-up. The patch is the number 12 centered in a circular patch, located on the side seam of the warm-up pant.
RULING: Legal. There is no restriction regarding commemorative patches (even though they contain a number) on the warm-up pant. (3-4)

SITUATION 15: The state association has signed a television contract for the state final tournament games. Contractually, the state association agreed to two one-minute television time-outs per quarter. The state association then stipulated that each team would be permitted only one 20-second time-out during the last two minutes of the second and fourth quarters.
RULING: Legal. When electronic media time-outs are permitted the state association may determine the number of time-outs and may reduce (or eliminate) charged time-outs. (5-12-5 Note)

SITUATION 16: Prior to the start of the game, the referee discovers the game ball does not have the NFHS Authenticating Mark.
RULING: If no other balls are available with the NFHS Authenticating Mark, the game shall proceed with an otherwise legal ball (unless the state association has determined a penalty shall apply). The referee should inform the state association of the school’s noncompliance. (1-12-1g)

SITUATION 17: B1 reaches across the boundary line and touches a ball that is being bounced by the official to thrower-in A1. What is the proper procedure?
RULING: This is a violation of the throw-in plane. The official reports the warning to the official scorer as a team warning for Team B, and instructs the scorer to record the warning in the scorebook. The official shall also inform Team B’s head coach of the warning. Any subsequent violation of the same type shall be a team technical. The official scorekeeper shall notify the official of the second same type violation. (4-46, 9-2-11)

SITUATION 18: Defensive player B1 has established legal guarding position on A1, as A1 is moving to receive a pass. A1 takes three strides and contact occurs on B1’s torso.
RULING: Personal foul on A1. B1 granted A1 at least two strides before contact occurred. (4-23-5b)

SITUATION 19: During a full time-out, the head coach of Team B has players sit on team stools at the closest free-throw area.
RULING: Time-outs must be taken from the confines of the team bench area. Coach B shall be instructed to conduct his/her time-out at the bench area. Failure to comply with this directive shall result in a technical foul assessed directly to the head coach. (5-15-5, 10-5-2a, Penalty)

SITUATION 20: Team A scores a field goal and B1 is taking the ball out of bounds, running the end line. When B1 inbounds, A1 intentionally kicks the ball.
RULING: On the ensuing throw-in, B1 will have a designated spot throw-in. (7-5-2)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Oct 27, 2008, 08:43am
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1998-99 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

1998-99 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

Publisher’s Note:
The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations. They do not set aside nor modify any rule. They are made and published by the NFHS in response to situations presented.

Robert F. Kanaby, Publisher, NFHS Publications © 1998

Rules Book: Page 23, 3-4-3 change last 0 to 00.
Case Book: Play 11, Page 6, delete a), as it is a duplicate of c), and the ruling is incorrect in a). Part I Exam
Questions-Rule Reference Corrections: #9: 9-12; 10-3-11; #32: 4-19-7 Note; #34: 6-1-2a; #36: 4-6-1; 9-11-1; #44:
10-6 Summary Pen. 7; #84: 4-22-2; 9-12; Answer Corrections: #90: True Fund. 12

SITUATION 1: Team A players are wearing a black memorial band on the right shoulder seam of their jerseys to honor a player who was killed in a car accident.
RULING:The memorial band makes the jersey illegal. The band must be removed or a technical foul is assessed to each player when he/she enters the game for the first time. (3-4-1 or 3-4-13)

SITUATION 2: A "bobcat, jaguar, wildcat, bronco, cougar, mustang, etc." logo was painted in the center restraining circle, with no contrasting 2-inch-wide dividing line in existence where the logo was painted. The referee permits play to begin without the dividing line being marked.
RULING: Incorrect. Play shall not commence until the visible midcourt dividing line is marked. (1-3-2)

SITUATION 3: A "bobcat, jaguar, wildcat, bronco, cougar, mustang, etc." logo was painted in the center restraining circle, with no contrasting 2-inch-wide dividing line in existence where the logo was painted. The referee permits play to begin without the dividing line being marked. The game is to be officiated by a three-person crew and the three assigned officials agree they will be able to accurately cover the floor, even without the visible midcourt dividing line.
RULING: Without exception, and with no consideration for uniqueness of design, play shall not commence until the visible midcourt dividing line is marked. (1-3-2)

SITUATION 4: In the opening game of the season, after introductions, Team B starters remove their warm-ups and move to positions around the center restraining circle. Umpire No. 1 notices that each player has a 2¼-by-2 inch manufacturer’s logo on the right front of the team jersey.
RULING: The jerseys are not legal since no manufacturer’s logo or trade name may appear on a basketball team jersey. For the illegal jersey, each starter is assessed a technical foul and any entering substitute is likewise penalized. After assessing the technical fouls, the officials should permit the game to continue. (Uniforms now legal for this contest.) (10-3-3)

SITUATION 5: Prior to the start of the game, the site manager informs the officials that the coaching box will be located 10 feet from the end line for each team.
RULING: The coaching box may be used at the alternate site if approved by the state association in writing and presented to the officials prior to the start of the contest. The site manager also must inform the visiting team, preferably in advance. (1-13 Note)

SITUATION 6: While Team A is struggling to operate a four-corner offense, the head coach stands within the confines of the approved coaching box and verbally and visually requests a time-out. This request is seen and heard by the trail official who properly stops play. The coach turns back to visit with an assistant coach. The official then signals the bench to begin the time-out, at which time the head coach turns and says to the official, "We want a 20."
RULING: A full time-out is granted; no change is to be made. In the absence of a coach immediately notifying the official of the desire for a 20-second time-out, a full time-out shall be assessed. (1-13; 5-8-3; 10-5)

SITUATION 7: The scorers/timers table is located 24 feet from the north end line and extends an additional 20 feet, 6 inches toward the midcourt line. The visitors bench is located 2 feet from the end of the table, with a coaching box marked 16 to 22 feet from the end line. The visiting coach requests that the referee direct game administration to mark an optional coaching box with tape in front of the table, 22 to 28 feet from the end line.
RULING: Referee shall deny the request. Under the provision of Rules 1-13 and 1-18, while state associations may approve an alternate location for the coaching box, such location cannot be placed to interfere with official game administration. (1-13 Note)

SITUATION 8: A1 is dribbling the ball in the frontcourt. The ball bounces off his leg into the backcourt. As A1 goes into backcourt to retrieve the ball, the head coach requests a time-out. Can the time-out request by the head coach be granted by the officials?
RULING: No. Team must be in player control when the verbal or visual request is made by the head coach and recognized by the official. (5-8-3a)

SITUATION 9: The head coach of Team A requests a time-out, and this request is honored. After the players have cleared the court, Team A’s coach gives no indication as to what type of time-out he/she is requesting. The referee indicates to the scorekeeper that the time-out will be a full-length time-out. After 30 seconds, the clock operator signals to the referee that Team A does not have a full-length time-out remaining, but it does have a 20-second time-out remaining. What should the referee do in this situation?
RULING: In order to make the best of a bad situation, the referee should get the players from both teams onto the court for play and charge Team A with a 20-second time-out.

SITUATION 10: The head coach of Team A orally requests a time-out while airborne A1 is holding the ball.
RULING: The request for a time-out is granted. A coach now may request a time-out orally or visually when his/her team is in possession of the ball. (5-8-3a)

SITUATION 11: A1 is fouled in the act of shooting a two-point try and no goal is scored. Substitutes B6, B7 and A6 have properly reported. The game is delayed because of a repair problem with the basket prior to A1’s first attempt. Will the substitutes be allowed to enter because of this undue delay?
RULING: Because of the unusual delay, B6, B7 and A6 may enter. (3-3-1c)

SITUATION 12: Late in the fourth quarter with Team A trailing by one point, the coach of Team A stands in the optional coaching box and requests a time-out. The officials sees and hears the coach’s request for time-out and calls time-out. After the time-out is acknowledged, the official is made aware that Team A has no time-outs remaining. What is the ruling?
RULING: Team A is charged with a technical foul and is granted the time-out. No direct or indirect foul is charged to the head coach. (2-11-6; 5-11-2)

SITUATION 13: A1, who is in player control, requests a 20-second time-out. The official honors the request and moves to the scorer’s table to report the request. Team A’s coach does not confirm if he/she desires a 20-second time-out prior to the official reporting to the scorer.
RULING: Because A’s coach did not indicate a 20-second time-out prior to the official reporting, a full-length time-out shall be charged. (5-8-3)

SITUATION 14: The assistant coach of Team A requests a time-out while Team A is in player control. The official sees and hears the request.
RULING: The time-out shall not be granted as only the head coach may request and be granted a time-out. (5-8-3)

SITUATION 15: Team A has a player who is deaf. The coach requests that both a signer and head coach be allowed to occupy the optional coaching box in order to relay instructions to the affected player.
RULING: The school principal shall make a written request to the state high school association which shall include written verification from a physician confirming the condition. The state association, if it approves, will return a letter of approval and this letter shall be presented to the game officials prior to each contest.

SITUATION 16: At the conclusion of the second quarter Team A and the game officials exit through the same door way. As both groups are exiting Player A1 makes a derogatory remark to the game official.
RULING: The official shall call a technical foul on the player. The technical foul shall be charged against the offender and indirectly to the head coach. The third quarter will begin with two free throws plus the ball at the division-line for a throw-in.
Prettys Womans in your city
  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 13, 2008, 11:01am
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2001-2002 Interps - Part 1

(an OCR'd version from a hard copy -- so no guarantees there aren't OCR errors).

SITUATION 1.: After the made basket, Al has the ball for a throw-in along the end line. 61 fouls A2 at: (a) the division line; (b) the free-throw line closest to the throw-in; (c) along the sideline by A’s bench; or (d) along the end line near Al. RULING: In (a) and (c) the ball is put in play at the out-of-bounds spot closest to where the foul occurred, which is along the sideline. A throw-in along the sideline is always a spot throw-in. In (b) and (d) the closest spot to the foul is the end line where the original throw-in was taking place. In both situations the thrower will retain the privilege of running the end line for the throw-in. (7-5-

SITUATION 2: Team A scores a field goal. 61 picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. Before the throw-in is completed, A2 is called for an intentional (or flagrant) foul on B3 near the end line. RULING: B3 would shoot the two free throws for the intentional (or flagrant) foul with the lane cleared. Team B will be permitted to run the end line on the ensuing throw-in. (7-5-7, 7-5-11)

SITUATION 3: While Al’s three-point field-goal attempt is in flight, A3 fouls 61 (B is not in the bonus) near the bottom block area. The three-point field-goal attempt is successful. RULING: Score the three-point goal for Al. Team B will be permitted to run the end line on the ensuing throw-in. (5-7-7 Exp (2); 7-5-7)

SITUATION 4: Team A scores a field goal. Bi picks up the ball and steps out of bounds at the end line to prepare for a throw-in. Before the throw-in is completed, A2 and B2 foul each other simultaneously. RULING: This is a double foul (fouls are recorded, but no free throws attempted), which results in an alternating possession throw-in. Even if Team B retains possession, its right to run the end line is negated by 62’s foul. Therefore, the throw-in is
—from-a-designated spot out of bounds nearest the foul. (6-3-3f)

SITUATION 5: Both the home and visiting teams appear on the court wearing similar gold jerseys. RULING: The officials inform the home team that they must change to a different color jersey. The home team should wear light and visiting team dark jerseys. (3-4-6

SITUATION 6: The school-sponsored cheerleaders wish to use megaphones as part of their cheerleading routines from the sidelines. RULING: The new rule prohibiting artificial noisemakers would not apply to the cheerleaders in this situation. The megaphones would only be legal for the cheerleader’s use, provided they were being used appropriately. (1-18)

SITUATION 7: A player, for religious reasons, may not wear shorts. Would he/she be able to wear tights under the basketball uniform shorts or warm-ups instead of shorts? RULING:
NFHS basketball uniform rules do not require that the uniform pants be “shorts.” However, undergarments or tights may not be worn which extend below the pants. Wearing tights below the uniform shorts would be illegal. However, the player could wear long pants as the uniform “bottom” and be in compliance with NFHS rules. (3-4; 3-5-5)

SITUATION 8: During the pre-game warm-up, the officials observe that A4 is wearing a ring with tape covering it. The officials notify A4 that he/she must remove the ring in order to participate in the pre-game warm-up and the game. A4 responds that the ring cannot physically be removed. RULING: The referee informs A4 and A’s head coach that A4 cannot participate while wearing a ring, even with the tape covering it. (3-5)

SITUATION 9: At the end of their pre-game warm-up, players Al, A4, A5, A9 each dunk the ball and subsequently leave the floor and go to their dressing room. RULING: A technical foul is assessed each player. The game starts with eight (8) free throws (2 for each of the technical fouls) and the ball is awarded to B at the division line opposite the table. Four team fouls toward the bonus are assessed to A. The head coach of A is assessed an indirect technical foul for each offense (4) and is subsequently ejected from the contest. Any coach assuming the responsibilities of the head coach for the game would not have the use of the coaching box. (10-3-5; 10-5 Pen)

SITUATION 10: During a dead ball, Team A sends multiple substitutes (#33, #34 and #35) to report to enter the game. The substitutes will be replacing #22, #23 and #24, but, by rule, they do not indicate whom they will be replacing. A delay occurs in putting the ball back into play. During the delay or dead-ball period, replaced Team A player #23 re-enters the game without sitting out the required amount of time. The ball is put in play before the official scorer can recognize that #23 did not remain out of the game the required period of time. RULING: Once the ball became live after the illegal substitution, #23 becomes a legal player. (3-3-3)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:01pm. Reason: Added spacing to make easier to read
  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Nov 13, 2008, 11:02am
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2001-2002 Interps Part 2.

SITUATION 11: Each team and the official scorer have been notified that Team A has called a 30-second timeout. Team A decides to sit down on its bench. RULING: Incorrect procedure. The official should first inform the coach that his/her team is to remain standing during a 30-second timeout. If the coach refuses to adhere to the officials’ request, an unsporting technical shall be assessed. (5-12-5)

SITUATION 12: Team A has used all allotted time-outs. The scorer notifies the referee, who properly advises the Team A coach at the beginning of Team A’s last called time-out. During play later in the game, A4 attempts to call time-out when he/she is being pressured by B2 and 83. U2 ignores the request by A4. RULING: U2 should honor the request of A4, even when this would be a time-out in excess of the number allotted. Game officials do not have discretionary authority to assist players in avoiding rules violations. (2-7-6; 5-12-2)

SITUATION 13: With three-tenths of a second or less left in the first half, Team B has been charged with only four team fouls. Al is at the free-throw line for one free throw. Al’s shot hits the rim and bounds off. A2 legally taps the ball toward the basket and is fouled by 83. The ball had left A2’s hand and the foul occurred before the period-ending horn sounded. The tap is unsuccessful. RULING: 83’s foul is considered in the “act of tapping” and will result in two free throws for A2. The lane will be cleared and the period ends after A2’s free throw attempts. (4-40-1; 4-40-5,6,7)

SITUATION 14: Al, while dribbling near the sideline is close to his/her teams bench area when his/her coach reaches over and grasps Al’s arm to bring the player closer to the sideline to give instructions. RULING: Out-of-bounds violation. A player is out of bounds when he/she touches the floor, or any object other than a player, on or outside the boundary. (7-1-1)

SITUATION 15: Al is awarded two free throws. The officials fail to notice that A2 has lined up in one of the lower marked lane spaces that should be occupied by Team B. The officials discover it immediately after the first free throw is successful. RULING: The officials should call a double violation and cancel the first free throw. COMMENT: The officials could have prevented this double violation by observing player positions before putting the ball at the disposal of the shooter. Since they did not catch the violation before the free throw, the penalty for the violation must be enforced. (8-1-3; 9-1-2; 9-1 Pen (3))

SITUATION 16: Al, while dribbling the ball in the frontcourt near the mid-court line, has the ball strike the mid-court line and as the ball comes up from the dribble, Al touches the ball and continues to dribble. RULING: Backcourt violation. Al may not be the first to touch the ball after it has been in the frontcourt, if he/she or a teammate last touched or was touched by the ball in the frontcourt, before it went to the backcourt. (9-9-1)

SITUATION 17: Al is slowly dribbling the ball up the court. Bl is lightly “tagging” Al, but is not impeding Al’s forward motion. The official warns Bl to “keep hands off.” RULING: This is a foul. There is no warning. (10-6-1)

SITUATION 18: Al is driving towards his/her basket with Bl following. Al goes up for a lay-up. Bl goes up as well and commits basketball interference. After the basket interference, but before either player returns to the floor, Bi also fouls airborne shooter Al. RULING: The basket interference causes the ball to become dead immediately. Team A is awarded two points for Bl’s basket interference, Team B shall have a throw in from • anywhere along the end line. Bl’s foul is ignored unless deemed unsporting or flagrant. (9-11; 6-7-9)

Poster's Note: The above interp (Situation 18) was revised on the FED website a few days after it was posted to recognize that a foul on an airborne shooter is not ignored just because the ball is dead

SITUATION 19: With four minutes remaining in the game and the score 82-36 with Team A leading, B5 commits his/her fifth personal foul. With four other members of Team B already being disqualified for their fifth foul, Team B has no available substitutes. The referee confers with both coaches and subsequently permits previously disqualified player B3 to return to the contest. RULING: Incorrect procedure. The referee, with or without approval of coaches, does not have the authority to set aside a rule, even if the intent is to be compassionate or fair. (10-6 Pen; 2-8-3)

SITUATION 20: Team A is leading 61-60. Bi fouls Al in the act of shooting as time expires. As the officials approach the scorer’s table, the Team A coach rushes the floor and begins screaming obscenities at the officials. RULING: A technical foul is assessed to the Team A coach. The foul at the expiration of time is no longer ignored. The technical foul on the Team A coach created a false double foul situation, which may affect the outcome of the game. The penalties will be administered in the order in which they occurred. With the lane cleared, Al will shoot two free throws for being fouled in the act of shooting. If both are successful, the game is over. If one or both are missed, an eligible player from Team B will shoot the two technical foul free throws. The free throws will determine the outcome of the game or an extra period will be played. COMMENT: Jurisdiction of the officials is terminated when all officials leave the visual confines of the playing area. While the preferred action would be for all officials to immediately leave the playing area, such an observable action by the coach should be penalized as unsporting. (5-6-4; 10-4-ic; 4-19-8; 5-6-3 Exp)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:03pm. Reason: made easier to read
  #13 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 09:02am
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2000-01 Interps --Part 1 of 3

2000-01 N FHS Basketball Rules I nterretations ;1

Printing Errors and Corrections:

Rules Book: Page 38; 4-42-1; change 20-second time-out to 30 seconds. Case Book: Page 6; 2.4.5B; delete the last sentence of the play situation.

SITUATION 1: Al is straddling the division line after catching and possessing a pass from A2. Al then fumbles the ball, so that the ball lands in A’s frontcourt. Al then regains possession of the ball (still straddling the division line). RULING: Al, with Team A in control, caused the ball to go from backcourt to frontcourt and was the first player to touch the ball again in the backcourt. Therefore, a backcourt violation shall be called. (9-9 Note)

SITUATION 2: Same situation as above, except Al begins a dribble immediately upon fumbling the ball and retreats to his/her backcourt to avoid a defender.
RULING: During a dribble from backcourt to frontcourt, the ball is in the frontcourt when the ball and both feet of the dribbler touch the court entirely in the frontcourt. Therefore, the play is legal and play continues. COMMENT: The provision of, “both feet and the ball being in the frontcourt” to determine frontcourt status, is gn!y. relevant during a dribble from backcourt to frontcourt. (4-4-6)

SITUATION 3: Defensive player, Bl leaves the court to guard in-bounding Al. He/she intentionally steps out of bounds in order to be issued a warning, so that the coach may read the offensive play and communicate the proper defensive set.
RULING: The official may issue a plane violation warning, or a technical foul for leaving the court for an unauthorized reason. If the official believes the action was a tactic to gain an advantage, a technical foul should be called. (9-2-11; 10-3-4)

SITUATION 4: Prior to the game the head coach of Team A does not come into the playing area until the team introductions are completed. This is the first opportunity for the game officials to communicate with the coach. It is now game time. How should the referee handle this situation? RULING: The referee shall delay the start of the game and quickly have the head coach verify that his/her player’s uniforms and equipment are legal and will be worn properly, and that all participants are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship throughout the contest. The situation should be reported to the state activities association. COMMENT: It is unfortunate that a coach does not fulfill his/her pre-game duties, but this should not deter the referee from performing his/her duties in a professional manner. (2-4-5)

SITUATION 5: Al steals the ball from B2 and is on a breakaway. B3 is attempting to catch Al but is trailing the play. As Al attempts a lay up, B3 tries to block the shot and fails. During B3’s attempt to block the shot, his/her hand slaps the backboard. RULING: Even though the contact with the backboard was very obvious, it was not an intentional act and would not be ruled illegal. COMMENT: No doubt the coach and spectators of Team A will protest that a technical foul should have been called on B3. The covering official must base his/her decision on the intent of the play. (10-3-6)

SITUATION 6: Three starters of Team A are wearing a 3-inch square
manufacturer’s logo on their game socks. The two others are wearing plain white crew socks. RULING: The socks are legal. Socks are not a required part of the uniform, and are not subject to the manufacturer’s-logo restrictions. (3-6)

SITUATION 7: A6 and A7 report to the table as substitutes to enter the game. B5 commits his/her fifth personal foul. A4 goes to the free-throw line to shoot two free throws. B6 replaces B5 before A4 shoots the first free throw. A6 and A7 are also beckoned to come into the game. RULING: The official was correct in beckoning A6 and A7 to come with B6. When a player is required by rule to be replaced prior to administering the free throw(s), then all other substitutes who have legally reported may also enter the game. (3-3-ic)

SITUATION 8; A “Ram” logo is painted in the center-restraining circle. The home school has a shadow borderline that is 1/4-inch wide that is within the 2-inch width as the dividing line. RULING: A solid or shadow bordered 2-inch wide line is permissible. A shadow line is a line that designates the required 2-inch width by use of border or outline lines at least 1/4-inch wide, which shall lie within the 2-inch width. (1-3-2 Note)

SITUATION 9: Team A is playing with five players, but has no substitutes available when one of the players has an asthma attack. The coach is beckoned onto the floor. Must the player leave the game? May Team A continue with four players? May the player return after recovering from the asthma attack? RULING: A team may continue with fewer than five when there are no substitutes available. The injured/ill player leaving the game may return if/when he or she is able. (3-1-i)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:04pm. Reason: easier to read
  #14 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 09:03am
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2000-01 Interps -- Part 2 of 3

SITUATION 10: Al jumps from inbounds and gains control of the ball in the air. While in the air, the player tosses/drops the ball inbounds and momentum then carries them out of bounds. Al then returns to the court and is the first to touch the ball inbounds. RULING: The ball never touched out of bounds and the player returned in-bounds and re-established him/herself before touching the ball. Therefore, the play is legal and play continues. (7-1-i; 7-1-2)

SITUATION 11: Al has the ball in A’s backcourt, against a press; as the action goes on, A2 breaks to his/her basket and Al throws a full-court pass to A2. As the ball reaches A2 it goes off the backboard and enters the basket for a goal. RULING:
The official must determine if the throw was an attempt at a basket or a pass. If it is deemed a pass, then by definition it is not a try and therefore can only be awarded two points. (4-40-2, 3; 5-2-1)

SITUATION 12: On the second and final free throw, Al’s attempt becomes lodged on the flange. RULING: Since the ball was live, it shall be put into play by the alternating-possession procedure. (6-3-3d)

SITUATION 13: Al is at the free-throw line to shoot a free throw. The lead official bounces the ball to Al, and Bl, who is in one of the free-throw lane spaces, a) reaches out and intercepts the bounce pass without breaking the vertical plane of the free-throw lane with either foot and then requests a time-out; or b) breaks the vertical plane of the free-throw lane and intercepts the bounce pass and then requests a time-out. RULING: This is NOT a warning for delay situation, as outlined by Rule 4-46. In both situations, a technical foul shall be called for Bl delaying the game by preventing the ball from being put in play. (10-3-7a)

SITUATION 14: After a made basket by Team 8, Al has the run of the end line for a throw-in. Al’s throw-in is intentionally kicked by Bl. Is Team A awarded a designated spot throw-in or may it again run the end line for the throw-in? RULING:
There is no provision to allow Team A to run the end line. After any violation, the ball shall be put in play from the designated out-of-bounds spot nearest the violation. No exception to this rule is noted. (7-5-2)

SITUATION 15: Immediately following a goal in the first quarter by Al, A3 slaps the ball away so that Team B is unable to make a quick throw-in. In the second quarter, A2 reaches through the inbounds side of the throw-in boundary plane. RULING: The official shall sound his/her whistle and go to the table to have the scorer record a team warning for the specific delay after it has occurred. The specific warning is then reported to the head coach of Team A. Any subsequent delay for interfering with the ball following a basket or throw-in plane violation by Team A shall result in a technical foul charged to Team A. COMMENT: The three warning situations listed in Rule 4-46 are treated separately. (4-46; 9-2-11; lO-1-5c,d)

SITUATION 16: The home team had its floor re-painted in the off-season with its school mascot painted in the middle of the floor. The mascot is painted over the division line, so that the line is obstructed and not clearly visible. RULING: There is no penalty accessed to the home team. Every effort shall be made by home management to place a line (temporary or permanent) on the floor. If a temporary line is placed on the floor, precautions should be taken with the substance used to minimize the risk of injury to players and officials. Every effort should be made to play the game. The official should notify the state association of the situation. COMMENT: If you are aware of a facility in which this could occur, contact your state high school association to determine how the situation should be handled in your state. (1-3-2)

SITUATION 17: Dribbler Al is being closely guarded by B2 in A’s frontcourt. A3 sets a screen on B2 to allow dribbler Al a pathway to the basket. However, Team B switches defenders after the screen and B4 is now closely guarding dribbler Al. When B4 took over guarding dribbler Al, he/she properly established a legal guarding position and maintained the 6-foot guarding distance. RULING: The closely guarded count on Al shall be maintained even though there were two different defenders involved. (4-23;9-1O-1)

SITUATION 18: Al and Bl begin to fight during a dead-ball period. Two bench players from Team A, A6 and A7, leave the bench area and enter the court to be near the action. Bench player B6 also leaves the bench area onto the floor and begins fighting with bench player A6. RULING: Al, A6, A7, Bl and B6 are all disqualified and each is charged with a flagrant technical foul. The head coach from Team A is charged with two indirect technical fouls (one for A7 leaving the bench and one for A6 leaving the bench and becoming involved in the fight). The head coach from Team B is charged with one indirect technical foul (for B6 leaving the bench and becoming involved in the fight). Team B is awarded two free throws followed by the ball for a division line throw-in, because the number of participants does not correspond. (10-3-10; lO-4-lh; 10-4-4 Pen)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:06pm. Reason: easier to read
  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Nov 14, 2008, 09:03am
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Join Date: Aug 1999
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2000-01 Interps -- Part 3 of 3 (Supplemental Interps)

SUPPLEMENT #1 (11/9/00)

SITUATION 1: Al is an airborne shooter preparing to release the ball on a shot attempt. Instead of releasing the ball on the try, Al fumbles the ball (while stifi in the air) and drops it. Al then returns to the floor and secures possession of the ball. RULING: Traveling violation. While airborne the bail must be released for a try or pass. (4—43-3a; 94)

SITUATION 2: During a throw-in by Al, in Team A’s frontcourt, A2 jumps in the air and catches the ball. A2 then lands with the left foot in A’s frontcourt and then puts the right foot down in the backcourt. RULING: Legal. The exception in Rule 9-9 allows the player to make a normal landing and it makes no difference whether the first foot down is in frontcourt or backcourt. (9-9 Exp 1)

SITUATION 3: Al is in the act of shooting and is fouled by Bi. The contact by Bl throws Al off balance and in an effort to make a play Al passes off to teammate A2 instead of proceeding through with an off- balance shot. The official rules that the pass-off by Al is not a factor as it was not the original intent and only the result of the contact by Bi. RULING: Al is awarded two free throws for the foul conunitted by Bi. COMMENT: Provided the official deems that Al was in the act of shooting when fouled (the player had begun the motion which habitually precedes the release of the ball for a try), the subsequent pass-off is ignored. (4-40-3; 4-40-1; Summary of Penalties #5)

SITUATION 4: Al is fouled by B2 and is awarded two free throws. The foul is B2’s fifth foul. The trail official reports the fifth foul to Team B’s coach. Before a substitute is made, the lead official incorrectly permits Al to attempt the first free throw. The trail official realizes the error and huddles with the lead official. RULING: The result of the first attempt shall stand. Team B’s head coach shall be notified of B2’s disqualification. Once B2 has been replaced, Al shall attempt the second free throw. COMMENT: This is an official’s error and not a correctable error situation according to Rule 2-10. (10-6 Pen; 2-8-3; 10-5-id)

SITUATION 5: Al is fouled in the act of shooting and is awarded two free throws. Al is injured on the play and Team A’s coach has been beckoned on the floor to attend to Al. Although by rule Al should leave the game until the next legal opportunity to substitute, the officials make an error and permit Al to complete the free throws before leaving. The opposing coach objects and insists that Al’s substitute should have shot the free throws, and a correctable error has occurred. RULING: The officials made an error by permitting Al to remain in the game. This is not a correctable error for a wrong player attempting a free throw, even though Al is required to leave the game by rule. (3-3-5; 3-3-3)

SITUATION 6: Al is fouled and Team A is in the bonus. Before Al attempts the one-and-one, Al is whistled for a technical foul for taunting. Al goes to the free-throw line to attempt the one-and-one with no players lined up. Al makes the first free throw, then the horn sounds and the scorer indicates that Al’s technical foul was the fifth foul on Al. RULING: The result of Al’s first free throw shall stand and Al’s replacement shall attempt the remaining free throw (if the first was successful), before Team B shoots its technical foul free throws. COMMENT: This is not a correctable error for a wrong player attempting a free throw. Al was not officially disqualified until the coach was notified. (3-3-3; 4-14-2; 2-8-3; 2-10-lc)

SITUATION 7: Al is attempting the second throw of a one-and-one when simultaneously B3 fouls A3, and A2 fouls B2 while the free throw is in flight. Both teams are in the bonus and B has the possession arrow. RULING: A2 and B3 are charged with personal fouls. Team B puts the ball in play with a throw-in under the alternating-possession procedure. COMNENT: This is incorrectly interpreted in the 2000-02 NFHS Basketball Handbook (p.8’l). (6-3-3g)

SITUATION 8: Al has started a try for a goal (is in the act of shooting), but the ball is not yet in flight when the official blows the whistle for B2 fouling A2. Al’s try is successful. RULING: Al’s goal shall count because the foul was committed by the defense after the try had begun. COMMENT: The foul by the defense need not be on the player in the act of shooting for continuous motion principles to apply. (6- 7 Exp 3)

Last edited by APG; Wed Oct 17, 2012 at 10:07pm. Reason: easier to read
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