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  1. Hands to the facemask or helmet
  2. punt situation
  3. Clarification needed on Encroachment vs Ilegal Motion
  4. Penalty Choices
  5. disagreeing on the line
  6. Den-KC halftime FG
  7. OK so your final answer is?
  8. Bean Bag/Taped Flag
  9. Is it Just Understood
  10. What is the down?
  11. Passing after Punting
  12. Dead ball?
  13. What to do?
  14. Linesmen - do you signal your foul?
  15. Watch That Flag
  16. Batting kicks
  17. Tackle Eligible???
  18. oops!
  19. punt situation
  20. Field Goal Attempt
  21. Mechanic on a muffed punt
  22. Stupid Question
  23. Georgia Tech/Clemson
  24. Encroachment?
  25. Joint possesion
  26. First time as Back Judge: Any advice?
  27. Do we need an untimed down?
  28. Is this a foul?
  29. Announcer Gems
  30. Ineligible Receiver Downfield
  31. Enforcement Question (High School).
  32. NF Casebook 6.5.4 sit
  33. Three Fouls That Need to be Called
  34. "mercy rules" ??
  35. Coin flip mechanics
  36. Be Careful what you argue
  37. Mouthpiece
  38. 1st down or not
  39. Forced Re-Kick
  40. Scrimmage Kick/PSK or What??
  41. non-player IP and Tape approval
  42. Mechanics to Use for Yardage Enforcement After Score
  43. Rating cards
  44. Ball becomes dead
  45. Goal Post Padding
  46. Instant Replay Wisconsin game
  47. stoppage of the clock
  48. Record keeping
  50. Back to the fumbled interception in the EZ.
  51. Pass interception and fumble in the EZ.
  52. Clarification of 'Forward Progress'
  53. illegal block
  54. New administrative rule in NJ. Anywhere else??
  55. Do You stop it?
  56. Substitution
  57. Equipment and game management
  58. I guess I have finally arrived!
  59. PA's statement
  60. Backwards Pass or Fumble
  61. Wisconsin Instant replay ?
  62. Where else do you bean bag?
  63. Can't Find it in the book
  64. parents are funny
  65. Numbering requirements
  66. Siding with Your Sidelines
  67. Incidental Facemask
  68. How long is your season?
  69. NFHS FB Rules Exam Part II
  70. PSK
  71. lighning delay and the clock
  72. Couple Questions
  73. Ball Exchanges How Often?
  74. LIned up offsides
  75. Spot when knee is down on ground
  76. Another PSK
  77. Guidelines on roughing passer
  78. NCAA - Clock Status
  79. Eye Shields
  80. kick catch interference
  81. One hand or two hand??
  82. False Start?
  83. blue bean bags at the college level
  84. Canadian Sitch (J read this one)
  85. Players switching numbers
  86. buffalo detroit game
  87. Illegal touching
  88. The Football Field is only 99 and 8/9 yards in Length!
  89. PA announces player #
  90. Another PSK question?
  91. Good luck with tonight's games
  92. Defensive clipping
  93. Illegal forward pass
  94. Is this a PSK Enforcement?
  95. field goal question
  96. Australian Football????
  97. Invalid Fair Catch
  98. PSK in English
  99. Fair Catch + Muff
  100. Two Questions
  101. Time out by coach
  102. Rating Systems
  103. Wanting to Officiate - Need Help
  104. Field Goal Attempt
  105. Football
  106. Starting the clock after a penalty Federation
  107. Part 1 Rules Exam Question
  108. Hey Rich F
  109. Fair Catch
  110. Pass Interference
  111. Throwing Flags on Coaches
  112. A Tricky Trick Play
  113. Socks? We don't need no stinkin socks!!!!!!
  114. Big Ten Instant Replay.
  115. Cleaning
  116. What do they put in the bean bags??
  117. NFL Color Question
  118. Safety
  119. High School Football 5 Man Crew Officiating Mechanics
  120. I'm trainer of soccer to Argentine.
  121. Clock Management
  122. equipment question
  123. Announcing numbers.
  124. If you started your season this weekend......
  125. Shadowing
  126. penalty enforcement
  127. Mini-fox40
  128. Back Judge Article for NFHS
  129. Back Judge
  130. Open letter to the moderator
  131. Flags -- Red, White and Blue
  132. Ineligible catches pass NFHS
  133. Does PSK apply?
  134. Backward pass mechanics
  135. field goal attempt
  136. Safety (try)
  137. Pass Interference
  138. Your Feedback - Please
  139. Gmail
  140. Penalty following change of possession
  141. NF Part 1 Test Question 54
  142. Momentum exception or not?
  143. OOB
  144. Season Starting.
  145. new NF definition...
  146. Federation Exam on MS Access
  147. trip rec's
  148. How to handle this situation
  149. Is this a PSK foul?
  150. Illegal Numbering
  151. Took Part 2, looking for answer key
  152. Need answers
  153. Sure?
  154. Ready or Snap
  155. Spotting Mechanics/Walkoffs
  156. Sequence of mechanics - Line Judge
  157. Where Do I Wear My Watch?
  158. Snapping and adjusting the ball.
  159. Lightning detectors
  160. legal and illegal kicks
  161. Misprint in rule book???
  162. 1st and 10?
  163. 2 Questions
  164. illegal Sub
  165. Overrule?
  166. Rain, Rain, Go Away
  167. Need Case Book Reference
  168. Buying Referee Gear
  169. Part I Q's 18, 48
  170. Jitters
  171. State Testing Requirements
  172. Q 63 Federation test
  173. Free Kick Positions
  174. "Crazy" situations
  175. Free kick request.
  176. force/ safety or touchback
  177. SW FL checking in
  178. First scrimmage - what to expect?
  179. Here's one to sort out (NFHS)
  180. scrimmage kick
  181. NFHS Casebook
  182. PSK Ruling
  183. NCAA
  184. Momentum Rule?
  185. 25-second Count with 4-man
  186. Pass Interference on an Illegal Forward Pass
  187. Use of hands while blocking
  188. test answers
  189. Pre-Game Meetings
  190. First year in football
  191. Sunglasses v. Eye Shields
  192. PSK
  193. First clinic
  194. Federation points of emphasis
  195. 2 situations
  196. Referees: Int Grounding
  197. Advice?
  198. Coach calls TO.
  199. Elgible Receivers
  200. I know the NFL rules don't apply to us, but...
  201. revised question on penalty during touchdown
  202. A New Guy to Razz!
  203. pace of the game
  204. NFHS rules for linemen catching passes
  205. Ref's call?
  206. Bandana under helmet
  207. penalty on touchdown
  208. Interference or not
  209. To Beanbag or not to beanbag?
  210. Mechanics Adjustments in MN
  211. IHSA Patches
  212. "All But One" Principle?
  213. Timing
  214. Taunting
  215. Case Book 10.5.3 Sit. B ??
  216. 25-second count
  217. Fumble recovery
  218. Ft. Lauderdale Officials
  219. NF Case Play 8.2.2 Situation B
  220. Overruling your partner?
  221. For any fans of Canadian Football
  222. wind the clock!
  223. Overtime Procedure
  224. Online Case Book
  225. psk
  226. Training. Kent Ref.
  227. Part I test
  228. Saw this play posted on another site....
  229. referee training
  230. muff on a punt
  231. Mentor Program
  232. Minimum number of officials for a game
  233. POTD 7/30 Ruling???
  234. IP and the Pylon
  235. Free-kick for a field goal after a fair catch
  236. NFHS - Field of Play - Pylons
  237. kickoff
  238. When is it holding?
  239. Short Pants
  240. Assault News
  241. Player leaving the field
  242. NFHS 7-4-4 fumble = touchback
  243. number placards
  244. Scrimmage Kicking Question
  245. Foul on Last Timed Down
  246. How to dress when heading to a game ?
  247. Oddest Rules in the NF Book
  248. new white hat
  249. To catch, or not to catch; the coin, that is...
  250. Can an assistant coach call a time-out?

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