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  1. Rule Differences NFL vs NF
  2. Bandanas
  3. Receiver OOB..NFL
  4. Pervets, new laws and effects
  5. Stump the Chump
  6. NCAA Free Kick
  7. Casebook error?
  8. Foul on scoring play
  9. Holding in the endzone
  10. Fan/ coaches/ whatever Web Site
  11. the first game..
  12. biggest misconceptions
  13. new official
  14. Instant Replay in the CFL
  15. World Bowl XIII
  16. Hollywood and Officiating
  17. Stump the Chump -- the season's getting closer
  18. Conflict in time out rules?
  19. Intentional grounding (NFL Rules)
  20. Handling "botched" calls...
  21. Wireless Headsets
  22. Uniforms for Rookies?
  23. Simultaneous catch ruling
  24. Different Striped for Different Folks
  25. NFLe
  26. illegal forward pass in 2005
  27. mechanic for a fair catch
  28. Illegal participation, ... or not?
  29. Tick tock
  30. Spooky Threat from unknown fan
  31. NFL Horse Collar Tackles - USAToday
  32. mick
  33. Threatening and accosting
  34. Any suggestions for a rookie?
  35. Change in Canadian Rules
  36. officiating = official job?
  37. HELP in a hurry, please
  38. Worst medical experiences
  39. No rolling fists this year
  40. Play?
  41. First game as WH...well...sort of...
  42. Help with Presentation
  43. Another Brilliant NFL Player
  44. Softball Assult.
  45. Forward Progress on Pass Play
  46. Steriod use in California's High Schools
  47. Play?
  48. Another mistaken ruling in Referee
  49. thanks
  50. Should Coaches Rate...What is the Alternative?
  51. HELP
  52. Rating Crews
  53. Texas Ban
  54. How many officials on the field?
  55. Dress for Success tips
  56. di-Bat -tis-ta!
  57. Mississippi Associations
  58. Pass interference - change in NFHS rule
  59. Linesmen- Overworked!
  60. Most Embarrassing Moment
  61. free kick question
  62. anyone for spring football ??
  63. Aloha Football Clinic.
  64. Literally Dreamed This One Up
  65. Legal of illegal kicking? - What is and what isnīt pass
  66. Game forfeit appeals.
  67. Legislature doing something positive!
  68. State Government Defeated in Attempt to Control State Association
  69. "jump ball"
  70. Did someone get the # of that truck?
  71. Something new I'd like to see.....
  72. 2005 Fort Worth Regional Clinic
  73. Test question which really happenned
  74. Someone get the # of that truck?
  75. Crew Signals
  76. NFLE Clock
  77. Player's Jersey Numbers
  78. STC on simultaneous possession Q
  79. Getting the fouling player's number
  80. Hero In Our Midst
  81. Stump the chump, 3-31
  82. Help: Confusion on PI Ruling
  83. Stump the chump, 3-24
  84. Williams Lawsuit vs Romanowski
  85. Ref Gear
  86. Finding the videos
  87. What should I do to prepare
  88. kick catch interference
  89. From April's Referee Magazine...
  90. Fair Catch question
  91. Illegal Forward Pass
  92. (Geek's Question) Hi8-DVD
  93. Funny Dick Honig story
  94. Does this carry a penalty???
  95. Stump the chump - new rule applications
  96. Stump the chump trivia
  97. New IP Rule (3.7.1)
  98. Big rules guys, check out
  99. NFHS Part II
  100. Mid West / Eastern Camps
  102. Officials Choice
  103. Randy Moss
  104. STC, March 3rd
  105. Stump the chump - 3-3
  106. STC - You make the call!!!
  107. Just because
  108. White on the shoes
  109. Stump the chump - 3 kicking ?s
  110. Sportsmanship and its decline
  111. AC Milan defeated Manchester United by 1-0
  112. patent leather?
  113. Expanded neutral zone
  114. NFHS Officiating Principles Course.
  115. stump the chump 2-17
  116. Fed Videos
  117. Learning College Rules
  118. Remember the Titans
  119. Stump the Chump -- Feb 16
  120. IHSA to Consider "Multipliers" for Private Schools
  121. Training Program for WHs
  122. STC Question
  123. Stump the chump - 2 ?s
  124. Q: New DPI Rule
  125. Use of Profanity
  126. Anyone looking for new shoes??
  127. Early look at 2005 possible rule changes
  128. Super Bowl Experience
  129. Onside Kick Rule
  130. Newbie on the boards
  131. Super Bowl Thoughts
  132. Super Bowl Hats
  133. Stump the chump
  134. RULES
  135. NFL announces Super Bowl crew
  136. Death in family, so no stump the chump from me this week
  137. Weekly STC: Mechanics
  138. Thanks, Bob M.
  139. Arena League
  140. Friday Night Lights.
  141. Personal Touch Football Officials Camp
  142. Reviving a Mechanic
  143. Who's going to Jacksonville?
  144. Fair Catch Fiasco
  145. Weekly STC: Penalty enforcement
  146. Stump the chump - correctable erros and IW ?s
  147. SUPER BOWL Officials Predictions
  148. OT: Football Rare Entries Contest
  149. Referee Attacked Trial in IL
  150. Out of Bounds...
  151. A difficult call to make, and more difficult to explain
  152. Weekly Q: Kicking Game
  153. Buckeye Camp
  155. Videos
  156. Question: Officials Jurisdiction
  157. stump the chump 3?
  158. Sideline behavior
  159. IND vs NE
  160. 2005 Conference Championship and Super Bowl Officials
  161. Is anyone listening?
  162. Field Goal!!!
  163. Field Goal- please help!
  164. extend the quarter?
  165. Dicker Stick/Quck Stick/Rarely ever used Stick
  166. New Rules for 2005
  167. OOB vs. Inbounds
  168. HFHS Ruels 2005?
  169. creatine ?
  170. meeting topics
  171. STC - Mechanics
  172. Gillette Stadium Field
  173. Stump the chump - 2 ?s
  174. Another portion of
  175. Anybody see Bob M.?
  176. Play...
  177. NCAA Test questions
  178. Should umpire signal touch-back?
  179. Another STC for Jan 11th
  180. Stump the Chump -- Jan 11
  181. Dicker Stick
  182. Baseball America-NCAA
  183. Challenge question from Min/GB playoff game
  184. Web site on football
  185. You have to love Ed Hochuli
  186. Coleman
  187. want to start college
  188. NFL Playoff Assignments
  189. NFL Referee #20 - Larry Nemmers
  190. Question for Clock Operators
  191. NFL crews
  192. Stump the chump - 4 ?s
  193. Ooops...Mistake in my Thursday STC...Please read this one
  194. Referee's Reward
  195. Thursday's STC situation...what would you do?
  196. Where to READ the NFL official rules??
  197. Wednesday question
  198. Getting Started
  199. Dick Honig and Gordon Reise
  200. Fouls on a Scoring Play
  201. First post here
  202. Example of good teamwork
  203. Review of incomplete forward pass
  204. Question about IW
  205. tell teams clock will start on RFP or not???
  206. Biggest Blunders
  207. Why the umpire should NOT signal TD
  208. Live Discussion During Bowl Games
  209. Stump the chump - presnap thoughts
  210. Weekly question (#4)
  211. FSN
  212. rule suggestion
  213. stump the chump mechanics (sorry for borrowing the title)
  214. One of a kind challenge!!
  215. X on the downsbox
  216. UVA v. Fresno
  217. Bears/Lions Game
  218. LSU
  219. First day with the new "term"
  220. Comentators Revisted Revisted
  221. Gmail
  222. Stump the chump - variety
  223. Weekly Question
  224. Weekly post - a day early
  225. Green Bay/Jacksonville
  226. An interesting NFL comment...
  227. Weekly question 2 days late.
  228. mr. rulebook
  229. False Starts...
  230. forum
  231. American Interp of Canadian Boys Thread
  232. One for the Canadian boys
  233. Play of the day
  234. Stumper (Weeks late but a day early)
  235. Stump the chump friday 12-17-04
  236. Stump the Chump: Thursday (Q#3)
  237. NY Times Article
  238. Stump the chump - philosophy questions
  239. Safety - Touchback - Forward Progress?
  240. Stump the Chump -- another installment
  241. Wed Q? Or rather what would You do
  242. Advancing a punt. in the NFL. Am I crazy?
  243. fumble?
  244. Weekly post a few days late.
  245. Rule vs. Intent - Run and Shoot
  246. 2005 Rule revisions
  247. Penalty Enforcement - NFHS
  248. Assignments for College Bowls
  249. Offensive Penalty During Try
  250. Illegal snap

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